
Workplace Safety Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"OSHA determines if the employer, the workplace, is at fault. That's literally their job."
"We're seeing a lot of non-vacuum environments are now going to dust extraction so that we can pull that dust up off the part we're sanding immediately at the point of contact."
"A safe workspace is not defined as safe for the people who like chill with it; it's defined as safe for the people who that behavior makes them feel unsafe."
"Pollution always starts in the workplace, and then moves to the community and natural environment."
"OSHA cited SeaWorld San Diego for improper training of whale workers, which came with a fine of almost $26,000."
"Limit the workers to a single place so they weren't bouncing back and forth between locations, they were only in one home, and that would limit contact and reduce the spread."
"Everyone has a right to a healthy and safe work environment at all times and under all circumstances."
"The most important thing for any business is to have a team where we've made it safe for people to share different points of view."
"We don't come to work to be assaulted... we come to work to help people."
"I've recently started work at James's library, and I was wondering if the library would be a safe place."
"We support all women's right to feel comfortable and protected in the workplace."
"The game is now up. Australian women must be safe in all workplaces, led by the parliament itself."
"You don't have to be paid extremely well to take safety seriously."
"If your job includes interacting with members of the public then you need to get the jab."
"What's important is that we have the right to work safely and on our own terms."
"Safety is the number one priority... or should be for production and crews."
"One should not have to put their life at risk to go to work as an essential worker."
"Staff need to know that they can be routinely tested."
"Keeping the health and safety of employees is a top priority as well as our communities."
"If ten people a year got killed on a job site because a hammer fell off of a roof and hit someone in the head and killed them would we ban hammers? No."
"But those laws that protect us in the workplace like so many others were written in blood..."
"OSHA estimates, and there is no ground for disputing that the standard they proposed would save more than 6,500 lives and prevent over a quarter-million hospitalizations just in six months' time."
"The Supreme Court just blocked the Biden administration from being allowed to require that your workplace be made more safe."
"We want them to come back when they're ready... but it's got to be safe, thank you."
"The number one thing for worker cooperation and enjoyment and productivity is a sense of safety."
"I landed at Boston were rare so the men working on the field that day thought nothing of leaving a three-foot pile of cinders at the end of the runway."
"Um, a pregnant woman tried to fight me and since I didn't want to fight her because she was pregnant, her six foot five boyfriend chased me around my work facility at my old job and they tried to kill me."
"Invention was running a hundred miles lower and we just weren't quick enough to keep up with all the fitters over your Bruins skilled enough to keep up with it but the amount of deaths happen through negligence."
"Tonight, I'm announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees... to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week."
"Safety first, always, and I guess I applaud them for the inclusion of both the cheap eyewear and the very tactical reminder there."
"I was terrified. I politely asked a male co-worker to walk me to my car."
"Any happenstances of that nature absolutely need to be called out and taken seriously."
"I like it when I don't get abused in my workplace."
"No person should ever feel unsafe at work, period."
"Crime is the issue we're afraid to go to work."
"No one deserves to be sexually harassed at work."
"Every employee in the government of Canada has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment, and we will always take this very seriously." - Prime Minister's statement on workplace safety.
"Health and safety always come first. Take a break, both of you."
"Even if you feel a bit unsafe going into work, even if you can't keep the two-meter rule, even if it feels a bit dangerous, you should do it anyway."
"We all want our lives to get back to normal and fully vaccinated workplaces will make that happen more quickly and more successfully."
"Our condolences goes out to his family for the investigation into the facility safety measure awaits."
"Guys, we need to buckle down on our policy, make sure women are protected, and I think that is priority."
"The safety people down here don't feel safe."
"The secretary of labor is in charge of protecting the rights of people in the workplace."
"It is not acceptable that when a woman goes to work or is in any kind of environment that she feels anything less than comfortable and safe."
"We need more people like David Lockridge, the employee who was fired for raising concerns over safety."
"Antioxidant therapy is good if you work in a toxic environment or had toxic exposure."
"We cannot allow workers to doze off or become complacent, those mistakes may sneak into the workflow pipeline."
"Having the union back us makes our workplace have accountability for things that are going on."
"Let me know what you think in the comments down below: Do you think that more employers should be charging their employees and issuing surcharges if they don't get vaccinated?"
"Let's all be good and have a good time and like let's have it feel safe so we can like work and I actually get a good job done and be proud of what we're creating."
"We encourage anyone with an experience you believe violates our policies or in any way made you uncomfortable in the workplace to use any of our many existing channels for reporting."
"We should believe women and that what we have an obligation to do is to protect women in their workplace."
"It's hypocritical of management to say that they're working on it while still harboring, protecting, permitting, and shuffling around known toxic and abusive people."
"Never work in the wrong frame of mind—it is a bad idea to operate any power tool if you're not at a calm, centered, peaceful state."
"Safety first is the number one concern at 1AAuto, always."
"It really highlights the importance of taking safety around the workplace very seriously."
"Safety is paramount; little mistakes can have major consequences."
"There's always a culture of safety, but you want to get things done."
"The physical security of the staff, I would defer to the counties."
"Here's my taser, okay, with the maintenance checklist... Remember, use your company-issued taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel that it's becoming unstable or aggressive."
"At the end of the day, if one of our team members doesn't get home with their family, what's it all for?"
"No one should have to fear being assaulted at their workplace."
"You're dealing with power tools, you got a generator going, you got all kinds of other noise going on."
"Safety regulations aren't BS they are designed to keep your fingers attached and your heart beating literally thousands upon thousands of people have been horribly maimed in order to build these regulations into what they are."
"A demand: in every workplace, a workers committee is set up to monitor, supervise, and control the health and safety."
"The safety of our team members is our top priority."
"The FDA actually came to my workshop and said that there's a black mold infestation."
"Actors deserve a safe work environment... if that has to be the outcome then yes."
"I want to protect this place and the people working here."
"Out for better working conditions demanding better ventilation PPE equipment and a 15 an hour minimum wage."
"As long as the boss doesn't do any very rude, rapid, and rash movements, we should be able to hold on."
"I believe if there were a national OSHA requirement dealing with dust explosions, the incidents would be significantly decreased."
"I did not feel protected by the people that were supposed to be, you know, I'm working for them. I didn't feel protected with them at all."
"Young women are still being utilized and there aren't many labor laws to actually protect these young workers."
"Your check is not worth your life." - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"The staff wasn't ready for what could happen, what the potential dangers that just lurked and just wait for the opportunities to occur."
"In some places here it's still necessary to a degree especially with your heavier work simply because it is much much more dangerous."
"No job is so important, no service is so urgent that we cannot take the time to perform our work safely."
"Courage is being afraid and doing it anyway. You should not be afraid to go to work, right?"
"Always protect yourself, and make sure you're collecting the dust at the source."
"Unionized workplaces had protective gear at the beginning of the pandemic."
"Coal dust at this mine is highly explosive." - Highlighting the imminent danger ignored by authorities.
"This is how a company legally took the lives of their own staff and escaped full responsibility: The story of the Radium Girls."
"In order to combat harassment in the workplace, better training is needed."
"Safety isn't just a priority, it's THE priority."
"When your home office becomes OSHA compliance evacuation plan run."
"Fans serve no work-related purpose and pose hazards."
"Violence and harassment in workplaces across the globe must be eliminated."
"No one should face violence or harassment on the job."
"Since Amazon fired warehouse worker Chris Smalls the same day he organized protests for better protective measures..."
"The only thing they cared about was whether or not I killed myself with their guns at work so like they didn't have to be responsible somehow."
"My job is to protect the business... and people. If someone is hurt, I'm running into harm's way."
"House passed a bill limiting the use of NDAs and sexual harassment cases."
"Promise safety: you promise not to employ people in this workplace unless it is no longer dangerous. If you break this promise, people forced to work here will immediately go on strike."
"A good ventilation system is also paramount, to make sure you have good ventilation so you're not sitting in that, so it can be put out."
"Our colleagues deserve respect and should not have to face violent or abusive behavior."
"Safety is Paramount, but that doesn't mean you can't improve things while making sure the safety objectives are met." - Mark Hughes
"Safety cannot be solicited through a booklet, a rule, or a program. It's embodied in awareness, responsibility, commitment, training, and supervision."
"This has been one of the most traumatizing experiences in my life and in the lives of my colleagues. We have been subjected to death threats on a daily basis as well as threats that are aimed against our families."
"I didn't come to work to get struck."
"In 1949 thanks in no small part to the radium girls cases, U.S. Congress passed a federal law making all workplace originating diseases compensable and extended the statute of limitations, making for much more sensible coverage for workers."
"The occurrence in Watertown echoes a larger narrative on workplace safety."
"It's a breathing mask. You wear it while you're working down here, and it filters the air you breathe so you're not taking in all this dust that makes you sick."
"So sadly, in some neglectful cases, there were even explosions in the factories that killed up to 130 people."
"When workers are afraid to speak up about health and safety, you've got a disaster coming."
"Remember, a clean work area is a precise and safe one."
"Don't let anyone bully you into working in unsafe conditions."
"Using some kind of an HR platform to educate cannabis usage will ultimately lead to a safer work environment."
"...the radium girls and their tragic story... one of the earliest cases of worker injury leading to workplace safety reform. It's kind of a big deal."
"These were young women who through no fault of their own were dying in their 20s and early 30s from something that their employers had failed to keep them safe from."
"You need to be properly dressed at the worksite. At a minimum, that means hard hat, long pants, heavy-duty work boots with a non-skid sole, a shirt with sleeves, a safety vest or bright colored shirt, and eye protection."
"We don't want you working while you're under the influence of drugs and alcohol. It's dangerous for you and it's dangerous for everybody around you."
"It is therefore imperative that all rip Jim employees follow the safety protocol."
"...this case played a big role in the types of safety standards we have in workplaces today."
"Cases like this now have other implications too, especially for bosses who ask their employees to work from home. They're being held responsible for the safety of their staff, no matter where the worker is when they're doing their job."
"Employee health policies should include reporting certain illnesses and symptoms to management, exclusion of sick workers from the establishment, and determining when an employee can return to work."
"All employees have the right to safe and healthy working conditions."
"Now you have the knowledge and skills to help make your workplace a safer and healthier place for everyone every day."
"Eliminate, Prevent, Control, and Warn are the four basic strategies for fall protection."
"Safety culture starts from the top down and really taking pride in it, caring about it, and investing the time and money into proper training and doing enough research on the equipment, the safety tools so they can properly use it on the job."
"Insider threat is after it's happened. Is there a cyanide poised above Dave's coffee ready to go in?"
"Fires in the workplace can have massive effects on both businesses and individuals."
"Their story serves as a stark reminder of the importance of workplace safety."
"They also, the company she worked for which I believe was Konoko, started a mandatory buddy system for closing shifts."
"We can't continue with workplaces that are literally killing people."
"Measuring occupancy, personal protective equipment usage, distance between people, and confined spaces is all really important work."
"I want to have HR and I want to be able to have people communicate discomfort in a way that's comfortable to them."
"The public would be totally shocked if they knew how common it is for nursing staff to be on the receiving end of violence and aggression at work."
"Safety glasses, earplugs, and a fanatical paranoia about safety have served me well."
"If we focus on leadership, competence, and worker engagement, we'll go a long way to making sure that New Zealand workplaces are healthier and safer."
"Belonging is actually thinking about the safety and security that you're creating for your employees within the context of your company."
"Employees working in areas where there is a possible danger of head injury... shall be protected by helmets."
"The biggest reason that you should want to be part of a workplace safety program is there is less potential for personal injury."
"The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 seeks to cover all women irrespective of their age or employment status and protect them against sexual harassment at all workplaces."
"The employer must ensure a safe environment not only to employees but also to anyone who comes in contact with the employee such as clients, customers, vendors, etc."
"New York State has long been committed to ensuring that all individuals have an equal opportunity to enjoy a fair, safe, and productive work environment."
"It's Safety First for us; it's safety for the public and it's safety for the workers we're putting out there."
"Professionalism by everyone will go a long way in removing sexual harassment from the workplace."
"Workplace harassment? Not acceptable. Employers, you have to deal with that; the law makes it very clear."
"You need safety here; you can't go without safety."
"It is the responsibility of FedEx Ground to provide all workers with training on the hazardous chemicals used in the workplace."
"Safety is actually the presence of capacity at that worksite for you to have events that are injury-free."
"What #MeToo and Time's Up are about are making sure that we foster safe and inclusive workplaces in our country."
"That's what the movement is about, casting out those bad people so that we can have safe and inclusive workplaces."
"OSHA is responsible for developing safety guidelines for the workplace."
"The occupational safety and health administration has standards to protect employees who work with hazardous materials."
"The concept of the risk assessment is to have a structured, methodical review of the workplace."
"Always review the safety data sheets when working with any solvents, chemicals, or refrigerants."
"It's better to go home with no injuries."
"A safe work environment is everyone's responsibility."
"Toolbox meetings are used most successfully to inform employees of worksite hazards, assist with safe procedure reviews, and help develop employee awareness."
"The negative effects of a poor working platform: lack of productivity, difficulty in achieving high quality control, and worker injury or possible failure."
"Personnel must never work under the boom, hook, or loads."
"Occupational hygiene is the science of the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of hazards arising in or from the workplace."
"Speak up, you should not have to be subjected to this behavior at your work or anywhere for that matter."
"You can't feel protected and safe in your workspace if you don't feel as if your employer values who you are, your identity, your contribution to the company."
"Welcome to the lesson on safety in the workplace; we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job."
"Welcome to this presentation on safety in the workplace; in this presentation, we're going to learn how to stay safe on the job."
"If you're exposed at work, don't wait 10 days and get tested; go and seek medical attention immediately."
"In 1970, Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act to establish a nationwide federal program to protect almost the entire workforce from job-related death, injury, and illness."
"Safety is the number one currency for my work relationship with my employees too."
"Those returning to work can expect new cleaning procedures, less business travel, and possibly even health scans before workers can enter a building."
"We want to protect our employees from harassment, discrimination, and retaliation."
"Always follow job procedures and company rules."
"Protecting employees from any health hazards is essential, and if we follow the health and safety procedures, we can protect ourselves."
"PPE is considered the last line of defense against workplace hazards."
"It's essential to follow safe work practices at all times."
"Maintain a healthy respect for the machinery you work with."
"Accidents will happen; however, the diagram also illustrates something hopeful: when we drive down the number of hazards in the workplace, the other numbers go down too."
"Adjustable and self-adjusting guards must never leave gaps or openings that are large enough for any body part to fit through."
"All employers have a duty to their employees to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe, without risks to health."
"I think you've got a major opportunity for humans to have jobs that are much safer because the robots will take the harder work."
"Job Safety Analysis is a process to improve safety."
"Safety and health awareness is raised, communication between workers and supervisors is improved, and acceptance of safe work procedures is promoted."
"Occupational health and safety is everybody's responsibility."
"First and foremost, you need to be aware of your environment that you're working in."
"Fires in the workplace and confined space related accidents are often devastating and can result in loss of life, serious injury, and major business disturbances."
"Every business, every workplace needs a safety and health program with three core elements: management leadership, worker participation, and a systematic approach to find and fix hazards."
"Studies show that 90% of these injuries could have been avoided if workers had been properly trained."
"Develop work practices, administrative controls, work rules, and emergency procedures to ensure that the workplace remains hazard-free."
"Eye protection, face protection, hearing protection... the more I work on this stuff, the more important I realize it is."
"It's been an important part of everyone here feeling at ease at work to know that we're doing all we can to stay safe."
"Rather than creating new control systems in the workplace, the main objective for people like us may simply be to monitor ourselves better and to keep the human factors out of the danger zone."
"If you are injured on the job, report it to the case manager or supervisor immediately."
"Understanding GHS Safety Data Sheets will help you do your job safely."
"This means less human handling and traffic throughout the facility, which improves team member and food safety."
"Every workplace, including Parliament, has got to be free of sexual harassment."
"Heat's the number one cause of illness and injury on the job site in America, we're really just trying to find a way to help guys stay a little bit cooler on the job."
"Their alertness, their attention to the fine points of the job, and above all their ability to foresee the problems and make a plan for every situation have proved once again that safety and production go hand in hand."
"Similar to the UK, Australia has health and safety legislation laid down by Parliament that requires employers and persons conducting businesses or undertakings to provide a safe workplace and manage hazards and risks associated with work."
"All workers must be informed of the chemical hazards in their work area and be given the knowledge and means to protect themselves from injury or illness."
"Hazard communication gives you the legal right to know the hazards associated with chemicals in the workplace."
"In a positive reporting culture, employees are able to report mistakes that they or others have made without the risk or fear of retaliation."
"Understand that employers have a duty of care to provide a safe and healthy working environment for their staff."
"We need better staffing, safer staffing, and more appropriate work conditions for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians."
"I wish you all the best in managing safety and health at your workplace."
"It's to come be sure that people who are working in a given location are not being overexposed to contaminants or toxic agents."
"The primary goal is to make sure employees have a safe environment and they feel like any concerns they're raising are going to be quickly resolved."
"Employers also have a responsibility to provide safe workplaces."