
Emulation Quotes

There are 1689 quotes

"We should do what Steve Jobs actually did and not what he said."
"The goal in adversity isn't always the adversity stopping; the goal in adversity is you looking like Jesus would if He was in your shoes."
"Someone has accomplished something you want to accomplish. The best thing to do is not to hate on him or try to marginalize them... but to figure out how he accomplished what he did."
"What will help you get further in life is trying to figure out what they did differently that allowed them to achieve that level of success and how you can duplicate that in your life."
"There are so many great people in American history that are worth emulating."
"He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked."
"If you study successful people and do what they do, you'll be more successful."
"Black girl luxury has catapulted to one of the top movements, desires, and emulations everywhere."
"Dolphin... really is one of the best emulators out there right now."
"I think you tend to mirror, emulate, and be like those you're around."
"It's feels good, Will, because God has power, and if one does what God does enough times, one will become as God is."
"Did you know the Virtual Console releases of EarthBound Beginnings and EarthBound were the first time European audiences got their hands on the games without resorting to emulation?"
"Love like Christ. Learn to forgive quickly and strive to imitate Jesus Christ."
"Kids never fail to listen to their parents, but they never fail to emulate them."
"More of us should take a leaf out of her book."
"Since the day I met you, I swore I would make it my duty to follow your example."
"Jesus Christ did not suffer so that you would not suffer, but so that when you suffer, you'll become like Him."
"Our love for Jesus is manifested in how we live our lives, emulating his teachings and actions."
"The benefits that emulation provides are vast: archiving games that would otherwise be lost to time or unavailable."
"I want to take the focus of emulation away from piracy and bring it back to archiving and modifying the games that you already own."
"So you know, bottom line, do what the elite do. Don't listen to what they say, do what they do."
"The fundamental most basic element of being a disciple is not you learn what your Rabbi knows... the ultimate is I do what they do."
"With the right hardware and only one app, you can have an easy, all-in-one portable emulator that rivals some of the best stuff on the market."
"At one point or another, every game will be exposed to emulation. It's practically inevitable."
"It's very important that we distribute accurate information."
"Emulation is an absolute wonder and it's one of the best ways to preserve these video games because at the end of the day, you can't rely on Nintendo or Sony. You have to rely on the gamers to back up the games that they own."
"Emulation should be put up at the highest zenith. This is that final boss of the gaming world that keeps it alive and thriving long beyond its heyday."
"Emulation can be used for preservation, where we can keep these games running."
"Piracy is wrong, emulation is great because emulation is what preserves these pieces of media for history to consume decades down the road."
"Emulation is not piracy; it's a tool, the best tool."
"This is easily the best emulation handheld that you can get in terms of price to performance."
"This is easily the best handheld for emulation at this point."
"This emulation beats everything from the original. It's better in ease of use, it's better or identical in accuracy, and it presents better visual quality with no issues and artifacts."
"Emulation basically allows us to preserve older games and not just preserve older games but play them better than they originally could have been."
"Emulation is not illegal. It's not threatening. It's not unprofessional. It's not lazy. It's not the same thing as software piracy."
"Exploring the capabilities of the Wii as an emulation platform is like unlocking a treasure chest of gaming's past."
"The emulation of the Atari 8-bit computer games is practically flawless on WE XL."
"Emulation is something that I live for. Emulation is something to me that is very important. It's why I'm a PC gamer."
"In Master Boy, you've got a great user interface and superb emulation."
"Whatever Arnold did in set of muscle fitness, we did."
"All right, next up, we're going to go into PCSX2 for PlayStation 2 emulation."
"For people who don’t know anything about emulators, 3D All-Stars is fine- It is the best version of each game that Nintendo has ever offered."
"Do what the winners do, shut the [__] up and do what the winners do."
"Emulation is probably the biggest issue in fictional worlds."
"If you like a part of someone else's culture and you want to imitate it, partake in it, whatever, go for it."
"We've got this new Snapdragon Elite so coming out which is an arm-based processor but it is running Windows and it's doing it via what is effectively emulation."
"Success is predictable. Simply look at successful people, look at what they do and do what they do."
"If you want to be a better leader, try to become more like Jesus in his 'not my will but thine be done' mode of living his life every single moment."
"If you want to win, emulate those who are winning."
"Emulation is without a doubt, on modern platforms, the most accurate, the safest, and the best way to re-present old video games."
"I wanna live in love like Jesus lived in love."
"What does this do for GoldenEye? Well, thanks to PC emulation via Project 64 alongside the low-level parallel RDP plug-in, we can achieve these results."
"The best way to get rich: do what rich people do."
"It's almost like he wanted to emulate the serial killers that he was so obsessed with and the notoriety that comes with that would have been something he desired."
"In the world of official emulation, the Wii U offers a selection of 31 original DS titles on Virtual Console."
"It's odd to think that humans find it easier to emulate animals than vice-versa." - The ape and the child experiment
"Instead of being persecuted... he should be commended... looked at as an example to emulate."
"Let this mind be in you that's also in Christ Jesus."
"You gotta look at someone who's done it before, emulate what they've done, and then do it better."
"If you want to be successful, watch what successful people do and do what they do."
"We are called to follow an example, I can't mimic God but I can follow Jesus."
"This is such an amazing little emulation box."
"To live the teachings of Christ is to become Christ-like."
"It's hard to emphasize how important emulators roms and pirates were to creating retro gaming as a niche as a viable economic force."
"Her hairstyles and off the shoulder gowns were copied."
"Most of what I did check out seems good as in I didn't spot anything out of the ordinary when it came to any sort of potential emulation issues."
"Nothing wrong with modeling your approach after what's already successful."
"Piracy is a service problem; emulation is a service problem."
"It's impossible to know Him and not become more like Him."
"Jesus has compassion, we need to have compassion."
"You can't always meet every rich person or get to know them, but you can model them."
"Nothing will make you more like Jesus than having compassion for others."
"Perhaps the real thing that God is building is disciples of Christ with the characteristics and the attributes of Christ that become more and more a part of us."
"Snapdragon is really the king when it comes to emulating on Android."
"When you think what a rich owner thinks and when you do what a rich owner does, you will produce similar results."
"If something is working very well for somebody else, then guess what? That means it'll probably work very well for you."
"When it comes to emulation, there's a great big elephant in the room: how legal is it?"
"This project has been a complete passion project. I've always wanted to create an emulator."
"I think Serena's selling it and working it, and I'm gonna try to emulate some of that in mine, too."
"If you can figure out... what the smartest guys in the room are doing for themselves and then ask yourself how can I emulate that."
"Walking in the footsteps of Jesus means embracing difficulties."
"Emulators are an extremely important part of video game preservation."
"I actually really like the fact that so we had talked about the section of artists that you shouldn't try and emulate because it's like wow their skill is just insane."
"You cannot become him. You see, you emulating him, denying your natural order of responsibility."
"If you do have an iPhone and you're looking to get into emulation I think this is now the easiest and most secure way to actually do that."
"There's a definite benefit to game preservation. I also play games like Grand Theft Auto Vice City on a PS2 emulator instead of a PC. The PC port for Vice City is already kind of broken without modification."
"He walked all walks of life and therefore, we can follow him and we know how we're supposed to live our lives."
"Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful."
"I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you."
"Downloading ROMs, emulating older hardware, and keeping aging games alive is perfectly acceptable."
"Real worship isn't just appreciation or admiration of Jesus, it is adoration as evidenced through emulation of him."
"Look for people that are doing stuff better than you and then steal it. That is the best advice I've ever been given."
"The beauty of Valentino ready to wear is that it tries its darndest to emulate the old couture."
"I think you know as he sought to be more like the Savior those attributes have come with great work but come naturally to him now."
"She looks amazing. Men want to be with her, women want to be her."
"Pixel-perfect arcade game emulations: a gamer's dream."
"When we try to create the film look, we attempt to emulate these key characteristics of film."
"Trust is really the currency that makes the things moving."
"This plugin emulates the Watkins Copycat IC 400, which is a vintage tape delay unit."
"Their similarities go far beyond their physical traits; the two shared a quality that few if any players have been able to emulate in the 20-plus years since the GOAT retired."
"If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results that you want and copy what they do."
"Find products and services and mimic what successful people do."
"I implore you to listen to these people talk and mimic their style. I implore you to say what you believe in a manner that bespeaks the determination with which you believe it."
"If you want to be wealthy, look at what wealthy people are doing and emulate that."
"Over time I think he carved out his own niche for who he was and by the way if you're going to replicate somebody as a player people start to realize it's a pretty good guy to pick."
"Our mission was pretty clear, and you know what? The people that we emulated... we could be like them."
"Make sure you copy their tags, their titles, everything. That's the secret."
"It's just attention to detail, following good shooters, and then emulating what they're doing, and then putting in the time, putting in the reps, that's ultimately what matters."
"Help us be more yours for him and help us do what you say, and Lord help us be like these men of old."
"this is by far the easiest emulator to get up and running I have ever used"
"Who does it look if you do things, if you look at Paul Felder and the things that he does, if you try to emulate the line that he walks, you're gonna end up somewhere good in life."
"MODE stands for Multi Optical Disc Emulator."
"Linux is a fantastic platform for emulation, from the original Nintendo to more recent systems like the Xbox 360."
"Amiga emulator: plays on anything, even my watch!"
"What do you bottle from Paul Levesque? Number one thing you would bottle from him is his passion."
"God in the highest sense is the spirit that you must emulate in order to thrive. How's that for a biological definition?"
"We were always trying to sort of emulate that and make the music good."
"The community that has sprung up around emulation is truly remarkable."
"If you want to stop being confused then emulate these ancient Folk."
"Master Wei D is a person we can all be like."
"The goal is to be like Jesus, you want to be like Jesus tonight."
"Emulation on 8-bit systems, 16-bit systems, the PlayStation 1, and arcade are all really through the roof."
"If you're trying to copy somebody or you're trying to take somebody's strategy, why not take from the best of the best?"
"The most mature thing that we can do as Christians is to act like Jesus."
"Part of the idea of this is to run emulators and run lots and lots of old games on the move."
"What's most important is that WHD Load compiles floppies into a single drive image, basically removing any need for disk swapping."
"I actually love my time with this. It's a very simple emulation box."
"Find someone who's doing it and emulate the [ __ ] out of them."
"People want to emulate your gifts or talents."
"Gods are like for whatever their character is discovered to be; the man who is going to please and obey them must endeavor as best he can to resemble them."
"Find somebody who's doing what you want to do at a high level and then recreate it as quickly as you possibly can."
"Try not to think of yourself as Christian, try to be Christ-like."
"You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate."
"A man of truth, a dedicated cop, and his actions are worthy of emulation."
"Let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus."
"I want to live like Jesus is real and I can be transformed into his image."
"Imagine that you're gripped by beauty, admiration. You admire that person, you want to be like him or her."
"Writing an emulator, you maybe get an idea."
"More than anything else, I want to be more like Jesus Christ."
"What better way to learn how a CPU works than by emulating one?"
"If you write an emulator for a CPU, you do learn a lot about how that CPU actually works."
"There's something in nature that makes it produce complicated behavior, and we are basically sampling that in what we're doing here."
"QEMU is a generic and open-source machine emulator and virtualizer."
"If you do what others self-made millionaires do, nothing in the world can stop you from eventually getting the same results."
"Everything we see in the life of Jesus is the life that we are privileged to live now."
"I'd become a pirate Captain with a ship and a crew who'd protect each other just like Shanks and his crew."
"Both this and the long cargo skirt feel so much like Alicia so she's rubbing off on me."
"Looking at the Lord is what makes you like the Lord."
"I've always been the type who learns best by example. If I'm able to see how other people do it, it gives me a more clear path to follow."
"Success leaves a signal; we must learn to emulate those who have gone before us, replicating their proven methods with endless determination."
"For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps."
"When they are pushing themselves to the very limit, they probably picture themselves as the Michael Jordan of that sport."
"Maybe they're just living Modern Life in a simpler way that we should all emulate."
"What would Elon Musk or Steve Jobs or 50 Cent or Leonardo da Vinci do in the same situation?"
"Grace enables us to live like Jesus."
"There's an effortlessness and ease, a quiet sophistication that we all want to emulate."
"I hope that other cities and states can emulate your success down there in Houston."
"You're the blueprint people want to follow."
"...she always wanted to be like Lori."
"They're known as a style icon, not to be dramatic, but people definitely see them and kind of emulate them."
"All I tell them is to be yourself because with so many stars around them, they try and emulate them."
"I've always wanted a basketball stand, since when did you want to be Jocasta?"
"They need to go about doing the same thing that AEW did."
"As long as there are people that have solved it, then I can solve it too. What one man or woman can do, another man or woman can do."
"He lived a life that we should all strive to emulate, and anyone who knew him were better for it."
"She wanted to live like Paris Hilton."
"If somebody else can do it and get the results then we can do that too."
"You guys already have this special gift where people want to be like you."
"Her big role model was Bonnie and Clyde, and that she was going to kill nine people just like Bonnie and Clyde had done."
"If so-and-so can do it, so can I. I'm gonna ask them for advice."
"He saw people doing like writing songs and singing and he was like I want to do that."
"Intel must simplify their product stack and take a page out of Apple's book with their M series."
"If you want to be a winner in life, you got to do things that winners are doing."
"They're fighting for who's going to be Kanye."
"Quite simply, Payton was the quintessential all-around football player, the prototype for all others to emulate."
"Copy what the people do that are really good at it."
"The Emulator was a winner on so many levels. It opened up a world of creative possibilities."
"Act the part. Pattern your conduct, behavior, and actions after successful people if you want to be successful."
"There's immense value in all of us understanding that and to some degree emulating it."
He was determined to live up to his father's ideal-- be "a killer."
"To anybody who wants to be like Belle Delphine, don't look at her, look at Rusty. Trust me, her format will be easier to replicate."
"I think everyone wants to be a bit more like that right"
"...it's always interesting to follow someone else's routine and I do not doubt that this works beautifully on the red carpet."
"To know the savior is to be like him."
"He's trying to be a better sensei just like Daniel did after the school fight."
"Live a life of love just as Christ loved us."
"If you follow what's in the book and you go through the repetitions and you follow a similar path this guy had, he was a good student. Now he's getting the great results."
"His counsel would always pointed back to, you know, there's that popular saying 'What would Jesus do?' And that's what the counsel of God does. It brings this natural understanding in our hearts to move like Jesus would move."
"Who do you want to be like? The one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked."
"Structure and behavior can be emulated without the presence of conscious inner life."
"Our attitude was go do it become them if you that's what you want."
"One of the coolest things about when you're young playing sports is getting that chance to like see your hero, emulate them."
"I do it because I like when the guy did it."
"I think that there's something about snake plus skin that all boys and then sort of like they sort of like to be like that they'd like to live a day like snake."
"We're creating a digital twin of the real world inside the brain."
"It serves my goal of imitating my first PC."
"David first creates a plan just like Devin."
"I'm going to be a little bit better at loving and following the example of the Savior to love my neighbors as myself."
"He was definitely the reason why LeBron went for 21 in the fourth quarter and outscored the whole Cavs team. So, you know, he looks for anything similar to what Kobe did, look for anything for motivation, and he definitely found it."
"In life, ladies and gents, let me tell you if you're going to copy someone, at least do it better."