
Health Safety Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"Hope you guys are doing well, staying safe, staying indoors, washing your hands."
"Please, just be aware of that, be smart about it, and you know, do the right thing and do your part."
"We will always put the health and safety of Canadians first."
"If you could do that before you send a group together into a class or a group together into a factory to work, how great would that be knowing that at that given moment everybody was negative?"
"It is very important that we continue to receive essential protective equipment from around the world, including the United States."
"We are here to protect our community and maintain their health life safety."
"Soldiers wear bulletproof vests, but now we're offended someone's shooting at them? Yeah, because it's a bit of protection, but they're not Iron Man."
"Please stay safe, and don't forget to wear a mask and wash your hands frequently throughout all this."
"I look forward to it and depending on the conditions I would have no problem wearing a mask."
"Our best defense against this virus is washing hands, physical distance, and staying at home."
"I think it would have been a great public response to say hey look we forgot to plan we're a little short on PPE."
"We're not defenseless against this virus; masks work, social distancing works, hand washing works."
"The real issue is how do we protect ourselves from the next pandemic."
"I am not anti-vaccine. What I am is pro-safety and pro-data."
"Ample testing and monitoring... are the keys to vigilance."
"Persistence is Victory. Adhere to people above all else, life Above All Else, adhere to the prevention of imported cases."
"Every American is asked to do their part to prevent the spread of the coronavirus."
"We still have a voluntary contact tracing system in place. To date, we've had no outbreaks linked to the facility."
"But until then, stay safe and wash them [ __ ] hands, blood."
"If you are vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized. You're not going to be in the ICU unit and you're not going to die."
"Medical professionals wear masks for a reason. They reduce pathogen transmission by 70%."
"Once you are vaccinated, your chances of passing this thing on to another person are so low that the CDC itself has said that if you're in a room with another person who has COVID and you don't end up symptomatic, you don't have to quarantine."
"We're taking responsible steps to protect them."
"I will always take the 99.9999% chance of being safe for life from a disease instead of deciding well there's a fraction of a fraction of a chance that I will get this disease why even get the vaccine."
"It shouldn't be choosing between voting and risking your life or your health shouldn't be a choice you simply don't you don't vote and you take care of your health and your well-being."
"Roughly at a meter, it's somewhere between 10 and 30 times more risky than at 2 meters."
"When used as directed, daily oral contraception is safe and is expected to be more effective than currently available non-prescription contraceptive methods in preventing unintended pregnancy."
"Masks literally stop you from spitting on people."
"This nursing facility no cases whatsoever, the staff here about 90% inoculated, residents here about 95% of them have the vaccine as well." - Steve Patterson
"It is perfectly safe to drink tap water in Vegas."
"There's always a higher risk if any country's got a higher rate than you have."
"The first vaccine provides a high degree of protection, the second vaccine for the same person provides greater protection."
"Just make sure that we are cautious in our approach, I think that's the way to get the results that we want."
"There's much that's not known, but I do think that with coronavirus to date, it does look like if you've been naturally infected or vaccinated, you appear to be protected against severe disease."
"Just because something is banned in the EU or not approved in Europe doesn't mean it's necessarily bad."
"Not only are Casetify's cases very aesthetically pleasing, but they have an anti-microbial coating which kills 99% of bacteria and they're incredibly tough."
"My first responsibility is the health, the safety, and the security of this nation."
"Health authorities in Denmark, Norway, and Iceland suspended the use of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine shots on Thursday following reports of the formation of blood clots."
"Universal use of face masks on the flight together with the plane's ventilation system significantly decreased the infectivity of COVID-19."
"Masks reduce the radius of the droplet cloud... it's a big difference."
"Please remember to stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance and wear your mask when you are out in public."
"Let's all do everything we can to stop the spread of coronavirus, by wearing masks."
"If we were all wearing masks, we'd just be a lot safer."
"Can I eat these? Yes, as you can see they are sealed and safe for these times. That is the coveted cup and you so rightly deserve it. You are the history master."
"Disney World hires trained allergy chefs and cast members in each of their restaurants to make sure your dining experience is as tasty as it is safe."
"This could have all been prevented if the chef washed his hands."
"Getting a vaccination feels like being given your life back."
"We're not opening up too fast because we want to be in a position to control it."
"We come so far we just don't want to mess this up now."
"Masks are a fantastic thing to add to your tool set."
"Always wear a face mask outside even if it's homemade."
"Masks are not magical cloths that guarantee you safety from all harm."
"Features like these have already saved lives, real human actual lives."
"The most important thing that we can do is to self quarantine."
"The basic thing that you should know about the n95 is this mask prevents things from getting in."
"The surgical mask is basically protecting other people around you."
"Wearing eye protection all your PPE basically."
"If somebody decides that they want to wear a mask because it makes them feel better they should absolutely be allowed to wear a mask."
"But if somebody else has a medical condition or a religious reason or a personal belief or for whatever reason doesn't want to wear the mask then they shouldn't have to wear it."
"One death is one death too many. We don't want anyone to die from this."
"Do we as Americans have the freedom to go out and know that we are less vulnerable to a deadly disease? No, we don't have that freedom."
"Zero cases means they will be taken outside of the neighborhood."
"Get some N95 respirators and keep these in your vehicle at all times."
"The technology that is now being developed could actually save the world from a much more dangerous virus in the future."
"Containment is critical: Direct contact, droplets, and aerosols."
"I cannot imagine putting bleach on my daughter's head."
"If this ever happens to you, this is a very good sign to not eat what that person is making."
"People shouldn’t have to choose between voting and their health."
"PPE is about protecting the people who protect us."
"We want to play football this season. Establish universal mandated health and safety procedures and protocols to protect college athletes against COVID-19." - Trevor Lawrence
"Staying indoors and reading right now actually might save your life."
"This couldn't have been better suited to Nui his sheer experience in car design and particularly ground effects meant that the Red Bull came out of the blocks flying in 2022."
"While this is a fun anecdote, what they should really be talking about is how this is essentially the best version of the first Strider to ever be released on the home market."
"Remember to wet your hands first, apply soap, rub all surfaces for at least 20 seconds."
"Using the right procedures, using the right equipment can really limit your own risk."
"Universal masking is proven to reduce transmission of the virus and to protect those who are not vaccinated, not just students but of course teachers and staff as well."
"I think at this point with the known variants, you are really in a very, very safe position compared to about anybody else."
"92 percent of the nation's schools have received the green light from the health ministry to resume face-to-face classes."
"Having food reserves and basic respirators all help."
"Not getting infected is far more important than conforming to social norms, I would say."
"Improvised masks are actually pretty good. Better than nothing."
"We all have to assume that we're a super spreader and mask up accordingly."
"Blocks have been lifted, now is the time to pursue your passions."
"Just doing that extra step every single day, I'm helping people avoid getting contaminated."
"Pray for all the foreigners trying to stay safe and healthy in China."
"Cruise ship with a fully vaccinated population is one of the safest vacation options available."
"There's no such thing as a safe abortion. It is inherently unsafe."
"Simple first aid kit... just something simple to take care of those minor cuts and injuries."
"People need to understand that nobody has the right to go in and poison you and if somebody tries, stand your ground."
"Please stay safe and healthy, I'll see you next time."
"Be smart, be safe. We're almost to the other side of this thing."
"Always buy a test kit. Better be safe than sorry."
"Ventilation may be one of the cheapest and most effective ways of containing the virus."
"German schools are airing the classrooms every 20 minutes."
"Masks actually might do something, they are effective."
"Finally today my administration is highlighting general recommendations for all schools and guidance to protect high-risk teachers and students."
"It is still protective even if the entire classroom isn't masked."
"We want to keep those numbers a lot lower than they were and we will do that."
"It's more important than ever to step up on COVID safety."
"The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and masks could work, we just need more studies."
"Keep away from other people in your home as much as you can."
"Self isolation means staying indoors completely avoiding contact with other people."
"The administration clearly has the authority to protect workers... and stop the spread of the virus."
"Ensuring health and safety is a priority will always drive our reopening efforts."
"Wearing a mask is not a political thing, it's just common sense."
"If you were compliant you wore the mask and you were diligent about that you had an 80% reduction in your contracting of viral influenza."
"Even these scientifically illiterate Bible people did more to advocate the wearing of face masks than the majority of today's Republican Party."
"People will not self isolate if they have to choose between staying at home to stay safe and going out to earn a crust and to keep a roof over their head."
"Apple Watch saves lives and it does it over and over again."
"Piercing guns are extremely dangerous because you cannot clean them properly. Go to a tattoo piercing shop!"
"We've provided vast amounts of protective equipment and testing supplies."
"We have to take every possible precaution. Four out of five people who have the coronavirus don't have symptoms."
"Stay safe, wear your mask, and help save a life."
"The more time you spend with someone, the more likely you are to get infected."
"I'm really innovative and I clip my mask on my wristlet so wherever I go it's with me."
"Cloth masks stop you from spitting on people."
"Even when things are going back to normal, there are still a good amount of coveted safety policies in Disney World."
"The risk from masks for people who are otherwise healthy is very low."
"You can create a setup like this and never actually have to venture smoke and just contain the smoke."
"Why are you just storing them and waiting to use them? I mean, well, you know, if you cook it, it kinda kills some of the germs, okay, this just—no, no, it's called survival, Amy."
"I think like right now it's actually probably one of the safest times to fly and the least likely that you'll get sick because everyone is so afraid, everyone is so petrified of getting coronavirus and there are such strict standards everywhere."
"A relatively sensible and effective air gap to stop the spread of the contagion."
"Remember, no contact is still the way to go."
"Do masks work? I quite literally trusted masks with my life."
"If it's safe, which they all are, then you can inject it into me even if it is only 10% effective."
"Personal protective carbon monoxide detector... go off in public places... good idea to wear all the time."
"The FDA actually came to my workshop and said that there's a black mold infestation."
"Please be safe, please watch everybody's safety, good health, social distance, wash your hands, please."
"Make sure you are practicing social distancing."
"I have never in 20 years seen vitamin D toxicity. I do not think it exists."
"Out for better working conditions demanding better ventilation PPE equipment and a 15 an hour minimum wage."
"Being out in the sun, if things are laid out in the sun like you get a package or something and you leave it out there for long enough, the ultraviolet rays will kill it."
"You gotta stay safe, you gotta wear a mask when you're around people, you gotta keep distance."
"You can't play games with this COVID [ __ ], you might as well wear a condom on your face."
"Better to behave as if you have no immunity than as if you have immunity that you have not God."
"I'm fully vaxxed and of course we are willing to respect all the rules."
"You can actually smoke there's the pads there that collect the all the yuckiness from the burning tobacco."
"The top priority is to have a crank radio as part of your EDC."
"So far they're we haven't seen really any adverse effects."
"Wearing a mask is not a political statement, it's efficacious."
"In many times in history, beer was safer to drink than water because the production process includes boiling. Boiling eliminates parasites, viruses, and bacteria that can cause illness."
"Defeating the possibility of oxygen deprivation."
"China's inaccurate diagnostic kits, about 70% to 80% of these kits are non-functional and substandard protective gear. Many countries have rejected the masks and other equipment from China because it's found to be non-functional."
"Our lives are just as valuable as their lives on the other side of the tracks."
"Vaccinated people protected from hospitalization, unvaccinated people not protected."
"I just want you and your family to be safe, so please get the vaccine." - Amber
"It was a difficult year with the COVID and I really hope that next year we come here without the masks."
"CPR breathing barriers are used to protect the rescuer when giving rescue breaths."
"Antiseptic wipes are critical for disinfecting before first aid is given."
"Crystal Cruises has announced a plan to require all passengers to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at least 14 days before they take a voyage on their ships. Passengers will have to provide proof of vaccination."
"The best thing you can do to protect yourself and protect your friends is to wear a mask."
"Wearing masks could really be what makes the difference between a resurgence or keeping the virus at bay."
"Please listen to your doctors if they tell you to do something, please do it."
"Preventing infection is crucial in the operating theater."
"Negligible risk of infection after eight days."
"N95 masks are supposed to filter out 95% of the micro particulates down to 3 micrometers in diameter... but we're not sure how effective masks are to prevent the infection."
"Wear your mask, wear your gloves, wash your hands, do everything you can to help prevent the spread." - Becky
"I probably would have come in, but I don't want to kill Brian."
"Boosters cannot lower your risk of car accidents, and then show me there's no reduction in car accident deaths."
"Mass had become a political statement as much as necessity."
"I probably don't need to wear a mask when I'm in my car, driving by myself."
"Always stay safe, guys. This new Delta variant is no joke."
"Mass save lives. You can't go shopping, you can't go to work if you're sick or you're dead."
"Some Jif peanut butter has been recalled due to salmonella."
"Glad Tesla FSD was there to help in that you're feeling well." - Elon
"Vegas doesn't have that many rules but wearing a mask is one of them."
"It's very easy to forget about it, to let your guard down." - Dr. Jeanette Neshwatt
"Hope you guys are staying healthy and safe, inside your house, unless you're being forced to work, which is inhumane."
"Social distancing: clearly the new word of 2020."
"I hope cruise lines offer some vaccine-only cruises where you don't have to worry about protocols."
"Meat shortages imminent unless workers can access rapid antigen testing."
"No emergency bag would be complete without hand sanitizer."
"So let's follow the rules, wash our hands, cover our faces, observe social distancing, download the app as 14 million of you have already done, and together we will fight back against this virus, protect our NHS, and save many more lives."
"Yes it is definitely a very good idea to have medical supplies with you."
"The main reason to wear a mask is to protect those around me from me."
"If you pick your favorite streaming service and just put your butt on your couch and stay there, you have defeated the virus for zero dollars."
"At a 50,000-foot level, masks obviously work because people would not be able to work with extremely hazardous materials if they did not work."
"Anything you can do to protect yourself... could save millions of lives around the world."
"Apple watch is the most important product Apple has ever made because it saves lives."
"So you know that I'm telling the truth, so you know that this poison ain't arsenic."
"He's one of the guys that is vaxxed and is not going to be playing and will not go because he doesn't think it's safe."
"Just because you send me a form that says, 'It has been determined that school is safe to return to'—no. It's not enough. It's not enough for me."
"Disneyland's got a lot of practice implementing social distancing guidelines and other safety measures."
"I hope that you'll minimize that risk by wearing a mask when you go and keeping it on and throughout the entire experience."
"It's not claiming it gets rid of all viruses but it's the filtration is so small it's going to get rid of some if not just totally reduce everything in the water."
"The MRNA covid vaccine is magical and it is safe and effective."
"God has protected us... there has never been an outbreak of COVID at Grace Church."
"I want my meat to come from an inspected facility; I don't want to get sick."
"We can make wireless radiation safer by using wired connections."
"Reverse osmosis water filtration system can literally save your life, it's just a no-brainer."
"Don't drink out of plastic. Use glass cookware."
"There is currently no evidence that CV can spread through the mail."
"An N95 mask is effective at minimizing the spread of contagions... it's just like the difference between waterproof and water resistant."
"If you're sick, wear a mask to protect others."
"I'm anti-mask at this point in the pandemic, except in special situations."
"Even if it's not 100% effective, it's still better than using the harsher synthetic chemicals."
"The masks do not hurt you, they do not make you sick."
"Why didn't they test all residents right away after this derailment? That's the first question."
"It's about saving lives, getting back to our loved ones and our friends, making sure they're safe."
"The dangers of rushing a vaccine before it's ready."