
Cultural Appreciation Quotes

There are 1269 quotes

"Prague, Prague, beautiful Prague. I could probably spend as long praising this location as I did complaining about the racism allegory."
"I don't think I've been there since '15, so yeah, I'm excited. I love Mexico, the people, the culture, the fighting spirit that they have."
"The simplicity is a big reason why I think people love the Cherokee today."
"What an experience to try Jollibee in the true motherland. It was better than I expected."
"Remember that it's a sign of respect to learn another person's language."
"You’re never going to see the Lunar New Year the same way again."
"The era of imperfection isn't something to be worshipped; it's something to be appreciated."
"Hungarian food is so good, even my Georgian friend thought it was amazing."
"When you learn a new language, it's really good to learn about their culture."
"I love watching black love movies. Like, till this day, I'm that's what I grew up on."
"If it's a traditional dish from a culture not my own, I will research the [__] out of it."
"It's as normal as for American kids eating cheeseburgers and pizza, but I think that what I love about this food is it has all the complexity of all the different flavors."
"What would America be like if we loved Black people as much as we love Black culture?"
"Thai car culture is so amazing; the people over there are so nice, and they just want you to have a good time."
"I know that here, you cherish the beauty of the land -- the mist-covered mountains and sunsets over the Mekong."
"As someone who actually respects Australia, I guess you have to listen to these pro tips."
"Referred to as the City of Love or the City of Lights, Paris does have a variety of most famous human artifacts to appreciate."
"We live in a golden age of music accessibility."
"Embracing cultures outside of your own can only add to our overall experience."
"And that curiosity brought me in contact with the Chinese people, who I really, really came to love and admire."
"The only thing that definitely does rub Munich people the wrong way is when tourists wear those super cheap, low-quality knockoffs."
"I loved Germany, I loved the culture and the way people live and think, how everyone is free and educated."
"Gutentag, Germany, the country known for luxurious cars, enchanting castles, zestful festivals, frothy beer."
"In many ways, his attempt to understand another culture beyond him appealed to people's innate senses of sympathy and warmth."
"To my amazement, a vast number of people in the West do not appreciate the West."
"Japanese Cinema: transcending its nation appreciation into the top echelon of global cinematic."
"One of my favorite groups of people on the planet are Mexicans."
"In my entire life of traveling to every country in the world, I've never met a group of people who love to sing and dance more than the pygmies."
"Shout out to all the chaoshan people that run these shops because they are so industrious."
"Who doesn't love a Japanese garden, am I right?"
"Before making this video I only had a surface understanding of your country and the basic academic fact but when I actually visited your country it was likeo it's a whole universe of complicated Beauty."
"Voodoo enriches the world not in spite of its sometimes baffling mysteries but because of them."
"Thailand I've been there and it was amazing everyone was Good Vibes everyone was just so kind."
"Harbin got the best food in all of China. Fight me in the comments."
"People have no idea how lucky and blessed they are to be in a country like America I'm not saying America is perfect but trust me you don't want to see the other side."
"The black American spirit, like the speaking up about injustice, they don't get enough credit."
"New York, man, the culture out there is just on another level." - Andre Ward
"Many of Tokyo's residents stop and offer up their praise to the dragon slayer in that instance."
"Conservatism means gratitude. It's gratitude for things that work, like philosophies that work, cultural foundations that work, policies that work."
"Jamaicans are very friendly, very loving people."
"It's so much more than a street food Night Market."
"Rio may be known for its beauty, but it is the people that make it truly special."
"Street art has been viewed with a newfound appreciation in recent years."
"You couldn't be around Marcus and not pick up how much he loved Israel. He loved the Jewish people."
"The 90s was just a great decade, I'm realizing that now, [ __ ], we took it for granted."
"There's nothing quite like Asia, the energy, the people, just Good Vibes."
"I just look at Drake, he genuinely loves music, adores different cultures, he's a genuine fan."
"Handshakes are such a nice old world lovely analog physical thing."
"Welcome to England, Timmy mate! You're about to see the most beautiful place."
"We've got to give our legends their flowers when they can still smell them."
"They are very ambitious people. They are very smart, they are great people. It's a great culture, an amazing culture."
"Cultural appreciation and exchange is kind of a great thing about this country it's one of the few things at least I have enjoyed on numerous occasions."
"Scotland is one of the most beautiful places in the world, inhabited by some of the most beautiful people."
"If you like a part of someone else's culture and you want to imitate it, partake in it, whatever, go for it."
"Thank you for enriching our lives with the greatest music in the history of the world."
"Let's just say thank you to the amazing people of Italy for having water. The greatest country for adults to go on vacation in."
"Nothing beats the 90s. Nothing tops the 90s."
"Andre Rublev's Trinity: profound religious significance."
"If you love Indian food, then you're going to love our new channel, Best Ever Food Indian. Subscribe now for weekly videos showcasing the most unique street food from around the country."
"Desmond Bane is going to be remembered as the guy that made Kobe White be flustered."
"I love Iran, I love the Persian people, they're all great people."
"Russian people love Americans and they love American culture."
"Troopers eventually gained appreciation as its audience grew substantially over time and saw much greater success in video and later DVD sales."
"Let's talk about culture. I actually want to talk about things that we like in the culture right now."
"Great to be back in Japan, it's great to get the Idemitsu Asia Talent Cup underway as well."
"Black history is so incredible... It's doing much more than just based negative aspects."
"I love Carousel of Progress. That is pretty freakin' cool."
"Ghost of Tsushima is the most perfect Japanese game developed outside the country itself."
"Sometimes I have ambivalent feelings, but I love America for quite a few things."
"Best birthday present so far I received actually from the Jewish publisher Art Scroll."
"It just really takes me back to those nights when you have you know the Latin rhythm going on and then the beautiful Latina ladies get up there and just start getting into it."
"Thank you, Hov, for everything you've done for me, my family, friends, and the culture."
"Thailand offers me a lifestyle that I have not found anywhere else on planet Earth."
"Black History Month is a month of Celebration, not sorrow."
"The people here are super resilient and only have love to share with others."
"It's an incredible statement of diversity that we often take for granted."
"It's definitely the case that we love an old town."
"It regenerated a level of appreciation of classic Simpsons."
"Your pronunciation is perfect, you have a British accent and it sounds so classy."
"Japan was without a doubt one of my favorite places to go in the entire world."
"You've got this big love and all these amazing emotions that you want to share."
"I always have very fond memories of Taiwan. It's mostly the people, the people of Taiwan are so friendly. What else can I say? Loved the food, of course."
"It's kind of amazing that they exist at all they may be silly sometimes straight up bad but they dare to prioritize black joy in a media landscape that was and continues to be obsessed with black pain."
"Come here with gratitude and an open mind and respect for the culture. Don't be a jerk, blend in."
"He should be celebrated. Natalie Cole should be celebrated. They celebrate Elvis, they celebrate all these other people. You're so right."
"Shout out to South Korea for always pumping out amazing pieces of media."
"For me, what truly shines here are the people of Jamaica. I'm getting goosebumps thinking about all the wonderful people we met here."
"Let's honor our Queens because they are the foundation."
"Thank you so much to everybody we've met here in Pakistan, thank you for your hospitality, thank you for the food, thank you for taking care of us."
"The Splendor of the bronze chariots is not merely Skin Deep; they offer a gateway to understanding the technological prowess, cultural beliefs, and societal values of the chin era."
"I think you've caught the spirit of the movement."
"This is just a place to learn, to network, to appreciate different cultures."
"Honestly, Pakistan has to have the most friendliest people."
"I enjoyed the fact that it was different and it was a very American thing to do."
"Even a fluff ASMR anime has the capacity of teaching us some of the richest culture Japan has to offer."
"He generally enjoys spending time with the people, the Spring Festival, the most significant traditional festival for Chinese people."
"He does not have to be here, but he loves us in the culture."
"With a reputation for fantastic wine, food, and art, and a staggering and lengthy history, Italy today is a desirable place to live and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world."
"Ultraman is criminally unknown in the west despite being a huge household name in Asia, but it's a legitimately thoughtful and classic sci-fi franchise. I will rank it on par with Star Trek."
"I love Switzerland, and one thing I have learned about Switzerland is that the Swiss like to be neutral."
"I just want people to talk about positive stuff more and share it more like Filipinos being in my life."
"Black men's success is a testament to embracing cultural values in relationships."
"English language, I love even more than Spanish or any romance language."
"Some of our ancestors or entire civilizations were far more clever than academics were willing to grant them."
"Black women's love is the best-kept secret in America, but it shouldn't be a secret."
"Shouldn't you be honored that some kids want to dress as basketball players?"
"Somebody like Whoopi Goldberg is like a National Treasure."
"I'm critical of the Chinese Communist Party but I love traditional Chinese culture."
"But if they have toast like this all over Texas, I'm moving to Texas."
"Expect nothing, embrace Jamaican culture." - Magic Mushroom Cloud
"It's the most unabashedly nerdy thing in the history of hip-hop and I love it."
"It's still a very good country. There's a lot of beauty and goodness in this country."
"It's like people know to love this [__] like the people."
"It's something you love to see now, shonen anime are often chopped up into many different genres and many different subtypes."
"They always have this appetite for different types of films."
"It's good to understand and appreciate the cultural heritage of our Tales."
"Turkish rugs... very much the platonic ideal of what a highquality rug is supposed to look like."
"Asia is really big on personality and faces, and the judges really like that."
"Mexico is a huge country with rich culture, incredibly friendly people, and diverse landscapes."
"Diversity of this community as distinct as the bogotas of the Bronx as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio."
"Legacy is so rich, you guys should be saluting every day."
"This is one of the reasons people love Eurovision."
"Food consistently captures the essence of a city better than anything else."
"It's not just the food you put into your mouth, but the culture, the moment, the providence."
"I think Chloe bought the Irish dancers in so that we could really see their timing and unison."
"I think it is exactly where it belongs on Lindsay's finger. She now carries around a piece of Egypt wherever she goes, and it is such an honor and a reminder of a beautiful woman that was lost too soon."
"The concept of navigation: Africans can swim, have boats, and know navigation."
"And never get enough of what to me is the capital of Europe -- Paris."
"We're gonna look back at this era and be thankful to be alive for this beautiful chaotic rollouts."
"We are life, we are diversity, all the flowers, the food, the different races or ethnicities, all the beauty, the art, the cultures, all the languages."
"People loved storytelling...they enjoyed listening to people narrate stories."
"Aang explains that if he's going to build this new world, he can't be the only one that's allowed to appreciate the air Nomad culture."
"I don't fault anyone for wanting to learn more about it. And if it is something, because again, it is beautiful, it is, there is a lot about that history and culture that is beautiful."
"These blocky characters made of thousands of triangles might look clunky and primitive to us now, but at the time, they were revolutionary."
"Sadly, this is the end of Uganda, but I will say that it was one of my favorite countries I've ever visited."
"Mexican people, dude. I love Mexican people."
"I want people to discover the wonders of South Korean drama, or rather East Asian drama in general."
"Why is it that I stayed in China for so long? It's because of the people there."
"Nigerian food is the best food in the whole entire world."
"That's the great thing about places like this. They always inspire you to learn."
"I am a very lucky person to be exposed to this 2000 year old culture of exactly this kind of analysis in one form or another."
"Here you can hear the past, you can feel it."
"That's the way I look at it, it's the best place. I don't mean to knock any other territory, but when you go down to South America, the audience is there, the best."
"So next time I watch Miss Yun's opera, I'll be able to take the compliments."
"He clearly believed in anime and manga as powerful avenues for creative expression in their own right."
"Vietnamese people are hardworking... hardworking is the number one quality of Vietnamese students." - Mr. Witten Chi Hill
"Thailand is my favorite country in the world."
"Knowledge of this is revered in every culture."
"We need to give him more of his flowers" - Resisting in a way that they resist.
"Romania is a great country filled with fantastic people, amazing nature, great food. It's a great place. I live here because I love it. There's no other reason why I live here."
"The First Nations visitor center is a great place. You can learn about the First Nations culture, you can also see archaeologists at work, you can walk on the trails or enjoy a traditional meal. It is an experience to remember."
"Indian food is very fastly becoming my comfort food of choice. It's so damn good."
"I've never gone to a seafood buffet in an Asian country and not had just the most amazing time."
"I just love Moscow... it's a combination of both modern and historical aspects."
"The West is the most beautiful invention that humans have come up with."
"I thought I like these Americans I like them a lot. Strange time to be pro-American most of the world wasn't, certainly not Britain."
"Iran is a land of smiles friendliness and respect."
"Persian food is fantastic, it's underrated around the world."
"It's as if the legends returned just so history could be captured properly."
"This is an Iranian vacation look around me." - Iranian Vacation Vibes
"I hope that your eyes and ears have been opened to one of the most special and beautiful cultures on our planet."
"We ain't never had no problem with them...we love everything they had for the culture."
"Indian food is vibrant, the literal meaning of the word tamaka means a blast."
"Indian food isn't a short list of six or seven dishes, it's a vast beautiful library."
"A lot of these new people don't like to pay homage because maybe they weren't taught why weren't they taught I don't know I don't have a kid right now if I had a kid my kid would be taught to salute all the Pioneers."
"We're free people who have the right to feel pride in our past and pride in our present and to do better things in the future."
"Black folks like it and it's a brunch it's not dinner but black folks like Luther Vandross [ __ ] will sing along to thanks to some 90s r b real quick could have played some Mint Conditions."
"There's a huge difference between having an appreciation for a culture and having a fetish for culture."
"Just showing us what we already were feeling every time we get videos requested to us from Indonesia. That's what that's what we see is just that beauty."
"The people of Indonesia are hands down some of the kindest and most welcoming Souls we have encountered anywhere."
"How was Russian music? Honestly, I had no idea. Yeah, this is pretty good."
"Ancient cultures were advanced... far more than we give them credit for."
"Expose the child to beauty and to the wondrous parts of the world where there are treasures that have lasted for thousands of years."
"The Japanese take arcades extremely seriously and it's very impressive."
"That's one thing you can take from black people is notes."
"Japanese rock is next level. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, we love, love, love already."
"Our hair type is beautiful too. Our hair type deserves exposure too. Our hair type deserves representation too. Our hair type matters too. Just like everything else."
"People of Peru are some of the most wonderful people I've ever met."
"I have the feeling that here in England and in your country it is there's a huge value for the tradition of this cup." - Chelsea manager
"My biggest takeaway is that the Puerto Rican people are very special."
"You love black people, you love black culture, but do you love me?"
"Here's one that's blown us away lately, the Indian music industry. That Indian classical music, my god, dude."
"Rick: I have many friends in America that are curious about Iran, what can you tell them? What message would you give to my friends? Girls: We love them... okay, we love the people in America."
"I love the culture that's one of the things I love about LA is the movie-going culture."
"If loving this culture was a sin I would have died hundreds of times."
"The honour and ideals that shape the way of the samurai is fascinating."
"If you ever have any desire to meet the most wonderful people in the whole world, it would be to go to Norway."
"The Norwegian language is fun, beautiful, and enjoyable to speak."
"Japan really likes it when you try, so if you put 'mosu' at the end of anything, it's like, 'Oh, you're trying to be polite.'"
"Among all the deserving places, there's no question that somewhere in your top 10 you'd probably have Thailand and Japan."
"They're not even really that expensive to make."
"The music of the UAE is extremely diverse... I hope that you enjoyed this segment and thank you very much."
"Are they paying homage to the things they love or just ripping people off?"
"Vietnam is very, very good at is the coffee."
"What's your favorite musical? I think it's Sound of Music."
"Anyone who calls it a crime-infested hellhole is dead wrong. No way hell has such great pierogis."
"Freaky Friday is a genius movie...everybody needs to shut up."
"It just gets better with age, and more people appreciate it."
"You know what I really like? Koreans. I really like Koreans."
"India is my favorite country and I want to go there."