
Moral Choice Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"By the fear of the Lord, one departs from evil."
"When it comes to money versus integrity, the integrity side of that argument knows what's at stake."
"The insistence that in the Judeo-Christian tradition that we have true choice, true free will, and that we can use that in the moral domain."
"Just because you can get away with something doesn't mean you should do it."
"Do you want to be the moral person that said, 'I want to save the world from climate change,' or are you actually going to be a person who says, 'No, I actually think saving people's lives is a little more important'?"
"Sometimes the only moral choice is to break the law."
"If you want redemption, Clark, it lies in the very next decision that you make. Make it as a man and make it right."
"Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor?"
"This is a choice between good and bad, an honorable man and a dishonorable man."
"Choose the hard right... the thing that's right, that's hard."
"Will you help me? I want you to save what is good so the rest can be destroyed and never recovered."
"She decides she get the hammer and she decides that she will not she's not going to kill Fisk like that."
"Website puts Reddit in the title so it appears higher in search results. Oh my God that's, I mean genius too. I, you hate it but it's genius."
"Use that power only if you feel like it's right."
"I'd crash the car. I think it's morally more acceptable to save the person on the street."
"You risk your life to do the right thing, you support me as a best friend, a mother, and a pilot when no one else would."
"Saving Jay was the choice that is just and honors age. Saving H was the emotional and selfish choice."
"This was the only way she could be forgiven."
"Our tongues can either build up or tear down, they can curse or bless."
"If we were just having a moral argument about whether it would be better to push the socialism button or to slowly achieve some basic reforms, obviously you should push the socialism button."
"It does matter who you are or who you identify with. You always have the choice of being the good guy or the bad guy."
"At this challenging, special time, people need to ponder whether they want to dance with the devil or walk with gods."
"Thousands of years ago Moses presented the children of Israel with a Timeless and Universal Choice behold I set before you this day a blessing and a curse May We Choose Wisely between the curse and the blessing that stand before us this day."
"They're choosing the side of civilization, the side of right versus wrong."
"When surveyed, most people say that they'd pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"Ask yourself, is it worth selling your soul to have the world?"
"I did what I did because I believed it was the right thing to do."
"You want to step outside or do a business here? He's a good man to their children."
"I would not follow orders if I was in Nazi Germany."
"If the baby can be born, I don't think it should be killed."
"People choose to do bad things, people choose to do good things in the hood."
"Fasting always has an end that you can enjoy something later."
"We don't have to accept a lesser of two evils, we don't have to accept evil at all."
"Violence should always be the last and final option because it doesn't really resolve things and even when you win you lose sometimes with that."
"I am a soul that exists outside the matrix. I don't have to be evil just because I'm in a land of good and evil. It doesn't mean I still have a choice. I can participate any way I want to. They can't force me to be evil. I have to choose that."
"Hawley agrees that they're all complicit, every day, but you still have a choice."
"Yield to His Spirit and reject the works of the flesh."
"I'd rather choose guidance over a racist pedophile."
"Obedience is better than sacrifice. Disobedience leads to defeat."
"If someone's pointing a gun at an innocent bystander you want to help out but you don't want to get shot yourself."
"Why is it always a choice between the lesser of two evils?"
"I'd rather be on St. Michael's side than on Lucifer's side."
"Freedom to choose virtuous action is the central good."
"Star Wars is all about a choice to be better."
"Even on the evil playthrough, he still says he's proud of him."
"There will be no excuse for those who choose to go in error when they might understand what is truth."
"The light has come into the world, but people loved the darkness rather than the light..." - John 3:19
"Marissa made a mistake? No, Marissa made a moral decision."
"Choose to be kind to others because as soon as you show kindness, you can show more than life."
"This nation is in a court case with heaven, what will you do in this election: choose life or choose death?"
"What saves Luke is his ability to look at all that and look at his father and say no."
"Respect for Allison as a woman and a mother—it's an intelligent choice not to torch a whole bunch of innocent people in the room."
"'If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he's strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort.'"
"Picking the lesser of two evils is still evil."
"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and a couple of devils."
"This is the condemnation: that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
"Always choose to be on the right side, even if it's not going to benefit you directly."
"God sovereignly decreed that man should be free to exercise moral choice and man from the beginning has fulfilled that decree by making his choice between good and evil."
"Sometimes you have to do the right thing even if you lose."
"We have free will prerogatives to make moral choices and the capacity to know God."
"Either the Bible is keeping you from sin, or sin is keeping you from the Bible."
"You can only do what you think is the right thing and if you don't think it's the right thing to do then don't [ __ ]."
"It is to deliver or to rescue or to save you from the way of evil men."
"The only way you ever even have that choice is with a good man."
"When I stood in front of him, I couldn't pull the trigger."
"Morally speaking, reducing animal suffering is the preferable thing to do."
"And god has made you to freely choose to love him but you can't do that unless you can freely choose to not love him and when you freely choose to not love him you commit evil deeds."
"You haven't failed them by showing mercy, you have given them peace."
"It's better to enter Heaven with literally one eye, one leg like a pirate, than to enter Hell with both eyes."
"He will with the temptation also make a way of escape. When the temptation comes to the door, there's another fella that comes to the door at the same time, his name is a way out, and it's up to you, who you let come in the house."
"Freedom doesn't create virtue, it offers you the opportunity to make a choice for good or for ill."
"Even if it's difficult and inconvenient, it's never too late to do the right thing."
"It's not about doing what's easy; it's about doing what's right... would you rather live knowing you did the wrong thing or would you rather die knowing that you stood up for what was right?"
"You are either going to be the World War Two generation or you're going to be the people that capitulated to fascism and Nazi Germany."
"Two amazing characters who decide to be good."
"Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand and shine your Divine Inner Light?"
"Crest recognized that resorting to violence and killing Albert would only make him akin to his brother."
"Allah made the path to Halal easy and the path to Haram difficult."
"Given the choice between comfortable evil and uncomfortable truth and goodness... that's when we're gonna truly understand freedom."
"Choose to be good with full knowledge of our dark capacity."
"Do you pull the lever saving five and killing one?"
"In the garden of God, there were two trees, one of them was a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil."
"Purity is choosing the prison of restriction so you can live in the palace of freedom."
"Honestly, killing Parthenax is the right decision, and anybody who chooses not to is selfish."
"Do what you feel is right because an important lesson is unfolding."
"When you choose love, when you have two options or three options or whatever, when we choose the most loving option, can't go wrong."
"This is the book of the commandments of God and the law that endureth forever. All they that keep it shall come to life, but such as leave it shall die."
"They chose a dark path... they have the potential to be divine."
"Like the Force, computers can be pulled to the light side or the dark side."
"I'd rather be an enemy of man than an enemy of God."
"A sword is a weapon, but it's the wielder who decides its purpose."
"When a person refuses to come to Christ it is because he loves darkness rather than light."
"We don't have to take this lying down. We can still stand for the right thing."
"I've got two choices right now: either I give in and submit to the situation or I stand up strong and I fight it and I stand up for what I believe is the right thing to do."
"The fast lane to success is selling your soul to Satan. The organic way is the path of struggle and perseverance."
"How did a perfectly created angel choose to do evil? It's often suggested that even though Satan was created good, he had free will."
"You're not choosing a good versus evil morality, it's more like choosing your loyalty."
"Stand with us in the light or fall alone to the darkness."
"Help the good guy priests or the evil Daedric prince?"
"My goal is not to make you happy but to make you holy, that you would be wise enough to choose not to sin against God and wreck your life."
"We're honest like that, like you don't have to just because you get a superpower doesn't mean you have to help people. I would go rob the bank with it."
"I know now that no one can give you your honor. It's something you earn for yourself by choosing to do what's right."
"Grace over Vengeance and anger ain't that the truth Grace is what I want and Grace is what I want to give not what we deserve right but it's what we want at least what I want."
"I spared you because I believed you have honor."
"Freedom is the ability to choose the good... it's in choosing virtue that mankind is set free." - Priest
"There will be no excuse for choosing the truth or the lie."
"If I don't say anything, then Claire and I get to have a happy life with our family. That's what we get. If I do say something, then everybody eventually gets to have a happy life with their family. So to me, it's a no-brainer."
"Our elections don't have to be about right versus left, they are still about right versus wrong."
"Even though Peter has every reason to kill the goblin, he does not do so."
"Recognize you don't want to do an eye for an eye."
"Will you take the easy choice or will you make the right choice?"
"Choosing the hard right over the easy wrong every day, on a consistent basis. That's discipline."
"Try to earn your freedom, be a better person."
"Whenever you have a choice between being right or being kind, be kind. No exceptions."
"Let's just hope that we use our newfound powers for good rather than evil."
"I know there's good in you. Let go of the hate."
"You don't get to sit on the sidelines anymore. You've been given a choice to either go on the right side of history or the wrong side of history."
"I chose love because I would not have wanted to win any other way."
"We must understand it's not only others who have to choose between good and evil."
"You can either be on the right side of history or the wrong side of History."
"Having a faction that is the polar opposite of The Institute is important to have because it gives the player the option to align with a group that also thinks the Institute is morally evil."
"There's one reason why you should walk away from whatever temptation you're facing right now: God is better."
"I would rather lose doing what I feel likes the right thing than when doing the wrong thing."
"When in doubt, do the loving thing, and also learn the difference between discernment and judgment."
"It is better to reign in Hell than to serve in heaven."
"Return, America, for you have fallen in your iniquity. Return, America, while it is still yet day and there is set before you life and death. Choose life and not destruction."
"I can't give them justice, but I can give them generosity."
"Revenge wouldn't make me any better than my evil brother."
"You don't want to do something that's wrong or immoral."
"This next election is very much so going to be a choice between good and evil."
"Because I didn't have to doesn't mean I shouldn't."
"If Dowd instead saw the Outsider's gift, the name Delilah, as an opportunity to undo a sliver of his evil."
"He gives every person he ultimately kills one last chance to do the right thing."
"A conscious choice to make, which dragon will you feed?"
"If you want to choose to do what's right all the time, you need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."
"Turn yourself in, do the right thing Brian, in your whole life you never do anything brave."
"Whoever, whatever you want to be, even someone good."
"Would you rather kill an innocent person and then immediately forget about it or not kill the innocent person but live the rest of your life thinking that you had? Yeah, first one, you'd rather kill and forget, yeah."
"Because Free Will doesn't necessarily mean choosing good or bad, sometimes you can choose multiple Goods."
"Tundra decides he'd rather die as a human than live forever as a demon."
"Don't sell your soul, gang, because they're going to want you."
"Rules exist for a reason. Yeah, sometimes they suck, sometimes they kind of do need to be broken to do what is right."
"I think you really want to be a hero; it's just being a monster is easier."
"I gotta say, it feels good to be using my talents for good instead of evil."
"Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you can be quiet?"
"Isn't it worth saving something if you can't save everything?"
"We're at a fork in the road: do the right thing or look the other way."
"And there will come a moment when you have a chance to show it, to do the right thing."
"What did you guys think of Wounds and its ending? Would you have taken the deal with the mysterious evil force or would you have had a heroic Redemption moment? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below."
"Sometimes you have to choose between the greater evil and the lesser evil."
"Some people know what's right but choose the easier option."
"Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good."
"Choose the right, let the consequences follow."
"I would rather take the bullet for somebody than live with myself for letting them be taken out."
"The Midwives however feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do."
"There's an old Native American story about how there's two wolves inside you."
"He don't want to use his talent for evil."
"God really did reward me for taking the high road."
"God never asked you to kill your own son."
"Because Captive Prince understands what hopepunk understands–there will never be just one singular moment of choosing good over evil."
"...the shepherd here, the angel of right of repentance, is telling Hermes that he should shun that and should listen to his righteous Angel, his conscience, who's telling him to do the good things."
"Injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice."
"Better to die than surrender your power to resist to the worst man in history."
"Stay on God's ground, not the Devil's Ground."
"The deep doesn't have options to be on the right side of history."
"Between character and success, take character."
"Dark times lie ahead of us, and there will be a time where we have to choose between what is easy and what is right."
"I'll take the higher road, let's love each other, find the best of us."
"You choose your path down the light side or the dark side."
"Hey, it works for me, I like it, I feel better on it, okay great, cool, or I do it for moral reasons and awesome, support you 100%."
"The idea that God provides a way of escape meant to me that when I sinned... I had a choice to do otherwise."
"It takes a bigger man to lay down a gun than it does to use it."
"For it is better to suffer for doing good if that should be God's will than for doing evil."
"The light has come into the world, yet people loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil."
"There is something to be said for not destroying the world with your own hands, even if you can't stop somebody else from doing it."
"I urge you to use this for good and not for evil."
"We are created in the image of God and with that every single day lost human beings make choices, sometimes good choices, sometimes right choices."
"No amount of money, or no order or law, should be able to make you go against doing the right thing."
"If the gods of right came down and said you are right... you still get to choose who you want to be."
"Sometimes we have to give up the things we love, even our dreams, to do what's right."
"We have free will... you're going to be rewarded for whatever good you choose and whatever evil you choose."
"I ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
"All you can do is err on the side of obedience."
"...how do you build a legacy like how do you build a life it's not just glorifying to God but it's successful because you did the next hard but right thing..."
"To use his power to annihilate his opponents would actually kind of be sinking to their level."
"He who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap everlasting life."
"The importance of doing what was right even when they might get in trouble for it."
"In real life, Gandhi would refuse the pill."
"I'm going to do the right thing regardless of what is popular."
"Because she showed remorse, regret, redemption, she was trying to do the right thing."
"We are to forgive instead of greed."
"I choose to make sure that the human race stays alive. I choose to make sure that we deserve to stay alive."
"Unless the human race has the power of avoiding evil and choosing good by free choice, they are not accountable for their actions of whatever kind they be."
"Jesus won't make you do right, the devil can't make you do wrong, you must decide."
"I choose not to use it for the sake of others. Earth is my home brother, and I will not risk its safety just for the sake of a petty squabble."
"Most power in and of itself is neither good nor evil; it's what one chooses to do with it that truly counts."
"To me, this was just such an obvious choice because I saw wrongdoing."
"Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide, in the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side."
"Non-cooperation with an evil system always remains an option."
"Which side of the line will we be on in the war in heaven, which side of the line will we be on in Eden, which side of the family will we be on with Cain and Abel, with Shem versus Ham, with Abraham versus Nimrod, with Zion versus Babylon?"