
Interviewing Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"I think you are a brilliant interviewer and your ability in cross-examination is incisive."
"I believe that the best way to interview somebody is to really hear what they think."
"No one has ever asked me the questions that you've asked me today."
"I've had an opportunity to interview a lot of people."
"Who you talk to is as important as what questions you ask."
"I think the golden rule of a good interview is don't ask questions that people can find out from Google."
"Interviewing athletes? Tough nut to crack with all that media training."
"I always try to ask people the questions that I would want to ask if I was in the audience. What do I think the audience wants to know?"
"This is the most fun I've had interviewing in forever."
"He's an amazing host and interviewer, and we're gonna turn the tables on him today."
"I've never done interviews before, I was so green, this is when I first started my show, I had no business in an interview environment and Jeff is really good at interviews and he handled me quite well, that's improvement, that's improvement."
"The art of interviewing will increase in importance as generic interviews die off."
"What's the most important question you can ask in an interview? Why."
"I've always been attracted to interviews that get to the why of it all."
"There's a lot of great game designers that aren't good at interviewing."
"Representation is really important in this world."
"I enjoy asking people questions, the storytelling."
"You're my favorite interviewer although sometimes I don't think I even let you ask the questions."
"If you're doing most of the talking, that means the other person, the interviewer, has to sit there and listen to you."
"I'm excited to talk a little bit more about my experiences interviewing students."
"If you like doing things like this or talking to people or interviewing people, just give zero fucks and just go do it."
"I think he would be good interviewing people."
"A lot of people discount how much work interviewing is."
"I interview all these young guys, dudes getting a name for myself, and then a month double back and interview everybody."
"It was my favorite interview of Mike Lindell, not just because I was conducting it, but he was really about a couple of things that I'd never heard before."
"He was a brilliant broadcaster and masterful TV interviewer."
"I'm much more comfortable in the library than I am interviewing someone face to face."
"Hopefully that helps... that's how you interview, that's how you give a speech."
"Interviews are always at their best when you allow the guest to talk freely, you know."
"My very aim is to make this an interview of questions that you haven't been asked before."
"Always clarify the requirement from the interviewer."
"Keep your story focused on your work more so when you're doing your interview."
"I love this, like being the actual interviewer, I feel that so much in control. This is a real role reversal."
"The beautiful thing about doing this job is that I ask a question that lasts four seconds and I get an answer last 25 minutes."
"The biggest finesse is building relationships and knowing how to interview"
"... it's going to be your job as the interviewer to set your subject at ease to draw them out and to ask them really good questions that unlocks their authentic story and captures it on video."
"Your ability to moderate and interview is impressive."
"Joe Rogan has never been afraid to ask tough questions in a post-fight interview."
"Pro athletes always watch their film after a game... you have to watch your interview film after you interview."
"Every now and then when you're interviewing, you will meet somebody who has just unbelievable passion and conviction in their ideas."
"But yeah, um, kind of got comfortable asking questions and I found that all my guests, the people I know, they opened up to me a lot because I had gone through the same thing they're going through, you know what I mean?"
"That's the job of an interviewer. If the interviewer is good then perhaps not directly but through the gaps seeps out the truth of the human being."
"You know, when you're interviewing people, sometimes it must be frustrating because you get a five-minute block to try to make something happen and it's all compressed."
"...my desire to meet and interview other people that I find fascinating and this includes other lottery winners and people who have come into sudden wealth."
"Your interviewing style is really dope."
"When I interview someone what I want to do is give them the opportunity to talk."
"The hardest thing to do when you're actually in the position of asking people questions is just shutting the [__] up."
"Being a skilled interviewer as you are is a skill in itself, and being prepared to ask those questions you already know the answer to."
"Come with good questions in every interview you do for the rest of your life."
"If you're like, 'I cannot stop asking this dude questions because I'm so intrigued by his existence,' that is a great interview."
"Make sure you avoid these questions at all costs."
"Your goal as an interviewer is to fight for the viewer, not fight to get your moment. You'll look better in the eyes of the listener if they go, 'Dang, that person just pulled value.'"
"It's absolutely fine to interview again you won't get blacklisted for interviewing poorly multiple times."
"Empathy, empathy, empathy is so important in this interview to show that you can really empathize and understand where users are coming from."
"I want to be remembered as the greatest interviewer of all time."
"I found early on if I could find the thing that my guest is really interested in beyond the blurbs and the anecdotes they're trained to tell, then they'll open up and share."
"You're a great interviewer... You're one of the best in the game."
"I love interviewing people. It is my favorite thing in the world."
"Black women just are amazing interviewing them. It's just an experience that you can't explain."
"...he is America's greatest interviewer."
"I definitely think that's a brilliant call out. I think that'll be the place where you just ask right, with the interviewer up front. Just ask them, get that out of the way. If you have an assumption, state it out. It just makes life easier for the interviewer."
"You're not an ordinary interviewer, are you? I only interview people who I think are awesome though, so there's that."
"Preparing very important and by prepare I mean understand why you're bringing this person on the show in the first place."
"They do encourage you to say something positive about everyone in your interviews."
"It's about that puzzle that every journalist faces when someone declines to speak to you how can you possibly open them up not in a manipulative way but by truly making the case that they should contribute in some way to your story."
"One of the most underrated things in interviews is building rapport with the interviewer."
"Interviews are not about asking questions. They should be about stimulating memories and collecting the best possible information."
"I think sometimes comedians don't make great interviewers because they're interviewing and being a comedian and you're sort of straight."
"When you're interviewing the Prime Minister, the question is not to ask them 'How do you defend yourself?' The question is 'How wrong do you think they are?'"
"What a great question! As somebody who's interviewed people my whole life, that is one I've never heard and I love it!"
"I've interviewed thousands of people, and I pay close attention to how other people interview people."
"I hope my experience interviewing people was helpful."
"I always think that he's such a charismatic interviewer and someone who can just have a conversation."
"If you focus on what you want them to hear during your elevator pitch, chances are you increase the probability that you will be talking about the projects that you want to talk about during that interviewing session."
"You don't have to interview just the celebrities in your space. Interview people who are perhaps more at the level of your audience."
"Why questions are probably the most powerful questions you can ask as an interviewer."
"If you are talking more than the person that you were interviewing, you're doing it wrong."
"If you want to be a world-class interviewer, you need to remain curious. Just be genuinely curious."
"The reason why we create an interview guide is to prepare a script for asking questions that will help our research."
"I think that's the best question anybody could ever ask an author."
"Interviewing is not always just question-answer, question-answer. I always try to throw some fun into it, joke around a little bit at the beginning."
"By sharing this, I hope my experience will be helpful to you as well if you are currently interviewing or you are interested in UX design."
"The cool thing about being an interviewer is you're the catalyst for the story."
"Women are great interviewers, they know what to say."
"I find it absolutely fascinating to interview people with unusual, bizarre, or extreme viewpoints."
"He's genuinely curious and asks thoughtful questions."
"You know your best has absolute best when you do what you was born to do and that's interview people you're a great interviewer you know you're not you know how to ask the right questions."
"I think the key to interviewing people is do your homework. Don't just Google them. Find out if somebody I'm going to interview wrote an article in Foreign Affairs or one of your, thank you, I'll get it, and read the damn thing."
"You do a pretty good job at interviews. It takes a lot to carry a conversation for this long, so you do a great job."
"I would love to be a general interviewer you know of people beyond religion and Beyond mormonism that would be a real dream always been."
"She handles tricky subjects with Grace and class. She goes well beyond the surface level when providing reports like so many do. She does a great job interviewing people and enhancing the broadcast."
"My job there is to listen to be curious and pull things out of the guests that other people don't do it and here's how you do that."
"Larry is really good. I would hats off to Larry Reed. I feel like he does an incredible interview."
"Legit Jeff, those were fair questions. You're the best host ever."
"He asks good questions, better questions than a lot of other interviews."
"It's not the end of the world... most people actually interview 2, 3, sometimes even like 4 times."
"Joe Rogan asks great questions, he listens, and he lets the other person speak."
"It's about asking the right questions in an open way and seeing how the applicant reacts."
"I love interviewing people; I feel like my profession is being people's friend now."
"So we can destroy the competition, so that we can be beast when it comes to the technical interview."
"Form a human connection right away with the person who is interviewing you."
"I want to give this to everybody so I can have a single place where I can just send people and say, 'Hey, watch this video. This should tell you everything you need to know about interviewing.'"
"Arn Anderson, one of the great interviewers of all time."
"Knowing how to do proper interviews and interrogations of both witnesses, suspects, victims, basically anyone involved, is extremely necessary whenever you're doing investigations."
"This is the perfect way to answer an interview question with specific examples in code."
"You do some of the best interviewing I've ever seen anywhere."
"The purpose of an interview is to get information, not to give it."
"I like to let their answers guide me to the next questions."
"You are very chatty like in person, so you basically becoming like an interviewer but with alcohol."
"I interview a lot of people, so I want to make sure I give you your due time and your respect for the interview."
"He's a really masterful interviewer."
"I'm the greatest interviewer in the history of junkets."
"I tend to interview my clients more than they interview me."
"If you want to get an interview, here's what you need to do first: you need to establish a reason why you matter."
"I think he is the best interviewer."
"I think you've created this great thing where people really want to see how you interview someone."
"The best interviewers are the greatest listeners."
"You're asking very genuine, straightforward, easy to answer questions."
"I'm not here to prove that I'm a great interviewer, it's kind of not about me."
"It's important to have a very thorough understanding of the company that you're interviewing for or with."
"Now imagine if you could cut that down to 50 interviews in just 50 minutes."
"It's a real treat to be interviewed by someone who really knows the stuff and also asks the very best questions."
"A really well-conducted interview is as well prepared as a ballet; it's choreographed."
"I feel like interviewing is a whole different skill."
"If you practice your interviewing skills, then when you do actually interview for the company that represents your dream job, you'll have all that much more capability to land a good interview."
"Julie is such a great interviewer."
"Every conversation, every new interaction should be an interview, and you should be the wise unbeknownst interviewer."
"The biggest advice for interviewing and getting a job is to just be honest."
"Ask questions that both you and your audience are curious about."
"Choose a theme or a purpose for the interview. Seriously, don't just do a generic 'tell us your story' kind of an interview."
"This is a very, very popular interview question."
"I think this is actually part of what makes you a fantastic interviewer."
"The conversation that you have with the interviewer should primarily feel genuine."
"Make the candidate feel like they're succeeding."
"It helps the interviewer understand what your approach is and what you're actually trying to do."
"It's always a delight to speak to you, you're such a good interviewer."
"I love this, like being the actual interviewer. I feel so much more in control."
"I would look so forward to interviewing; I felt like when Joe Rogan says he loves meeting people and getting to know them, that's how I feel about interviewing people."
"I believe I did a good job researching in depth about the firm, the team I was applying to, and also my interviewers."
"I never thought I'd get to interview ever again, and now here I am."
"The cognitive interview was developed by Fisher in 1984 in response to criticisms of the traditional police interview."
"I don't think there are great interviewers, I think there's great interviewees."
"Being a journalist is a great way to learn how to interview founders and to cut through BS."
"I think what makes a good interview is when it doesn't look like an interview, it's just two people talking."
"Interviewing was a way for me to do loosely scripted, improvised content."
"You're a great interviewer, man. You're good."
"As you're coding, just speak to the interviewer to tell them what you're doing."
"Interviewers don't know how to interview... there's a lot of unconscious incompetence when it comes to interviewing."
"Don't forget to ask for feedback in interviewing."
"Bring that energy when you come into the interview, stand out."
"He was a wrestler, he was a great interviewer."
"The way you're interviewing people strikes me to really exemplify the very highest level of performance."
"Connecting with the person you're interviewing with is key to successfully landing a job."
"The more you can decrease the uncertainty, the better job you've done as the interviewer."
"You want to communicate to your interviewer exactly what you're doing before you write any code."
"I'm actually really nervous about it, even though I'm the one doing the interviewing."