
Social Reform Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"Let's figure out how we can do this a little bit better. Do we need prison reform? Yeah, let's reform it. How can we do it in a more effective way?"
"The lives that we lead are not as good as they should be. I still retain a sort of Social Democratic desire to reform the lives of the poor."
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."
"The progressive era reforms aimed to find solutions to the problems of society, believing that humans had the ability to solve these problems."
"It's important to recognize the different moving parts within the movement because yes, I have spoken to people who have a 'defund the police' sign, and I ask them what they mean by that, and they say abolish the police, whereas you'll have others to say, 'Oh, defund the police means just take some of the money we allocate to police in the municipal budget and give it to social workers.'"
"We can take steps and make reforms to combat police violence and systemic racism within law enforcement."
"Solutions to that problem for many women likely don't lie in 1950s gender norms but rather in meaningful economic and social reforms."
"Robert Owen had a theory that people were products of their environment, and as such, he thought we should use our resources to make people better, make them happier, make them kinder, better mannered, and more productive."
"We have got to be willing to work for the abolition of this system of mass incarceration as a whole."
"I think we need to talk about, for example, ending the war on drugs... very important that should be absolutely crucial."
"We have to focus on fixing the system that is distorting and dehumanizing various people, turning them into economic actors."
"We need an overhaul of a system deeply rooted in racism."
"Defunding the police means reallocating those funds to support people and services in marginalized communities."
"When they say defund the police, what are they saying? They're saying we want fundamental basic change when it comes to policing."
"It's imperative that we partner with, learn, and befriend people who are not culturally or look like us."
"It’s going to take a lot of work to reframe our understanding of crime and the role of the police, but it is possible, because now, you know better."
"We need to really be trying to reform people."
"I want to see change and if you don't take action to make change change will not happen."
"Abolitionism was the biggest reform movement in the first half of the 19th century, probably because—sorry alcohol and fast dancing—slavery was the worst."
"We are demanding real lasting structural change."
"Rosa Luxemburg's own words on the matter: 'Can social reforms substitute for the social revolution? Certainly not.'"
"The idea of defund the police... is to take some resources for the police and start beefing up mental health responses in the field."
"Everything you're doing right now, especially the prison reform, is bigger than you."
"We need some reform, we need to be able to call that out."
"This situation's bigger than Britney. This is about conservatorship reform."
"At long last, we are taking steps in the Senate to right the wrongs of the failed war on drugs."
"We've got to make this country fair and equal for all."
"We want to make our own technology better and optimize your game."
"The Abolitionist movement gained momentum throughout George’s reign."
"We are in the midst of a third reconstruction in America."
"Consequences have to be impactful enough that it changes Behavior."
"Leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say me too again."
"Criminal justice reform, prison reform, historically black colleges and universities, I got them funded."
"Defunding the police means shrinking the scope of police responsibilities."
"We need to do the right thing to get justice in America for Ahmaud Arbery, for all the other people who died because of systemic states racism and police brutality. We need justice."
"Before you can implement any kind of major social reform, you've got to weed out the corruption."
"We should want to fix structures and make them more equitable and have better outcomes. That's actually better for everyone."
"The intention of this program is to have a lasting impact on not only the Clark County Jail but, potentially, the way we view incarceration in the United States as a whole."
"Bernie's out there. He's going to take on corporate greed, take on the pharmaceutical companies."
"It's time for our nation to deal with systemic racism, to deal with the growing economic inequity that exists in our nation."
"Change needs to happen and change can happen."
"Joe Biden's economic plans address work, wages, and wealth."
"It's just I see this all screwed up and there needs to be a reform."
"I support a world in which police and prisons and surveillance are not the only answer that we have to our problems."
"We need to hold the companies accountable. We also need to invest in our communities. It's not a matter of people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. It's a matter of the system being broken and we need to fix it."
"This moment in history demands progressive change."
"Let's eliminate the stuff that's already against the law... let's try to cut down on threats because those are already against the law."
"We need to focus on addressing systems that embolden and enable racism."
"It's my hope that if there is any silver lining to be drawn from this very dark cloud, it's that perhaps this incident can open a broader conversation about the need for police reform."
"Real justice will look like systemic reform to the policing institution in this country."
"I passed criminal justice reform to give former prisoners a second chance at life."
"Bold reimagination is so important. DHS shouldn't exist, agencies should be reorganized, ICE gotta go, ban for-profit detention, create climate refugee status and more."
"You can decommodify stuff like say housing or railway networks transportation medical care..."
"The first thing I think we need to take care of is the abolition of the class divide."
"Defund the police... the whole system in itself needs to be blown up."
"Real change comes when we have systems that prevent us from being evil."
"My plan is to give $1,000 a month to every American adult."
"The elimination of slavery was a Christian accomplishment in Christian Europe."
"The Diggers emerged aiming for a free Commonwealth and equitable land distribution."
"Hopefully, we could see some change when it comes to the whole system reform."
"We have to abolish rather than fix the system." - Angela Davis
"Education is better than incarceration in many cases."
"If you change the structure of the system you change the drug war you do all these but policy proposals that you and I are talking about."
"I'm not about taking down the man, I'm just about building a better system."
"We must guarantee healthcare as a human right."
"There needs to be a fundamental restructuring of society."
"I support creating jobs and opportunities for people who need them the most. I support prison reform. I support common-sense gun laws that will make our world safer. I support those who risk their lives to serve and protect us."
"21 means to me that we've got to reimagine what the American dream is by reimagining what America is in criminal justice in economics in every part of life driven by reimagined politics."
"The system needs to change. I guess they could move in a lot of directions."
"A universal basic income, all that would be necessary to create peace and prosperity."
"There needs to be an end to the war on drugs. That would solve an awful lot of problems."
"LeBron James: doing more for reform and helping the youth of America than Ben Shapiro ever has."
"The British anti-slavery movement remained powerful and unrelenting throughout the 19th century."
"Organized opposition to slavery arose in 18th century England among the Quakers."
"Writing a wrong: the new efforts for justice."
"We need fewer guns overall, including from the already militarized police forces."
"We are engaged now in the project of reforming society, reimagining how we want to live."
"We renegotiating that contract with America, with Wall Street, with the gatekeepers of poverty."
"There's nothing in the world that can stop me from passing higher minimum wage Paid Family Leave lower drug prices public option."
"Various groups sought to reform American society and economics into a more Equitable reality."
"The rise of the Social Gospel urged middle class Christians to take up the mantle of solving social problems."
"Effort to reform American society: Temperance movements, abolitionism."
"The United States needs to make systemic repairs to provide greater opportunity for more Americans to achieve personal growth and financial security."
"Defunding the police doesn't mean what you think it means."
"I think we have to take a stance. What's the level of time that passes? Can people be reformed?"
"Real justice would look like ... complete overhauling of that system to ensure that no one is traumatized or tortured or killed by the state ever."
"It's time now to end all of those practices not just in the United States but in Europe and all democracies."
"The answer is to try to fix the system to be more inclusive."
"We will be able to change the system within a very short period."
"Reform or completely getting rid of police and figuring out what is the new way."
"All I have to do to fix my poor broken country is let my peasants feel as if they have ownership. Sign me up."
"If we care about that person, your answer isn't a cage and a lifetime of social exclusion and discrimination."
"It was from the power of the gospel that William Wilberforce and other abolitionists fought to end slavery."
"We need to challenge that myth about boys will be boys."
"Somebody should set up some kind of positive organization to bring together these disparate and separated and disconnected men."
"Abolition is a construction project because it's more about building productive systems with an emphasis on nurturing communities and preventing harm before it occurs."
"Rather than investing in armed cops to coerce the community through violent strong-arming, abolitionists seek to invest in community organization and safety programs that will allow us all to live safer, happier lives."
"He expropriated land from the wealthy to distribute to the poor, opened several schools and enacted laws to protect widows and orphans."
"When we say 'cut the check,' when we say 'tangibles 2020,' when we say 'reparations,' when we say 'pay your bill America,' reparations is a bill, it's a justice claim, it's a debt owed."
"The real purpose of socialism is precisely to overcome and advance beyond the predatory phase of human development."
"We can only get so far without actually dismantling these broader power structures."
"We've got to make things better for ordinary working people in this country."
"Johnson's Great Society was a series of initiatives with goals including ending poverty, reducing crime, and eliminating inequality."
"Great Society programs was an ambitious series of policy initiatives."
"President Johnson set in motion his Great Society."
"The largest social reform plan in modern history."
"Their goal is to conform society about weeding out the distorted adults who abuse the system and change their hearts using the Metaverse, a supernatural realm born from humanity's subconscious desires."
"Prison abolition is a radical idea worth taking seriously."
"If poverty is first abolished, the poor transformed into purchasers will do a great deal on their own to alter housing decay."
"UBI is a cornerstone, but not the only thing."
"Even if you have a completely legitimate reason to oppose social reform aimed at decreasing racial inequality, you're labeled a racist."
"Defund the police is a movement to try to reallocate funds from the police department towards community organizations."
"We are not accepting this rigged system anymore. The cruelty that has been inflicted on our people, on our class, that's what this campaign is about."
"Our blueprint starts with black folks. It starts with the economy, healthcare, and criminal justice reform." - Congresswoman Joyce Beatty
"If we don't make capitalism embrace the people that it's left behind, the next time it won't just be villages and businesses that are being burned down, it will be the system that has lifted so many people out of poverty."
"Rewrite the rules of the game... written by the people... protect the people against the abusers of the elites."
"More cops is not the solution. It's more social services, diversion programs, the things that Kim Gardner and Wesley Bell are working on."
"See, Kamala ain't going to talk about all the [__] that she could have freed."
"Lady Edwina's efforts in prison reform and dedication to philanthropy have been said to underline her commitment to harnessing her influence and resources for societal betterment."
"An institution imbued with violence... cannot achieve this alone."
"We need bold reform for Indigenous communities."
"Let us reform, my friends. That is good. Now that is great."
"Abolition is both a practical organizing tool and a long-term goal."
"Defunding the police idea can actually be successful in meeting the larger goals of equality and justice."
"Cancel all student debt and make college free."
"Focus on the things that actually matter... end the war on drugs, end qualified immunity."
"We've got to change our Universal Credit system and we've got to give people their dignity back."
"The alternative to us going back to how things were before is we have a government that takes the responsibility to bring about an economy that actually works for ordinary people."
"There's a call for the end of police, replacing them with independent bodies."
"The Second Great Awakening influenced moral and social reforms."
"Progressive Era: a reaction to the Gilded Age's corruption and inequality."
"But the other reform, the idea that there should probably be some checks on police violence, that's like the central demand of Black Lives Matter."
"We need radical political and economic change."
"Islam did not introduce polygeny but it did restrict it with noble goals in order to ensure fair treatment of women."
"The problem of the social reformer: to combine security with forms of adventure."
"I'm seeing a lot of police reform talking community outreach initiatives but to really start to fix the sins of the past the US needs a contract with black America."
"The work to be done right now is to end the age of capital once and for all and restore... an age of humanity and an age of common purpose."
"America's failed war on drugs and drug users in the city of Baltimore is over." - State Attorney for Baltimore
"So if we want to win universal health care, Green New Deal, you know, good cause eviction, universal rent control... we can really win material gains for the working class."
"One of the best ways to reduce jails is to focus on K-12 education."
"We are the benefactors of pushing back on the old system... we have right now."
"We need the third reconstruction... to ensure that all people can have the right to live and to thrive."
"There is hope, and poverty as well as suffering can end when the rich give more to the poor."
"Those who profess the name of christ will aid others in the formation of a christ-like character if everyone would work in christ's lines much would be done to change the condition that now exists among the poor and distressed."
"My purpose is to help social reform, to reform Society in a way that is conducive for humans to live harmoniously amongst each other."
"Eventually, social reformers and common sense caught up with the technological changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution."
"To say that the Bible doesn't address social reform is ridiculous. It addresses it. It may not be the main point of it, but anytime that it opens its mouth to tell you how to have a society, it is almost inherently wrong and destructive to the vast majority of individuals."
"Bakunin recognized that the ruling class is blindly and stubbornly opposed to even the slightest social reform."
"The abolition of the slave trade was a tremendous achievement, but Wilberforce could not rest until the institution of slavery was eliminated throughout the empire and every slave was free."
"God Almighty has placed before me two great objects: the suppression of the slave trade and the Reformation of manners."
"She was also a labor activist and a radical social reformer."
"The contradiction of thinking that your oppressor would participate in your liberation and that your oppressor would dismantle his big international economic apparatus in order to bring social reform is a form of insanity."
"He decreed that people of all skin colours be allowed to ride in street cars and attend schools - a truly radical idea in mid-nineteenth century America."
"She believed in communal living that was part of the idea of free love as well, was a major issue was not only the idea of freedom from the constraints of marriage but also the idea that people would be better off living in living entirely communally."
"The restoration of the mythical Golden Age through scientific discovery, personal spiritual enlightenment, and social reform."
"The First Reform she did she, her first decree was to ban foot binding."
"When it comes to schools, what this tends to boil down to is kids who are white have experienced privilege because the system was built for white people and we have to change the standards right now."
"MBS's reforms have caused a lot of positive change, allowing women to drive and travel alone in Saudi Arabia."
"His reforms have caused a lot of positive change, allowing women to drive and travel alone in Saudi Arabia."
"Reforming Home Secretary Roy Jenkins hoped to build what he called a civilized society."
"We realized a long time ago that the best placement for juveniles is within the community where they're from."
"Meximilian abolished the large haciendas’ monopolies in Mexico, restricted working hours, banned child labor, cancelled all peasants’ debt under 10 pesos."
"The public park movement had begun in Bradford as early as 1863 with the provision of Peel Park as an antidote to Victorian Bradford's low moral tone."
"By actually taking up residence next to the poor, they could become exponents of the social gospel."
"The combined effect of these two pieces of legislation was to move people away from slums into higher-quality housing."
"A dynamic social reformer in local and national politics who achieved much in improving the lives of the poorest people in British society."
"John Wesley believed that religion was for everyone, not just the wealthy, and began to preach to and care for the miners of Kingswood."
"The New Deal increased taxes on the wealthy... introduced the minimum wage... and they gave workers power."
"Social reforms are more important than political reform because unless society bears it and actually internalizes it the political reforms will not be successful."
"He contends and makes it a broader frame that in history always political reforms have been preceded by the social reforms."
"The Shah had a social program that was designed to build a modern welfare state for his people."
"After witnessing all this pandemonium, is it any wonder why Caminada wanted to change the city that he lived in?"
"He's done it! After all these years, he's done it! The governor general. He's abolished sati!"
"The evangelical revival informed important social movements such as the abolition of slavery, child welfare legislation, prohibition of alcohol, the development of public health, and public education."
"The political situation of course this is the time that Johnson was president and there was a war on poverty."
"That's why we need to change the system."
"We should be as active in social reform as we are in economic reform."
"Building a new social order is indeed necessary; we have to change our ways and how we live our lives."
"Women inspired by their involvement in the Second Great Awakening are going to be involved in other reform efforts."
"Killing Wasp isn’t enough; there is real social change needed from everyone if they want this to last and not just be another war."
"I think we should eliminate the castes."
"This is a movie that is the beginning of an argument about reform."
"Beginning with the progressive movement at the turn of the 20th century, the federal government started to take on a larger role in addressing economic and social problems."
"He wanted to improve the economy. He wanted to improve the education for people outside of the cities."
"We could abolish poverty with 190 billion dollars."
"William Booth established the Salvation Army in 1865 to release the poor from the curse of grinding poverty."
"Robert Owen did an enormous amount to improve the lives and condition of the working classes and truly tried to change society for the better with his utopian ideals."
"Robert Owen was a Welsh philanthropist who changed the working day, tried to improve the lives of his workers and all those in poverty."
"We owe our modern eight-hour workday largely to Owen."
"A major theme of the book is a need for social reform and for better understanding between both employers and workers and the rich and the poor."
"The Progressives were fairly successful... they did make change in their society and much of it was for the good."
"Nothing but good can come from an honest attempt to let in the light of day upon the landlordism of the slums and other hateful things that prefer darkness rather than light."
"Change yourself and then be among the people who are reforming the world."
"I have passed legislation that prioritizes hiring people on Transportation projects, Criminal Justice Reform legislation, and legislation to transform the nation's child welfare system."
"He had the admiration of the people for his social reform."
"You have to take capitalization out of healthcare and the prison systems."
"Angel of the reclining might have been a good nickname for this 19th century nursing pioneer and social reformer."
"The commitment of the government to make social reforms after the war became a sort of unwritten social contract."
"Lyndon Johnson's Great Society is considered the high mark of American liberalism."
"Margaret pressed for social reform, urging Denver officials to install public bathrooms, parks, and playgrounds."