
Professional Relationships Quotes

There are 254 quotes

"The problem that I have with teams is that when I want to renegotiate my deal, you say, 'Well, you signed the contract.' But when they want me to take a pay cut or restructure, suddenly it's a different story."
"So, I think that that, too, for me, feels like it's closer to a doctor-patient relationship."
"People care about working with you personally and knowing you personally."
"Dr. Smith, we are aware of Dr. Higgins' difficult personality, but we'd like to remind you that the goal of your mission is more important than any personal animosity."
"What people should understand when you're working with somebody all they care about is how do you make their job easier, not your job. What can you do to make them more successful?"
"That's why I'm trying to make my best friend, who's a CPA, she promises me she's going to come work for me in a month."
"I'm very glad that I did not tell all of these people goodbye."
"It's all about who you know. Are you a good person? Are you easy to work with? Are you smart enough to know what's going on?"
"I thought very highly of the guys that I competed with."
"Networking of people you know can really come in handy when it comes time to go into an interview."
"To build a very good network of people you also have to be very careful not to abuse this relationship that you have with someone."
"The connections and cooperation between Scripps and Jim have been significant."
"Jesus Christ, no wonder Naomi stopped working with them."
"I spent so much of my career trying to be one of the guys... so that they wouldn't try to flirt with me at work."
"I shifted from a 10 to an 8. Eight out of ten is the proper amount of give-take for optimal outcome."
"I just want to offer a personal thank you to Randy Pitchford, a personal and a professional screw you."
"We weren't working together and everything kind of reflects on each other."
"When you find somebody good, it works." - Mayim Bialik
"We just split. There's no firing, there's no quitting."
"Professionally, being opposites on the same team was awesome."
"Moving forward, I would like to find a resolution. I will make myself available whenever works for you."
"The contents will hopefully make the boss happy enough to authorize an invitation."
"I think the fans of Barstool would idealistically assume these guys are buddies, but you don't have to be best friends to work together."
"I earn enough to work only with people I respect and like."
"That's why actors... come back to work with him for a reason."
"When you're working with clients or employers, you have constraints."
"There's an importance to in-person interaction with colleagues."
"Work with people that are examples of your dreams."
"A final thank you must go to Zara Abby Grace Laura Lucy and all the rest of the wonderful efl team."
"My hope is that although I am not here to convince you to believe anything that you do not believe, my hope would be that we remain friends and colleagues for another 50 years."
"So young Bernie Young, her former manager who'd replaced Hunter as Williams' manager in 2019, remained optimistic."
"You know the rest of the team that you're going to be with has to decide whether not just do they trust you..."
"You can't be friends with your talent, you can be cordial with your talent."
"There has been some positive developments... Richard Arnold is understood to have impressed Ronaldo's camp by the manner in which he handled his wish to leave."
"What I want to say is we're not working with them but uh there is there is a relation to the project and they're excited for it."
"The people I worked with and the people I served as far as the gamers were probably my most rewarding experience."
"Mutually beneficial relationships exist, like the ecosystem of editors I have currently."
"It's much more effective for me to just say if you don't deal with this I will never work with you again."
"Surround yourself with qualified people who really have your best interests at heart."
"A lot of people might say, 'Well, Cube, if you want to work with them, get in bed with them.' Yet really, I don't give a [ __ ] about working with the NBA." - Ice Cube
"Stewie's got no respect for a coach that's one thing. Stewie's got no respect for the person literally signing his [] checks, you got a real [] problem, Nicole."
"Expectation management: perhaps the most important thing in your career. Learn what is expected from you and be honest about what you expect from others."
"Call him your colleague, they're not your friend."
"Lots of red tape but it's good to know that someone out there can help you."
"You really do want to work with somebody that you trust."
"I'm the player agent right now. I really appreciate that, Stephen. Way to pit me against my friends."
"I would love to do your show and then he reported that you simply stopped replying to emails and bailed, is that true?"
"I never have more fun than when I'm out on a field piece with you. And that is a fact. Full stop."
"Learn how to communicate up front to ensure that you know your client's expectations and they know yours."
"How did you find your assistant? Did you know her prior to specific hiring?"
"If you're not working with me, you're working against me."
"I hate being in a position where I'm actually having to call out ex-teammates or friends."
"They're also famously collaborative. Famous. You want to be known as famously collaborative, look it up."
"I hope the world can see what I saw working alongside you."
"Find an expert that you trust and work with them as much as you can."
"She didn't owe him anything—but she felt she owed her career to him."
"This is an energy for partnership a partnership that is personal but also professional."
"Networking is only sleazy when you're trying to get something out of the connection, rather than giving."
"We want to take a moment to thank you agents for your continued support and passion."
"If you can't go for the company, you can go for the people that operate the company."
"The co-worker who feels that it's okay to go around you and directly to your boss for every little issue is a sign of a toxic work environment."
"If your boss respects you and people who work with you respect you, everything else can fall in line."
"Your network, not your net worth, is your network."
"You're better than that. You don't owe NiP anything. If anything, they owe you everything."
"Clients, if you need somebody to do work for you with you and you need a partner who can think things through... this is your person."
"Having connections with people who recognize your passion and skills is really what it's all about."
"Always take your dick out of the job box. That's a really good metaphor for workplace relationships."
"They want to work together with you on something, be some kind of team together."
"You guys still work together or maybe want to work together one day."
"It's an honor to be with you... you've done a great job."
"This is your life's work, Chris, and he cost you an opportunity. Are you gonna make them regret it?"
"Developing relationships with chefs has had an exponential marketing effect."
"The game of business is played with accountants, attorneys, bankers, and politicians. You gotta know the game and you gotta play it hard." - Robert Kiyosaki
"I respected Chef when he came in. My opinion changed of him when I met him and he's reiterated to me I don't have to agree with his methods, the result is what it is."
"Just be nice to people. You know because the dude who was in the mailroom at Tommy Boy who's now like the president at Def Jam, he's the one who's gonna help you like 20 years later exactly you know how nice you were to him and that's important."
"It's such an honor to be able to work with and meet so many amazing people."
"Just going through these crazy and turbulent times with you is frankly the most precious part of my professional life."
"You know, anytime when you hear that sort of, uh, 'Oh, is that the person we know?' Okay, John Gruden's not going to walk up to some black player and call me the N-word, right?"
"The best projects back the best people because those people will always end up with the best projects."
"Connections get you much more than literally any other thing in the entire world."
"The people I've been most inspired by are the partners that I've worked with who seem to strike a really good work-life balance."
"Clearly there were no hard feelings and I think that this is just another cool example of how Vivian won't change for anyone, even the Queen of England."
"Valentina is her contractor, is her like informant basically, is the person that gives her the jobs that gets them both paid, allegedly we don't know."
"This trip was very much about building connections, meeting the actual brand's founders, people that are on like the PR teams, to create relationships that I can take back with me."
"If you're not hating your producer a lot by the end of the project then he isn't doing his job."
"Isn't it true that really what we need here at the workplace is to have everyone respect one another?"
"An interview is not just an audition. It is a negotiation between two parties who are trying to figure out if they can work well together."
"You are gonna really impress your boss or your co-workers."
"When you hire incredibly experienced people... sometimes they don't care about you."
"Everyone I've ever worked with professionally on YouTube, I've told them this in private."
"The best way to get in good with the service folks is take them donuts once in a while."
"I would trust that my partners would do their job."
"Remember, time is the most precious commodity, so don't waste my time, I'm not going to waste your time. Let's run it."
"Feeling like you're part of a team, working well together."
"Be nice to the people that you pass on the way up because you will see them again on the way down."
"Danny took one look at me and called up Hiro Matsuda."
"I thought Nina Turner said it best: 'You just shake your colleague's hand.'"
"The 11th house in the d10 shows most definitely your colleagues and the people who you work with."
"It's a very important house for business success."
"High-level networking: Serve others and create value."
"Moving to a full-time content creator is interesting. Before when I have my Adobe job of like I said I was recording and editing shooting Film and it was always dark outside now I can maintain business relationships."
"I really want to thank you for your time and for the work that you're doing..."
"Focus on marketing, professionalism, relationships, and pricing for farm success."
"You know, it was because I was terrified but you were incredible and I just want to say thank you for allowing me to work with you for 10 years."
"Hall and Nash reportedly confronted Bischoff over his decision to fire their friend."
"Our working relationship was still good during the making of 'Dark Side,' we had massive rows about the way it should be."
"I gave you a favorable glowing review and I will not back down."
"If you have unrealistic expectations, you're not going to be a good fit."
"It's not so much about talent anymore, I just think it's about how well you mesh with the team."
"He was always destined, even when I was acting, we were working together on that thing."
"Congratulations, partner. I'm getting a new partner."
"You can get in contact with people even if it's just their work."
"Your agent wants to talk with you and it sounds urgent."
"It's just real ballsy to come in day one and be like, 'I'm better than this and you should be so lucky.'"
"Great relationships with hospitals and doctors... great transfers."
"Working with a rep is... the editor's guarantee."
"I trust JJ, I think he's got his team in place."
"If there's anyone who doesn't want to work with John, then John, you do not want to work with that."
"Sometimes you're the one offering value, and others aren't seeing it."
"It's always funny when I cross paths with him on gigs because he's very cordial and a changed person lol."
"I'm nice. I'm not like the other mask maker who's a total douchebag."
"Just because you leave a job doesn't mean that you're going to leave on bad terms."
"It was a real privilege to care for baby I and to get to know you as a family who always put baby I first."
"You can't piss people off and want the same people you pissed off to write you a check. It's short, you gotta play the games."
"People need to be trusted in what they do because that's the reason why you're collaborating with them."
"First impressions and consistency make it easy for people to feel like they can trust you for whatever they're coming to you for."
"Add value, be authentic, and expect nothing in return."
"Never be a primadonna because the person you're rude to today might be your boss tomorrow."
"First date, we talked about business for four hours. At the end, I said, 'I don't know if this will work out, but you should only work for me.'"
"John Lasseter was one of the nicest guys, just trying to be a team player."
"It was an amazing partnership really excited."
"I love the cast members. They're so generous and so nice, and so great to work with."
"We're really starting to get to know the key players in the industry."
"He was a person who was trusted by each and every wrestler who stepped into the ring."
"I'm here for lawyers being dicks to each other."
"There's no bad blood towards Eric Bischoff following his departure from the company."
"Whatever client I've been rocking with the longest, yeah, that's who my loyalty is to, baby."
"It's not called show friends, it's show business."
"Friends is friends and business is business, never end."
"I never wanted to look like an employee to him. I always wanted to be like a peer, and a peer that, at least, I knew when I looked at him that he would always look at me on the same level."
"Here are some things that are not actually signs of an abusive workplace: being fired when you're not doing a good job, some people getting the job due to pre-existing friendships, not getting an explanation why you weren't hired." - Sam Haft
"In the end, it certainly shows that you don't necessarily have to like who you're working with in order to make something great."
"There's no way that we don't work on a project together."
"Individuals who view any execution of art as a subjective opinion I will have no interest working with at all."
"I don't know their relationship but if I'm Washington for a million dollars yeah I'm looking at that."
"Who's ever going to want to work with you now?" - Christian Harloff
"I presume they're already getting encouragement from the agent and the selling club."
"It must be fantastic to be able to come up in the industry with women who are equally as successful as you."
"It's very important to be perceived as being helpful; you might say, 'Congratulations, Mr. Client, I'm thrilled for you. I am honored that I was able to play some small part in you getting that grant.'"
"Showtime's going away but if you ever get a chance to work for the people who currently work at Showtime you should do that."
"We may sometimes disagree about the law, but we are warm colleagues and friends."
"There are people who did not want that guy back like there are a lot of people in that WWE locker room who have no interest in CM Punk being back around."
"Stand on business, okay? If you don't stand on business one time, okay, if somebody don't [__] with you, they playing around with you."
"All of my interview team that I haven't been able to see for so many years, I love you all. Thank you all so much for putting in all the hard work you do."
"I really hope we get to work together again someday."
"When you speak to individuals about their relationship with the managers and people reference Thomas as one of the best they've worked with in a short space of time, that's a sign of a good person."
"Congeniality is about loving people you work with, wanting to work with you."
"I trust my manager and I wouldn't put my own personal feelings aside."
"I will always be open to collaborations from people that I've worked with before."
"Their collaboration was more of a competition than the collaboration... they would climb in each other's shoulders."
"I hope that I've earned your trust and that we can continue working together."
"CM Punk has refused to sign the latest contract off the stage of the company."
"I would trust these guys more than anybody in WWE."
"Relationships are a big part of getting anywhere in Hollywood. It's about who you know, who could connect you to somebody."
"If a random person asked them, 'Do you have a trainer?' would they say yes and would they say your name? If they consider you their trainer or their skills coach or their strength coach, then I think then it's appropriate to post them."
"James Patterson does good work. He is, by all accounts, wonderful to work with. But he works more as an editor."
"There's plenty of guys that are not friends by any means."
"Working with you makes me think I've been missing out, having someone watching your back is refreshing."
"The most difficult thing of walking away from this job is leaving those guys."
"I count my blessings every day to have the relationship that I have with Brandon Bean and the relationship that I have with Sean McDermott and Ken Dorsey and like the coaching staff and the training staff that I've had here."
"I'm just so grateful to know all of you... that is the greatest gift that you could ever give me."
"On your way up don't knock people on your way up because on the way back down you'll meet them again."
"I only hope this won't mark the end of our collaboration."
"There's nothing that'll stop your career in its tracks more than being an arrogant jerk."
"I don't think you'll ever find anyone who's ever worked with John Travolta who doesn't like the guy"
"If you approach your collaborations with people with this same attitude, what you will find is people are really flattered by the amount of respect that you're giving them."
"He's right though John, he's absolutely right these guys are not going to pick up his phone call they're not going to talk to him he's not going to get any help from them it's done it's over they've cut them they've released them they've moved on."
"I started working for Jack Tunney when he was associated with the WWF at the time in 1985. I was the go-to guy for, 'We need this, can you do this for me? Can you do that for me?'"
"Not everybody in the wrestling world is going to like each other. Not everybody in the locker room who works for the same company has to like each other."
"George Martin turned round and said he wasn't happy with my drumming at that time."
"You could meet them through work."
"I signed my last contract at Quicksilver in 2008, and it was signed on April 1st, because we had been, I actually, a lot of people don't know this, but I was really close with Pat Tori, and I almost started riding for Ruka when they launched, really."
"It was just a big moment of pride for me because he was so supportive of my work for so many years. With all the kicks in the teeth that I'd received professionally, he was always pulling me back up again, and that meant a lot to me."
"Networking. It's really all about networking you guys. I would not be where I'm at without the networks and the connections and the people that I have met throughout my journey."
"Everybody wants to think there was animosity with me and Hulk. Hulk didn't sign my checks right, Eric did."
"People that you supposed to be networking with, people that's supposed to give you a opportunity will turn out to despise you or turn out to just not like you."
"The sense of decisiveness when it comes to your social connections, your bonds with others, the business contacts that you have."
"I only want to work with people that I believe in that believe in me."
"I'm so glad I had my friend and colleague here... she's been an extraordinary part of our functional medicine community."
"People aren't just going to be coming to you because you do good work, they want to also feel like they can connect with you as a person."
"Make sure that you're meeting other people in your jobs now and as you're moving on in your career."
"Beloved by colleagues and blessed with a burgeoning circle of friends, Anna seized every chance to shine."
"I have clients who appreciate me."
"I enjoy having friendships, but eventually, at the end of the day, there's got to be a level of professionalism that's upheld."
"You have to have patience... people hire people and work with people that they like and they trust and that takes time."
"Participants will be able to use effective communication techniques to establish collaborative relationships with colleagues, direct reports, and other stakeholders."
"I've known him for a couple of years, we've done some conferences together."
"If you have a broad network, when you actually need to call on these networks for supplier services, potential investors, or angel investors into your business, or they might have a bigger network that you can connect with."
"I've been so lucky to start my career off with these people."
"My work is a personal matter for me; I want to have a good relationship with people I work with."