
Disparity Quotes

There are 450 quotes

"Women are more than half our population, but research on women's health has always been underfunded."
"One of the greatest morning Mindbenders to me is how 1% of people get 100 times, 500 times, a thousand times better results than 99% of people in their lives."
"Just because you have the ability to purchase healthcare, it doesn't mean that you actually have access to it."
"We are in an era of unprecedented record profits for CEOs."
"The world's changing. There's gonna be two people on this planet: people who own and people who don't."
"If I celebrate diversity but never address the disparity, to me that's hypocrisy."
"Our opinion of ourselves and Christ's opinion of us may be very different."
"What the government says is in the interests of the United States is often quite different than what the people of the United States would consider to be in their interest."
"Rarely has there been such a great disparity between the popular perception of a theory and its actual standing in the relevant peer-reviewed scientific literature."
"The really massive gap between the political leadership... and public opinion... is really enormous and dangerous."
"The majority of Americans feel differently than what you see in the media."
"Black people, personally or individually, are poor. Yet collectively, represent one of the largest economies in the world."
"The widening chasm between those who can and those who can't."
"She's just so much more into the relationship than he is."
"GDP is at record highs while their life expectancy is going down."
"The people at the top of Ishgard live a life of luxury, while the common folk suffer."
"The truth is insulin is sold to other nations for as little as seven dollars of vial while here in the United States it can cost more than a hundred dollars a vial."
"Players are taking the risk by going out there, that owners are not. Players are taking the risk by traveling, whether it's by plane, bus, staying in hotels, going into ballparks."
"That's the beauty of the Bible. So like with like, you can see enormous disparity just between something as simple as geographical locations in two different books."
"The fact that hardly anyone knew that speaks to a disparity that needs to be addressed and resolved."
"It's a story that has played out over centuries. In 2020, Native Americans made up 10% of active missing cases, even though they make up just 1.3% of the U.S. population."
"Moscow is being extraordinarily hard-hit, and then you have the rest of the country."
"The biggest disproportionality comes in terms of protestants so 45 of americans are protestants but only 22 percent of the court is protestant."
"The world is rich and yet the number of poor people is swelling all around us." - Pope Francis
"I have seen slaves on horses and princes walking like slaves upon this Earth. It means things are upside down. God's people were supposed to be Kings upon this Earth and they're walking around like slaves."
"Ukrainian troops are already outnumbered and outgunned even before Russia has committed the bulk of its forces."
"Food is just ordinary, but for others, it may be beyond their reach."
"Republicans if people don't like a product they don't have to buy it and that is how the invisible hand works. Also Republicans we will destroy you if you don't buy our product."
"Overall you say hey we added 20 trillion to the economy but what it doesn't tell you is actually half the country suffered and went backwards and only the top one percent gained."
"In the end, it looks likely there'll be more damage both in terms of deaths and economic damage in developing countries than in the rich countries."
"Kaye Gonzales's injuries were significantly more brutal than her best friend Maddie's injuries."
"Pandemics make poor people poor, recessions make poor people poor, and rich people more."
"The only difference between the haves and the have-nots is that the haves know how to bring wealth into their lives."
"Only in a country that has the class disparity, the race disparity of the United States could somebody like Donald Trump be elected as the president."
"The richest three people own more wealth than the bottom 160 million Americans."
"Women are half of the population, but society does not treat them as equals."
"The real question is when you look at how the media reported the Rittenhouse trial versus what we saw on our streams, you get two completely different worlds."
"I'm taking Sean. I think in the grand scheme of things, I was always just far more excited to see Shawn Michaels."
"Bailouts: privatize gains and socialize losses."
"You're absolutely right that they're outgunned and outmanned."
"Money brings so many obstacles of hatred, man."
"These events do a spectacular job at making a spectacle of the very, very few successful people at the tippy tippy top and then everybody else who's sitting in the audience leaves that event feeling this renewed sense of hope."
"Meanwhile Wade had passed with a 42 and Blake passed with a 15 is disgusting that is disgusting bro Seth she also checks Ellie's score and finds that she failed but got a score of 88."
"It's just so sad the way that the poor people are affected."
"They don't give a [ __ ] about people like you, Arthur, and they really don't give a [ __ ] about people like me either."
"The agenda is going to be way out of here... when the American people are here."
"The majority of the country went shoeless, and many in the countryside wore literal rags."
"Disparity doesn't always mean discrimination."
"But if these people who have everything won't stand up when they really risk nothing... what about people who don't have that kind of security? That's why it's so demoralizing."
"Those disparities are not trivial, they're vast."
"The gap between the comp power of good comp versus bad comp was unplayable."
"Everything in society is geared toward lending the appearance of equality with men when it comes to benefits but not burdens."
"But tragically and unfortunately, there is another America. This other America has a daily ugliness about it that constantly transforms the buoyancy of hope into the fatigue of despair."
"I was getting payoffs on the good houses but not on the shitty houses."
"Most people don't make nearly enough money to actually afford them."
"There's no apples to apples about this; it's like apples to hand grenades."
"The crowd was in awe that a team of level 5 players could defeat a level 16."
"Is it a coincidence that the Maui property owned by million and billionaires wasn't touched by the flames while homes of the locals all burned?"
"This great economy we're hearing about so much is not being enjoyed by the people who actually need it."
"Ultimately, a lot of those people... have had to do 10 times more than white people."
"The year I gave my ex-husband a Tag Heuer watch, he gave me a $19.99 Walmart blender. We already had three blenders."
"When we got into a gunfight, it wasn't even fair."
"Despite the huge size of the pack house with its luxurious bedrooms and bathrooms, I was given a small empty storage room to stay in."
"Everyone knows about the house they have entered at some time during their lifetime, a house of a friend; the yard is beautifully kept up, the house is well painted, but inside of the house there is neglect."
"It's the wealth gap in this country that has blown out."
"London, the fourth wealthiest city in the world, the number one Global Financial Hub with a population of over 9 and a half million people, yet its streets are boarded up and shops lay vacant everywhere."
"The 10,000 richest people in the world have as much money as 3.9 billion poorest people in the world."
"Otani is making less than Austin Barnes, the backup catcher for the Dodgers, and he's the most talented player in the history of baseball."
"A dollar in 1930: I can feed an entire family and still have enough to buy a house. Twenty dollars in 2021: Please help, I can't even buy a week's worth of groceries."
"In 2010 somebody earning £15,000 a year paid £1,700 in income tax today somebody earning £15,000 a year pays less than 500 of tax."
"We have more income and wealth inequality than we have ever had as a nation."
"He really wanted to get out of our neighborhood, while his crime was not nearly worth 90k."
"Billionaires are so out of touch."
"We didn't all grow up in a palace."
"They making videos about me 700, 800 views, I'm getting 30k views."
"There are communities that are in dire need that are not getting any of the resources that we have."
"He who has more will be given to him, and he who has not, even the little he has will be taken away from him."
"Imagine going from this to the one-star rated. This is no fair, there is no way this is ever gonna be fair."
"It's just whack that none of this [ __ ] happens in like South Central."
"...he knew that Alex stood no chance against him..."
"We live in a society where there's a couple hundred million white folks, only 40 something million black people."
"The upper 1% control more wealth than the lower 67%."
"There can be no moral equivalence between an Israeli tank or a high-tech drone and the rock in the hands of a young Palestinian."
"Black infant mortality is 2.4 times that of white infant mortality."
"It's like bringing a sport to a gunfight."
"The disparity of riches in America was striking: in 1897, the richest 1% of the population owned 51% of the wealth of the entire country."
"...they made a very good living for some of those folks at the very top."
"Imagine a millennium village and it starts out that the subsistence what you need to survive is 300 bucks but you need to survive reliably but the community is living at 200 bucks and you ask how can that be and the answer is a lot of people die."
"The current economic system is doing fantastically well for the people on top, but falling far below what ordinary people need."
"His immense wealth is a jarring juxtaposition to the average North Korean's struggle to survive."
"And finally, a disparity is a difference, an inequality."
"But in Egypt, you can easily move from a beautiful area to the slums, like just yeah, ten minutes and you hit the slums. It's not like that. It's definitely not like that."
"...an island known for its beautiful beaches, tropical weather, and also for a shocking 43% poverty rate."
"So how did the gap between rich and poor on this beautiful island become so wide?"
"Young men are four times more likely than young women to kill themselves. It's not going well."
"We unfortunately don't have like the same."
"They give us enough money to buy a house where we're the only on the block, but not enough to be the only in the boardroom."
"The rich get richer, you know. Ridiculous."
"I mean Coutinho earns £480,000 a week in Barcelona."
"The GDP of London alone is substantially larger than that of several European countries including the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, and Poland, as well as literally every single country in Africa."
"It's like, oh these guys, they're asking for too much, they're asking for too much. Teachers don't make that much, did you make sixty-six thousand dollars by the way? On what planet?"
"Over a third of the world's population doesn't have electricity today."
"It's more frustration and anger with the system, with the disparity between such wealth and such poverty."
"All because we have an iPhone and $700 insulin that's supposed to make us feel like we're better off."
"It's really discouraging to see prices continuing to rise and rise and rise and then wages are not rising as fast."
"It's absurd just how much dedication goes into that to then make twenty one hundred dollars a month."
"Consider this resource issue: German soldier's meat allotment was six ounces per day. American troops? 24 ounces of meat per day."
"Almost twice as many women earn degrees than men."
"Comparing these projects makes zero sense. It's apples to oranges."
"I've seen so many people that had more opportunity than me vanish yeah vanish."
"It's just interesting you know autistic women and gender minorities most of the writing and research about gender-based disparities in autism focuses on the fact that girls are woefully under diagnosed."
"Don't have a hundred dollar shoes and a 10 cent squat."
"That's practically a 200:1 advantage."
"The problem was that as the people got wealthy, the wealthy were getting poor."
"How can she be so well off when the same amount of time has passed and Punpun has been suffering?"
"There's a real disparity between people who have been dramatically affected by what's happening and people who haven't."
"I thought of her as my best friend while she thought of me... much more."
"The idea that there are people that are walking around in sandals and AK-47s up against this team... it just seemed unbelievably unfair."
"If black men are only making an average of $30,000, y'all are the ones left behind."
"The world for the well-to-do world, us, is going to be fantastic. But for the developing world, the arrival of the smartphone is a life-changing event."
"Income inequality independent of absolute levels of income is the thing that drives the socio-economic gradient."
"The rich man and the poor man have come to a state of equality, a state of equal stature."
"Two completely different worlds really."
"It's interesting that they had naturi and Keeley in average bedrooms and sharing a one-sink tiny bathroom while Adrian got a huge two-sink master bathroom with a fireplace and a balcony all to herself."
"After 25 years of relentless economic expansion, nearly three million live below the poverty line."
"I think there's already really good evidence to say right that kids of color are diagnosed typically diagnosed at a later age."
"Six figures is like such like and I'm not like trying to take that like lightly or whatever but like it's such a vast disparity between Big Range a hundred thousand dollars and 750 000 are two completely different scenarios."
"The difference between what the average white man and the average black man makes is eleven thousand dollars."
"There's a gap between the rhetoric and the reality of people's lives here. It's an abyss, a chasm, not just a gap, a bottomless pit."
"That's the bit of that bugs the [ __ ] I mean you hear a pedophile like 'oh they've got four years for doing that', that someone's got banged up and got a 12 for a cocaine deal or a cannabis deal or whatever it may be."
"My father's life was good. The food they had was all kinds of sausage, ham, cheese, salad, and mayonnaise. But for us, common folks, it was bread with sugar, or sometimes just water."
"I visited one kid's house, it was just one room with a bed against the wall and a janitorial sink. He said, 'That's where we live.'"
"Theory and practice stand too far apart."
"Nobody’s becoming a billionaire by running a farm."
"There's a definite incongruence between technology and where we are spiritually, consciously."
"Yeah, I mean like, you're hanging out with kids who either have like family companies they can work at if they got their [__] together, or just kids who didn't have to work. And I just didn't share that."
"Selling something for 80,000 over here that you only sell for a hundred dollars over here is fraud."
"If America gets a cough, African-Americans get pneumonia."
"The wastefulness of the rich is a luxury that the poor cannot afford."
"What happened in Bradford going from the richest city outside of London and it was very rich to one of the most oh one of the poorest cities ever."
"The disparity generally between top and bottom of this league and I'm not suggesting reading art term the bottom dwellers they're certainly not but."
"They're going to overwhelm the social service system so there's nothing left for black people"
"My Christmas wish is for every little kid that thinks he's not getting something to get an abundance of gifts. When I was with Toys 'R' Us, it was a stat that was very amazing but sad: 15 million kids will wake up and not receive a toy."
"It's kind of crazy to me that the artist gets all the accolades, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just get all the show money."
"Boise State versus the huge program—you know, the funding that Oklahoma gets compared to Boise State, I wonder what that looks like. Crazy."
"The gap between the guys at the top and the ones at the bottom is growing."
"A lot of people might say, 'Oh, you know, there's that,' but it's just a reality, man. It's two different worlds, man. It's unbelievable, you know?"
"While the nobles savored the riches of the city, the poor of Mordheim became further impoverished."
"I'm not gonna lie, I went to Dubai, they gave me like a six-bedroom house, like ain't got no Butler, this [__] ain't right."
"The wealth inequality in the US is just insane."
"There's a disconnect between that and laminating the label on your Starbucks tumbler."
"All the tech guys are making more money than the artist off of what we're doing."
"What you should and what you end up with are two different things."
"I'm not going to tell people how to spend their money, I just think it's very interesting to see the juxtaposition that as Disney cast members are struggling to make ends meet, experiences they could never ever ever afford are getting more and more expensive."
"I'm offering you luxury yacht money and you're barely banking a dinghy's worth."
"shows how one-sided this battle was that of the 23 Victoria crosses awarded in the Zulu War none were awarded to Lundy"
"It's a very real response which has to be taken seriously. Globalization can create real disparities in society, disparities in income."
"Toilet use is a luxury. Many people still don't have access to a toilet."
"What's happened with online dating is it's amazing for the top 10 percent of attractiveness of men, it's okay for the top half, it is a disaster for the bottom half."
"Decent houses in Saint Bernard's or Saint Leonards have no more influence over the manners and morals of Humes close or Todrick's wind."
"The rich-poor divide has become an enormous problem despite claims of rising standards of living."
"The ratio of the money that's spent on astronomy and cosmology and the amount of money that's allowed through funding of origin of life... it's extraordinarily low."
"As wealth accumulates, poverty spreads."
"Inequality is rising at a faster rate than any time since the days of Margaret Thatcher."
"Poverty disproportionately impacts Black and Latino Americans, so even when we talk about the poor, there is still a lot of disparity in terms of who that entails."
"The atom's score is hilariously imbalanced."
"Nearly 70% of black respondents under the age of 40 are actively investing, outpacing their white counterparts in the same age group."
"The rich gets richer and the poor get kicked around even longer."
"But it doesn't seem fair for someone to lose their small business while hotels owned by big companies benefit immediately."
"Unfortunately, they don't have a lot compared to us."
"New York is one of the most expensive cities in the world, but not everybody in the city is making more than a hundred thousand dollars a year."
"You take one that's run well with 20 trainers, what percentage of those trainers is making a lot of money? It's not 50 percent, it's less than that, it's 80/20."
"There's a huge disparity and after over such a long period of time it can't just be it was luckier every year after year after year."
"Women have so many more options than men do."
"What I really don't understand is how some people born with so much achieve so little and some people born with so little achieve so much."
"For all their hard work, they’re barely given enough to stay alive, whereas the party members get to enjoy the perks of their positions."
"What in the hell was he doing gallivanting about London stealing kisses from a woman who fought herself far above him?"
"Pollyanna is currently living a life of luxury thanks to his criminal tendencies but all the while his mother lives in a government-built block of flats with the only expensive item in her possession being an iPhone 8."
"That was just remarkable, big horsepower disparity there."
"No matter where you go as a traveler... you will see everywhere poverty and riches stand hand in hand."
"That's where the gulf remains in American society."
"There's still almost a billion people, 900 million people who are living under $300 a month..."
"There's nobody who's earned it more in my eyes than the guy that may get paid the same as a McDonald's operator who will kick in the freaking door."
"There's nothing sure of the rich get rich and the poor get poorer, in the meantime, in between times."
"She had pretensions to gentility which her circumstances didn't really cover."
"There's a difference between someone who makes 50 grand and someone who makes a million bucks. Big difference."
"So you've got situations in countries which will happen here with commissioning regions will be able to get drugs and others won't."
"That meant more than 250 thousand worlds didn't get hollow net access which is something separatists took advantage of during the clone wars."
"You got taken from probably the middle class of America to the upper class not even just the upper class you got put into the [ __ ] 1% or the 0.1% of this country"
"Having endowed you with a treble portion, there was none left over for me."
"In every single relationship, there's always someone that likes the other one more."
"they're making record profits even as people are paying more than four dollars and 16 cents a gallon for gas"
"There is a great Gulf fixed between wealth and poverty."
"They outnumber the police force 7 to 1."
"That's a billion dollars to you and me that could feed a lot of [ __ ] people."
"It’s in a sense the story of India, frankly, where the private industry has been very successful, has created world-class standards and aspirations among the people, while the public sector has not been able to keep up with that."
"Whereas some people struggle to find access to basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter, we have unlimited possibilities at our disposal."
"People on YouTube like you, and you're getting filmed with the most terrible camera."
"This is a problem that I'm seeing in the current state of filmmaking when it comes to commercial filmmaking right now: there is no middle class."
"...it's catastrophic but you're still a billionaire or you know a millionaire you're not going to go hungry..."