
Gameplay Dynamics Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"The combat system in Ghost of Tsushima depends a lot on the rhythm and pace of combat, which almost turns every encounter into a dance of sorts."
"This creates an interesting dynamic for the player as actions like crafting or healing may leave them vulnerable to threats, adding a nice risk and reward element to the gameplay."
"Every AI is a chess piece, and it's got weaknesses and strengths."
"The vehicles themselves are fun, a little buggy and overpowered but fun nonetheless."
"No game has captured weaving through traffic bouncing hand balls between runners nearly as well as this game has."
"The game is at its best when you're running around and dodging all over the place."
"Every game you've ever played was actually an open-world sandbox game."
"I think like having other things in the game where like it just changes the way that you play The Character Matters a lot."
"Let the game come to you, get into flow, hit the ball at the same speed that it's coming at you and no faster unless you see an opening."
"These spawns are pretty wild considering it's only round 13."
"If your PCs are feeling hey, zero consequences, everything's groovy, it's all shenanigans."
"You always want to have a body and this generates bodies for you to just throw away or for you to buff up. That's really good."
"This is a game where there's all these ramifications on the choices and the actions of before."
"Every elimination matters just like it did in the World Cup from six zone onwards where the confident mid game explodes it to a cacophony of tunneling mobility usage and shots being fired."
"Chess is unique in that as a game, the longer you play, the fewer moves that are available."
"Overall looks like a scary list with a lot of pressure lots of threats that you just can't really ignore too much."
"Games often come down to who can draw and play the most cards out of their hand."
"I think that's just kind of what happens in higher level rooms though, it gets really spammy."
"As I said, it's very strategic in terms of the match-three gameplay."
"Every time we unlock a new ability, the way we engage with the world meaningfully changes."
"He does whatever he wants all the time, his air mobility is crazy, his air dodge is amazing, his combos are great, his kill potential is arguably consistently the best in the game."
"Joker is insane... literally the only negative of this character is sometimes he gets edge guarded sometimes."
"The trigger man, the best carry class in the game."
"Sometimes bosses aren't about squaring up in a traditional fight, sometimes it's about going against the flow of the game in an engaging way."
"Adding a gun to the game may not sound like a big shift but it has the ability to transform trustworthy crew mates into homicidal maniacs."
"There's a meta to this game, the more you play, the more you learn."
"That right there is the first moment we've seen a little bit of pressure on Sora, with the exception of his first dropping."
"Don't copy someone's custom tactics because unless you play identical to them it's not going to benefit you."
"Life instead of mana is just one of the more powerful things you can ever do."
"It's always generating a ton of mana. Sometimes they'll generate way more than any of these cards will even do in a single game."
"OverWatch 2 also adds in three new characters on top of its already massive roster this includes the tank junker Queen who's designed to play an aggressive role with up close encounters and special bleed effects."
"It leads to a very dynamic battle as you constantly swipe the camera around to make sure you're not about to be stabbed in the back."
"Ranger abilities... more interesting to play."
"Sonic Advance 2 is a game that never expects you to stand still."
"Rotating items is fine... just give us something to mix up the meta a little bit."
"Disasters add a new layer of fun and challenge."
"A turn four soul ring to catch up doesn't paint a Target on you the same way a turn one soul ring does."
"Having a player in a turret is now a force multiplier as it always should have been in the past."
"OverWatch should aim for a version where crazy combos and counterplays are the norm in matches."
"There's always that nice risk and reward element."
"Octane's abilities might be some of the most simple in the game but yet can be some of the biggest playmakers."
"Run, think, shoot, live: it's the cycle this game is meant to be played."
"Minion waves will never push on the sidelines anymore. It takes a really long time."
"Fox's neutral is so scary because he's so fast, he's so powerful."
"We're taking away your toys and then we're letting the aliens have their way with us."
"It's finding that right speed and so I love how the wing ball isn't just flying in every single time and making it making it a little bit more of a grind battle for every player."
"More live enemy that throws grenades, shoots you in the face and gives you the big shock."
"The focus for this week was all about airburst making the explosion valid for damage scaling changes."
"Increasing the enemy density and reducing the delay between reinforcements is a thing that I love across all of Warframe."
"Welcome everyone to a very special GTA 5 video. It is hunters vs speedrunners but we have super human abilities. We can jump super high, run super fast, and more."
"As much as I wouldn't be sad to see the pump meta stay in the game... I would like to see it changed up."
"He's still a dominant character because he can skill spam and just pretty much sit in the air 24/7 spamming skills against the enemy and they can just get frustrated."
"Plot armor can enhance the fun that the players have at the table."
"Character backgrounds and traits influence gameplay from the beginning."
"The game pretty much expects you to be using them."
"The encounters in the game are now more advanced... fighting ones can become way more dangerous than ever before."
"Yuumi is already getting picked despite her previous nerfs before this buff coming back in and obviously this is just going to make it a little bit better."
"I think this card is still incredible, but I don't find it as obnoxious at the table because it doesn't hit creature spells. And I think it's a lot easier to get an agreement out of the table to just cast creatures." - Seth
"Personally, I love inciting chaos in Mario Party, it’s what keeps the energy high and fun."
"Combo decks get better, but so do the decks trying to fight them."
"The gameplay could potentially run stale if it wasn't for the story."
"Tribe Infecting Virus is a really, really nutty good card."
"Rocket League gets all about being fast, it's a game of skimming just being fastest but getting your corners to the ball."
"One of the hardest characters to play in this game."
"Movement is actually encouraged, which helps to speed up the pace of the game."
"It's like a real-time strategy game at this point."
"What I don't want to see is 75-25 possession. I want to see us impose our game onto them."
"Instead of using the weapon that you like because of how it shoots or handles in halo infinite, you might want to grab a certain weapon because of how it affects other players, the environment, or vehicles."
"We're just knocking worms into each other, like a violent Rube Goldberg machine."
"A 4 cost 2/6 taunt with Enrage +3 attack, a very strong card for warrior decks."
"We're gonna fly...now I know the dragon fight had me down to just one heart, this however is far more nerve-wracking because all it takes is one key to just unregister itself for one second."
"What conflict can you help resolve? What tension is there that you can use to drive play?"
"Vigor is super underrated game and the fact that you have that risk versus reward makes it very addictive when you are playing this game."
"Force anyone to not just lock DPS, right? So, and it made the common person's experience a little bit miserable although now we might look back in it."
"The theme in this game was grim played Diplo. Grim formed alliances. Everyone else was worse at that."
"The best part about Magic is when you do something bad in other games, you fall apart like a wet bag. But in Magic, your terrible ideas can still have real power spikes in them."
"The time investment that you lose as a hag player when someone steps in all your traps during a carry is huge."
"Gaining spell power for each time you use an ability? That item's probably going to change. Sounds pretty freaking strong to me."
"The combat can get pretty hectic rather fast resulting in a lot of trial and error."
"Sometimes you gotta find a way to have fun in this game. If you're the one getting destroyed, it doesn't feel so good. But if you can also destroy other people, it feels good again."
"I was kind of scared of this last push just because of the heal spirit in there."
"Creating consequences for different types of growth in the game."
"Anything that can allow players to move across the map more often, I think are great, I'm opposed to sitting around."
"Certain objects bring different gameplay modifiers."
"This actually does and it creates a unique space for Chamber to exist allowing the other sentinels to flourish as well in their own space I think it's a really great change."
"The most fantastic part of this game is the swap between characters."
"Raise the skill gap, increase the time to kill."
"The difficulty curve has gone up quite a lot... it's definitely an interesting twist on your gameplay experience."
"The game will feel more dynamic, tanks will feel more powerful individually."
"The knight can do what the queen can't and that is why they are a formidable attacking force when they are working together."
"Even though your whole deck might be deathrattle minions because of the nature of the hunter class and how you have to play them, you're realistically not going to be holding that many when you're playing this guy."
"Unfortunately, it's impossible to beat without breaking two of them."
"Children and older sims get distinct traits that influence their choices."
"The dps game starts have become much more about a player solely than the class."
"Life Weaver, to an extent even Ratra with his inconsistent value, characters that are not able to take and make plays on their own."
"Considering that it is impossible for me to tell a lie, this game is either really easy for me or extremely difficult."
"I think the game is better when imposters can pretend to be crew."
"I hope it feels like that, like this really fast-paced thing where your character's switching a lot."
"I love this game, it's so cool the way you build your character and the way your build's constantly changing throughout the game."
"There are so many mechanics that reinforce the day-night road trip cycle."
"When an enemy becomes active, you just know it and you just start going for it."