
Ineffability Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Your true existential absolute nature is something that's very fascinating and in fact cannot be communicated through language."
"The mystic definition of God cannot be given in words; God is everything in ways that language cannot fully capture."
"The best things you found on the planet are the ones that are the hardest to talk about."
"Everything is God, and from that perspective, is there any reason to try and describe God at all?"
"Surrendering to the profound experience: beyond words."
"Videos, pictures, they don't do justice because you have to be there to see it."
"He steps into an absoluteness that is beyond description, beyond analysis, beyond recording."
"Poetry though is the great language because poetry is the art of saying what can't be said."
"The Dao that can be named is not the real Dao."
"Words honestly cannot describe how grateful I am."
"I don't have the capacity to describe what we saw from Francis and Gana."
"Awareness of being is nothing that you could ever name to claim God to be rich, to be great, to be love, to be all wise is to Define that which cannot be defined."
"When you listen to Dusty say it, God damn it was cool. It was great [ __ ], but it was untranslatable."
"Honestly, one of the best days of my whole entire life. I just can't even put it into words."
"It is beyond the power of tongue or pen."
"It's like trying to describe a rose, like what it looks like and smells like to somebody that's never seen a rose and never smelled a rose. So it's something you have to experience in your body."
"Blood has the power to do things that words can't do."
"I can't even describe to you how beautiful it is."
"I do not have a name for this feeling, as all names are but sound and smoke be fogging heaven's bliss,"
"I literally cannot put into words how well it went."
"Words don't do it justice, I don't have the words for it."
"It's impossible. You can give adjectives like it's, you know, dopamine, it's the best feeling, but you can't describe it. Only us know what it's like."
"Words can't describe him, he's special, he's electric."
"There's no emotion that can explain that."
"There are no words in all the tongues of men which can faithfully capture or describe the image of such a numinous being performing such an act of perfect humility."
"For sure, but there's no way I can describe it to you because your mind will catch that description and turn it into something it's not."
"Everything in the world has its own secret name that cannot be conveyed in language, but is simply the sight and feel of the thing itself."
"There's not a word on this earth that can tell you how valuable that is."
"The Path that can be told is not the transcendent Path."
"It's a feeling you're giving me rather than anything I can really put into words."
"It comes with an experience that I think it's very hard to put into words, you know? It's really hard to put into words, man. I'm a father of two daughters."
"...the area of the Sacred and the Divine is notoriously refractory to language and everything that you say about it is going to be untrue."
"To see heaven is one of the most amazing places. It's hard to talk about it in English."
"All the things that are most important cannot be said because the propositions in which you attempt to say them are not pictures of actual or possible facts."
"The complete ineffability of God is really quite striking." - Eeran
"The extent of which cannot be described in words."
"The absolute reality is beyond all concepts."
"Granted the hollow screens made it look amazing but there was something about seeing it in person that couldn't be put into words."
"I can't even express how I'm feeling right now."
"Our starting point must be that God cannot be named."
"The best things can't be told because they transcend thought."
"That's a love that you cannot explain that you can only feel."
"So it's a very dramatic description of a radical altered state of consciousness, a radical visionary state which leads finally to a unitary experience of non-duality, direct gnosis which cannot be put in words."
"it's hard for me to put into words the magic"
"I don't have words to explain my feelings."
"I just can't put into words what that felt like."
"There are no words to give it justice."
"I am always in that mode of being deeply aware that what I know in my direct experience can never be spoken, and yet it feels like a worship to attempt it, a beauty, a sacrament to attempt it."
"There's something inside that that leaves the realm of what is knowable or what is what we can easily capture in words and becomes kind of cinematic, just truly cinematic expression."
"When prayer reaches its ultimate, words are impossible."
"The kind of love, joy, peace, etc. that we have is inexplicable; it's the virtue that passes understanding."
"It's hard, you know, a piece of paper can never really, you know, describe that to you."
"It's such a romantic thing. No Hollywood movie could ever capture it."
"I can't find the words to describe how good it is."
"The self is beyond words, ineffable, cannot be described by language."
"What is beyond language and beyond the universe, there is something we must pass over in silence."
"We're reminded of that great love that God has for us and how that crazy love- how we would define it and our words fall short, right?"
"It's the artistic ineffability; there's no room for that in the enlightenment world view."
"I love her so much that words are not enough to express it."
"Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words."
"It is simply, utterly inconceivably transcendent."
"It is ineffable, you can't then say 'and then this happened, and then I went here, and then God said this,' no, it's ineffable."
"Some things in life can't be put into words. There are things, things of the spirit, beyond words."
"It's so ridiculously simple that it can't ever be said."
"The Beloved is always nobody experiences it."
"Mystical encounters defy all description, language is utterly inadequate to describe what happened when lover melted into the love."
"All the really important stuff cannot be put into language."
"It's doing something that words certainly can't express."
"The poet is always trying to describe what cannot be said."
"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao."
"It's beyond the power of thought to grasp or word to express; beyond the power of all praise."
"That which could be spoken of is no more; you cannot say they do not exist, but when all modes of being or phenomena are removed, all means of speaking have gone too."
"Reality is something that cannot be captured by words or concepts."
"It's indescribable, that feeling."
"The Dhamma, the truth by the Buddha, is beyond words."
"Language is altogether too feeble to attempt a description of heaven." - Early Writings, page 289, 1858
"If you can name the Dao, you don't know the Dao."
"We can't ever capture reality, whatever this is, right now, right here, in words."
"We can look out and see the sunlight in the trees but we can't convey the full unique intimacy of that experience."
"Words fail in describing your essential nature since words weren't designed for such things."
"Words cannot capture existence, but silence can."