
Turnaround Quotes

There are 581 quotes

"For the last 10 years, Boston has seemed to ignore Davide, but now with a huge turnaround with the food and the staff, it's got every right to return to its former glory."
"This is such a turnaround from the first PTR, super excited."
"This is the story of how one country became the driving force behind the biggest sporting turnaround of the 21st century."
"Nothing worked until the best thing happened."
"We've achieved this stunning turnaround because we've adopted a new economic policy."
"You are about to have a remarkable turnaround."
"You're going to turn this around in a big, big way."
"Nokia is one of the most interesting turnaround stories in business history."
"The Suicide Squad left me stumped because how did a studio who just made Wonder Woman 1984, one of the worst superhero movies ever made, do a total u-turn and make The Suicide Squad like the best comedy we've had in years."
"Everything's gonna look bright, everything's gonna turn around."
"Darby County winning a Champions League title, that's what I call a rebuild."
"There's always a point of turning around. Always a point."
"You have an amazing opportunity now to really turn this restaurant around."
"That's the moment I knew we had turned things around."
"By this time next month everything is gonna turn around in your favor."
"What a reversal for Basic Becca coming in clutch when it mattered most."
"I just want to show like how easily you can go from a position where you seem to be losing material to now you're not now."
"Tonight we'll find out who really wants to turn this place around."
"Your enemies are about to see how the tables have turned."
"One of the most impressive turnarounds you'll ever see."
"This appears to be a dead end, Venos. I found the non-dead end, I found the life!"
"These two owners have just made the greatest comeback in Kitchen Nightmares history."
"Instrumental at turning this [ __ ] business around."
"Jost Capito is a guy who can turn things around."
"From 6-10 to 16-1, the Steelers' near-undefeated journey in 2004."
"I thought all hope was lost, I was genuinely considering killing myself. I couldn't be happier!"
"It can turn around to be one of the best times of your life, rather than the 'galaxy' of the worst time of your life."
"This battle is just kind of turning upside down where the attackers like it seemed like they weren't getting any ground they weren't having any luck trying to break through and now they are just causing chaos."
"Qantas turnaround is really a textbook example of what can be done within the airline industry."
"A bad idea turned into a brilliant strategy."
"It's probably a lot smarter to go find a failing business, jump in, add value, and see if you can 10x that."
"Manifest a major breakthrough out of a stuck situation."
"It wasn't looking good, but now it's brilliant."
"August is going to be the month where it turns around for you."
"I thought if anyone had the potential to turn this sinking ship around, it was him."
"What once I considered a disaster actually ended up being one of the most exhilarating gaming experiences I've had in years."
"This was an amazing turnaround from absolutely final last place to first place overall!"
"Super Mario 3D Land saved the system from performing slightly below expectations."
"All it takes is the right audience to turn something around."
"Fortunately for Elizabeth, it didn't take long for the tide to turn in her favor."
"No matter how bleak it seems, you can always turn things around."
"That just turned around the whole scope of this run."
"A huge moment: net income flipped from a loss to a gain."
"By the end of summer 2019, Halo Infinite was in crisis."
"The wheel of fortune to me is a turnaround, a lot of luck."
"Cyberpunk 2077 is enjoying a comeback, one that did not seem possible 20 months ago but is happening now."
"It's been a dramatic turnaround for the Afghans."
"Over the past 30 days, things have turned around a lot... I'm up around 12.15 percent."
"Zidane is the man to come in and turn it around."
"This is now a win, which is very exciting given how this run looked maybe like 15 minutes ago."
"I think we've done it, you know. I think we've turned this round. I can't believe it."
"A fight that looked like I was gonna lose has now been turned around. Plantera, you are about to meet your maker."
"They're actually making a turnaround because fate, you know, they're fated to be in your life."
"I gained a sibling from that conversation. God turned it around."
"In the mid nineties, Apple was nearing insolvency, losing money left and right."
"I was all down in the dumps, but then by the end, my fortunes turned around; things are on the up."
"From nearly a $500 million net loss to now $165 to $175 million net income in a matter of just a few years, that's impressive."
"In ten crucial days, he’d completely turned the Continental Army’s fortunes around."
"I gotta admit, they did a great turnaround job."
"Whatever the details, it does now seem a deal is imminent, a deal which will end the darkest period in Celtic's long and proud history."
"This is the team that appeared to be on the back foot all race weekend at Coda until the races and then all of a sudden things broke their way."
"If at the d23 Expo in August this year Disney are able to really impress with their newest plans, then I think it may be a sign that just like the time before they'll once again turn things around."
"That is an extraordinary turnaround."
"Big recovery, you talk about big plays."
"Jim Ratcliffe is capable of being very inspiring and setting goals for a team that can lead to remarkable turnarounds."
"That's how you turn a [expletive] career around."
"See, I knew I'd turn my day around, I'm super happy."
"It was an extraordinary turnaround for a woman who had not been born the child of a monarch or a prince."
"Dominic has been such a turnaround. Dominic was so boring and Dominic was so... it was almost as if every time he was on TV I just couldn't bear to watch him wrestle."
"It really turned around. That rain was scary."
"Things are turning around for you, progress is happening."
"You put a bit of effort in, and uh, you can turn things around."
"Things are turning around, y'all."
"Florida was back just one game into the Billy Napier tenure, everyone was ready to run through a wall for him."
"One punch can turn the whole thing around."
"Doc’s story should serve as a reminder that it is never too late to turn your life around."
"Experience the satisfaction of turning a losing trade into a winner."
"Yamblehovich's career took a complete 180 for the better."
"If you're not having an absolutely amazing day, don't worry, this video is going to turn it around."
"Min's going through, what a call that was, just incredible turnaround, isn't it? You think, like, you know, back when we were four-handed and Mim was hanging on, and here he is, one cut to go. He's done it."
"...it's amazing how just a few days of work can turn something like this around."
"What you did for Tommy is gonna turn everything around for him."
"You can turn whatever financial situation you are in around."
"People say, 'Can you turn it around?' Of course you can."
"Within a year or two you can literally turn your life around at any age, at any time."
"It's been one of the most remarkable turnarounds we've seen in the World Pool Masters. It's been one of the swiftest."
"It's never too late to turn around, never too late to go the other direction or heck even start over."
"One little spark is all you need to turn a game around."
"You are not bound to that situation because God can turn any situation around."
"What the enemy meant for evil will turn around for your good."
"The Charlotte Bobcats absolutely turned the season around, winning the last 16 of their 22 games."
"A stunning turnaround for a player that so many had given up on early in his career."
"For a company to go from losing billions of dollars to all of a sudden making money that just seems like a."
"Sonic turned his life around in one year, you can too."
"Games in the league, losing against Manchester City, going against Chelsea, and almost time, look at that win against Liverpool after winning the league cup on Sunday, and now a comfortable victory here, suddenly things are looking up for Arsenal."
"Life turned around for me. God always prevails."
"There's no doubt Disney is turning around, it's a phenomenal long-term franchise."
"It was no longer boos, it was cheers. It was a complete turnaround."
"The most overwhelming kind of a turnaround in the history of the National Football League."
"Surprised how quickly things can turn around."
"It's a beautiful turnaround you know like you talk about the 180 I think that's really important in my story I do have that for sure."
"What a turnabout from the SEC Championship game, a 57-yard strike!"
"...if you have sort of realized a little bit too late that you never built a career and you sort of don't really know what you're going to do, it is not too late to turn things around."
"Life doesn't have to be 100% one way or 100% the other way. You can turn your life around, even though you're in a tough spot. You can."
"...great turnaround shows why Chamber is such a strong agent."
"I really do think Marvel has all the tools, everything they need to turn this around. They just have to execute, of course."
"They had been giving up big runs, big plays, big points, and then they flip it around today."
"What brought about the sudden turnaround?"
"I'm so happy I'm working on a new album. I got this whole modeling thing, this is unbelievable, like everything is completely turned around and I'm so excited and I've learned a lot."
"Everything in your life is getting ready to turn everything in your life is getting ready to turn around everything in this building is getting ready to turn around everything in your leadership is getting ready to turn."
"You're making a turnaround at this point and you could start at this point to begin to heal yourself."
"To see somebody who's able to turn it around, you know, even at the last minute, it's never too late."
"Pour yourself into your purpose, and turn this country around."
"I turned a losing situation into a winning situation."
"It's going to make us that much more excited, happy, and appreciative of when things start turning around."
"...everything does turn around eventually, but sometimes it can just feel like you've got absolutely no hope."
"Bolton went from the lowest ever points in the Premier League to the highest points in the Championship, it completely turned around."
"This dramatic turnaround at Braga didn't go unnoticed, leading Amorim to Sporting Lisbon in March 2020."
"No one was on board, laughs. You know what? I should play the next one. Maybe things turned around and everyone was like, 'Oh, never mind, this is a good thing.'"
"They've won three more championships in the 18 years since then, a true reversal of fate."
"Through kindness of strangers, my day, my trip, and my life turned around."
"What a remarkable and convincing turnaround."
"He might have just turned the rest of the season around."
"An incredible turnaround by Manchester United."
"AW turned a corner since January. Nobody would listen. Now a lot of people are seeing it."
"It just goes to show you never know when your luck's going to turn around."
"It's wild, isn't it? It just goes to show you never know when your luck's going to turn around."
"Hey, if you'll do this and make these five videos, you're going to turn your channel around."
"It's never too late to turn things around and make things right."
"It's never too late to turn things around and to make things right, especially with the people that you love."
"Ronaldo Patapunov completely turning his night around. He was in negative numbers for a time. He finishes with 25 kills, hitting .426."
"Boston had not only lived up to the hype, they created the biggest single season turnaround in NBA history."
"You'd be surprised that if you could believe God, in 24 hours, He can turn your very life around."
"When a bar eats back almost all its negative selling and closes somewhere near zero or even positive, that's a strong sign."
"Turned the day right around, phenomenal."
"What a turnaround, what a player, unbelievable."
"To turn your situation around and to kind of become an example for some people to inspire other people that you can always turn your life around is what I'm hearing."
"What an amazing turnaround to where today was going. I can't get my head around how this has gone from amazing start of the tour to just wrong to good to wrong again to really wrong and now to amazing."
"After back-to-back 10-loss seasons, the Giants won 11 games."
"In the midnight hour, late in the midnight hour, God's gonna turn it around, it's gonna work in your favor."
"Lloyd manages to defeat monoki in one strike," turning the tide of the battle.
"Failures along the way are what turn things around."
"You can mess your life completely up and still turn it around."
"Every game you know this is a I can't remember another two year turnaround like this."
"Second chances are possible. You can go through the absolute shitty situation in your life and turn it around."
"Things have completely turned around for us."
"Hey Cody I want to say thank you for getting me through an extremely dark time. You provided levity and strength when I had none and my life has completely turned around."
"We can actually turn this around."
"It's amazing how you can go from feeling like your career is over, you can't beat anybody, you're done, feeling like a world beater in one week."
"I went from like this is just gonna be the worst too I really got a good feeling about this and one second, one second flat."
"Shaw lost the leadership due to his foolishness and now has the chance to turn things around."
"Tesla was able to go from production hell and near bankruptcy in 2017 to cementing their place as one of the top manufacturing companies in the world just five years later."
"I believe in seven days turnaround."
"God's getting ready to turn it around."
"When you don't know what to do, know where to go. Seek the turnaround."
"A good run of results can change everything."
"The Hammers started February in the bottom three but they finished it in the top half."
"It's always hope because you can always turn things around."
"The point of this video is just to say that no matter how dark things are looking for your favorite player, there's always a chance for things to turn around."
"Lille finished that season as runners-up and qualified for the Champions League in one of the most remarkable turnarounds in the history of the French game."
"Change is the indispensable link to turning things around."
"It's a nice get and going birdie birdie on 16 17 after bogey par on 14 15, it's a great way to turn things around."
"You're the hero of this whole story turning it around."
"Absolutely turned this franchise around."
"That's the most incredible turnaround I have ever seen in a football game."
"Let's turn this franchise around."
"People forget this same team pretty much was a last place team last year and here they are in first place."
"Golf is a funny game. All it takes sometimes is one putt to change your game around."
"They can have bad plays, bad plays, bad plays, and then touchdown."
"It's never too late to turn it around."
"It just takes one shot to turn things around."
"I went from being down a few hundred to having twelve hundred dollars on the table."
"It's amazing how a bad situation can quickly turn around into a great situation."
"God was about to turn him around."
"What a difference the bottom of an inning can make."
"...once you get started on one thing, then you're like okay actually I can turn this day around."
"You can turn around your day. If you have a shitty start to the day, it could turn around."
"This is how you turn your reputation around."
"It's a big turnaround for Zuko in a sense that he's really got to discover himself."
"City have turned things around, they are 3-2 up against Tottenham Hotspur."
"The turnaround was so fast and so impressive."
"Turn things around for benefit, for profitability, for usefulness."
"For the first time in years, the changing rooms are packed, the customers are having fun, and the sales are rolling in."
"We were facing liquidation in 1994. A million pounds saved us."
"Wow, a dramatic turnaround for Takuma Sato."
"If we could get this account, we could totally turn things around."
"Nola did a cracking job last time around when they turned the cars around quickly."
"Suunto is finally turning things around on the hardware front."
"That's quite a come up from being the laughing stock of everybody to the first banner in 30 years."
"Wait, God's gonna turn this around."
"There's always the turnaround around the corner."
"From defeat into victory, unbelievable."
"Bit by bit, public opinion was turning in favor of the volunteers and their intentions."
"Jimmy Klandra turned his life around."
"I knew that I had to turn it around, I wasn't just gonna stay depressed for the rest of my life."
"Richard's return virtually obliterated the Vikings' first-half domination."
"whatever Bennett did at half time turned the game around"
"Two goals in 17 seconds. From a 2-1 deficit to a 3-2 lead."
"No matter if the path you're on right now is filled with trouble and adversity, if you won't give up, then God is going to turn things around for you. He's not through with you yet!"