
Political Representation Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"Republicans basically do not reflect their voter base; the only statistically significant predictor of their policy adoption is business preferences."
"Congresswoman Omar is a good member of Congress. She fights hard for her district and for her values."
"We need a party that's going to be there for the people, for the working people."
"Politicians work for us. It's about the people, we the people."
"I always tell the people in my district, hold me accountable."
"Ultimately, the people in this country are not well represented by their elected leaders."
"The political debates must better represent the will of the people."
"It's a question of accountability of the 48 of us that have been chosen to serve on this committee."
"We gotta vote for people who've been in the cotton fields like ourselves, and they're the ones who are gonna bring us out of the cotton fields."
"We have to use our vote to get out of the cotton fields. We can't just vote for the boss man; we got to vote for people who've been in the cotton fields like ourselves, and they're the ones who are going to bring us out."
"I think it's okay to slightly overrepresent smaller states because I think it's okay to keep States invested in the ongoings of the Union."
"I and others of my sex find ourselves controlled by a form of government in the inauguration of which we had no voice."
"Women like me aren't supposed to run for office."
"What me being the U.S senator for our state would mean is that finally, we have a U.S senator again who will invest in our communities."
"Politicians are not necessarily making legislation that reflects the views of the people in the state."
"Folks want to be heard and represented and fought for and listened to, and that is fundamental not just to winning but for me to understand what's important."
"President Biden strongly supports D.C. statehood... The denial of voting representation in Congress and local self-government to the 712,000 residents of our nation's capital violates two of our nation's founding principles: no taxation without representation and consent of the governed."
"We represent the American majority and we can't let anybody forget it."
"The only way it's possible for people like that to run for office and to open a space so that regular working people can have representation in our federal government is to run these types of grassroots campaigns."
"Trump represents a bunch of people they hate even more than they hate Trump."
"We need a movement that is representative of the country... speaking on behalf of a forgotten majority."
"It's such a powerful message when you tell the people I'm not taking formal PAC money and I'm gonna represent."
"Ulfric needed a symbol, someone he could defeat that represented the Empire."
"We've now got 80 percent island of misfit toys and 20 or so people who are actually qualified to be in their jobs."
"It's different people that's being elected that's in positions of power that's making decisions on the behalf of the people that the people is not advocating for."
"Representing Texas is not doing a photo op in each county but standing up and fighting for the people of Texas."
"The Constitution is a living, breathing document."
"We need to convince the American people that in fact we can have a government that represents working people and not just the 1%."
"Trump is the avatar of the rage felt by regular Americans."
"What we haven't tried in this country is equal representation."
"My job is to represent, my job is to represent our viewpoints, my job is to make sure that when we're talking about the environment, you know, just yesterday we announced legislation."
"There is a whole generation under 40 having their interests completely thrown under the bus by this leadership."
"I stand on this stage tonight as a daughter of a maid and a janitor."
"We should be looking for people who can represent us in Congress and the Senate very effectively."
"His claims around safety, while every city has their challenges, what we are seeing the cities that Jim Jordan represents have far higher incidence of violence than New York City does."
"I didn't want to be represented by a fascist in Congress." - Congresswoman Marie Guzenkamp Perez
"In America, the president is not able to do what a king does because in America, the president is a spokesperson for who he's elected to speak for — the people."
"He told me about his commitment to making sure we selected a cabinet that looks like America."
"Some of the best representation conservatives are getting are from people like me."
"We stand with constituents in upholding the Constitution."
"Complete and utter anti-corruption. We will not represent corporations, we will represent the voters."
"Science is just trying to understand the natural world around us by using facts, evidence, and reason."
"Politicians don't speak for the people but that can only be allowed to go on for so long before the people finally get pissed off."
"Women this year the US has a record number of women running for office."
"Beto showed that Texas isn't just Houston, Dallas, or San Antonio. There are a lot of other towns out there that people want to be seen and heard." - Olivia Juliana
"More diversity in the house and more women in office than at any point in American history."
"A political party representing the black population and its interests is almost certain to emerge."
"A hispanic party could be expected to play a similar role representing a group even larger than the black population."
"CNN portrays Biden as a moderate while radical policies are pushed by his administration."
"As long as our representatives are representing our interests that I'm good for it."
"We should demand good representation from our leaders."
"I'm fighting for Senator Nina Turner because I want the angry black woman to go down there and represent me in Congress. Hello, somebody!"
"This is what the people are demanding and I'm a representative of the people. I represent my district, they're demanding this."
"Joining us now is the new representative from Florida's 10th District in Orlando, the first gen Z member of Congress Maxwell Alejandro Frost."
"Ben Shapiro largely does represent establishment conservatives. American conservatism is a far ideology you just have different flavors."
"We need elected officials that will represent us first and foremost."
"We've given them our vote, but what are we getting in return?"
"This is really about taxation without representation... We just can't tax people without allowing them to be represented." - Delegate from Chintan DC
"DC statehood is the only way to end taxation without representation."
"Caring about representation of the highest levels of government is wrong? Nice Kafka trap."
"Every politician from your state that actually has influence on what's going on represents you whether you voted for them or not."
"People have the right to be politically represented."
"I'm talking about people that represent and run in the reddest parts of the country."
"If you can't have a non-Christian president, then maybe one day if we're lucky."
"In a functioning democracy, we would elect representatives who are not going to be coercive when they speak."
"Why is there a gap between the policy preferences of voters and the policy preferences of legislators?"
"Congress is not as representative as it could be."
"The guy who actually did the work should be representing progressives in Congress."
"We want to celebrate all that diversity. When we are here together representing all 5 million to the American political system, we have greater power."
"You have to deliver for people. You have to show that you're actually interested in representing them."
"When this happens, they are called faithless electors, meaning they cast their vote for someone other than who the majority of their state voted for."
"Video is the next best thing to being there in person."
"I'm not going to be their president... I want to be the president for people who don't have the lobbyists in Washington."
"We want a politics that represents the views of the growing diverse progressive majority in this country."
"It's historic. We have the first black woman as vice presidential candidate."
"Reparations are never a topic because the people representing us never bring it up."
"We're your public servants we're the ones supposed to represent your voice."
"Donald Trump is very good at being the vehicle to express every single piece of frustration that like his base of support feels."
"We need a government that represents working families, not billionaires."
"Great night for working-class candidates and the working class in the country."
"It may be advantageous for candidates who be in and of themselves optimally distinct from the group they represent."
"Trump voters... he's the only person willing to speak for us."
"I stand up for ordinary, hard-working Georgia families time and time again." - Senator Warnock
"What is she gonna do for black people? What legislation is she gonna pass for Black people? What benefits he's going to have for black people on the south side and the west side of Chicago?"
"We know exactly who these people are. They don't represent the working class; they are not representing real issues; they're just representing themselves."
"Sanders channels a certain part of blue-collar America that most democratic politicians simply don't."
"Presidents in American fiction do not merely represent what ifs and might bes but the current fears of the public and the culture's anxieties."
"You vote these people in thinking that they're gonna represent your interest when they don't you need to vote them out."
"We're losing the war. We can't win without some kind of representation."
"The entire working class, everybody who voted Republican, you know, The New York Times didn't run a single op-ed by a Trump voter in the six months running up to the election in 2020."
"Having representation and citizenship based on geography is a pre-land line technology in a post-cell phone world."
"Democrats got just a little bit over one-third of the seats despite winning over a majority of the vote Statewide."
"Lefties are underrepresented in the field of economics. I think that needs to change."
"I think it's okay to keep states represented and invested in the ongoings of the Union."
"I'm okay with the idea of over representing some smaller states just so that they're not completely and totally ignored."
"They were elected not to sell out the way so many politicians had done. They were elected to speak truth to power."
"The electoral map is a mosaic with only two colors; it doesn't always capture nuance."
"At least we have a black woman as vice president. We're set."
"Senator Warnock said you can't represent the people if you don't know the people."
"I know how people feel about it in my district."
"I stand for the silent majority, and I'll die fighting for them."
"Arizona needs somebody who's going to go to DC and represent the people."
"There's something beneficial in the grotesque amplification Trump represents; it confronts us with the truth of our society."
"Representation does matter. You hear us. You hear us say this often in this administration."
"We needed a strong man's voice in Washington."
"I would vote for a black party that's why in the power nomics book... delivers the most to black people in america."
"My constituents didn't send me here to create more government."
"Political Representatives that do not say no do not represent you."
"We need to start getting behind candidates who actually represent the needs of the American people."
"The government does not represent the people."
"Government starts representing the needs of the working class and the middle class." - Senator Sanders
"The Virginia Plan favored the large states because your legislature all come either directly or indirectly from the people."
"We want somebody in there who cares about us and who's thinking about us and is working for us every day."
"I hope not representative of the entire sort of agenda you're seeing bills from other members that I think are a little bit more promising."
"He represented farmers better than most all other U.S. Senators in history and consistently voted against railroad monopolies."
"Most Americans are coming around to the understanding that we really aren't represented in Washington."
"Census data is used to evenly distribute political power across the states."
"We've just got the second seat, yeah, this is so, it's such a short reminder."
"Elections are representations of our values, our ideas, and how we want the country to proceed."
"We gotta become Mayors and we gotta make sure we have representation in our legislative branches because we need to fix our neighborhoods and if anybody is gonna fix it it's gonna be us."
"The Republican Party wants to represent middle-class interests and working-class values."
"Nobody is representing their interests. They're getting wise to it and they're feeling the effects on the street."
"Extreme is the status quo... what's not extreme is having a government that actually represents the will of its people."
"Trump represents someone persecuted by the man and he represents the Forgotten man."
"No social or economic transformation without representation."
"I want to see a really diverse debate stage."
"If we don't have out atheist, secularists actively running for and getting elected to major public offices, I will consider this to have stalled a bit."
"Representation matters, your voice matters, the best place to articulate your voice is at the polls."
"I don't think a democracy can long thrive or maybe even survive if over a sustained period of time it is governed by a minority of its citizens."
"She will give them an advocate in the White House."
"Malcolm X was just far more honest than MLK; MLK represents the regime approved moderate veneer."
"I think our Congress should be reflective of everyday people."
"I'm somebody that would love to see a congress more reflective of me... I think that's what people are going to be looking for as we look to find the people that are doers."
"It's you guys... ready for electing somebody who will represent and work for you, that's what it's about."
"The parties themselves represent metropolitan elites which have a set of views."
"People are representing us and they don't know jack about what's going on."
"Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump are much more representative of true conservatism."
"Historically that has been very important to Arizona that they have independent representation."
"It might be that an Eric Adams or a Larry Elder by virtue of being black becomes a way of people having a sense of 'I want to be on the right side of the civil rights questions.'"
"We as a people have to demand that our representative government actually represents us and passes laws that matter that keep us safe."
"This abdication of the need to represent the people, theoretically legislators are representatives, they are there to represent us, and what corporate Democrats have not done at all is that."
"Black leadership is no longer about articulating the demands of the black community; it is more about simply getting a seat at the table."
"After years of being let down by Washington politicians you now have a champion fighting for you in the White House."
"Do you want to be represented by a career politician who actually doesn't like you?"
"Jeremy Corbyn really represents something different."
"If you're an indigenous British person, can you really look at our political environment and say, 'Yeah, I feel represented'?"
"Winning a Statewide election in Georgia is a signal to other black people that you two perhaps can vote in Georgia you can run."
"The representation that we have right now may not be perfect... but it is a pathway."
"Your job is not to tell me what's not possible. Your job is to advocate what is best for your community."
"Who do you think them people in Washington DC work for, me or you?"
"She represents them before she represents you if she represents you at all."
"Our government represents us, the people. Our government is our servant, not our master, and it makes a lot of difference to you what you can do and what you can't do."
"Nobody believes that if Hillary Clinton got three million votes more votes than Trump so who believes that a woman can't win."
"Demand leadership that represents and defends us."
"It's time to stop making politics about Hollywood and start making politics about America."
"That was a remarkable human being, and they're lucky to have her in the 11th district."
"I bet the folks I represent in the fourth district of Ohio would say yeah that makes kind of common sense to me."
"We need our own politicians so we can have propositions and our own agenda."
"Black people like me, he needs to talk more about what he's going to do, not just have black people say I like you."
"They got the stand-ins for Obama, that's what they looked at us as."
"It's about the constituents that we represent by the hundreds of thousands who are demanding that we do something different in Tennessee."
"Most black people, the vast majority of black people, are not satisfied with what they've gotten from the last four, five, six, seven, eight presidential elections."
"We need more women in politics, not just women, but women that would fight for what is right."
"It's not hard to feel invested in someone so committed to giving their district not only the representation it deserves, but representation they've never had before."
"If you're not willing as an elected Republican to represent the interests and the values and the principles of those voters who elected you... then step aside."
"We are the only, you know, free nation that doesn't allow the citizens of its capital to be represented in its capital."
"I don't feel represented by either political party... unless Tulsi Gabbard."
"Politicians are supposed to be your elected representatives almost like employees."
"We are here to say we belong here and we will demand respect for Miss Ocasio-Cortez and every other woman in this house who has been demeaned by a colleague."
"Betrayal by these people... many of these people were actually representing not only the will of their constituents... especially if you live in New Jersey."
"She's not for black people, she don't have a black agenda."
"They're not representing us, they're representing themselves and that's it."
"We should be voting for ideas and issues, not voting for leaders to represent us across the full spectrum of issues."
"What do you think? I'm amazed that the defector has two representatives in England."
"As in the 19th century, technology has suddenly made the connection between congressmen and their constituents more immediate, more direct."
"...it's really not the people as much as it's who they're electing. And I don't think it's always corruption. I think a lot of it is stubbornness."
"I want us to be represented in both houses of Congress."
"To elect a conservative, it takes around 38,000 votes. To elect a liberal Democrat, it took about 350,000 votes."
"The representatives were supposed to refine and enlarge the public views."
"I love this party. This party has given this guy, who came to England at the age of six, did not speak a word of English, the unity to represent his hometown in Parliament."
"DC and Puerto Rico should have meaningful representation in the United States government."
"Most Americans understand that both parties don't actually represent their interests."
"The Chinese Communist Party doesn't represent the Chinese people."
"Somalia actually outperforms many other African countries in terms of women's representation at least in the federal Parliament."
"I want to take these discrete colorblind-friendly colors and make them the colors all see for each of my candidates."
"I'm proud to be in the most diverse cabinet in history."
"The first past the post voting system... generally produces unrepresentative results."
"We need more black and brown people not running to the polls to vote, but we need us to be in the positions to be voted for."
"The number of women in Congress... the increases is definitely noticeable."
"The ranks of Tory women was swollen by two new MPs of a more loyalist cast of mind."