
Familial Love Quotes

There are 360 quotes

"I just always wanted a family that loved me."
"Your mother is up there looking down on you. She's so proud."
"We as human beings have both the stressful responsibility and the grand freedom to choose and care for our own loved ones. We have the ability to decide that there are people to us who can always be valuable, no matter what mistakes they introduce to their and our lives."
"My darling mama, as you begin your last great journey to join my dear late papa, I want simply to say this: Thank you."
"Here's the thing though, she's one of the kindest, most loving, most caring people I know and an absolutely best mom any kid could ask for."
"We secure you. We contain you. We protect you. And even if you still don't get why I'm doing this, please understand that I still love you."
"The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter."
"You're my pride and joy and I miss you dearly."
"I want to say how much I love my wife and what an amazing job she did today on our daughter's sixth birthday."
"Leaving them behind simply isn’t an option for her. Everything else might have been a lie, but her love for her family never was."
"We are forever grateful for you, the biggest of hugs and tiniest of kisses for the boys, always and forever."
"Do you still love your son? I love the person I knew to be my son before this happened."
"I love my sisters like I love my brothers like I love myself."
"Love of country is an extension of filial piety, of the love of your own family."
"I'll always love you and I'll always be your dad."
"I love it till the day I die because it sets me free every single time with the realization that you're my father and you love me."
"Mom, I need you to know that you're the most important person in my life."
"We are a family of light, soul brother, soul sister. That's why we love each other."
"Your mother loves you because you're her daughter."
"Grateful for Torah's role in saving his daughter, Jonathan extended his heartfelt thanks."
"All that matters is the love they feel for each other and that will never go away."
"Iroh's love for Zuko is his paramount trait, urging him to choose his own path."
"Deep down, despite their differences, Daemon and Viserys love each other."
"Dearest Philip, be brave and remember I will never leave you and you will always find me when you need me most, all my devoted love, your old mama."
"It's making me so happy to read about our life that I am finally going to dance missing you and loving you from afar."
"If you don't stick it, it's okay. I'll still love you."
"Hey Mom, I'm sorry, I love you, I really do. Your child still is here and she loves you, she always will, regardless of whether or not you believe her to exist."
"Saint Joseph liked to sleep, and they're feeling that love from a dad, that's awesome to me."
"She's my heart, you know. I love my parents but she's at first place."
"May you live long and prosper, son. It'll protect you. I love you so much."
"I love that baby still to this day like it's my niece."
"If I lived a thousand times more, I would pick the same mother a thousand more times."
"He wants his kid to know that I still love you. That's a big one, that's a big one."
"Happy Thanksgiving to all, surrounded by the people you love."
"I loved the beginning there like I like the very beginning where they're all happy the dog's jumping in bed with them bread's hot hot that was just Sam and Dean you know yeah."
"The father didn't even make the son walk all the way back home."
"Your mama loves you so much and your daddy, these whole families love you so much."
"If you love your children, you don't pay inheritance tax or estate tax."
"Have a great weekend, I love you, stay black, Uncle Joey always loves you."
"Lexie is not a daughter-in-law, she is my daughter."
"We're just looked at as less than it doesn't matter how much the family will say that they love us."
"Dear Nana, I hope you have the best birthday ever."
"I don't think anybody loved his boy more than Sam did."
"Daddy will never leave you... life is eternal."
"Nobody will love you like your children, nobody."
"You guys will always have this loving, forgiving energy with one another."
"It's a love letter to my dad, it's a love letter to fatherhood."
"My little sweet pea, there you are, my strong little bear."
"It's absolutely okay to say we care about our own family before."
"Mother was a spiritual mother, and her heart was immense in love for her brothers and sisters throughout the world."
"I am ferociously protective of my father and his legacy."
"The world became a better place, thanks to you Mum."
"Prince William found something in Kate that we had all hoped for, a new sense of motherly love."
"I'm asking God to give me a deeper love for my wife, my children, and my fellow man—a deeper love."
"Listen everybody, hey there you are foxy, hi! Hey, I love my mom!"
"My mother never lost hope in the man she loved. What a woman."
"My mother was the most wonderful person in the world, everybody says it, but their mother, no they don't." - Bill Shankly
"I would lay down my life for my idiot children in a heartbeat."
"They will treasure you with so many red packets and love and money."
"It doesn't matter to me 'cause she's my baby."
"Despite our disagreements, I love you like a brother."
"The amount of love I have for my family is exponential that it's never going to die and they need I want them back."
"Jackson would do anything for his little princess."
"But like it's just so it's like so nice and so genuine and so kind and so thoughtful to the point where it's like ridiculous and funny and anyways I love my granny."
"He wouldn't hesitate to let me know that y'all son I love you me that [ __ ] that like and that I think that was one of the greatest things that I could say about him."
"No amount of money ever bought a second of time. Smart guy, that kid's not even here yet and there's nothing I wouldn't do for him."
"Grandpa, I hope you're dreaming about eating lots of mint ice cream. Not chocolate, you always liked mint better."
"Each of you are my favorites in your own way."
"I'm not a poet but I love my daughter, I miss her and it hurts, and it won't go away." - Wesley Hadzell
"Mom, it's okay. You're probably just tired." - Rosa's children reassured her, a poignant reminder of love's patience amidst hardship.
"You're the best sister anyone could ever have."
"This is for you, my daughter. Daddy loves you. This is for you."
"My dad didn't even care to do the DNA test anymore because when he saw me he fell in love."
"The real Legacy that Dean Martin Left is, The love his children have for him."
"But his mother would still do all she could to keep him close and safe as he grew."
"Show love to all your children, treat them like children."
"I come from a very big fiercely loving family who are very supportive of me and very protective of me."
"Maris McGlockton is guilty of loving and trying to protect his family, and he died because of it."
"My mom sends love and prayers to all of you."
"I would love to love you the way that I love my kids."
"Hug your children, hug your loved ones, kiss your cousins, your brothers, your loved one, your wife, husbands, whatever significant others, partners, whatever the pronoun is, whatever it is, just show love."
"It's such a powerful tragic moment, he had just come to accept jenny and love her as his own daughter."
"You can't take it with you when you die it might not matter to you but it does matter to the people you love."
"I'm not banking on dying anytime in the next year but I got life insurance because I love my family."
"He became like my dad, he raised me my whole life."
"I've seen so much of the universe, and you're the best thing in it, John," Superman tells his son.
"Love country, love people, love family, unconditionally."
"I love people, man. You know, I grew up in a very loving and amazing family."
"It was heartwarming to see how excited the father was for the arrival of his daughter."
"There is one very special person who brings Craig's memory to life like no one else can, and that is his son, Blake."
"You should be able to be treated as an adult and agree to disagree on things and love each other."
"When Suzanne walked into a room, she would light it up. She was just a really kind person. Everybody loved her. I don't think you'll find a soul that says they didn't love my sister."
"I love my wife I would never hurt my wife she's the light of my life and my daughter's lives."
"There isn't anything quite like a father's love."
"Love your family and love your children. Love in my interpretation is the name of God."
"I love it, man. There's something that feels good about that, 'cause you really think about it. Like, getting your mom something, it's like your family. It's like you've been through so much with each other."
"The hunter Biden story, the Scandal, the this that it's also the story of a Father's Love and Joe Biden has never will never give up on his son son Hunter and will never treat him lesser than and so he is a father first take it or leave it."
"When he's telling other people about his daughter, he's winning."
"Every day when I came back from school, my mom would always say hello."
"It's too short of a time not to kiss your father, not to tell your father you love him."
"We love you and we can't stand you, so what do you think the people who don't love you are going to think about you?"
"Love means that you can, you'll do anything for your family. Yes, you will die for your family."
"She's my baby sis, so you can take the room across from my room."
"If you love your people, you gotta be crazy."
"Respect your ancestors, love your ancestors."
"I enjoyed the 50 years that he was alive, his birthday is next month in March, and I appreciate the time I spent with him, man."
"Siblings can be tight, but Lainey and I were inseparable."
"Just hug your friends and family while we're all still here you guys it's it's a really hard time."
"This is the only mother that has done anything for me."
"I just want to be remembered as a good man, a loving husband and father, and a person who was a giver."
"I absolutely love you, you're my best friend, and you have been the best mum... I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you."
"Happy birthday, Isaac, daddy sure does love his little big man."
"They're proud of you and love you in a pure way."
"You win a gold medal and a Fabergé egg because you are the best dad in the whole world."
"His love for his grandmother is in many respects... very sad when she dies."
"There's no finer thing on this earth than a mother."
"Who wouldn't love you? I don't understand. You're pretty much perfect." - Tamara's dad
"We are all this family. You are the result of a conspiracy of love, those small acts of kindness from others that change the destiny, the arc of my family's trajectory."
"I wish you nothing but success, and she's had nothing but success. She's been amazing, she's amazing, she's my mama. I wish you would be."
"Despite how things may seem from the outside looking in, I know true in my heart I love my daughter."
"Mom, you're my strength. I love you. I love you. Stop."
"I just have experienced true happiness and I just I love her so so much."
"The overwhelming love Africans generally have for their mothers."
"I'll never forget this moment for the rest of my life because there are no words for that kind of love between a son and a father."
"There was a moment where he took a breath and just looked at me, and there was the most pure expression of love with no words between a father and son in that moment."
"My parents were obviously very poor, but we certainly were millionaires as far as love was concerned."
"I've always dreamed of looking into a child's eyes the way my mom would look into my eyes with such wonder and such like awe of oh my gosh like you're a part of me."
"Ichigo's only ever goal has been to protect his loved ones, his friends, and his family."
"I think we can all agree that Mr Kassab's endless determination to see Jeffrey brought to justice, proves above all else, that a father's love is not limited by blood."
"My son, I love you so much, and I got to tell you the only heart that you can have is mine. But I'm not going to give it to you, what the __, because there's so many other Koreans I can buy."
"I absolutely love my daughter with all my heart."
"They learn that the young boy wants to get a special flower that grows on a high cliff for his sister’s upcoming birthday. Awwwww, sweet."
"If you love your mama, the one that's standing in that line, come see you, shoot you them letters, get you that commissary, see, if you love them, you better think about it before you get there."
"What is more precious than our children? Well, nothing. There's nothing more precious to a parent than their children. Nothing."
"I'm proud of ya... she gave me the biggest hug and she said now I'm proud I'm proud of you."
"Granny, you'll always be the person I love more than anything."
"You're my greatest treasure, Abu. You know that?"
"You gotta do another one stay in the house there you go Bobby come here there you go take this in with you give me a kiss love you dude."
"How many siblings do you have? I love you." (Aww)
"My mom was so loving... she had a big part to play in my self-belief."
"Imagine having no dreams as a kid and just wanting your parents' love."
"I love the ones I love the most even more even more."
"Big moment, it's very touching though you know because you're right they do care for each other, that's what I'm talking about."
"You're my son, and I'm incredibly proud of you."
"I'm not giving up, Dad. We're never going to let that candle burn out, I promise."
"go to your father because he really loves you he really cares about you you're special"
"It feels like a miracle to me to even be able to touch him, hold him, hug him. I'm just so glad that God saved his life through the power of prayer."
"She's my heart, but now my grandma, that's my heart. That's my everything."
"Dad put his mother's face mask on his face so the kid will see her face, well done dad, you're the best!"
"Before Judy's passing, her final words to her daughters emphasized her love for them and the importance of remembering that they were the colors of her heart."
"Happy like my parents were still in love even after God knows how many years together."
"I'm gonna call her and basically tell her that I'm not coming anymore and then when I do show up at the door she'll be very very surprised."
"Your mom loves you, your dad loves you, and you're going to grow up to be Adam Sandler."
"This is for my kids who color everything - dude I adore you."
"Just the fact that Lynn is able to give all of his kids time and attention already makes him a bit of a Super Dad."
"Love you mom, what are they gonna think up? What do they associating you with think about it?"
"Your mom loves you a lot and I'm sure she wishes she could be here right now."
"It gives me great comfort to have a father that loves me unconditionally."
"Pants equal love, love your sisters, and love yourself."
"Even in her final act in this world, it was a bid to give her sons the very best she could offer."
"Invest in yourself, even if it doesn't pay off immediately."
"It's nice to come home to somebody that loves me still was as heartwarming as Ross and son getting married."
"What Ernie's grandmother showed us all today is, it's never too late to make things right with people that you love, and that the bonds of love can never be severed."
"May all your dreams come true." - handwritten love from my mother to me.
"You'll get the same love and affection that you've shown me the first 18 years of my life."
"Tell your mom you love her because you just might not make it back from this battle."
"I love you, but I need to know you're safe. So please, just keep the new incident. I got this."
"Last night she was calling to us after we put it down and asking us to protect her, just casually saying without fear 'Mommy, daddy, protect me.'"
"Just remember, tell your loved ones that you love them while they're still here."
"Grandma loves you, if no one loves you I love you and I'm glad somebody up there loves me and I give that to you pray always you're never never alone."
"Love passed down from our elders to our descendants is the real time travel."
"I love you so much, sis, you always reach me out just to give me advice."
"I really love my wife, and seeing Lena around as a reminder of her is nice."
"My son Robert, he played 15 years old, he's the one who he would always call me into his bedroom every night and say labor from death."
"Twins are a beautiful gift and they should be treated with love and care."
"I fed, raised, nurtured, and loved you all these years," Sabina affirmed her love for Diana, regardless of biology.
"She was a loving Mom... she would do anything."
"Even my mother has never been this good to me."
"BDU is Big Daddy Unlimited, it's essentially the grandparent that's gonna love you no matter what you do and say."
"She was literally Santa. She would hear me say all year what I wanted and I would wake up to every single item."
"I think ultimately Downton is about love. I think in the end it comes down to love and family."
"Look dear son, you've always stayed with me, and everything I have is yours."
"I would actually love her as a sister."
"Conrad overwhelmed with sadness finds comfort in his father's hug."
"To be able to see that Kate, my dear sister, my other half, is both safe and happy is a priceless gift."
"What kind of a little girl was your mom? My mom has always been my mom and she's none of that other stuff."
"The father running towards the son like that is an expression of redemption and grace."
"Lelouch wept for her like he would have if she was Nunnally."
"It's not necessarily that she just loves her brother so much, that's so gross."
"Sometimes your heart wasn't broken by somebody you dated, somebody you married, your heart was broken by somebody who raised you."
"A lot of people laugh at you if you have good sense, you know, but my mother loved me for that."
"I love you boy, all right? Sorry you're having to be this person without me."
"Love it's a reflex, it's what you do. For many of the families, despite the devastation that they may be facing, they give unconditional love."
"She knows we both love her and everything will be okay no matter what."
"please don't ever leave me again I want you in my life forever Dad Dad Dad look look mom didn't leave she's right here."
"I love the guy and he loves me and it was okay."
"The real treasure was in the father's presence."
"I know she's still my daughter and I still care about her safety, I care about her happiness."
"The true scent of beauty to me would be my son."
"Her father loves her unconditionally."