
Common Good Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"The exploration of the moon is a shared effort woven together by a desire for the greater good."
"You want to prove you're not selfish? Here's the perfect test. There's something fun that you wanna do, and then there's something less fun that people are doing for the common good."
"Eventually, we'll have to figure out how to design objective functions that are aligned with the common good, but no, we've been writing laws for millennia, and that's exactly what it is."
"First, we have to find common purpose across creedal and ethnic divides as we use those institutions to pursue a genuinely common good."
"The pursuit of a genuinely common good requires us to find common purpose across our differences, grounding our society in a set of shared values and commitments."
"Government helps direct persons, associations, and society generally toward the common good."
"Somewhere along the way, we lost our appreciation for the idea of the common good."
"The common good is much more than the sum of individual interests; it moves from what is best for me to what is best for everyone."
"The nation-state is no longer able to procure the common good of its population alone."
"The common good has become global, and nations must associate for their own benefit."
"This nature-loving movement... it really is based on something that's fundamentally good for the Commons."
"Socialism for me is about the common good; it's about making sure that every American, no matter how poor, has access to decent medical care, a public education, the chance to go to university."
"We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance, and retribution and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise, and the common good."
"My deepest hope is that we all humans get to become the fullest version of ourselves as human beings, to join in the mission and vision for our common good." - Oprah Winfrey
"I think that ultimately just as a species, questioning that and getting closer to the truth is gonna ultimately serve everyone's best interest."
"Restricting certain individual rights to advance the common good is by no means outside the domain of democracy."
"It comes to a point where even the devil and the Saints all aggregate at that ceasefire Zone where the common good becomes the summer."
"I wish we could all just work together for a common good."
"Embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise, and the common good."
"It's one small sacrifice for the greater good."
"Let us hope that we come together not for partisan advantage, but for the advantage of all."
"It's about everybody coming together for the common good."
"I feel like you tell it how it is, but you do it in a way where you're putting the highest good of everybody on the line."
"But it's not beyond our reach, it's not beyond our grasp, it's not outside the realm of political possibility that we might go forward as one people, one national enterprise striving to achieve a common good."
"Love of neighbor should guide our decisions for the common good."
"It's about people coming together for the common good, people connecting to each other on a deeper level."
"Sometimes you have to vote for the greater good."
"The right choice is always the choice for the greater good."
"The common man just wants to live in peace and justice and a clean environment."
"Striving for the greater good makes the process much easier and more rewarding."
"Sacrifices must be made for the greater good, I suppose."
"That's what it's all about: putting our differences aside for the common good."
"You want to feel like you're on the same side and you're working together for the common good."
"A common good product measures what really counts."
"Imagine if the factions working together were actually for the common good of America."
"The common good requires that laws recognize, promote, and protect marriage."
"They held all things in common for the common good."
"Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives in keeping with the just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good is to be commended."
"You know, there's so many examples of where we were able to unite in times of strain to solve our shared problems for the common good."
"Restriction of Freedom... for the common good."
"If he does good for the country we all benefit. That should be so obvious."
"We must always have the common good first in mind."
"How you connect with one another, how you conceive of public interest and common good."
"Rights have to be Tethered to some understanding of the common good."
"Salt... didn't want to profit off it... belonged to humanity."
"Only the collective efforts of a fully awakened and committed to the common good population can have any chance of turning the tide."
"Unity is the indispensable principle to building the global society for the world's common good."
"It's for the greater good, for your own good, safe and effective."
"The common good is the sharpest and most uncomfortable challenge to our financially centered society."
"Join forces for the greater good before it's too late."
"Individual ambition serves the common good."
"You can't have a democracy unless it's a voluntary system, people have to show a lot of restraint, they have to be all in, there has to be some sense of the common good."
"All of this technology can be immensely positive for us provided it's put in the hands of the people for the common good."
"Why not work together for the greater good?"
"People were capable of great change and the common good rewarded those who tended to it properly."
"Toward a politics that heals the divisions and points us toward the politics of the common good."
"It offers a way to harness the power of artificial intelligence for the common good without compromising human dignity or autonomy."
"The liberal state relied upon pre-liberal values of caring about the common good."
"He wasn't interested in the church; he was interested in civil society and the common good."
"Sometimes strength isn't about physical power or endurance. Sometimes it's about the boundaries you're willing to push for the sake of the common good."
"The film effectively conveys the relationship between Authority and the common good."
"So let us remember that energy is the blood of the Sun shed for us, and that it is our responsibility to use that energy for the common good of each other."
"You want both: the pursuit of truth and a commitment to the common good."
"Far from being about wealth creation, capital necessarily blocks the production of common wealth."
"All of the work that people did on their inner beings now is the time when that work is valuable to the well to the common good."
"Now, there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good."
"We need to reflect on our love for our country as a common good, nestled under the common good of the Church."
"If anybody asks you to give up a little of your freedom for the greater good, that freedom is the greater good."
"A politics that aspires to national unity, bringing people together for the common good."
"Private property can be regulated for the common good."
"Preserving the common good sometimes necessitates penalties commensurate with the gravity of the crime."
"...education and educating oneself is for the common good--for the common good of society."
"The pursuit of self-interest is found to serve the common interest."
"Healthy competition could promote the common good as long as incentives were correctly structured and individuals had access to the necessary social goods to pursue their interests."
"Freedom of choice and self-determination are virtuous principles, but when selfish individual interests threaten the common good, the limits of individualism are exposed."
"We need to be educated into and to participate in a politics of the common good if we are to develop our full human potentialities."
"Understanding the common good is a prerequisite for any adequate understanding of human beings."
"It's not enough to be right-minded; we need an adequate conception of the political common good for both evaluative and explanatory purposes."
"By serving the common good you would serve all and that was based on a society where people had opportunity but there was also a basic equality."
"You've been given a manifestation of the spirit for the common good."
"If you intend something which is necessarily and essentially contrary to the common good, you cannot attain the authority."
"That's what musicians do, they gather around and they serve the common good of a song."
"I like to think that when I'm cooperating with someone on the same side, we can set aside some differences to work towards the common good."
"We’re living in a great beautiful world of cooperating forces, filled with things that want to get together, and work together for the common good."
"The common good is a good which represents a desirable perfection."
"...we've lost as a nation this idea of the common good right and service toward the common good and sacrifice toward the common good um and so many young people are so disgusted with politics don't want anything to do with it they don't vote um and who could blame them."
"We gotta make sure that we worship the common good."
"Give up something for the greater good."
"For whatever I have attained for myself will become, through the fact that Christ carries it into reality, the common property of all mankind."
"How can the business model around innovation really be designed around common good perspectives?"
"We can come together for common good even though they might have a different interest regenerative agriculture can and needs to be a major part of the solution."
"For any one of us to be built up and edified is the common good of the body."
"If this part of every tradition in the world can be jointly advocated and promoted, a good life for all human beings based upon solidarity, harmony and common good, would be eventually realized."
"What's good for the team is what's good for the mission."
"The greater good of the team as a whole is so important."
"We have to come together as a nation for the greater good."
"I guess we need to think about what is best for everyone and not just for one person."
"This mental attitude which forces self-interest to recede into the background in favor of the common weal is the first prerequisite for any kind of really human civilization."
"A just law is an ordinance of reason, given by one competent for the common good and promulgated."
"It's this balance of the freedom of individuals and their rights versus, you know, for the common good."
"What unites us far outweighs whatever divides us."
"...he said he made the choices he thought were best for the most people."
"Universal Health Care is a matter of increasing the common good of the entire society."
"He was the protector of the common man."
"It's evident that life and projects here are driven by the common good."
"Think for yourself and ask the question, will this be for the good and the benefit of the many."
"The appeal to autonomy... gets rid of the common nature if you mandate the common good is thrown out with that."
"It's all part of the greater good."
"That gift is unique to you and for you, for the purpose of building up the Body for the common good."
"The prosperity of everyone in the country depends upon the ability of the common man to support himself."
"Should you, my lord, while you pursue my song, wonder from whence my love of Freedom sprung? Once flow these wishes for the common good, by feeling hearts alone best understood."
"It is not common that the voice of the people desire anything contrary to that which is right."
"To each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good."
"Transcend politics by remembering that politics in its best form is about the common interest."
"It just goes to show that even the worst of enemies can sometimes work together for a worthy cause."
"What's good for one is not always good for all."
"We need to stick together to fight against damage control for the greater good."
"It shows you how our society is led by money instead of actually being led by the greater good."
"The good of the people be the supreme law."
"All of us have the ability to influence and to make a difference, and we're called to serve for the common good, not just for the party but for humanity."
"When you really are great as a team, as a people, as a nation, it's when you think beyond you for the greater good."
"If we can exercise control over emotion, use it for the common good, but never allow ourselves to be subject to its demands, then we have an enormous source of energy to call upon."
"She doesn't want you to pursue those things for power, she's very oriented toward the good of all, the good of the people."
"Everyone is coming together now for the greater good."
"Sometimes you had to put aside what you wanted for the sake of the greater good."
"We have all had to make sacrifices for the greater good."
"Can we not be stupid? Can we think logically? Can we think what is the greater good here?"
"I would like to see capital be productive... investing in companies that actually make things that are at least of consumer interest or perhaps could contribute to the common good."
"The mission to help souls and 'maiorem dei gloriam' and for the common good, was the same everywhere for every Jesuit."
"A nation is formed by the willingness of each of us to share in the responsibility for upholding the common good."
"Personal advantage is very often contrary to common good."
"The greater good, Brandon, you calm down."
"You're making decisions based on the greater good."
"Real solidarity means coming together for the common good!"
"The fruits of the earth belong to everyone; the earth itself belongs to no one."
"The common good, hard-working honest people, men and women of integrity and substance, who did things to make the world better."
"If we must come to realize in the end that there can be no final good for us as persons unless we have helped to build a common good among all persons."
"Be holy by working for the common good and renouncing personal gain."
"Could I invest my life this year in creating the common good?"
"Individual fulfillment or the soul's fulfillment and the common good."
"He was one of those politicians who believed in common good and was ready to sacrifice almost everything for a brighter future of Russia."
"Morality is what happens when we subordinate self-interest to the common good, where we care about others not just ourselves."
"Multiplicity becomes one through attention to a common good, something which is beyond the multiplicity."
"I'm okay to forego my privacy a little bit for the greater good."
"I truly hope that this assembly will move forward together in the best interests of everyone in Northern Ireland."
"Our focus should be on the greater good."
"If it was a public service, it should serve the public good."
"We speak as one and act for the good of the Empire."
"The greater good refers to the needs of the many outweighing the needs of the few."
"There is an objective good, and that objective good is one that we as a people agree to govern ourselves together and orient ourselves toward."
"America is a project, a political project to secure the common good, and not merely a non-aggression pact of a lot of Hobbesian individuals."
"Don't build an organization that serves only one man's interest; build organizations that serve the common good and corporate interests."
"The first object of government is to protect the common good, that which we share, and not that which in some ways divides us."
"What's the best way to structure something that gets the result that we presumably all want?"
"We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good."
"We decided we're gonna take the competition, throw it out of the window, and join together as one big team to do what's right."
"Science progress is futile unless it's dedicated to the common good."
"On the one hand, toward the protection of the common good, and on the other, toward the protection of individuals."
"In the end, if we don't work together, we're all screwed."
"The highest good for the state, the highest good for the most people."
"Libra is about balance and often Libras are said to be indecisive. I don't find that at all; I think that Libras are very good at tuning into the greater good."
"We are interested in the res publica. We contribute to the formation of a common territory."
"Service requires bravery and thinking of the common good; it is not about occupying the office as an end in itself."
"Putting aside your differences for the greater good."
"Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good."
"Gods of our peoples and lands, may we spend this time together in friendship with you and with each other, and use it to the common good with profit and with pleasure."
"This means that the ancient enmities that exist between these groups, such as the Elves and the Dwarves, the Dunadine and Gondor, these past grievances must be put aside for the common good and future of their world."
"We need to visualize the common good in a different way."
"We should try to apply those skills to help the greater good, not just like the one percent."
"We must stop wasting the resources of our earth; we must use our magnetic fields and those things which are available to us for the greatest good of the greatest number."
"Working together on this one might be an uncommon good."
"We would be helped enormously in trying to defeat those ideas if medicines were produced in a way where it was clearly for the common good."
"To me, ethics is doing what is best for the most."
"It is time for leaders, women and men of courage and character who are future looking and concerned for the common good, to lead."
"I love the common people. I want to arm them against the lawyer, the doctor, the priest, the literary man, the professor, the artist, and the politician."
"It is the ordinary people, my lord, who would most readily lay down their lives in defense of your realm."
"We must learn to see wrongs as personal because we are part of a community where the personal is crucial for the realization of the common good."
"Freedom is not free; it requires an eternal vigilance, and therefore we must ultimately come to compromise and resolution on behalf of the common good."
"At the end of the day, we all want the best for the space."
"What is the common good in the first place? The common good you can think of as being a collective aspiration for society."
"When the common good of all is what people focus on, then no one ever usurps another's happiness or destroys another's freedom but promotes and increases it as much as possible."
"Everybody knows these sorts of goods, and there's a rational basis for those goods."
"It's better for the good of the people rather than the good of an individual."
"We have to create incentives that counterweigh these profit motives if we want Facebook to act on the common good."
"Don't we all collectively want the greater good for us?"
"The ordinary person in their community promotes the common good, the community interest."
"The Common Good Project seeks to foster a discussion of the relationship between law and the common good."
"The sum of separate private utilities can never add up to the common good, which is the good proper to and attainable only by the community."
"The common good is the structural, political, economic, and social conditions that allow communities and individuals to live in accordance with the precepts of legal justice."
"It's a sacrifice that everybody has to make, and everybody's making a sacrifice for the bigger good."
"The notion of the common good does not impose a specific political regime or political framework."
"The state and the citizenry are attempting to provide the conditions for the common good."
"The concept of the common good assumes that there's an end to law."
"The common good concept and classical legal theory try to recover a sense of the ends to civil authority."
"The separation of powers can be justified in terms that sound in the common good."
"The common good is profoundly in the interests of individuals."
"I'm concerned that we're not looking out for the greater good."
"Every choice that we have to make... can be boiled down to: Is it for the self alone, or is it selfless? Is it for the good of all?"
"We're really doing something for the common good."
"Tragedy of the Commons is a concept where the resources of a common area have been depleted because the people were interested in themselves more than the whole."