
Neighborliness Quotes

There are 625 quotes

"Be kind to your neighbor and be loving, be generous."
"If you equip me with a shovel, I'll go with you and I'll dig with you and keep you company while getting sand. 'Cause that's what neighbors do."
"Who is my neighbor? Anybody you encounter in life who is in need. That's it."
"We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors."
"American Christians are going to have to humble themselves and become, frankly, better neighbors than they have been in the past."
"I believe there is no reason we shouldn't talk to our neighbors."
"The focus of Jewish faith is the betterment of this world, to help your neighbor, to love your neighbor."
"I've never knew my neighbors most of the years of my life. But here, I know every single person that lives here."
"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."
"God forgives a multitude of sins through love of our neighbor."
"The most important quality of a good neighbor is friendliness."
"Environmental stewardship isn't just about taking care of the planet; it's taking care of our neighbor."
"Being a good neighbor is pretty much the most important thing in the world to me. Community is everything."
"I love my neighbor enough to speak the truth."
"Amish never live in isolation. Always there are close neighbors who make up the community of faith, caring deeply for each other."
"Well hello, Neighbor, it's so nice to have you here. Where you belong."
"Mr. Arbery's death should force us to consider expanding our definition of what a neighbor may be and how we treat them."
"Satisfaction many sins wrong our neighbor. One must do what is possible in order to repair the harm."
"Even though we're looking at difficult times... now is a really important time for us to look to getting to know our neighbors better..."
"Learn to love God and your neighbor... Love God, love your neighbor... the center of the gospel."
"I love my neighbors. In my distress, they knew that I could have used a little wine to calm my nerves."
"This 84-year-old man made his neighbor's morning by clearing the snow off their cars."
"You must love God and you must love your neighbor as yourself."
"The way you treat your neighbor tells me how you treat you."
"Waukesha is a community that helps their neighbors. Waukesha enjoys its celebrations and the entire community joins in those celebrations."
"Being a good neighbor means knowing and caring for their needs."
"Love your neighbor as yourself. Why do we do that so poorly? Because we don't love ourselves very much."
"Religion is to love your neighbor unconditionally."
"Hey, speaking of being a good neighbor, I'd like to welcome you to the city."
"It's nice to know that there is also some goodness, even if it's just helping to clean up your neighbor's rubbish."
"Understanding our neighbor's history is important."
"A true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others."
"The greatest gift you can give your neighbor is introducing them to the God who loves them."
"Humanity is back. You can reach over and turn to your neighbor and say, neighbor."
"There's always someone to ask for a cup of sugar."
"May we be a church that doesn't question who is my neighbor."
"Boundaries: Good fences make good neighbors."
"Our militia are those good neighbors, those good neighbor people."
"Just making sure you're friends with your neighbor. We're all human. We're all here to do something. And as long as you're having a good time with your neighbors, you can have a great time."
"How do we reflect Jesus' character towards our neighbor? That's the test of Christianity."
"Everything is one. Treat your neighbors as you would treat yourself."
"Didn't even say thank you for getting him out of jail. But we were good neighbors, and we did the right thing. That's what matters."
"People who engage with the Bible tend to be better neighbors."
"How can we sort out the problems of our neighbors?"
"The long story short of Romania is that it likes all of its neighbors."
"Please take care of yourself, please take care of your neighbor, please take care of your tribe."
"Say hello, be the first to step outside and greet your neighbor because we're all human and we're all in this game called life together."
"As long as you don't hurt the health and safety of your neighbor, do your thing."
"Love your neighbor. You know, take care of your neighbor right."
"I'm friends with everyone who's in my corridor."
"Allow me to welcome you to the neighborhood."
"Embrace the goodness. Embrace your love. Embrace your neighbor."
"Just be kind to each other out there everybody and love your neighbor, check on your neighbor."
"Help your fellow man, love your neighbor."
"Every act of Amanda was love for her neighbor."
"The greatest command is love; love me and love your neighbor."
"All I could do is be a good brother, be a good person, be a good man, be a good son, be a good neighbor."
"You don't feel lonely if something goes wrong, something happens, the neighbors get you in it."
"Everyone should have a neighbor like Al at least once in their lives."
"We do love our neighbor as ourselves, not very well because we don't see ourselves very well."
"You should love thy neighbor as thyself."
"I'm forever grateful to my neighbor David for helping me out that night."
"He was somebody I used to converse with, you know, on a daily basis, obviously being my neighbor. Smart, intelligent, very articulate, um, engaging."
"I learned that sometimes it's better to try to work things out with your neighbors rather than to fight them."
"Love thy neighbor, treat the next man how you want to be treated."
"Be kind to your neighbor, both ugly and fair, be gentle, handle them with kindness and care."
"...rather than name-calling, just be good to your neighbor..."
"Neighbors sometimes they could be nice too you know."
"We like having happy neighbors since it just makes life better for everyone."
"The other neighbors are going super out of their way and pitching me a few dollars to help me buy a brand new self-propelled mower. Go neighborliness!"
"Anne waved it off. Don't mention it. What are neighbors for?"
"What a cool dude this is inviting and making him feel welcome right off the bat again you never have neighbors like this this might be the most unrealistic part of this movie"
"...Oberlin was a true community, close-knit and neighborly."
"Get your ass out in the neighborhood and meet your neighbors."
"Your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses."
"Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses."
"Be a good neighbor and be friendly, even if it goes against your nature."
"Developing a sense of community with your neighbors will really go a long way."
"Their kindness lasted even after simply welcoming me into the neighborhood."
"The best part about this whole incident was he could have checked the drain from his own property and never needed access to my garden."
"We just love our neighbors, we love our friends, and God's given us real love for people."
"Yum! Our neighbors aren't so bad; they didn't skimp on the candy."
"Perhaps the best humanitarian Outreach is to reach across the fence or across the street."
"While Ed is nowhere near a supervillain or anything, this grumpy old toad is the very essence of a bad neighbor."
"We met our neighbours and both of them are lovely, so that's really, really nice."
"Maybe next time she'll think twice before trying to take advantage of her neighbors."
"He’s looking out for all the families around him–not just his own–and that’s the sign of a truly great neighbor."
"A good neighbor raises the property value of your home."
"Prove it to yourself through love for your neighbor."
"Honestly, everyone that I've met on my street, and I've actually met a lot of people, they're so nice."
"Being nice to your vending neighbors is so important."
"He spent every day for the rest of his life trying to be the nicest neighbor he could be."
"There's many more out there, you know? It could be the one that when you move to a new neighborhood, you know, and they show up, 'Hi, we're your neighbors. We just wanted to bring you by this apple pie and say welcome to the neighborhood.'"
"She's accused of not being neighborly."
"It used to mean something to be a good neighbor. You looked out for each other. Back in the old days, your neighbors were a real lifeline. They helped you take in the crops at harvest time. You drank to each other's health on the holidays."
"Removing this tripping hazard is just one of the reasons why my neighbor must be thrilled living next to me."
"Not all neighbors are Mr. Rogers."
"Mr. Cranky decided to have a chain link fence installed right where our grassy area meets his driveway."
"I don't have to agree but you're my neighbor, I love you."
"I encourage everybody this week, know one of your neighbors' names."
"We've been called to love our neighbor, as we love ourselves."
"The best neighbors I've ever had in my life have been right here in Germany."
"It's a really nice thing to give to a neighbor."
"As soon as I got home, it smelled like my neighbors were making some fire ass food, so I went and knocked on their door and asked if I could have some."
"The moment you ask yourself 'Am I a good neighbor to my neighbors,' you're thinking about the impact of your actions on those people."
"We need to respect each other's religion, creed, and live next door to our neighbor in love."
"The community spirit on the island extends to a benevolent neighbor as well"
"Be a good neighbor, put your barbecue grill up, put the lawn patio furniture up, put your garbage cans in the garage."
"Knock on your neighbor's door and introduce yourself right. Right one like get to know people in your neighborhood maybe maybe even have a block party and and and invite them into your house and like actually build relationships with people."
"You're a neighbor, why don't you get a cup of sugar and say, 'Nice to meet you, neighbor, I'm bringing you a cup of sugar.'"
"Check on your neighbors. Just go over, ring the doorbell, take some flowers, bake some cookies."
"there's a reason there's something that's really nice and wholesome about being able to walk down the street and wave at your neighbor"
"Happy Love Day, neighbor! Ugga mugga!"
"Amidst the indifferent glances, only one neighbor, a kind-hearted soul, decided to break the icy atmosphere."
"I must be tough with myself, gentle with my neighbor."
"People around here, they wave to you when you drive by them."
"Your neighbor isn't always that way, he doesn't even believe in forgiving seven times a day, let alone 70 times seven."
"My life hack is do that, be that person, be that neighbor."
"I remember there was, I'd never actually ever spoken to my neighbor because I'd never seen them before, you know, because of our time, you know, the times that I go out to work and they would come in and stuff like that."
"This house, its neighbors are beautiful people wave at you and stuff."
"We're so close we're practically neighbors."
"this is our new neighbor she takes care of this house"
"They might have gotten away with it if it wasn't for Mr. Geider, who bothered to be a good neighbor on July 18, 2014, and investigate a situation that was really none of his business because something just didn't seem right."
"We will be asked to love our neighbor not merely with words but with deeds."
"As far as the neighbors go, he was one of the good ones."
"Forget loving the world; let God do that. You love your neighbor."
"Give food to your neighbors. Share with others. Give the food to others, share with others, invite people in."
"I'm really lucky to have gotten away and I miss I'm essentially grateful that the neighbor decided to come over and see what was going on."
"His neighbor lets me feed little baby animals that's so cool."
"Rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him."
"Remember the commandments and bear no malice to thy neighbor."
"Well, hey, that ain't that, that's being a good neighbor. I like that."
"Let none of you think evil in his heart against his neighbor."
"Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor."
"This is the perfect example of what a neighbor should be."
"I really like knowing my neighbors, and it's a really nice feeling. I like it a lot."
"What is a man? He's one that loves God with all his heart, all his soul, all his might, and loves his neighbor as himself."
"He's a man who loves his neighbor as himself."
"If you love me keep my Commandments...love your neighbor as yourself."
"You love and treat him as a brother, a neighbor."
"Having good neighbors is just so valuable."
"Community is important. Think of your neighbors."
"I'm Joe Everest, fence expert, reminding you the good fences make good neighbors, and I'll catch you next time."
"Help us to love our neighbor, even when they don't love us."
"To love the neighbor is to see the neighbor as he or she actually is."
"...the moment you frame something as a war that must be won at all costs, you've already lost because you've dehumanized... the very central calling of our faith to love your neighbor."
"Be aware of our neighbor and be also always ready to assist your neighbor when your neighbor is in need."
"It's the kind of town where everyone knows and trusts everyone else. After all, what are good neighbors for?"
"All I know is that Jesus has said to treat thy neighbor as you would treat yourself."
"Love thy neighbor as you would love yourself."
"They're throwing shade over their campsite, as opposed to throwing shade at the neighbors."
"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
"Won't you be my neighbor, that's correct."
"We're always conscious that we've got neighbors; we want to be respectful to the local people."
"I like to look at myself as being just the boy next door that loves to play music and perform for the folks."
"Just because someone's your neighbor doesn't mean that they're your buddy, your friend."
"Love never works ill to his neighbor."
"Look at your neighbor, tell them you're looking good."
"This is the barn that was being taken apart by my neighbor in Pennsylvania that I stepped in and offered to take it off his hands for him."
"We are called to love our neighbors as ourselves."
"We want to be there for our neighbors, people are helping each other."
"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: love therefore is the fulfillment of the law."
"Victoria is friends, good friends, with a neighbor of hers."
"We're just so lucky to have the neighbors we do; they feel like family."
"Wrap your arms around yourself, love your neighbor as you love yourself."
"You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere."
"Hey neighbor, how's it going? It's going great, can't complain. What about you?"
"Don't be too worried about the cultural trends. Jesus said, 'Love your neighbor.'"
"In order to love God, you have to love your neighbor; we show our love for God through the way that we love our neighbors."
"We are your neighbors, and we needed some eggs for cake, and we were so grateful that we could just come right down the road and get some fresh eggs."
"Loving your neighbor means helping those in need, even if they don't live next door."
"Nice to meet you, I am Lisa, your new neighbor."
"This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."
"Until then, I'm gonna love my neighbor, treat everybody right, give God glory."
"Treat your neighbor as you wish to be treated, and love them as you would love yourself."
"Love is what makes you a neighbor, not your religion, nationality. Love is what makes a neighbor."
"The second resembles this: You must love your neighbor as yourself."
"People with adequate serotonin levels tend to make great neighbors because they care about others."
"Treat them like you would want to be treated as a neighbor."
"Thank you for always letting me be your neighbor."
"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
"Humanity is still alive; check on your neighbor, check on people."
"The royal law according to the Scripture, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing well."
"It's a mighty fine garden you got there, Mr. Littlefield."
"Life is a lot more pleasant when you get along with your neighbors as opposed to being at war with them."
"It's what any good neighbor would do."
"Love your neighbor as yourself... it is the love that seeks someone's best interest."
"Let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor; love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord."
"I'm about to go surprise my neighbor who has terminal lung and brain cancer with two tacos for lunch and eat lunch with her."
"The peace, security, and independence of our neighbors is the peace, security, and independence of us."
"It's so nice to make friends' neighbors happy by helping them."
"We must love our neighbor for God and according to God."
"It's about being a good neighbor."
"Love God and love your neighbor; what does it mean to love God? It means you keep the first four. What's the definition of loving your neighbor? It's the last six."
"We don't care where you came from, but now you are our neighbors so we love you."
"We're good neighbors, good friends."
"Am I doing the best that I can toward my neighbor?"
"It's more blessed to be kind; it's more blessed to love your neighbor."
"Ain't worth a thing in this world if he can't help his neighbor."
"If only we took time to work with our neighbor."