
Eradication Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"You don't get rid of bigotry by accommodating it; you get rid of bigotry by getting rid of it."
"The eradication of terrorism requires a comprehensive approach that includes tackling its political, economic, and social roots, along with the security and military action."
"We must put everything we can into driving SARS-CoV-2 to extinction."
"I think this infection can be eradicated from the world providing we get vaccines out to everyone that needs it."
"This disease will be essentially eradicated."
"We need to eradicate this whole concept from the world."
"Our goal is to remove the evil ideologies of both fascism and communism from the entire world."
"This disease could potentially be eradicated from the surface of the earth."
"If everybody in the world isolated for three or four weeks, there would be no COVID anymore."
"Nothing is more certain than that every trace of Hitler's footsteps... will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth."
"Through the power of American science and medicine, we will eradicate the China virus."
"Goodbye, COVID-19! Eradicate the disease, we could please wipe out!"
"That means the eradication of anything that is deleterious to our community."
"The left will try to one by one eradicate the principles of American exceptionalism."
"My administration is 100 percent committed to eradicating human trafficking from the Earth."
"Evil has taken hold of this land. It shall be rooted out."
"We can overcome this... there is a way for this evil to be virtually eliminated from the planet by this positive energy."
"Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate."
"While the eradication of Sauron was possible through the destruction of one object, the One Ring, Morgoth – as said – could not be made impotent while in the physical world because of Morgoth's Ring."
"This has never been done before in North America. This is the removal laterally of an entire not only entire generation of organized criminals."
"Every trace of Hitler's footsteps, every stain of his infected and corroding fingers will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth."
"Evil deserves to be extinguished by eradicating evil at the source. Think of how many people we'll save by preventing them from harming anyone ever again."
"...so what I think is I think that there is there are people who hate people with Down syndrome and in Iceland they've actually publicly avowed or praised their eradication of people with Down Syndrome I think that's horrifying."
"Sin is like a virus. It enters your body and... you have to get rid of it at the root."
"It would be great if we could eradicate cancer in everybody."
"Racism isn't natural, it's taught and it can be made extinct one day."
"That's the emergency call, we're going to eradicate the disease spreading across the capital."
"Depression is not a pet that should be entertained. It's a pest that should be exterminated."
"The demon emits a bright green light because of the attack and then explodes leaving not a single trace behind."
"In 1980, smallpox was declared officially eradicated by the UN."
"The government knows these creatures exist, but I also believe that they've been slowly eradicating them for the last 60 years."
"The foundation had done the unthinkable; they had vanquished the very concept that takes us from being alive to being deceased."
"I'm really not so arrogant as to think that I can eradicate evil from the earth."
"They teleport down, they turn up where the fight is at the thickest, and they eradicate the demons."
"We believe it's within our reach to eradicate these diseases from affected families."
"Destroy all wrong from the face of the Earth."
"If you can rid the world of any three diseases what would they be?"
"You always said there's a cancer in the club and the only way you get rid of cancer you gotta kill it all."
"Crime can be wiped out by men who owe no political patronage."
"There's no question that we need to eradicate that."
"What is the ultimate goal? The goal in the fight against human trafficking is to absolutely end it."
"Luckily, unlike some of the others on this list, this is one that not only can be fixed but can be essentially completely erased."
"They didn’t just steal from us - they ensured that the money they took was completely erased from existence."
"But as followers of Christ, that cannot be our interest. Our interest is what eradicates sin. That has to be our interest."
"They had the opportunity to root out the Sith."
"You have to cut all the way down to the root and tear it out to get rid of it."
"The WHO completely eradicated smallpox."
"And it's amazing that something can go from being that widespread, to completely disappearing within a few years."
"We are on the verge of making it only the second disease in human history to be eradicated after smallpox."
"...it stands against discrimination of any form you know if you sand with that then then you want you want to eradicate that discrimination from the game."
"But don't worry, when we come back, there won't be a demon left alive to pull a stunt like this again."
"If a weed grows up in your garden, don't just feed it. Kill the thing."
"No matter the cost, no matter the odds and no matter the danger, the Grey Knights shall continue their holy quest to destroy every last vestige of Daemonic influence across the stars."
"In this timeline, the mission to terminate Skynet in 1995 was a success, and Skynet was erased from existence."
"Ultimately, our goal is not merely to manage the pandemic, but to end it. We want to get rid of it as soon as we can."
"We've eradicated smallpox and down here killed off polio."
"The only way to get over neurosis is to cause it to die out in its root. It will not die any other way."
"Life is short, it's a miserable disease, let's eradicate it."
"Repeat visits, repeat visits, and getting the numbers down so that eventually we can maybe get total eradication."
"You'll completely eradicate approach anxiety from your psyche forever."
"We're focused on ending transmission, and we've now got all the tools we need."
"Everyone in his generation knew people who had been paralyzed by polio. But today, 16 million people around the world are walking, not paralyzed, because of the global eradication initiative."
"Child poverty is a curse. The government I aspire to lead will be focused on doing all in its power to eradicate child poverty."
"I really left the Philippines thinking with a little bit more funding and more opportunity we could eradicate cervical cancer worldwide."
"The rats disappeared in a twinkling up a drain pipe and that was the end of them."
"Simply charging them and trying them and convicting them is not going to eradicate racism."
"It will put to death the deeds of the body, it will put to death sin, it will put to death gossip, it will put to death depression, it will put to death addiction, it will put to death cancer."
"Smallpox is one of the great scourges of humankind, one of the great burdens of human civilization, and smallpox is particular because it is the first human disease deliberately eradicated by human beings."
"It's become so ingrained in the culture that it's difficult for them to eradicate."
"I made it my life goal to rid its normalcy from my inward."
"This generation coming through could be the first generation on earth to eradicate extreme poverty, to Make Poverty History."
"Every sickness and disease must go."
"As soon as our reformers raised the standard, all these absurdities disappeared from amongst us."
"We're moving rapidly towards there being essentially no poverty on Earth."
"We vow to rid the world of all monsters, even Lady Gaga's monsters."
"If we hate it so much when it happens to us, then we should just eradicate it all."
"As a result of a safe and effective vaccine and curative therapy, in the year 2000 and blank, HIV was eliminated from 90 percent of the countries on earth with the promise of eradication not too far behind."
"Miller hopes is that every trace of the protomolecule will be destroyed including him and what's left over from the people that are still inside of him from Eros."
"Let's all work together; let's make Alzheimer's a scourge of the past."
"No matter what the cost, all evil must be cast out."
"Smallpox no longer occurs naturally anywhere on the planet."
"Vaccination ultimately promoted a victory over smallpox, leading in 1980 to its total global eradication."
"One of the most famous achievements of public health is the complete eradication of smallpox."
"We are going to eradicate today's leading causes of death."
"Smallpox is particular because it is the first human disease deliberately eradicated by human beings."
"Corruption is like a cancer that if it is not removed from the roots it will never disappear."
"We're the only hosts for this, so if we could eradicate it from us, we could eradicate it from the world."
"The guinea worm is the first disease to be eradicated without the use of a vaccine."
"Eradicating scores of Heretics and Xenos throughout the galaxy, Sigismund would vow to never rest in his prosecution to destroy the enemies of the Emperor."
"The disease was declared eradicated by the World Health Organization in 1979."
"My desire is to eliminate sickness and disease on the earth."
"Variola virus is the agent of smallpox; it was eradicated in 1977."
"It's insane that as a species we literally eradicated one of the world's most successful plagues."
"Racism is disgusting; it needs to be eradicated."
"It's going to be hard to stop them unless people eradicate them, good we're in the humans are so good at eradicating things."
"Their holy wars and crusades will rage until every last vestige of heresy is eradicated."
"Together we can eradicate child trafficking and together we can liberate Humanity."
"We can crush this outbreak just like we did with pandemics past such as smallpox, polio, and measles."
"Sophelia then decided to eradicate any demons who opposed or refused to cooperate with realizing their ideals."
"We've only completely eradicated from the planet one virus that afflicts humans, and that's smallpox."
"The long incubation period diseases can be eliminated."
"Smallpox had a number of unique characteristics that made it eradicatable."
"The ultimate aim of the Buddha's teaching is to overcome and actually to eradicate greed, hatred, and delusion."
"Smallpox was declared, by the WHO, eradicated everywhere on the globe."
"This was the first disease, and still the only one, major disease, actually eradicated intentionally by human beings, by a public health campaign."
"If you want to eradicate something from your life, all you have to do is stop thinking about it, pass it by with indifference, and it will disappear."
"Smallpox is the only major disease... to have been defeated by direct medical intervention."
"It's intended to remove even the subtlest and finest roots of ignorance."
"Polio was eliminated completely in Europe in 2002."
"On the 9th of December 1979, smallpox had officially been eliminated worldwide."
"Smallpox is gone, all because of vaccines."
"It's the only infectious disease in humans to have been eradicated by deliberate intervention."
"So they set about eradicating all the cats and foxes and whatever other feral animals were on the island."
"Treason is a noxious weed, it must be torn up, root and stem and seed."
"Eradicating smallpox would mean ensuring that not a single person on Earth had the disease so it could never be spread again."
"You want to kill a root, drag it into the sunlight, lay it on the concrete there, and let the sun fry it."
"Toxicity has no place in the military, it needs to be the number one priority for eradication."
"We need to culturally eradicate that idea and go in the opposite direction."
"Guinea worm disease nearly eradicated."
"The key point is there's no possibility of negotiating peace in this war; it won't end until one side is completely eradicated."
"I've brought you here to witness the end of the swarm; here the swarm will be eradicated."
"The final eradication of evil was made certain."
"For the most part, many people have seen the eradication of dinoflagellates at that point."
"If I don't eradicate all of them, this cycle of violence and revenge is just going to keep repeating."
"The Christians had arrived, and they were going to eradicate paganism, wipe off the face of the earth."
"The terror of smallpox finally came to an end in 1980, when the World Health Organization said that it had been globally eradicated."
"The position of abbess sanctorum is a burden that could be set aside only when the last heretic, mutant, xenos, and demon is expunged from existence."
"I am mainly driven to completely eradicate manual scavenging in my country and replace the people exposed to this toxic and inhumane work conditions."
"The actual desire to eradicate a monster from existence must come from a human."
"Hope can grow right along with all these trees until the day we eradicate this virus from the face of the planet."
"There's nothing that you got that can't be eradicated."
"Eradicating poverty has to be our overarching mission."
"We have more work to do, and that's part of how we're going to eradicate anti-Semitism on our campus."
"A smallpox is the only disease that's been eradicated, the people were vaccinated until the disease disappeared."
"I will eradicate everything and start fresh."
"Silence will only encourage further eradication of important parts of Islamic history."
"Smallpox, a contagious deadly disease that blighted humanity for thousands of years, has now been officially eradicated worldwide as of 1980."
"Smallpox was the first major infectious disease to literally be wiped from the face of the earth and we undeniably have vaccines to thank for that."
"Smallpox was certified by the World Health Organization to have been eradicated."
"She as well as the entire Defense Force are going to wipe all the kaju off the face of the Earth."
"If you could get rid of one thing permanently in this world, what would it be? Child marriage, mosquitoes, human trafficking, cancer."
"To catch an invasive species in its first year is unusual, which is why I think there's a strong case for us being able to eradicate it."
"We can get rid of this disease polio that historically paralyzed hundreds of thousands of children every year."
"About 300 million people died from it in the 20th century alone before it was officially eradicated in 1980 through a global vaccination effort."
"I won't give up. I'll eliminate them all, every single titan."
"Eradicate the problem of homelessness in these six locations around the country."
"We're killing off other big bad diseases faster than ever."
"But are we not going to fight every day to make sure that we stomp it out wherever we see it? Absolutely."
"This concept that we can eradicate COVID did a lot of harm."
"He started the eradication of the human race by taking out such threats as the Avengers and the Defenders."