
Parents Quotes

There are 425 quotes

"We love a supportive dad and a supportive mom."
"In the Quran and even the Bible, they mention parents being [important]."
"It's time we start talking about what happened to your parents, the truthful version."
"We know you're not telling us the truth. We know your parents are no longer with us."
"I've always put my parents on such a pedestal, and then you get to that age where you realize your parents are just people, and they don't know everything, and that's such a scary realization."
"I got this message from my parents that they trusted me enough to make my own mistakes. That makes me feel good about myself."
"I'm sure those people exist but it's like parents of high schoolers like I would say on average are probably in their mid-40s."
"It's also kind of interesting that the parents signed this two million dollar TV deal which, I mean, I don't know who's going to say no to 2 million, right?"
"May all the parents in the world be in good health."
"Animated films often stick sly adult jokes into their films for the parents."
"My favorite moment/memory of the month was definitely surprising my parents with my tattoo."
"Your parents aren't Bionic they are humans and they make mistakes."
"The best way you could ever honor your parents is how does God tell you to honor your parents?"
"I call my dad every single day." - Connecting with Parents
"Your parents may not have broken every generational curse, but they did break some."
"We can all understand that feeling of just wanting to be loved by our parents."
"It's funny you never understand your parents' perspective until you get a little older."
"If you can't fulfill your parents' hopes, then prove that your choice is right and you will never regret it."
"There's no one else in the world that loves me like my parents do."
"My parents are really lucky to have each other because they met very young. They've grown up together in a way that is very in sync."
"We truly love our parents and are beyond grateful."
"New wave of parents are turning their backs on discipline and prioritizing freedom."
"It hit me harder moving out at 26... I appreciated my parents so much more."
"Her parents were just like amazingly kind people."
"It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen - her parents in love."
"I've always been the one that had to work, even though my parents took pretty good care of us."
"It's just made me appreciate my parents more because they really were thugging it."
"I never heard my parents quarrel; they were always at peace."
"The best feeling of getting to do something right and something good is the satisfaction that you get from seeing your parents proud."
"Oh no, I hope my parents were this disappointed in me before I was even born."
"There's no way animated Steve Buscemi would be breaking all these tricycles and stealing all these kids' toys without some Stav parents."
"Your mom and dad, like those two are really like, yeah."
"Just someone that doesn't is not independent and finds their parents for everything in a relationship. No, that's tough."
"He gives him what he wants most of all, your parents did love you."
"Toru replies that it is because parents wish their children happiness. She is their creator and no creator wants to see their creation suffer."
"What in life deserves gratitude the most? Everything that you can trace back thanks to my parents."
"Your parents will likely appreciate your future spouse's honesty, loyalty, and moral code."
"Your parents may see your future spouse as someone who brings sweetness and kindness into your life."
"It's a kids movie but there's stuff in there for the parents too."
"Your parents are the means by which you came into existence."
"SpongeBob’s parents, Harold and Margaret SquarePants, are all-around good people."
"The most important thing you can get from your parents is unconditional love. If you get the unconditional love of your parents, you probably can achieve almost anything in life."
"There's just something about mamas and sons, and I think it's the same for daddies and daughters."
"I have to brag a bit on my parents. I got all of this from them."
"That's my dad. That's not my mom."
"My parents definitely taught me to be smart with my money."
"Just because your mother and father created you doesn't mean that you are obligated to subject yourself to toxic or unhealthy behavior on their part."
"In the end of the day, your parents also, when they reject something, when they argue, be sure, no one can love you in this dunya more than your parents."
"My parents: Clean your room; me: *breathes*; my parents: Did I stutter?"
"With such incredible parents, it's no wonder why their kids are so impressive."
"You may remind this person of something from their daddy. They may have had an absent father in their life, but you being this way brings them back to that psychological saying that everybody will be attracted to someone who reminds them of one of their parents."
"Your parents had unconditional love and compassion."
"I want to bring awareness to the topic of death, specifically to the death of parents at an early age."
"I'm so honored to be here today, and I want to say thank you to my parents, who have sacrificed so much in giving me every opportunity and the freedom to follow whatever path I desire."
"One thing that we tend to forget is that we tend to make Dua for ourselves and we do not make Dua for our parents. But it's very important that you do not ever make Dua and you raise your hands to Allah except that you make Dua for your parents."
"My one goal in life is to be the daughter that can give her parents the life they worked for and deserve."
"Your best friend in this life is your mom and your dad."
"Your parents, they did the best they could."
"Trust is the most important part of our relationship, especially between parents and children."
"That's often the case in any criminal case, but this, in particular, with what had happened, we didn't want to add in any way to the suffering of the parents."
"Dismissed by his superstitious parents once it became clear he was force sensitive."
"Do what's right and what your parents will be proud of don't be doing stupid things."
"It's the band of love that parents gave us. The light scepter!"
"My mom, both of my parents are pretty social."
"If you're desperate for some more entitled parents content, click the playlist on screen."
"Parents always will come number one when it comes to sacrifice, to giving, to laying their life on the line for you. No one will do it but mom and dad."
"I think today I am grateful for my mum and dad."
"You never outgrow needing your mom and dad."
"I don't love our parents, but despite the fact that you have not earned it, I do love you."
"It's like a frat party and then your parents get home."
"Your parents have no legal Avenue to prevent you from speaking to the police."
"This is where mums and dads and other carers can sit and watch their children as they play around."
"Please For the Love of All anime don't let these parents die."
"Imagine you're a drug dealer, involved in gangs and this and that. How many parents do you think there are in the community that are making du'a against you?"
"Shout out to our parents they're amazing."
"I don't know the feeling of not feeling loved by your parents."
"They are your parents, and you only get one wedding," I said.
"It never gets easier saying goodbye to your parents."
"When you're young, you believe your parents know what they're talking about, but as you get older, you realize they don't have all the answers."
"Never believe when your parents say they don't have money."
"Parents never say no to a dying child."
"True story: Did your mom and dad meet on a flight? True story."
"They want their children to have the best."
"I see a version of my parents in the sense that the father is a guy with a little twinkle in his eye and he likes to make jokes."
"Making my parents proud is a big driver for me."
"Love isn't always conveyed in words, you know, and you have that from your parents."
"My parents' silence hurt me more."
"We're able to do some really great things for our parents."
"Fate admits to being responsible for the death of ta's parents."
"Every opportunity you get if your parents are still alive tell them that you love them."
"Maybe those high expectations from both of my parents are what drove me to follow my own path."
"We just feel like it's a really special thing and our parents, my parents were very instrumental in getting that established."
"I'm truly blessed with the best parents."
"My biggest superhero is my parents."
"My parents sacrificed so much for me, and I was like, you know, this is the least I can do."
"My parents have a better garage than I do, that's crazy."
"Just outside of the Uptown Lounge, parents can find their peace at this adults-only section of the ship."
"The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Jannah (paradise) will not be entered by one who is not dutiful to his parents.'"
"I realized I didn't want to lose you the way I'd lost my parents."
"I didn't want to lose you the way I'd lost my parents."
"Your control is very good. Your parents would be very proud," she said. "I guess," he said with a half smile that was not full of the usual cheeriness that he usually carried, one that Shizun had recognized."
"Our parents wanted us to grow old and do what we love doing."
"Once your parents are dead, you should be allowed to put yourself up for adoption."
"Parents absolutely love their children unconditionally."
"What my parents instilled in me... responsibility to eliminate life-threatening diseases."
"Men can have the most shittiest parents, they can be the shittiest fathers, and they can still excel."
"My mom and dad were and are my inspiration. Thank you Mom, thank you Dad."
"We laugh at our parents when they believe the most ridiculous headline off of Facebook."
"There is something around trust issues that you have that stems from your childhood. I feel like you had parents that worked or parents that were not emotionally available. They weren't there for you."
"Never swear in front of someone's parents. Rule 101: Don't do it."
"Your parents were pretty supportive. Yeah, it's really annoying."
"Everybody's parents are weird come on."
"...my parents worked throughout my whole childhood and that actually taught me the importance of work ethic."
"Zoe Kravitz's parents did their job, bro, in creating a great face. Shout out to them, Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet. Y'all did that. Y'all set it up. Y'all did this on purpose."
"Your parents are allegedly missing, you just reported them to the police as missing."
"Finally moved out of my parents' house."
"The investigation reached stage two, and the officers' initial doubt landed on Cherie and Russell, Ashley's parents, who had taken a while before finally filing a complaint."
"What are they really creating safe spaces from? Very often, what activists are creating is a safe zone from parents, from parent oversight, from parent involvement, and from parent knowledge."
"It may be hard for you to believe that these parents would have killed their children."
"Parents sacrifice to give a better life to their children, and I would say to all of you parents out there, thank you for everything."
"But it's the good kind of Communism it's like the kind of Communism that you want to take home and meet your parents."
"I am very thankful and grateful for them. They both deceased now, but if it hadn't been for my parents, or I consider heroes, I wouldn't be the kind of person I am."
"We're at an age where we need our parents the least but we appreciate them the most."
"There was nobody that I felt like I had a relationship with like a parent that I really cared about disappointing. You know, there was nobody who I thought if I disappointed them that would break my heart, you know? And there was no, it just wasn't really like that."
"My parents sat me down a while ago and apologized heavily for everything that went on from my childhood till now."
"My parents are like the coolest people on earth, right?"
"My childhood was great. My parents were awesome."
"Everyone sucks here. Your parents are definitely the [__] and are definitely crossing boundaries, extremely unhealthy ones."
"I like them too. I'm going to say her parents. I don't know which one because you don't know much about them besides."
"I may not know who my parents are, but I know they are looking down smiling because I just defeated the man who made me suffer so much."
"I should have told you this information a long time ago. Naruto, your parents were Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki."
"Being the most authentic version of myself brought my parents acceptance."
"The parents are the first teachers of this child."
"But they were real, you know? They knew that this was my gift and my love was music, so they really tried to steer me toward it without being abusive or anything."
"Literally the number one trait the successful musicians have in common, 99%... of the people who had... even if there was dysfunction in the house... the parents were supportive. Very common."
"Congratulations to all the parents because this is also your graduation."
"Our job as parents is to protect our babies, especially we got another on the way for real."
"It got to the point where I would want to talk to the parents and say, hey why don't you guys just come back when your kid is more interested in doing music?"
"If they're that tall and didn't play basketball, I would be talking to their parents."
"...anything that says dog mom or dog dad guaranteed good gift."
"My parents named me that because the word Beatriz means joy."
"I think there were times his parents were afraid of him."
"Parents, we all want to know that we've loved on you enough, expressed your talents enough to help you hone your skills."
"Both my mom and my dad survived World War two."
"I love it when my parents say, 'We can't have coffee after 2, we'll be up for days.'"
"Disappointment in your parents, college."
"Hidden Hollow: where kids run and parents cool off."
"Working with children is very rewarding, very fun. But working with parents makes it a complicated situation."
"Parents love you, honestly, y'all are the greatest."
"I'm really excited to be able to say to my parents like this is what we're going to be doing for the wedding."
"Your parents are not smarter than you, they have more experience than you and they love you."
"You're gonna think Mom and Dad are the coolest people on Earth."
"If your parents aren't believers and they don't know what to think about this guy, let God take care of that."
"I just wanted to make sure that this year I had something for kids because there will be parents there and they always want to."
"I don't fault my parents for teaching me what they honestly believe to be true."
"You can never repay your parents for their hardship."
"When I was going through school that'd be that was an actual strategy by parents."
"Spend time with your parents outside of the perfunctory moments like birthdays and holidays."
"Thou shalt honor thy mother and thy father."
"I got some of my best qualities from my parents."
"I don't know how you deal with having both parents of the house that are end of their lives."
"A lot of my values come from my parents."
"...parents out there could feel us, yeah."
"Parents are that way. They love you no matter what."
"Trevor, you are a testament to your parents and what a great job they did raising you."
"I kind of have a new appreciation for my parents because I didn't realize what they went through."
"We hold our parents to such high standards because they're our parents, we think they're perfect."
"...once I leave my room, I hear the banging stop, but I still get to tell my parents what just happened."
"Parents aren't evil, I love my parents."
"It isn't right that grieving parents have to worry about how to meet the funeral costs for a child."
"We support parent Governors; we think parent Governors have a great role to play."
"You can't keep being afraid of what your parents think, okay?"
"Happy belated anniversary to my mom and dad."
"As we get older, it is important to recognize that our parents are people, and most people are screwed up with their own problems."
"Honor your parents, honor your father and mother."
"Unbeknownst to us, Chuck E. Cheese is the stomping ground of countless entitled parents and their hell spawn."
"Your Lord has judged that you do not worship except for Him, and that you show nothing but excellence to your parents."
"Show complete powerlessness in front of them, lower to them in humility out of mercy."
"It's totally natural to want the affirmation of your parents."
"Please your parents, try to obey your parents as much as possible... and once you obey them, Allah is going to make you successful in this Dunya."
"The best thing about making a lot of money I think is just being able to spoil your parents a little bit."
"If your parents give you advice, it's like learning knowledge."
"Listen to your parents before you make a mistake."
"Parents, moms, dads, if you have them, please spend time with them."
"We have enjoined that the human being treats his parents good."
"I appreciate my parents so much for what they've poured into me and who they have raised me to be."
"Do you think you would have been friends with your parents if you had been in high school with them?"
"Always cherish every moment with your parents because we'll never know when their time is up."
"Parents are very much more part of the classes now, perhaps, than they used to be."
"No one knows how much longer they're going to have their parents in their life."
"The parents are very distraught. They are camped right outside where all of this happened."
"It's natural for children to love their parents, no matter how terrible their parents are; they mean the world to them."
"I want to make my parents proud, firstly because they sacrificed so much for me."
"Can you imagine what it's like for my parents? For parents to say a child died in any circumstance before they go is pretty catastrophic."
"I thought about what you would do, Dad. And I thought about what Mom would do. And I put them together."
"As a child, your parents are your world, and that shouldn't be corrupted especially by the people who hold the power to be that kid's world."
"This is just too freaky; it's so not like Mom and Dad to not call or leave a note or anything."
"Don't judge people just because your parents do."
"We forget that our parents dedicated their whole lives to us."
"That was the song that kind of solidified the band to the parents."