
Management Style Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"I personally do want a manager who is obsessed with their philosophy."
"Our current ownership seems very much set on 'I will get there in the end.'"
"I focus on strengths-based hiring. If you think I'm terrible at relationships, fine, don't take my relationship advice."
"Sir Alex fitted their model from Aberdeen, had been very successful at Aberdeen, fitted their model."
"Ed Woodward is playing football manager without emotions."
"The less you control, the more you trust the person. The more you control, the less you trust the person."
"The sentimentality of Solskjaer the player was absorbed into Solskjaer the manager."
"I think he's a real people person. He tries to give people their own space to own their role and do it their way."
"Bottom-up organization rather than top down."
"James Dolan runs the franchise like a taker, not like a giver."
"It's easier to lead someone that you have to pull the reins on than you have to push forward."
"People aren't having fun if you're threatening them or punishing them every time you don't get what you want."
"Kraft stayed out of it for the most part. He lets Belichick do his thing, and it leads to nothing but winning seasons and perennial championship contention."
"I'm running my football team along kind of anarchist lines... decision by consensus with Cruyff and Beckenbauer shaping the conversation."
"I like to give people goals and let them figure out how to get there. It's not a top-down management style."
"Lauren Rossi wants to take charge of things. He values the presence of Alan Prost as a figurehead, but he doesn't want him to be an actual advisor to him. He wants to do things his way."
"Allowing people freedom leads to creative thought; micro-managing produces sameness and mediocrity."
"I felt no pressure, because I judged everybody from a pretty practical, 'do you show up on time, are you nice to be around?'"
"Players are not spreadsheets, don't ever lose that human touch element."
"We've got great people but if you cow them, and they all behave like, you know, as I say, the reverse Darwinist plan, then you'll destroy this innate creativity and entrepreneurialism."
"Fiedler was a solid game manager in the mold of Alex Smith."
"You need to make sure you trust your creatives... you need to let them fly free and see what they can do."
"It's very important the people around me have much clearer criteria and specificity than me that I really listen to them and try to follow what their feelings are."
"It's important to understand the multi-layered aspect to leadership and sometimes it's better to let people think that you're dumb when you're intelligent."
"The manager now in modern day football has to be a what I call a plug-and-play white label solution."
"Elon isn't governing his companies on a whim. Evidence-based."
"Linus is the only boss I've ever had who hides in the bathroom to avoid doing work."
"The best manager is the one with love and respect."
"Lead by letting others know what you expect of them."
"Not just man management of players... we're headed in the right direction."
"No ego, they have guys if Bill Belichick thinks you're a bad guy or cancer and you're out of there."
"Jack continues to utilize the art of micromanagement with his slow, gentle unload."
"Impressions matter, and this is how I started my business: you appear bigger than you are."
"The best managers I have had dealt with things in-house. They don't need to go public with it."
"Leadership is about inspiring up, not pushing down."
"He had that skill of, do you have to put your arm around someone or have you got a lougheed temper to get the best out of them?"
"Micro-management produces only mediocrity."
"He doesn't micromanage, he's in the details. I'd be careful on that. But he does create the space for you to bring back three or four versions of the thing that he's talking about and then he shapes it from there."
"My management style is to have fun with people and make people feel comfortable. We work in a very creative environment, and if you run it like an insurance company, I think it suppresses creativity."
"Leadership is about inspiring, not about being in charge. Don't be a micromanager."
"Mike used positive reinforcement to get people to do stuff to put it simply right, not Mike used punishment to get people to do stuff that was the fundamental difference between the two of them."
"I don't like being a boss. I like having a good team."
"It's not my way; I trust you all implicitly."
"He was a hands-off type of boss but if you had a question he would be the first to figure out an answer and help you with whatever it was you needed help with."
"We're going to try and run a tight ship here and at the same time have a good time."
"I'm the boss around here, but I like to think of myself as a buddy, a Boss Buddy."
"We're all looking for a coach, not a boss."
"Centralization is where a small number of managers make all the key decisions."
"Theory Y managers really try to get the best out of the people that work for them by giving them some autonomy."
"My management style has always been a trust of people."
"I think leadership is changing, that it's becoming a lot less autocratic."