
Daily Practices Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Every day we wake up and we have to redo the union with God. There's no bank account. That's where you start over, and you start over with you."
"Take a look at your body, soul, and spirit... What are you doing on a daily basis to master, nourish, and maintain these?"
"Just enjoy the practices in a balanced way daily and just enjoy life happily in gratitude and appreciation for your existence."
"This is who they are, this is who we are, this is what we stand for, this is our character and this is what we do every single day in this country."
"To me, being intentional means to consciously take the time and put out the effort to do the small, little, simple things every day that will bring me closer to my Savior."
"Every day, find something to appreciate, something to enjoy, something to love."
"Beginning our day with God sets a rhythm of communion with him that can continue throughout the day."
"Expanding these practices beyond one moment in time to our daily habits and patterns."
"A program of daily action that actually changes your brain, changes your thoughts, and gives you power of choice."
"God is found in the mystery, in the uncertainty, in the tension beyond your understanding."
"It costs absolutely zero to say your prayers, walk closer to God, thank God for everything you have right now, and thank him for opening your eyes and waking you up."
"Understand the power of daily meditation practice, how much that can profoundly change your life."
"Being good with money is not about how smart you are or where you went to school, it really just comes down to applying basic fundamentals day in and day out."
"Guys, you've got to be thankful. I mean, obviously, you could just write stuff down you're grateful for every single day."
"Saying 'Om' every single day can be a very powerful vibrational hack."
"Set positive intentions each day to attract what you desire."
"Astrology is an important part of Bhutanese culture and daily life."
"Cultivation is a daily practice... it's actions put into words put into motion and that becomes reality."
"Starting off by answering two questions that feel really relevant: How do you find inner peace when you're fighting mental health issues? And the other one was, how can you motivate yourself to stay consistent with daily practices?"
"Do something every day that makes you happy."
"Gratitude is a great habit to implement in your day-to-day life."
"Being intentional means to consciously take the time and put up the effort to do the small little simple things every day that will bring me closer to my Savior."
"Join our cult. Follow the daily practices. Transform your life."
"Write your highlight of your day every day. Reminds you to be grateful for the small things."
"Start incorporating better habits into your daily practices."
"What actions make me feel great about myself and how can I do them more in my daily life?"
"Practice gratitude daily. It keeps me happy and positive."
"By far the best tool for integrating these higher vibration energies and sustaining them on a daily basis is by meditating with subliminals."
"Consistency is the secret to good sales daily."
"Lean into the things that you were taught every single day that make you a better version of yourself."
"These practices raise the baseline of everything you're doing."
"Do the harder, more interesting thing, which is to compose a life where what you do every single day aligns as closely as possible with what you believe."
"Accept all of those daily benefits and stand up in your confidence."
"Making it a habit to affirm your spouse daily brings more love into your relationship."
"I like to focus on what I can do every single day to align with my values."
"You need to actually pray every single day... have a prayer lifestyle."
"How we live our days is how we live our life."
"Water conservation is an extremely important thing that we should all practice in our daily life."
"He managed to get himself and his relatives to Mass daily." - Father Chris Aylar
"Keep God first in everything that you do. Keep reading your word, keep praying every day."
"Christ taught us to pray for daily forgiveness."
"Islam is not just to do with worshiping five times a day, fasting, reciting the Quran."
"Express gratitude daily; it changes your whole world."
"Self-love and doing these little practices throughout the day are to make you a better person for those around you."
"Your faith matters. Living wholly matters. Your daily prayer life matters. Everything about you matters."
"It's not a matter of what you do today, tomorrow, or the day after. It is a culmination of the daily habits that you do for years."
"The things you do daily dictate the culture more than the mission statement you post on your wall."
"It's empowering so what are some daily practices we can do straight away to come closer to our truer self."