
Nature Metaphor Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Her tears fell like heavy rain... a rain that assures that there's going to be a harvest."
"Yet if that caterpillar can survive a profound metamorphosis, it becomes a most beautiful butterfly, free to follow the wind and fly toward the sun."
"If you freeze a babbling brook, you have ice and cracking ice."
"And as we traverse even the most difficult terrain, the dragon's eyes see beauty everywhere."
"Eman is like a beautiful tree whose roots go deep, whose branches are in the sky."
"The tree of Iman is ever fruitful, it never dries up."
"Greater is the power of the quiet stream than the power of the whirlwind."
"If you don't get rid of the roots of the grass, the grass will grow again when the spring breeze blows."
"Weave together the crown you deserve from the thorns of the past. Something lovely will grow from this. Garden."
"An ant by itself can't do anything but ants working together can do things well beyond their own capacity."
"Never come between a mother bear and her cubs."
"A seed that may have been long dormant sprouts into a living organism striving to not only survive but to thrive."
"if flowers know exactly when and how to bloom then you do too"
"Let it all come crashing like the ocean tide."
"A bird that does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song."
"This is important to live like a flower lives, seeking the Sun seeking the rain never getting caught up in what it was just previously but getting caught up into where it's going, it's going to the light seeking to grow, that's the whole point."
"Be flexible like the palm tree within the storm."
"Every storm cloud eventually runs out of rain."
"This fear, instead, is a dense forest, one where you think you’re only feet from the path and then you turn around and it’s just trunks and underbrush and twisted roots stretching out in every direction."
"You're done, you don't stand a chance against Thor the electrical king of the river."
"He is frighteningly good, a force of nature."
"There is always hope for a tree even if it be cut off."
"Just before a butterfly comes into its own, it's in the chrysalis and there is learning there is growth there."
"When a seed breaks through the earth, the earth is moved. It's not necessarily a graceful process."
"It's one big ecosystem, it's a circle of life."
"We really live in real-life Pokémon, don't we? We just get to choose our Pokémon."
"Imagine a leaf floating down a river. This Leaf does not resist the current instead it moves with the flow gracefully navigating the twists and turns of the river."
"Water doesn't stop when it hits a boulder, it just goes around it."
"The same sun that melts the wax hardens the clay."
"I encourage you to be a lake where you're at."
"Once you start to own that power and start to create new things, this is kind of like a dandelion seed."
"It's the way nature, the game, one more turn, that's the way."
"Growth means having to take our roots and grow them into a flower."
"You can't have blossoms without the rain or the other way around."
"Though your branches might be broken and your trunk battered and tired, you are rooted in more strength than you know."
"There’s a darkness- how do I put this? It’s the darkness of being in soil. It’s a seed point. It should say something about the nature, or source, or origin point of conflicts through the next couple years."
"Congrats to Dior, you are the royal regent of the rivers and seas!"
"It's almost like someone took a giant comb and raked it up."
"I think of myself not as an architect but as a gardener."
"I am grounded like the roots of a tree."
"I would be a corkscrew willow, pretty, right?"
"Like the flower gives the perfume, the fragrance to the wind, and the wind just takes it wherever."
"Sweetest things turn sours by their deeds; a lily that festers smells far worse than weeds."
"If Henry's Lake's the heart, this is the artery; without the arteries, the heart can't function."
"I like to think of myself as an oak tree, strong, big trunk, and a lot of limbs."
"They would shoot a hail of arrows in such numbers that it seemed to be a phenomenon of nature."
"I was a fish and she was a bird, and I had laid on the shore for so long suffocating to be with her."
"I never met a rose that didn't have thorns."
"You are the leaves bathing in the sun, and I am the roots that grow in the dark."
"Your money dirt on me and grow a wildflower."
"Let yourself relax like bamboo yielding to a gentle breeze."
"It's like somebody drowning in the water and then they break the surface and you can almost feel in the movie when they take that first breath just how beautiful that felt. Imagine that happening with the tree."
"The things that I know are so much like the leaves in the forest; the things that I tell you are so little like the leaves in my hand."
"Love can make you weep; can make you run for cover. Roots that spread so deep, bring life to frozen ground."
"Pine and bamboo are stiff and susceptible to fracture. By comparison, the lotus surfaces untainted from the mud."
"Let yourself feel rooted, completely rooted like you are the tree with roots growing out of your foot."
"Be like the tree and bend with the wind."
"Plant your seeds and it will sprout up."
"Stones and water flow together to become mountains and seas, and wind and rain will always meet each other."
"The Earth was not unlike the ocean when its restless waters are heaving heavily after the agitation and fury of the tempest have begun to lessen."
"Skyscrapers become substitute mountains and cliffs."