
Natural Ability Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Manifestation comes easy for you guys, so if you guys have been struggling with it, let go of trying so hard. This is something that's natural for you guys."
"I like the idea actually of a barbarian who might lack a formal education but is just naturally bright, naturally clever."
"It's natural to me, you know. I'm musically inclined. That stuff just comes out of me."
"I believe that Damon is definitely a leader by Nature."
"Intuitive means that it came naturally for me. It's something that was already within me and it came out."
"He's actually a pretty good football player and one of the most naturally gifted players at any position in this entire class."
"Some people are naturally blessed with the hustle's ambition."
"The closer you can get your genetic potential naturally, I think the better you would be if you did the other stuff right."
"Daniel was one of those people that was just naturally gifted at everything he did."
"We all have intuitive power. Absolutely every single person, even animals, do have intuition."
"Captains are just born, but ain't always like that. Some captains grow into it."
"Your voice is a musical instrument people just think it's a fluke some people are just born with it."
"People are not the same, and yeah, so it doesn't really seem surprising that there are some people who are just naturally better at certain tasks than others."
"Our children were made of love not the intention of I'm gonna get with him and you know so I'm glad it happened the way happening oh yeah they're gonna spew out music it spews out of their blood it's so cool."
"She's lovely, just natural footballer, pure natural ability."
"You don't have to program something that's already naturally within."
"I just like helping. I am a natural-born teacher. I can't help myself in everything I do in life."
"When you have talent everything around you will go into place."
"Some people are just naturally good at games."
"I think he looks incredible for a natural athlete."
"You're stepping into that skill, you're just like a natural at something."
"It's like smooth power, super powerful but at the same time, you have the feeling as it would be, like a natural power evolution."
"He was just crafty with it, like you could tell when somebody, when they sell somebody naturally they got that [ __ ] naturally he he that's the gift that he had naturally."
"Daredevil Ibex goats: when it comes to mountain climbers, these ibex are the true masters of terrain."
"Interspecies communication is something that we all can do."
"He has a god-given talent for the game of basketball."
"You can't teach people to run like that, you just have to have that instinct."
"Whatever you may think of the man he became, there's no denying he was made to play chess."
"Strength will always be a gift. I was born this way. I can always get strong very quickly."
"Everything that I'm good at in my life took practice, except doing this. That came naturally. And this."
"The man was a born instructor, pure and simple."
"Amino acids are the reason why some guys can build huge muscles naturally."
"Everything comes to him naturally." - A lifestyle of ease.
"He's like Messi, what Diallo has got... He's like a magnet to the ground."
"Despite his relative lack of size and the fact that he start out in an age of giants have you ever seen a more natural professional wrestling like Eddie Guerrero HBK just had this certain knack of just making it look easy."
"When he spoke in public he had a natural ease and presence."
"Generally, the first instinct is going to be right, especially if you have a natural predisposition towards seeing these patterns."
"People have an inherent ability to resolve this injury like you talk about..."
"Pure ability, that boy absolutely glides through games."
"I feel like your creative gifts are really natural for a lot of you."
"You've got a natural artistic ability."
"He's a natural; the man has every gift that a man can be given."
"He's got to be a prodigy because he seems to be a natural."
"You are literally a master at something; it's just a natural thing to you, a natural ability because it's your soul purpose."
"You naturally can shine at things that other people need to work their asses off for."
"He's a fantastic actor, and just like some of us just had it naturally."
"They're born with a stance, like orthodox southpaw, natural."
"They're natural performers, dude."
"It's nice to see with Nate, he was just flowing through the course, nothing forced."
"Some people abuse their power, but you guys don't even have to do that in order to get respect. You're just naturally respected, and you're just naturally good at what you do. Your mind is just out of this world."
"Everything kind of came natural to me."
"Some people just got it like that."
"Jimmy didn't get lucky he was born with talent."
"Born blind, she was a natural at navigating her surroundings by feel and sound."
"Removing obstacles to the body's natural ability to heal."
"It's almost like he was born to play it."
"For me, these skills here are intrinsic, it comes so natural."
"...everybody got something that they are naturally good at that just comes to them so naturally that they not even thinking of monetizing it because when it comes so naturally to you, you just think everybody know it."
"A lot of people say that some people have to practice like stage presidents and like studio presents and stuff like all that stuff has come natural like to me it's like a blessing."
"He's got such natural talent, and you saw it then."
"This kids an athlete. They can hit some runs, feels like a natural-born athlete."
"There's literally just a natural leadership quality to these men."
"It's sheer natural talent that's been fine-tuned."
"Natural ability only takes you so far. The right equipment counts for a lot."
"Funny is natural, you know? You can't learn how to be funny."
"Heroism comes sort of natural like to me."
"It's the stuff you can't teach right? Can't teach that."
"Naturally your body will find a way to get in the right position."
"You're a natural healer, a shaman."
"You are a natural healer, your intuition is strong."
"If you can just do what comes naturally to you, you're going to be fine and you're going to get there eventually."
"The things which come really easily to us are generally the things which are of value."
"The body has the most amazing capacity to heal itself when you actually give it the resources and the opportunity."
"We're all naturally intuitive; it's just a matter of who's listening."
"He was sort of a child prodigy and had perfect pitch."
"Oral language is hugely complex; we just take it for granted because it comes so naturally."
"Some people are just mad talented."
"Some people just have a natural ability, they're born in some kind of a state of grace."
"You naturally expose things because you have a natural intelligence."
"Your seed determines your natural talents."
"Kyler Murray is naturally great at the sport of football."
"Some people are just great at it; it just comes to them naturally."
"I just took to it like a duck to water."
"I've come to the conclusion that psychological insights are something that some people just have naturally."
"Set yourself free to do what your body knows how to do."
"Ryland has an amazing voice, out of all the kids, she's been a natural singer."
"You know how many famous people just play by ears."
"The most natural looking putting stroke, isn't it? Just pure feel."
"Being a parent feels very natural to you; it's going to feel very natural to you, or it does if you already are."
"Our bodies naturally can swim, you can do it."
"He's just got incredible natural talent."
"He unleashes his deepest power when it's natural for him to do so."
"He was far more naturally gifted and talented than his brother."
"The human body had god-given remedial capabilities."
"Natural talent is insane, everybody who knows him and seen his video parts."
"She's just gifted, natural, just natural on a board."
"He's got a natural feel for melodic baselines."
"Humans were built for this; they adjusted to the medium of Space Warfare with a natural speed."
"It was so clear from early on that she had a natural strength and a natural aptitude towards skating."
"This is just natural, pure gift that he has."
"A natural leader, protagonists often end up in leadership roles at the request of others."
"Women absolutely have a natural strength that can work brilliantly with an actual female action hero archetype."
"He was naturally a very witty person."
"I'm a woman and God made my body perfectly capable of birthing babies."
"I think a lot of people just, they underestimate the potential of what the human body can achieve naturally because there are some genetic freaks out there."
"Some people just have an absolutely natural gift for it."
"Dog training comes very naturally to me... as I started to study and watch other people do it, I quickly started to realize it's not nearly as complicated as I once thought it was."
"Talent is something that comes naturally, that you cannot teach."
"Anytime a bird shows hesitancy in wanting to fly, it just makes me sad because their entire bodies are built around this one skill."
"Infancy is the most natural time to learn languages."
"I mean it's like she didn't even have to rehearse, she's a natural."
"Flight is an engineering marvel and as far as I'm concerned it's a miracle anything, anything at all can fly let alone a bird who is specifically born to do so naturally and effortlessly."
"What makes you shine... is your natural ability and desire to always be self-improving."
"Anything he put his mind to, he could do it, he was just a natural."
"He was just naturally gifted and polite."
"She's just naturally good at the things that she does."
"Some people pick it up and they're just a natural at it."
"He possessed incredible natural talent."
"In many ways, being dyslexic is a natural way to be; what's unnatural is the way we read and write."
"My natural ability is the fact that I think I can, to an extent, much more quickly condense facts to get analysis to get an understanding."
"You are naturally gifted at whatever it is that you do in your career."
"She's a natural with the animals; they calm down under her presence like nothing I've ever seen."
"The fortunate thing for empaths is that they already have a natural ability to tune into frequency."
"Singing is a cheat code, but you just gotta do it naturally."
"I'm just naturally talented maybe because I don't feel like I'm thinking too hard about it, just trying to go with the flow."
"We're made to work really well if we work with how well we're made."
"He just had a natural, he just was a natural."
"Ketu in the fifth house... you're just naturally good at certain things, almost like you're a sort of prodigy in certain aspects of life."
"You are learning how natural your healing abilities are."
"Isn't that crazy, babies are just born knowing how to do this stuff."
"Some people are naturally more athletic than others."
"Some people just come real natural to it."
"God has given you natural intellect."
"I've never flown before, but it feels natural."
"You don't want to be dependent on them. You want to be able to do this on your own, naturally."
"B Shaan is impressed with B's natural talent."
"If we were going to make a list of the most naturally talented and gifted players in the history of the NBA, Allen Iverson would probably be top five."
"You are a natural leader and a natural healer."
"You naturally have that; that's something not everyone has, and you have it, so use it to your advantage."
"He can lead the entire team; comes naturally to him."
"Now is a time for you to give or receive healing. Everyone has a natural ability to heal others, yes, even you."
"You guys have a healing tendency... you may have been a healer, a natural healer from past lives."
"You are natural at whatever you are doing."
"You actually have a natural talent for it."
"It's so natural to us, this is something that anyone can do."
"You're a natural at being motherly."