
Daily Interaction Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"From that day... we've talked every day since."
"Thank you for watching. Have a wonderful day and I'll catch you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody."
"It is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis."
"I really like it... when the families are side by side with us throughout the day."
"Congrats on sprinkle, tag look forward to your streams every day."
"Be kind to someone and I promise I will see you tomorrow."
"I love you guys that literally subscribe to me and watch me on a day-to-day basis."
"I'm all about going to interesting places. I put one video out every day at four o'clock, and a lot of people like to watch it and just see what kind of people I interact with on a daily basis."
"Let me introduce you to me and in other ways it's like dude you spend an hour with me every day for the past two years."
"Make sure to be kind to somebody and I promise I'm going to see you guys tomorrow."
"Hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day."
"Life is about daily connection, building that relationship still."
"I woke up every morning seeing people engaged with it, super fun!"
"Just reaching out to them, texting them, calling them, whatever it is, just reach out to two friends for sure every single day."
"Borderline PD: Emotional instability, impulsivity, history of deliberate self-harm."
"I actually want to see someone every day, that's how I know if I really like you."
"Be safe, be nice, be nice to each other. Good day."
"Blockchain technology is completely changing how we interact with the internet on a day-to-day basis."
"Just having to be with him, laugh with him every day."
"Stay safe and I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good one!"
"The keyboard is the way in which we interact with the world. It is what we use to go out to do battle every day and where our fortunes are made with."
"Film is really difficult, you gotta live with them people for 30 days, I mean every day." - Tyler Perry
"Remember to be kind to somebody, that's a promise. I want to see you guys tomorrow."
"Weren't you'd say something nice to someone today?"
"I'm not somebody who's just going away, you're gonna have to deal with me every single day."
"The more cuddling the less drugs, stay in touch every day."
"It's funny how people can turn from that one person you never spoke to in your entire life to the person you FaceTime every single day."
"Enjoy yourself guys and I will see you guys tomorrow. Let's go!"
"You need to talk if you a parent you need to be given the game every day all day they going to get tired of it they might act like they sick of it but you got to give them the game."
"We love you guys, we love you. See you tomorrow."
"When she was assigned the seat beside him and actually spoke to him, his reaction amused her so much she decided to do it every day from then on."
"Shouldn't your day just be a daily interaction with God about what you're doing and what you're thinking? Shouldn't it just be a daily, natural, hourly, even minute-by-minute communion with God?"
"The thing that has probably developed my design thinking and design philosophy up until this point has been more so a mindset of curiosity of all the products that I use and interface with on a daily basis."
"When you're forced to be around them every day, you're forced to figure it out."
"Is everything okay? It is now. Have a good day, honey."
"Feeling connected and being able to chat throughout the day is huge."
"I hope you all have a wonderful day, see you on the next one."
"We've been friends; we've talked to each other almost daily ever since the day we met."
"Remember to be kind to someone, and I promise I will see you guys tomorrow."
"Thanks so much for being here, being a part of my day. I love you. Hopefully, I will see you tomorrow."
"I'm gonna start letting you go, I do appreciate you being a part of my day today."
"Remember to be kind to someone today, and I promise I'm going to see you guys tomorrow."
"It's communication, and we do it all day long."
"I had the privilege of speaking with several people a day, 10 minutes each."
"PS: Stopping by the Discord, we have fun there every day."
"We literally spoke... more or less every day, every week, from then on for a year and a half."
"There's also that amazing time where you get to just work one-on-one with those kiddos every single day."
"Life is so short, and now I make it my goal to see my parents and my brother every single day."
"Art becomes a better philosophy... it is working out philosophy with regards to objects themselves, the objects that we interact with on a daily basis."
"They can bond with their owner, especially if they are hand raised and interacted with on a daily basis."
"I actually just love vlogmas and I also just love interacting with you every day."