
Revenue Generation Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"You could be making LLCs; they could be literally doing what they're already doing every day right now and converting that into revenue."
"I remember like there being a little bit of a turning point, which was I made like this viral video, and it ended up making a lot of revenue."
"We've got $34 trillion of debt and governments on both sides that want to spend. How about we come up with some revenue ideas?"
"I have actually generated over $6 million in revenue in course sales over the last couple of years since I started my online course business."
"NBA Top Shot had $80 million in revenue in the first three months. That's proven product market fit, that's not speculative."
"The more people click onto this, the more money you are going to make."
"You make money by helping people and help them solve their problems."
"Jelly Smack actually generated over a hundred thousand dollars."
"Even in its eighth week, Spider-Man No Way Home brought in significant revenue."
"You can start making a good amount of money immediately with only a couple hundred subscribers."
"If you have a thing that can do 100 million a year in Revenue for multiple years, that's a billion-dollar property."
"More watch time means more promotion and revenue."
"Becoming an affiliate for something like Udemy or even let's say that you know a couple of YouTubers who have an online course... there's a lot of money in online education."
"Clients will pay you anywhere from one thousand to ten thousand dollars per month to bring them new customers."
"I want to give you your entire audience so that the more people that have eyes on you, the more people you convert into subscribers and actually earn revenue."
"There's really only one game that can generate that much revenue... Grand Theft Auto 6."
"I think there's a potential here to make millions even hundreds of millions of dollars."
"You have to try and keep thinking of ways to utilize what you have to generate more Revenue stream."
"Revenue is just a side effect of finding your passion and fulfilling it out there in the world."
"OnlyFans handled over 2 billion in sales in 2020."
"It's something we can kind of get done, put alongside this series, and then also have recurring revenue."
"Step one is not for a company or an individual to save money but to go out and produce new revenue."
"You give it a theatrical release, you get that positive word of mouth, you get that buzz, you get that people excited and you make that money." - Chris
"Revenue generation is an indication of having a use case."
"You need that cash flow because it becomes your cash cow that's feeding these other businesses."
"Contacts equal contracts and contracts equal revenue."
"This one shirt resulted in over a million dollars."
"This is a real-life business doing real money right now."
"Legal cannabis brought in 18.3 billion dollars in 2020."
"Since 2013 Red Bull Salzburg have generated more than 300 million euros through player sales."
"The WWE still generated an insane amount of revenue when all was said and done."
"I'm a long-term investor here, the more fame we have, the more money we're going to earn."
"I showed you a channel that makes as much as 16 and a half thousand dollars a month using and producing similar videos."
"Disney understands they need to reduce usage of FastPass Plus, and rather than getting rid of it, they choose the option that also makes them money."
"As long as you continue to be entertaining, you'll make money."
"I have confidence that even if I step away, I'm still going to generate revenue."
"I started a text message software called PBJ app... for every customer we get, it's around $1,500."
"What good is the world's greatest show if no one sees it? I'm saying is that we need people in our parks. Fill up our facilities with warm bodies. Numbers bring revenue, excitement, and opportunities."
"Tax capital at the same rate that you tax ordinary income. Take that corporate tax rate up to 28% and you would generate the revenues you need to pay for the programs we're talking about."
"Make what the fans want and they'll pay for it."
"Disney Genie Plus and individual lightning lanes continue to be a huge Money Maker for Disney."
"Releasing two games instead of one made them about $100 million more in revenue."
"I want to hear what that plan is because if you start making money with this, you need a plan in the back of your head on what you're gonna do with the money."
"Google ads are extremely profitable... pure money coming in the door."
"Shipping is just going to help - that's extra money on the pile to help ensure that number is cinched up."
"I've been posting YouTube videos since I was five... I've been making ad rev since I was a baby."
"You can always, always make money elsewhere with the amount of views that these guys get. Just one sponsor would give them minimum $20,000 like up to like $100,000 with their loyal fan base."
"All of those things add up to a pretty large pie."
"30 million accounts generating revenue is better than one million dollar customer costing."
"Pokemon GO has made over a billion dollars this year."
"Monetization methods: Affiliate marketing, digital products, and print on demand."
"Just tax it in the state that you're in, can make a ton of money."
"Financial transactions could be taxed to raise revenue."
"If you want to increase government receipts lower the tax rate."
"It's the biggest pay-per-view debut gate we've ever had."
"The difference between everybody going to school for free on scholarship and athletes is the athletes are generating revenue."
"So you could develop a sustainable way for you to generate revenue."
"Just how massive the AirPod market is: In 2018 alone, AirPods brought in $8 billion with a B in revenue."
"Always be selling... your business cannot thrive if you're not making revenue."
"Blogging: the first step to building something big, being known, and making hundreds of thousands a month."
"A revenue store for us, that's what's going to take us to profitability." - Jack
"Overall like I said the game's made 24 million dollars in two weeks."
"That kind of revenue stream would just simply not be available by the open system."
"Our drone application software is generating revenue by surveying crops."
"Create a subscription service where 1,000 people pay $83 per month. Subscription services are gaining popularity, and there are multiple ways to reach the seven-figure promised land."
"Understanding how to leverage Google ads, how to leverage that audience, that reach, and make money is a skill that has made me millions of dollars every single year since 2014."
"The market is agnostic to how you make money, right? The market doesn't care as long as it's legal, as long as it's ethical."
"Every 1 million views that you get is typically about three to ten thousand dollars in sales."
"With very little resources, you can start generating additional revenue to put towards your first real estate deal."
"One study says that 53 of the largest cities in the United States haven't generated enough Revenue to cover their bills."
"I've been here before, worked with tons of streamers in the past, currently work with tons of creators and I'm helping them be able to grow their channels, be able to become full-time creators and generate revenue doing something that they love."
"Membership sites, they work like crazy."
"Finding additional ways to generate Revenue with your home that side hustle having a small business oh it's beautiful it can unlock so much for additional Revenue additional write-offs Building Wealth getting out of debt"
"If you're not doing 20 to 30% of your revenue through email marketing and you're an e-commerce business, there's probably something wrong."
"The ability to generate additional revenue it's all based on how creative can you get and if you're not able to generate that additional revenue it's not because it's not possible it's just because your eyes aren't opened wide enough to the opportunities."
"Clients bring revenue and revenue brings like the lifeblood of the whole thing and if you can't bring revenue into your business it's gonna fail it's going to die that is just a fact."
"Here's a strategy that I've implemented that allowed us to make over three million dollars per year."
"The need right now for copywriters who can write compliance stuff that actually converts, is probably the biggest skill that you could have right now to make a ton of money."
"Personalization is game-changing, if you can implement it within your brand or within your collections, you can easily start making money."
"Once we figured out what was really driving the success of our business, that same small business pulled in over 10 million dollars in total revenue over the last three years."
"What else could you do that is related to your business that could be another stream of Revenue?"
"If HR is not earning revenue sometimes, HR in most cases will not directly earn revenue but direct revenue is earned by sales people, not marketing... HR is enabling, my mother is enabling that my father should perform his best because she is a homemaker."
"Every day you will be asking these questions: Can I squeeze another 25 cents? Can I raise my prices by another $5 an hour?"
"We have literally generated millions in new revenue for companies all over the globe using Facebook ads, using YouTube ads, and a whole other bunch of other advertising platforms."
"Straighting fun it makes it fun it's an amazing online platform to create your own website, connect with your audience and even generate revenue with one easy to use platform."
"...this link here is a link I use that I get paid on."
"Fund development coordinator generates revenue."
"I've been doing like coaching Consulting and agency for a long time they have generated over five million dollars online doing this stuff and so really good at generating appointments client acquisition sales sales teams appointment setting."
"Because remember great players create wins, wins create fans and fans create money."
"We're able to make money off ad revenue."
"College athletics is revenue producing and that revenue is reinvested in all athletic programs across the board."
"Next time you look at a platform company ask the question how do they make money because the kind of risk that's associated with each of the models is very different."
"All you need is a thousand like really avid, like hardcore customers, and you've got a million dollar, if not multi-million dollar business."
"This is how I've been able to make 20 million plus in sales guys within the past seven years."
"Last month we made over twenty thousand dollars from affiliate marketing alone."
"A sales director could bring in 10 million dollars a year if you have the right person."
"The revenue that the content in our network is generating is significantly higher than anything uploaded directly to YouTube."
"To create content, own the content, create our own library so we can keep revenues coming in."
"Imagine for a second that you've helped create, launch, and scale five courses to $100,000 per month profit each."
"Affiliate marketing is the art of going through and making money with an affiliated business."
"It's easier to make one $100 sale than it is to make 100 $1 sales."
"The trick is to ask the simple question: What products, systems, services, or solutions do we sell? How do we make money?"
"We could literally be doing what we're already doing every day and converting that into revenue."
"Energy storage also supports diverse applications including firming renewable production, stabilizing the electrical grid, controlling energy flow, optimizing asset operation, and creating new revenue."
"In one year, you can build a million dollar business by having four products at 25 sales a day at a $30 price point."
"Creating content for the business launch is going to generate a thousand dollars an hour, for example."
"To be the leading Web3, sing to earn an app that enables the Melody community to gain significant revenue and keep healthy and happy."
"The revenue you'll make from subscribers is going to be at whatever like 10 to 20 times difference than from advertisers."
"By using these research methods effectively and correctly, this is how we're able to scale so aggressively and make two million dollars in revenue."
"You can earn about an average of 10 percent of the product sales driven from Amazon Attribution."
"If you can build an email list, nurture that email list, it can be a resource that whenever you need to, you can generate revenue."
"Leveraging the power of virtual assistants, in under two years, we've done right around five million dollars in my companies."
"This year, my channel in total has generated around 287,000 dollars just from AdSense."
"It's produced millions in revenues for them and their users, so it's something that you can trust."
"I'll never forget the day that I set up my first smiley face site; it made 300 bucks the next day after I built that site."
"Did you know that this motivational YouTube channel gets over 2.5 million views and generates over ten thousand dollars in ad revenue every month?"
"Passive income is all about spending an initial amount of time to work on something, then continuously earning revenue from that over time."
"If you can command traffic, you can always make money."
"All national parks and reserves that look after animals and provide sanctuaries for animals need to create revenue."
"What a unique way to generate some revenue on the road while you travel."
"The franchise has now generated over 1.3 billion dollars in worldwide revenue."
"I'm very blessed to have this as my job, where everything I build and modify to this truck is content and it brings me revenue."