
Fictional Abilities Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Lava bending is OP. It essentially turns earthbenders into water and firebenders."
"Nen is very fluid, versatile, and creative, so judging it purely based on destructive power doesn't really paint a good picture, in my opinion."
"This ability is probably the only thing with more versatility than bungee gum, and along with that versatility, it also adds a lot of complexity."
"Regardless of that, though, I think that it's pretty hard to argue that any of these abilities aren't insanely powerful and amazing in their own rights."
"Kurigiri's Quirk is coordinate-based so in order to use it he needs to know the exact location where he is supposed to open the exit portal."
"An avatar has access to all four bending Styles and energy bending."
"Law's kind of reconfiguring the metal of his sword at an atomic level, that is what's causing it to stretch."
"Maybe with the same risk attached to his lifespan, but what else can Law manipulate or stretch with his abilities if he can use his room on them?"
"His control over his Zanpakuto is so great that he can actually use some of his Bankai abilities while it's still in its Shikai form."
"Devil fruit powers don't turn off in water, just weaken the user."
"My superpower is that I have all the super powers."
"The bending Arts are probably the most widely known ability in all of fiction."
"Bending is actually considered to be a recessive gene."
"Your Proficiency in bending is largely tied to your spirituality."
"The feats of bending the Avatars display are staggering."
"Zenkai's are an exclusive saiyan ability that permits the user an immense permanent power boost."
"Perona's astral projection ability raises questions about her travel capabilities."
"Jinbe grabs ocean currents and throws them over his damn shoulder."
"The Iron Man can suit and fly across the map without anybody knowing who you are."
"Oh Grandma Gail, she knows all sorts of kung fu and she has a whirlwind ability."
"Her reliance on seismic sense from an early age is what allowed the young earthbender to hone the technique to a level that far exceeded any known Bender in the series."
"Ozai's unequal attunement to and control over his energy therefore logically translates to unequal control of fire itself."
"Lightning is a pure expression of firebending without aggression; it is not fueled by rage or emotion."
"She wields the winds of old GU and Shia SH like only the greatest disciples of Nakash can."
"Namekian Fusion appears to make the user multiple times stronger than they were before."
"Five-way fusion: it's pretty crazy, but also really powerful."
"You could just seem like you have infinite lightning finger power, which is awesome. Everybody's gonna be so jealous."
"Aang would have the ultimate advantage with the Avatar state."
"Each child would be like a borehole to the Center of the Earth with the abilities of both of their parents maximizing their potential in a few key aspects."
"So in essence you would have a child with an insane chuckable who was able to activate an unkillable mode by activating their biakis seal faster than anybody else in history."
"Outer space exists because it's afraid of Chuck Norris."
"Earthbenders use a few martial arts styles to bend giant rocks and metal."
"Saitama exceeded the speed of light and broke through time and space."
"Namekian fusion is less like two beings fusing together and more like one absorbing the other."
"The Patara Fusion is much better since, on top of being easier to do, it multiplies the combined power of the two Frieza's by tens of times."
"The other person outside of Kagami and Shisui that holds a genjutsu similar to Kotoamatsukami is Obito."
"And it's because he's just so incredibly solid, fantastic design, mind-boggling Devil Fruit abilities."
"Prismo resides in the time room at the center of the multiverse and has the ability to grant almost any wish asked upon him."
"On the surface, his powers appear to match those of the baseline Peter Parker, however, he also has a few extra ones."
"Blaziken's legs are powerful enough to jump over a 30-story building."
"Gigantomax Caparaja has the potential power to level an entire mountain."
"Toff invented a new earth-bending skill: metal bending."
"Controlling the weather is probably the number one most commonly theorized ability for Uranus."
"Luffy's devil fruit turned his body into rubber, allowing him to stretch and use all of the amazing abilities he has concocted."
"Naruto can sense intent and emotions without eyesight."
"Basically, anything can be done with Nen if you're creative enough."
"It's like dude, I could stretch my body, I could punch people, I could fly, you know, gum gum rocket, gum gum whip, why wouldn't I call out my attack names?"
"Bill has some insane depression, the ability to use pre-97 Marvel hero powers, an amazing pain tolerance, super powerful regeneration, hyper metabolism..."
"Bill could totally destroy two to three of our moons or a small planet, maybe half the size of Earth."
"Maya wonders if she actually does have the ability to manipulate villains."
"Aruma realizes human blood has healing powers in the Netherworld."
"If he can eat and consume anything he's basically unstoppable."
"Pyrrha Nikos: her semblance was polarity, she could control the force of magnetism."
"Thanos would be easily above I-god instruction, meaning that he would be on par with Ultra Instinct Goku."
"Awakening is essentially the next level of unlocking a devil fruit's powers."
"Imagine the Gomu Gomu no Gatling done from the surroundings of the world."
"Luffy could even go so far as to create a giant version of himself made purely out of the rubber and the world around him."
"Vegeta can point and click a planet out of existence with his soul. Man, that's hardcore."
"Luffy's awakening is an AOE ability. Instead of him having to come in contact with the object to have an effect on it, they just need to be in the range of his Conqueror's Haki."
"Dale has mastered the art of spiritual cloning through his meditation."
"Return To Zero is a semi-passive ability to well return an action to 0; it is a form of causality manipulation where the user can redirect any cause to any effect and undo anything."
"His elemental powers are incredible, we've seen him do several incredible things with those electric powers throughout the Ninjago series."
"The tuning fork basically allows its wielder to channel all these different cosmic entities of a higher being into the fork itself and then control the very nature of reality to do virtually anything they want to."
"Candiaru's blessing grants Jinwoo both the skills longevity, which makes him immune to all diseases, poisons, and debuffs, and will to rehabilitate."
"She also has the ability which time that basically slows down time to a mere hold."