
Social Acceptance Quotes

There are 516 quotes

"If you continue to lead a life where you are constantly in search of somebody else's acceptance, you will always be miserable."
"I don't really like who 'myself' is. I'd rather just be whatever makes people like me."
"Have people like you for you, instead of who they want you to be."
"Being weird isn't a crime but people like to treat weirdos like they're committing crimes."
"You believe that it is more rewarding to be liked by others than to be powerful."
"I really don't think I'm asking for that much for people to see my gender as valid."
"I'm not trying to tear apart anyone's family or indoctrinate anyone's children or invalidate anyone else's gender or sexuality, all I'm asking is for people to see me as myself."
"It's really interesting to get inside the experiences inside the mind of somebody who is not accepted by society."
"Anything that's with anything in life, you just own it. People are gonna be like, 'Oh, he's owning it, so that must be cool.'"
"I think we should just move on and accept people as equals."
"Most trans people just want to live their lives, they want to be left alone and they are not the ones asking for these ridiculous things."
"Lucky for us as a society, we had people who did come out as gay. If nobody came out as gay, then it'd be a lot less acceptable."
"There are a lot of kids that are struggling with certain issues and don't know what it is that they can do, they have nobody to look up to, they feel like it's wrong because people have told them that."
"I think people are more accepting than social media reflects."
"It's okay to want to be liked by people. What's dangerous is when you need to be liked."
"This is your invitation to my elementary school party. Okay, it doesn't matter what other people say, you are invited by me."
"The pretending that we all go through, I think that's what creates anxiety, is feeling like you got to be somebody that you're not in order to fit in and be accepted."
"The problem is, society has not fully accepted trans people yet. They get questioned more than anybody else."
"I try to speak my truth, and some people are gonna like it, some people aren't, and that's okay."
"But it's just this wanting so badly to be liked."
"It's a great lesson in self-worth over material worth. It reminds viewers that the right people will like you for you and not for what's in your bank account."
"It's impossible to get everyone to like you and to impress everyone. It's much more feasible to just get the people that you know to like you to want to be around you."
"Not everyone is gonna like you and that's okay."
"But you don't need to sarcastically eye roll against anything that might come off as cringe. You don't need self-protective irony. People already like you."
"God loves to connect with the people who others consider to be outcast."
"I can't imagine being the type of person who has a problem with how somebody else loves."
"Everybody ain't gonna like you, [__] it, live life."
"You need to just realize that other people might affirm and celebrate this and my people might be in these kind of relationships and they're allowed to be and you can just leave them alone."
"Accept the fact that not everybody will like you."
"I'm used to it... I'm just used to people not liking me and that's fine."
"Irene was the first one that didn't ask right away about my lack of college degree or the reason for my firing."
"I never said it ever anywhere that everybody that I would smoke. I think it's pretty common. I think it's a lot more common I think, and like now I think it's really a lot more acceptable, you know?"
"Don't shy away from the marijuana, embrace it all the way."
"Weird is the new cool; boldly express your uniqueness."
"Confidence was never an issue, but acceptance was." - Deb Roach
"I think anyone with whatever body shape, gender, any of that stuff should be accepted, embraced, loved as much as anyone else."
"But it's possible if we acknowledge that trans people are real."
"It's not the people that are, we hate to use the term 'passable,' it's the people like me that are not passable."
"If cartoons came out with progressive stuff there wasn't like a swerving horde of angry white guys online to seethe over it so people just accepted that it was good."
"If we lived in a world like that, you could tell your family and everyone, and wear it with some pride."
"Through transitioning we habituate to the gestures of womanhood, and socially that makes us women, regardless of biology or psychology, checkmate transphobes."
"I have experimented and, you know, there's a lot of research going on right now in psychedelics and I think it's becoming not such a faux pas to talk about."
"We welcome all races all religions all countries of origin all sexual orientations all genders we stand with you you are safe here."
"It's nice showing a healthy, positive way to be gay. We're just normal people who happen to also like people that are the same as us."
"Pride is about celebrating the fight for our right to exist safely and happily."
"If you're eternally happy, then you can't be sad about the fact that no one likes you."
"People who appreciate you... where you can be authentic, where you can be yourself."
"You have to be okay with the fact that people are not going to like you having standards."
"Being the odd man out in a crowd isn't always a bad thing."
"The world won't accept us until we stand up straight."
"Be yourself. Just be you, you'll probably people probably like you a lot more if you're just yourself."
"There's no way to accept it. But my point is that the story that they tell, it's always just, 'Oh, it was a boy and he liked to wear dresses when he was two years old.'"
"My business was not only a bonafide success, but for the first time in my life, it felt like people actually wanted to be around me."
"Acknowledging that families take many shapes and sizes and forms, which they do, it's a factual statement."
"The way my new friends accept different opinions by discussing them rather than turning them into a witch-hunt has made me feel so at home."
"These connections will allow you to be different, and you're gonna feel accepted."
"I don't care who you are. We all want to be liked. Usually those are the people who struggle the most."
"Trans people are normal people who just happen to be born in the wrong body."
"Gay people have more acceptance now because they're seen as normal people."
"The goons were cool with me when they found out it was me, they were hella cool, that's love, that's real respect."
"The acceptance for suppressed sexual orientations came first because around 10 percent of people are gay whereas a much smaller percentage of people are trans but this is the natural progression of societal evolution."
"Stop trying to fit in with people who don't want you anyway. God wants you to stand out."
"It is perfectly fine for there to be an all-white family just as it is perfectly fine for there to be an all-black family." - Candace Owens
"There's a huge unrepresented silent minority majority who needs their who need to know it's okay to be."
"It shouldn't be a radical idea to respect people for who they are and it shouldn't be a radical idea to love people for who they are."
"Your life's gonna go well because you're always good to people. People really like and appreciate you. You're on the right path."
"Trying to please everybody is just not feasible."
"I focus on the people who want to enjoy this damn cup of tea with me, okay? Forget the people who don't get me, I love the folks who rock with me."
"The opinion of others and feeling appreciated is very important too."
"Just understand that no one's gonna accept you. It's like a white person. There's hatred in people's heart if a white person says, 'I don't accept that.'"
"Nobody really dislikes you, and there's nothing to dislike about Sean."
"It's okay to celebrate who you are without filters."
"It's a lot less work and it'll actually be probably rewarding because people will like you and everyone is happy you work."
"I believe these accounts are only scratching the surface, and more will share their experiences once it is safe to do so."
"Your you as a human are worthy of being accepted regardless of whether you have millions of followers."
"Wanting to be accepted because we're social creatures, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just understanding that it doesn't really take what you think it takes."
"It made me feel like accepted to be able to see that kind of stuff..."
"No one would have bat an eye if that person came out and said 'I'm Mormon'."
"The amount of acceptance within the right-wing is extremely minimal."
"It's better to be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not."
"If somebody says they're a woman, they're a woman."
"Yes, this is for the ones who didn't really fit in, you can sit at my table."
"Ben Shapiro is a Jewish person in a primarily Christian conservative movement."
"He's Jewish, a lot of conservatives will never ever accept him."
"You've become a lot more chill, and people want to be around you more."
"I would like to be liked more than being powerful."
"Trans Koreans are Koreans. If I say it over and over it becomes true."
"Not having friends doesn't make you a loser."
"It's more rewarding to be liked by others than to be powerful."
"You like what you like, that's fine by me man."
"Being liked by myself is going to get other people to not like me then let them not like me."
"I don't care about gender, I don't care what pronouns people use."
"What this leads to is a lack of acceptance and compassion for people who are radically different than you."
"Eventually, everyone around you is going to come around. You just got there first."
"It doesn't matter what skin color, socioeconomic class, or language you use—I accept the differences."
"As we become less judgmental, we can start to appreciate things that other people will regard as cringe."
"Everybody's not gonna like you but that doesn't mean that you're not talented."
"You are going to lose yourself trying to be accepted by people."
"I've had many choice points where I knew if I express myself in manner A, I'm going to be liked, loved... or I can choose manner B."
"And hopefully, we can just get to a place where society, us, everyone – we all see all trans and all non-cis identities as valid."
"Gamers aren't dead... there's nothing wrong with identifying with your hobby."
"Homosexual relationships make some people happy."
"People are willing to accept inequality if the person who was richer is taking risks."
"It's not wrong to be different. The inequality begins when we open up and embrace all of our differences."
"There is something fun being part of a fan base that is considered trash."
"Early intervention prevention makes a profound difference."
"Once you accept yourself, you will be surprised at the amount of men who will accept you."
"It's okay to be different. I love that you said that. Yeah, I was all over them, I was then, I was super different."
"just treat trans people like their people that's it nothing is different"
"I felt that this was a young girl growing up, wanting to be accepted, wanting to be popular."
"Generation Z is the most accepting, whatever it might be."
"It's okay to be different it's alright to not fit in I'm not fitting anywhere."
"When they start liking you it's like they like you for you."
"Desiring equality between the sexes and acceptance."
"Honestly guys I think we look valid enough to get into anywhere at this point."
"All these guys you wouldn't expect it from are like, 'I'm so happy you're happy.'"
"It's incumbent on us to be a little bit more accepting too."
"If you live for their acceptance, you'll die from their rejection."
"Surely that's better than trying to fit in... and trying to appease more people and being that people pleaser."
"More importantly, it's important to know that there are thousands of people out there that are just like me that are possibly still hiding and keeping secrets from the world just in order to be a part of it."
"I just want to keep it positive because when I was at my best, I was only on positive vibes only, everything around me was lit, everybody loved me for it."
"You don't need that many people to like you to do well."
"When you pass the vibe check, you're good to hang. Yeah, you can hang. Steven Crowder [__] his pants, he cannot hang."
"I think any subculture deserves to be respected and acknowledged."
"This idea that gender is fluid and it's whatever you call yourself on a random day is not a popular concept within the country."
"They just seemed so happy and free to be themselves."
"It's time for someone to step out of the cold or to stop being left out in the cold."
"By slowly pushing the envelope of degeneracy, they have made things more and more acceptable."
"We are just looking for the space to be able to be us, be free, be feminine, not be judged and taken advantage of."
"When you go out into the world and you wear your values on your sleeve, people embrace you everywhere."
"I actually just had a friend who married outside of his race. He married a white woman. Beautiful couple."
"Kinksters shouldn't just be at pride, they belong at pride."
"Why is one aesthetic socially acceptable while others are written off?"
"We have data that shows that literally less than 5% of people in our countries would have a problem living with someone from a different race."
"Medical and social support for trans kids and affirmation of their identity is not child abuse, it saves children's lives."
"To send a message that there is a massive group of people who are willing to celebrate an open trans woman living in her truth."
"Everyone wants to like you because of how good you are."
"When I'm sitting there having a conversation the other day with Buck Angel Blair White and the version of like being a trans person that they Embrace is basically one that I feel like almost every American could agree on."
"I thought if anybody really knew who I was, they wouldn't be attracted to me."
"Ah not only it was that simple to just pick a gender my life would be a lot easier and probably more people would like me."
"Ethical non-monogamy is becoming more socially acceptable."
"But I think one thing that I want to see come back is like being acceptable to be cringe."
"The need for acceptance is a basic human instinct."
"We just want to be loved, but we'll settle for being liked."
"He sought out alternative means to fulfill his incessant need to be liked."
"No one will ridicule you for having an open mind."
"Clark needs somebody who understands that they're different and that they want to be accepted. I think it shouldn't be unsafe, it should be called acceptance."
"It's difficult because we all want to be accepted, but really does it [__] matter?"
"You got to decide do you want to win or do you want to fit in do you want to succeed or do you want them to like you."
"Practice speaking your truth and know that people like you because you're real."
"He simply wants to be accepted for who he is."
"Biology, archaeology, and anthropology all support the idea that trans people are valid."
"You can't convince those people. You can't get those people to love you."
"As long as you're not hurting anyone else yourself or the experience of others, I don't think it's bad for you to love whatever you're into."
"Passing can make trans people feel good, and validated, and loved because it means other people are seeing them how they see themself."
"Everybody ain't got to like you, stop trying to fit in, it's better to stand out."
"Human beings should be able to feel comfortable in their own bodies and not judged for who they are."
"Everybody thinks it's such a cut-throat judging world, but I've actually totally realized if you kind of have a lot in common and like you've got great style and everything they just totally accept it into their world."
"People are generally pretty accepting during this time."
"It's 2024 and that means we're living in a time where it's acceptable to be a male and to like John Mayer."
"I'm just always so glad to see people finally living with full authenticity."
"You guys are a gift from God and if them good old boys can't see that then oh well, keep on keeping on."
"I just wanted a freaking iPhone so I could feel accepted."
"Grizabella is accepted back by the Jellicle tribe."
"That makes you a goofy [__] for not understanding that people have the right to like who they want to like and not like who they don't want to like. Period. Point Blank."
"You're never going to make everyone happy, so just be you."
"A new beginning, we have a new moon on the 13th of March happening in Pisces."
"If a boy feels like a girl, we should allow him to be free to feel the way he wants to feel."
"Any group that tries to dehumanize you for acceptance isn't worth your time."
"Abortion is okay. Abortion is common. Abortion is health care. Abortion is necessary."
"Agreeableness means you're more likely to be liked by others and to form positive relationships."
"Visibility is kind of said to be the reason why the majority is in favor of same-sex marriage."
"I hope we can all agree that being a YouTuber is more accepted or at least more understood as a career choice compared to even a couple of years ago."
"Let's just normalize people being different."
"Everybody just wants to feel special and respected."
"Don't be afraid of being the center of attention, people will appreciate you for showing up."
"We have got to look at other people and radically accept them."
"There's a level of camaraderie there's a level of tough guys that accept you."
"Why the heck do you have to hide it? Why does someone need to be ashamed of themselves for using something the doctors gave them?"
"You just can't please everybody... that's the answer."
"I was met with so much love and acceptance and support and warmth. You're just so beautiful."
"It's okay, not everyone's going to like everyone."
"Trans people are who they say they are and deserve to live their lives without being constantly questioned or told that they aren't who they say they are."
"Naturism is a practice and I think that that sort of different message seems to resonate with a lot more people."
"The reality is most people aren't going to like you, want to be your friend, or even talk to you. That's just reality."
"Here it is in opening yourself to your brilliance, to your beauty, to your truth and saying that to the world. This is me and I get to be me within this world."
"He's not accepted for who we are. He can't go out in nature and just be himself. He can't drop a video like this and just be himself, you get what I'm saying?"
"People aren't gonna like me after this, and I think that's fine. I never liked them anyways."
"There's something like being pre-liked and there's nothing like the opposite."
"Nobody likes us though, we've got to work to get on each."
"Not requiring that acceptance or social validation all the time really gave me the ability to look into contrarian opinions on issues."
"Transitioning is the correct thing for people to do, we've seen this increase in people coming out as trans, we have not seen this increase in regret rates."
"Cheers on the whole not wanting to have kids thing."
"If honoring my authenticity means you hate me... bury me an honest man."
"It's nice man, I'm just like a lot of people ain't gonna like me man but I just gotta be an effing wolf."
"I might as well be the weirdest person on earth and still have no friends but still be happy being who I am."
"You will never be able to make everybody like you in this world."
"I honestly see trans women as women, I didn't see it as a big deal."
"Even if the other kids did accept the Eds, they would still mess it up."
"It's kind of a sad reality that we live in that we can't just accept people's faces as they are."