
Emotional Distance Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The suffering comes out in a lot of different ways. It may be that in a relationship, a person realizes, 'I can never feel like I can really get close to someone.'"
"It's easier to love from afar; it's easier to avoid doing healing work."
"A great void separates us. It's not a fracture that can be repaired. It's not a wound that can be healed."
"Every time you two came back around to one another, somebody was still leaving you on hold."
"The longest distance in the world is thinking with your feelings."
"I can't get away from that feeling like something about them feels very physically far."
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder and here we are loving you even more."
"They could be closer to someone 10,000 miles away than they are from someone two feet away."
"They feel this distance between you because they don't like it, they feel very unsettled."
"You actually want to use a powerful tool to get your ex back: back off completely."
"And the odd relationship with the thorned princess continues. It might be a while until we really get close."
"At the end of the day, nutritional advice should be individualized."
"They're trying to keep you at a distance, a call for help while protecting you from their own baggage."
"I give a little and then I just pull back by like 10 steps."
"You feel like they went cold on you, they're being super harsh, you may feel like they're not communicating because they don't know how or what to say."
"You're supposed to feel sympathy for this character from a distance."
"You end up pushing your partner away with certain statements."
"I feel like it's a blessing more than a curse if this person keeps their distance from you just because of all of the wounds, all of the emotional problems that they have right now."
"They feel like you're done and you're turning and walking away from them."
"You've always put love on a shelf in another room in someone else's house in another state in a different universe."
"It's better to take a step back from this person. Your advice here is to hold on to your inner strength, courage, and your sense of self."
"Sometimes you have to love from a distance, even temporarily until they get their frequency together."
"You're the axis around which I turn, sometimes I circle around very close and sometimes the circle is very wide."
"This person feels like nothing has changed between the two of you, or if you're not with them, they feel like you're not an option."
"Worried that you guys now shut down from them."
"They feel like you're cold, detached from them. They want more communication or messages, basically they want this to start."
"This person is emotionally shutting you out because they feel like you guys are not on the same page emotionally."
"Without that information, it can be easy to feel distant from the character’s emotions, from their central struggles and conflicts."
"You keep telling me you don't show up in a way that I can understand emotionally, or that you even give a [__]. I'm gonna go. That's what we do."
"They feel like you are a bit emotionally distant like you have a wall up."
"Fear of intimacy and fear of rejection, they miss you. They've always loved you every day from afar."
"She's very much aware that this girl is her but it puts a bit of softening distance between the two."
"That just means I don't want to bore you with my problems."
"This person is distancing themselves emotionally right now."
"Shut the [__] up! Is Pluton here? I don't want to hear about your depression, your imprisonment, the loss of your son, I don't want to hear about your suicidal thoughts. None of that matters to me at all."
"They feel like they've lost you... they long for you..."
"Keep troubles and torments at a distance where they may be easily forgotten."
"I couldn't let you get close to me, but I've never lost interest."
"It's just a reminder isn't it that the past is when it comes to their mother never that far away for them."
"I love you Johnny, but I don't feel safe with you anymore."
"Remaining silent, ignoring, pretending like it's not even happening - they're purposefully pushing you away."
"Your reality is yours to shape, and the journey is as magnificent as the destination."
"You can't leave someone who has already left emotionally."
"You're not giving this a chance. You're not taking a leap of faith with this person. I see you kind of just putting the situation to rest, unfortunately."
"I kind of lost my fear, I no longer felt attacked, and I kind of got this new emotional distance from politics."
"He don't really sound like a loving father, he don't really sound like a man that's involved in his son's life at all."
"Ultimately, Virgo, my best advice is like look, you can love this person from a distance but you gotta remember you did everything you can."
"Your lack of coming their way has convinced them that you're done."
"Walking away and pulling back is saving your life."
"This person feels like you don't want anything to do with them."
"Pride will always be the longest distance between two people."
"They're just not being as affectionate as it was at first...they're getting more distant."
"Your life has changed, this seems like a distant memory."
"You are so far gone, this person needs a passport to get where you're currently at."
"Secret truth: the distance between you is protecting the connection."
"Some of you are very closed off to this person, or you don't even trust them."
"It got to the point where we weren't even holding hands anymore."
"They feel like this person is at a distance."
"Distance yourself and focus on yourself until they're ready to admit the truth and stop playing games."
"Do not let me near him again and like do not let me mirror this baby again like take this baby and fly away as far as you can."
"The more you withdraw yourself from this person, there's more sun, there's more light, there's more clarity in your life."
"They don't know how you feel. You're in this mysterious kind of energy."
"I don't paint from emotion or feeling which I think are both very ephemeral for me painting is much more about kind of trying to bring forth what is I think the universal truth."
"Someone is going through Justice or Karma here and this is attached to them being cold or distant."
"I just felt like my wife didn't love me the way that she said she did, because it shouldn't be that hard after so many years being married and being in a relationship together."
"You have a detached kind of energy when it comes to intimacy and closeness."
"You are divorced mentally when your mind and heart are elsewhere."
"I'm forced to keep a great emotional distance from everybody outside my house and home."
"You've moved on, and this person can't quite reach you. They're scared to approach you, scared to be rejected."
"Emotional distance is critical. Kill your own fantasies and avoid responding to their moves."
"You want your ex to feel enough frustration from your absence that they start to act."
"It didn't matter what happened to me at that point because I really wasn't there."
"Wishing that this would be over, cold eyes, the same fights, we won't be getting any closer."
"Congratulations, you'll always have a room in my mind, but I'mma keep the door shut and lock the lyrics inside."
"There's a safety to it. The death of my child would destroy me, but the death of a child in a movie, I could vicariously feel sadness, but at the same time, I know nothing bad has really happened."
"Distance only occurs in your emotions when there's an area in your life that's unlike God."
"I think we all go through stages in romantic relationships, friendships, relationships with our family where you're like, I just don't want to be around you."
"You are far from me by thoughts but you are close to me by heart."
"If you're too freaking crazy, you got too much psycho energy... sometimes people feel relief if they feel relief at the fact that you're not chasing."
"He knows how much you love him. Why does it feel like he's shutting me out?"
"I get the vibe that you're distant, there's something about you that's different."
"The greatest distance on Earth is the distance between a person's mind and heart."
"With a therapist, they're coming from a non-emotional place most of the time."
"It's not the knowledge in our heads of being loved; it's that 18 inches between the head and the heart and how do I experience love."
"They love him with their own hearts wide open, yet all he gives in return is the hollow actions of a man going through the motions."
"I'm sorry I've been so distant. I've been thinking, I'm worrying about a lot of things, and I thought spending time alone would help, but it hasn't."
"Father never hugged me, but this is enough."
"The longest distance in the world is between the brain and the Heart."
"People with avoidant attachment have a tendency to emotionally distance themselves from their partner when they feel as if they're losing their independence."
"Folk tales give us the emotional distance to examine the questions that haunt us most."
"What happened to you? When did you become so callous to the world?"
"The music here in nobody home does the same thing; it's as if you're watching from a romanticized distance."
"You used to whisper that you love me, but now we're hardly even talking."
"When you're not grateful, you create distance, but when you're grateful, you create intimacy and you come close to those that you are grateful for."
"You don't want them to hate you, but you don't want them to love you, all you want is their respect."
"As Goku looked at Gohan and smiled, Gohan didn't smile back."
"Sometimes distance makes the heart grow fonder, and sometimes distance just creates more distance."
"Create some emotional distance and realize that guilt isn't about you, it's about the person that's making you feel guilty."