
Life Potential Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"It's just an embryo; why shouldn't it be taken lightly? Because it is something that does have a chance to become a human."
"This mission is our best chance for actually determining if life ever took hold."
"Curiosity is a roving biologist. Its job is to look for past places on Mars that could have sustained life."
"As long as you're alive, you can do anything."
"Curiosity's primary objective is to discover if conditions suitable for life ever existed or still exist on Mars."
"The discovery of organic molecules on Mars suggests that the planet may have had the necessary building blocks for life."
"A potential human being is not a human being with potential."
"I hope you wrangle the very best out of this world."
"Scientists now say they've discovered 24 super habitable planets or exomoons that could be better suited for the emergence and evolution of life."
"It just breaks your heart when you think about how this man had his whole life ahead of him."
"Researchers... discovered not one but Five Star Wars style double Sun systems that could have one planet each that support life."
"He had a good job as an engineer and was loved by all who knew him and was said to have the whole world ahead of him."
"The tension between the apparent abundance of potential places for life and the fleet absence of any evidence that anything like us has ever come before is termed the Fermi paradox."
"These worlds are absolutely lifeless, however, the most recent analyzes suggests that even our galaxy alone may Harbor from 300 million to 40 billion Earth-like planets."
"Given the vast size and age of the universe, it seems unlikely that Earth is the only planet with the conditions necessary for life to emerge."
"If you can walk, talk, speak, read, think, smell, taste, all that stuff, you have the capability to do something big with your life."
"It's that nagging idea that life could be magical, it could be special."
"It really is like something out of a Hollywood movie when you start doing the agree the potential."
"Perhaps this was an environment where life could have thrived."
"Shannon's life had been cut short before she could accomplish her dreams."
"The possibility of liquid water being beneath the surface of Pluto raises the odds of life existing there."
"Life is filled with so much potential for joy, you just gotta be willing to look up from your phone every once in a while to see it."
"It's not the greatest thing that's ever happened in my life, so I'm open to my life being much greater."
"He deserved way better than what he got. He should have got to grow old and been a dad and a grandpa."
"Just do always what's best for you. I just don't want anyone to stay stuck. You guys have so much potential for a really beautiful life."
"The Earth fits into the Goldilocks zone, a rare environment in the universe for life to thrive."
"Could Europa's ocean spark chemistry into life?"
"There's no denying the potential human life."
"The universe is so built for life, every solar system has habitats and an energy source and they now know that water is all across the universe." - Linda Moulton Howe
"Your life is like this tiny bit and then the rest is massive and you can do all that you want and be happy and make good friends."
"The future and the preparations that you make need to have that in mind that the world is really your oyster you are free there are more options around you than your little narcissistic brain could even imagine."
"It is possible, anything is possible in life."
"You can have anything you want, because with the universe anything is possible."
"As long as there is breath in your body, there is a chance."
"There is so much life that is meant to happen for you."
"This meteorite found in Antarctica could have evidence for life on Mars."
"What happened here shouldn't happen, but it did."
"Every single one of you guys listening now has the capacity to build a legitimate incredible life."
"We all have the potential to create a wondrous masterpiece of our life."
"Enceladus might just harbor the conditions needed to turn chemistry into biology."
"Life can be anything. It's a big and amazing world that we live in. There are always ways to change your situation."
"Out here countless worlds are waiting to be discovered perhaps some will have breathable atmospheres and oceans of water allowing life to flourish."
"If you are still breathing, there is so much more attached to your life."
"There's a lot more that you can do with your life basically."
"You're discovering that you're capable of much more in your life."
"You are your most valuable asset, your life, your potential, and your possibilities are the most precious things you have."
"Planets are in Goldilocks zones everywhere."
"Constant volcanism, intense radiation, and powerful electric fields make Io an unlikely destination for life."
"They left a sentinel, one of millions they have scattered throughout the universe, watching over all worlds with the promise of life."
"The planet must be in the habitable zone of the star, then the temperature and atmospheric pressure on the planet's surface will be suitable for simple life forms to begin to evolve."
"We got so many chapters in our life that we haven't unlocked so many things we haven't done yet."
"Saying yes to all of these unexpected opportunities that have come into my life has really got me so excited about the potential of where my life is headed."
"Don't let nobody put a cap in your life because you came from here."
"The atmosphere of this distant world is a cocktail of elements and compounds that could support life."
"The evolutionary history and structure of our solar system apparently allow for certain places conducive to the development of life."
"You have your life in front of you."
"Even if our life dies out, one could imagine, at some time arbitrarily far in the future, a fluctuation occurs which allows intelligent life to exist again for a little while."
"Proxima Centauri has an Earth-sized planet in its habitable zone, known as Proxima b, which could potentially support life."
"Melanie was a lovely girl, wonderful daughter, full of life, looking forward to the future."
"It may have once harbored environments similar to those on early Earth, potentially capable of supporting life."
"These seven young persons were at the threshold of their lives, with everything to look forward to: travel, career, happiness, love, family, and even old age."
"Your life has so much more to offer you."
"I am now reevaluating the potential for myself and for my life and I just feel so hopeful."
"The intriguing prospect of this planet being within its star's habitable zone does more than just spark the imagination; it drives forward the scientific quest to understand the conditions under which planets can sustain life."
"Your circumstances at birth do not have to determine your fate and who you become."
"You're only 87. You've got plenty of life left in you."
"Where there is water, there is the opportunity for life."
"She should have had so much more time ahead of her to get back on the right track."
"What can these thermal and reflective properties tell us about the history of Mars and its potential to support life?"
"There may be a chance that one of them has the right amount of energy hitting it from the star and could be really the right temperature for life."
"We're not going to live forever, but I think that's one of the major problems in Japan, where people are not living their full potential or trying to make themselves happy."
"The astrobiology community is fascinated with Titan because it's got all the kind of building blocks of life."
"Molly had such a beautiful and long life ahead of herself."
"The Goldilocks zone is the area around a Sun that's not too hot and not too cold, perfect for liquid water and life."
"If only he knew the life he had ahead of him."
"Many scientists believe that Titan looks like Earth did 4 billion years ago, making it the most promising candidate for finding possible life forms beyond Earth."
"Who am I compared to you? You guys are able to make anything possible in life."
"There is so much more to life than what you are living right now."
"Don't miss out on the life that you could be living because you're too afraid or too full of doubt to take the step and start walking toward it."