
Art Perception Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Our comprehension of art is significantly influenced by what we're told."
"The idea that a mass-market object could be elevated to the status of art just by how it's looked at is such a profound rejection of every standard which came before it that we no longer even recognize it as revolutionary."
"We live in an age where men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of autobiography."
"Art can be anything... you just don't have to bring anything to it other than yourself."
"Art definitely is in the eye of the beholder."
"Art is in the eye of the beholder, man. We're talking about pictures. You don't know what something means to somebody or inspires."
"Paintings look best when they don't look like they've been painted when they look like they've happened."
"Art isn't made for the artist, it's made for the viewer."
"Art does not always need to make you feel good."
"Most paintings are viewed from a distance. If it doesn't look good from a distance, then you know what's going to make."
"Art is the convergence between viewer perception and artistic intent."
"When a viewer sees an image, they don't see detail first, they read emotion first."
"The shiny orb has been painted in matte paints, it's not just metal, that looks insane."
"Art is in the eye of the beholder, well spoken."
"It's art so if you hate it, you're right. It sucks. If you love it, you're right."
"You know, art is in the eye of the beholder."
"Comic books are art. Your takeaway from a comic book is different from mine. Art in general is subjective."
"A lot of people say her eyes follow you when you walk across the room."
"You're either going to love that piece or say, 'Why?'"
"Caricatures aren't about making fun of, it's about representing what is recognizable about someone into a fun visual medium."
"Art is subjective. It's not your art, it's mine."
"Art is subjective. There's no one hard and fast rule about art and how you interpret it and what it means to you. That's the thing about art."
"Art forces us to see the world differently, and good art will make somebody think about the world differently."
"Comedy's not low end art it's just not high-end art."
"The inherent beauty of art is that there is no distinct line in the sand of what is too far."
"If you make a really stupidly shaped toilet, some rich person is going to think it's art, and they're going to buy it."
"This piece is one of those that you know it's pretty on camera but extraordinary in person."
"How do we perceive the normal, which is what art's about."
"Both art forms question our perceptions; they thrive on defying expectations and overturning presumptions about what we think we see and what we fail to see."
"Art is subjective, right? Depending on who's actually looking at it and who's receiving it."
"A work can be as powerful as it is thought to be. Actual space is intrinsically more powerful and specific than paint on a flat surface."
"When I look at a work of art, I think about the artist's soul, I think about the artist's mind, I think about the artist's heart."
"The museum, the institution, the curator directs the way art is made or seen."
"Our perception of nearly all art is based on our previous experience and context."
"These right here, you think oh these are white paintings but then you look again and you see that they are the phases of the moon."
"Art is a matter of personal taste; there's no such thing as great art or bad art."
"You can look at that and make something of it without being told what you're meant to think about it."
"I find that it looks more juicy that way for some reason."
"The moment you have it, you can hear it; it's no longer mine, now it's whatever you perceive it to be."
"Color affects our mood and our perception of a piece based on their combination."
"The subject of the picture begins to be the person looking at it."
"Art is all a matter of perception, and there's so many things that people see differently in a painting."
"...as you paint, keep feeling the form, feel the roundness of a form or whatever form it is."
"Art needs to be perceived, art needs to be critiqued."
"To perceive work as art, you have to allow that art into your presence and not put it away in cultural historical context."
"Time and space and proportion have absolutely no meaning in manneristic art."
"Artwork in general is relative to the viewer that sees it."
"Art is so subjective, and it's just like everybody sees it so differently."
"That's the cool thing about art, everybody relates to it a little bit differently."
"Art is never like you're the best or you're the worst, it's just like what you feel you've accomplished."
"We're all gonna see something different in a piece of art."
"The person we associate with minimalism is in fact a maximalist."
"Art really is in the eye of the beholder."