
Gaming Advice Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"The best thing that you can do to get back into Minecraft after being burnt out is just take a break."
"Honestly, the best way to level up is just by completing the game if you haven't already."
"If you have enough Robux and you can only buy one fruit, I'm going to be honest, the one fruit I would probably buy is the mammoth fruit."
"Every commander player should learn this stuff so that they don't have those moments."
"Pro tip: Being stubborn and not upgrading your weapons is not a smart idea."
"One problem that a lot of Protoss players have is they bunch all their units into a big blob; you can't do that, you have to have the APM to move those units, spread them out, it makes a huge difference."
"Practice one sensitivity for one to two weeks... if you're still not better with it, then you can consider switching."
"Don't play for a bit if you're burnt out, and then come back for the fun stuff."
"I loved the first edition DMG; it's filled with terrible advisements, filled with awesome advice as well."
"One-tricking a champion is the best way to climb the ranked ladder the fastest."
"Oh yeah, true. Oh yeah. Get a Leafeon. Leafeon is a good bet."
"Furious resilience should really never be taken off, it is very, very strong."
"If the game is frustrating you to this extent, stop playing or take a break."
"I highly recommend you guys buy this skin if you do because I think this skin as of next year is gonna be one of the rare skins."
"I would encourage people to not worry too much about how powerful their deck's going to be when they're deciding what deck to build."
"But again, a little clunkier, you're just much better off finding a web in the colors you're in."
"If you've never played a Total War game before and you're interested in getting into Total Warhammer, my recommendation would be to start with Total War: Warhammer 2."
"You're better off turning down quality settings or using DLSS2 for competitive titles."
"Ranged weapons can really help you get through difficult stretches of the game."
"Dying is a pretty big deal, so if you can avoid it, you probably want to."
"Please don't play Cyberpunk 2077 on a base Xbox One or PlayStation 4."
"Do not forget to save your game. You never know when something unexpected may happen."
"Come here, sometimes you'll find yourself facing a difficult decision. When that happens, don't forget to save your game."
"Be sure to watch all the way through, so you don't miss what might be your favorite new strategy game."
"Don't pre-order this game folks until you see it."
"Definitely worth in my opinion getting a scav case early on."
"Give it a try guys you know what I recommend learning Reno Lock but almost any class you want to play right now is just kind of viable in some way."
"Force of Will is very good in that exact one situation unless you're running 13-15 counter spells. You should almost always save one to protect trying to win or trying to die."
"Just play the game, figure things out for yourself. Tier lists are good things to follow but just take it with a grain of salt."
"I just want to end with this guys, try and play this game for fun."
"We have to play smart at every stage of the game."
"For newcomers, the blood hunter might be a bit overwhelming—consider starting with an easier class."
"Telling someone it gets good after 100 hours isn't a positive description of your game."
"If you're not playing Sylveon on your team, you're most likely trolling because it is that good."
"If you're new to the game, look things up, check the wiki, videos... Tons and tons of people tell me they quit because they couldn't figure things out."
"Let's just put them away, shall we? Case closed."
"A blasting focus for spellcasting is just not something I recommend, and this is why blasting is fine but if it's our focus then these are the results we should expect."
"That's really the biggest trick... making sure that you get those block debuffs up at the right time."
"Imagine a rampage onslaught roll with G Falcons, mother got very, very good weapon."
"I'm going to share with you guys the best tips and tricks to get the actual best experience out of both of them."
"The best thing to farm overall again as a new player you need a lot of equipment a lot of awakening materials and a fair bit of food as well."
"No, I wouldn't bother future-proofing, spend all your money on your graphics card if you can."
"I thoroughly recommend that you avoid buying preferential matchmaking premiums as it looks like their Golden Age might be over."
"If you care at all about RT performance just get yourself a GeForce GPU."
"Share your expert tips and hidden strategies for Pal World gameplay."
"Just try to find what works for you. The more mods you unlock, the more choice and the better builds you'll have."
"Just make sure you get what you need. If you're feeling too squishy, get life. If you're feeling too low damage, get damage."
"If you enjoy third-person action games, you should not overlook this."
"Don't sleep on it if you like games like this."
"That's actually pretty, I better pick those up before I like DC."
"I hope this helps you all out in your leveling journey after all leveling up can really slow down in this game and become a grind."
"If you ever get bored of Minecraft, you just need to take a break and come back to it."
"If you're a brand new player to Genshin Impact and you see a banner that has Zhongli, he's considered a must-pull, must-use unit."
"Thanks for watching, stay sharp, play smart."
"The best spec is one that you actually enjoy, that you're comfortable playing, and that you can stick with in the long run."
"If you really want to play this game, you gotta do it on PC because that's where the actual competition is."
"Definitely install that one in your game. It catches me off guard every single time."
"Reduce input latency, fix FPS stutter, dial in competitive graphics settings."
"Did I just save you from wasting a lot of stardust in a pokemon that is not performing well right now?"
"If you're a fury warrior, you have to do this."
"At the point that I'm at, sometimes I get a little... for a lot of beginner players it's not very obvious."
"I hope these builds will help you in your Monster Hunter journey!"
"Just click the head. That's what I tell people if you want to get better at this game. Click the head."
"Upgrading your gear is one of the best ways to increase your damage."
"I'm putting you all on with the best build in the game."
"I play a bit higher just because I'm comfortable with that. My tip to sensitivity is start on a certain sense once you get comfortable with it."
"Nintendo Power knew what they were talking about."
"Always fully explore all the options that a game has to offer."
"Fastest way to lose a game, honestly, maybe, yeah, watching this, never go first."
"Do not ignore mods, they are responsible for about 20% of your character's viability."
"So, please make sure you do not delete legendaries because their functionality is far better than breaking them down when you are at a higher level."
"Finally, see, I'm telling you, if you're having trouble with the game, walk away, come back later."
"I recommend it as an awesome PvP weapon to you."
"If you're a new player looking to try World of Warcraft, try retail."
"If you're really focused on competitive shooter titles like Fortnite or Call of Duty Warzone, then I strongly recommend getting a monitor that will give you at least 120 hertz."
"Choose the character that you enjoy. If you don't pick a character you're having fun with, you're going to quit playing this game."
"Pick one or two weapons to truly invest your resources into first."
"Thank you for watching this video I hope I gave you some ideas of what to do in your New Horizons game."
"You're better off just playing whatever class that you think is cool and whatever class that you think will be the most fun."
"I recommend trying to keep grinding until you get a healing ability."
"Your decision making and everything you do is gonna get so much better when you're just playing normal trios or quads with your friends."
"Don't just play a comp because a tier list says to do so. Know why certain traits work well together."
"If you have bad teammates or angry teammates, mute them, play your best."
"Do what you want to do, but if you truly don't enjoy a game mode, then you shouldn't play it."
"If you're a beginner in this game, I will almost guarantee you that you do NOT aim down sights enough."
"Welcome to our channel where we cover everything D and D, including advice for players and guides for DMs."
"Best advice for any players that are new to Destiny: shoot first, ask questions later."
"Stick to as high hitpoints as you can while you're still learning. That's gonna help you die a lot less and help you get a lot less frustrated."
"He is a good unit and for your unique situation he may be a very good choice to pull for."
"Honestly, all of these are really good and they're permanent modifiers."
"As my Fire Emblem fan, this will be your first Advanced Wars, don't expect wafers to romance in Advanced Wars."
"Don't ult before you have vision of the enemies, make sure you know where enemies are before you ult."
"Save your game, folks. If you're getting a lot of these stares right now, this is a PSA. Save your game. You'll regret it if you don't."
"Try to play a deck that you're comfortable with."
"I hope you guys found this useful in making a decision to what classes you want to play."
"For the most part, you want to be actually behind that enemy."
"That's a good lesson of how you can improve your end games."
"Wargaming, I would thoroughly recommend before I've even played the sandbox test server, reconsider this."
"Just get good at the game and you're not going to have a problem or join a guild or something like that."
"Bleed stood up and decent rank five option if you're gonna use him for a fair bear."
"If you are someone who has been interested in the sorcerer but felt that the mechanical limitations of the baseline sorcerer were turning you off... give these ones a second look."
"Just have fun and try it out, if you do, the ceiling is pretty much endless."
"There's also this DirectX toggle, and I would recommend you do play on DirectX 11."
"I'm not going to tell you how to play the game, I'm going to tell you my ideology on how I play the game."
"Play on the most populated server. There are no downsides, there are only upsides."
"Work on getting the corrupted mods, it'll be a godsend."
"Get the bolt-action rifle early on, it's one of the best guns in the game."
"These are 10 MMORPGs that I think you should play right now to kick start the new year."
"Just because you know how to play doesn't mean you know how to play well."
"This right here is why you don't want to gamble your packs."
"Come back when you're ready to finish them off by playing through the advanced tutorial."
"There's no one-size-fits-all answer for your rotation in this game but it's certainly a good rule of thumb to follow."
"Definitely take advantage of each one of these when leveling up a new job."
"I'll show you how not to lose at Hearts of Iron IV."
"Needless to say, always go for the best hacker the house can offer: Avi or Paige."
"The survival tips I'll be giving you are going to be factual, non-negotiable, and the only advice you will ever need to play Fallout 4 without leaving the road."
"Just like I always tell you guys, I'll have this drive and every other compatible drive with the PS5 link down in the description."
"It's often that simple in Guild Wars: just use your brain, don't stand in the red."
"Apparently this is like the best route you can get to be honest."
"You should not be struggling in greater rifts until you're powerful, until you've augmented your character and you're ready to push."
"By the way, two different people said they wished their DMs would shower, so I think every DM should shower before sessions just in case one of those was your player."
"For most characters, it's pretty much go apply to all characters except for a few."
"Stop dying... one of the best and ironic pieces of advice for fighting the behemoth."
"Having those extra spell slots is the biggest difference besides the Queen from Town Hall 8 to Town Hall 9."
"Start with bases that are spread out like this that would be you know a tip that I really often recommend to newer players or players who have lower-level heroes."
"Mods are the way to play GTA. If you have a PC, do yourself a favor, pick it up."
"It's okay not to always rely on your teammates to start an engagement."
"Definitely try to use this gun in as many medium-range matches as you can."
"Totally worth trying out once in a while when you're going to get great gameplay even at the highest level possible."
"The nightclub is the best property to own in Grand Theft Auto online hands down."
"Now let me go ahead and break this build down for you, explain everything that you could ever want to know."
"If you're playing a nation before, if you're new to the game, I guess this is the one you want to go for... overall there isn't really a template you can make for this."
"Morally, they're making a wrong choice, and I think they should make another choice."
"Kled: low-key high key very good to one trick."
"You should always take a break from any game you play."
"If you're looking to get into the hobby and you're starting out from almost scratch, this is a really good way to go."
"Don't always fixate on what shouldn't be there...celebrating some games that stand out amongst the rest."
"Just press W if you're playing on PC or just press forward on the stick if you're on console, just go in."
"A really hot tip that I can give, even if you're new, is to write /passives and it'll show you all the skill points."
"My recommendation is always going to be find a good group of friends and play with them."
"Can you recommend me what units for damage farm the best? The best unit for damage farm in the game is going to be Lyogami."
"Press F1 to view the controls. That's actually not a bad idea."
"Making things...I think that you should have to like...play with other people. If you don't like playing with other people, maybe don't play a massively multiplayer game."
"I hope that our opinions help you decide which ones are the most satisfying for you to play."
"Please don't go into drafts going okay I need this stack 100 of the time go in with a flexible mindset."
"Black Desert is a marathon, not a sprint. If you don't like what you're playing, you're probably going to get bored and quit."
"One of my recommendations is always play more, go play lots of games, go learn ideas."
"If you have any interest in getting into the Kingdom Hearts series, now is actually the best time."
"The best way to play is to bear in mind the 20."
"Putting up with a problem player just slowly erodes the quality of your game, giving you a far crappier game."
"Perfectly good and typically what I would recommend as a high value character without needing extra copies."
"So for all those reasons I personally recommend running a bloom team especially as of right now with two dendro supports but you can also go triple Hydro..."
"Your job is to win, so you should play whatever you think is strongest."
"Even after all my complaints if the game still looks fun then I suggest you go get it... if you consider graphics to be more important than gameplay then I don't suggest you do get it."
"Don't judge a game based on day one demo server problems."
"Honestly, now is a good time to get into GTA Online."
"You may play, you may win if you play better."
"Life Tap is actually pretty good and I'd recommend that you max it out."
"Wearing gear matters, you want to have extra defense on your units."
"For once a common DND advice that I completely and utterly agree with... if you spend your time trying to thwart your players... you're a bad DM."
"I recommend taking the fiend if you're a new player for a couple of reasons."
"So, if you don't have another blind and grenade GL in that slot, I'd say keep it. That's the only reason I would keep it, what about you?"
"Motion blur, do yourself a favor and turn it off. You don't want any blur when you're turning around the screen."
"Hope you enjoyed the list, hope you got what you wanted from it. Please consider doing something better because healing can be a lot of fun."
"I can't recommend enough to choose a class based on their aesthetic."
"All I meant was that if you're 1,400 or less on DE, I'd say stay away from the quick walling."
"If you are not at the pinnacle cap and/or don't have a lot of artifact levels, give yourself some time to grind up some levels first, it WILL make a difference."
"Breathe, Pit. Focus on Young Link's short reach. He may be fast, but try to out-range him and anticipate his movements."
"Take everything I'm about to share with you with a grain of salt and realize you can shave stuff around based on your own playstyle."
"This is a great opportunity to take a page from Matt Colville or Matt Mercer's book, and introduce a skill challenge!"
"For the love of god just remember don't jump."
"If you're looking for efficiency, use Great Glintstone Shard."
"Burn oh flame... if someone uses this respect it and Back That Ass Up."
"If it was easy, like if we would have gone into Firebase or D Machine, we would have got it right off the bat with little effort, which isn't fun."
"You definitely want endurance. You really do want endurance."
"So those are the basics of C'thun druid play on curve know when to play the fast cards over the slow cards and profit."
"Keep using cover, make sure to heal before you go in and give yourself an escape route."
"Remember, the worst thing you can do is die, because you can't carry from dead."
"This is the most instructive moment of today's stream: if your entire game can be characterized by one move, it's probably not very good."
"Highly recommend that you use these in this load order in this order."
"Save your game often, especially before trying something crazy, illogical, or dangerous."
"It's just not the best I think that overall this is the best weapon that you guys should go grind for."
"Shout out to hell key and Scullion! Rule one: don't lock the difficulty level."
"Be careful, the Ender Dragon fight is really dangerous."
"There is no such thing as a dungeon that's too big when in doubt make it bigger"
"Life and crit strike chance are the most important things to look for on your rings."
"Just click on their heads, it's just... I love that text."
"If you don't have the Mythoclast, you're missing out."
"Keep your money very, very, very low in Starcraft 2."
"So if you've got 1 000 voices in your vault and you haven't dusted it off for season 15 i highly recommend that you do and give it a try before gm's launch on the 3rd of october."
"Take Conquest gameplay with a grain of salt."
"A wheel is absolutely worth it in Horizon 5. You can be competitive now at the highest ends of racing."
"Is a wheel worth it for drifting in Horizon 5? Yeah, absolutely."
"You've just got better units to use from like at tier 4."
"If you're going to go cavalry, my advice savage orcs are a bit better."
"Create the characters that you want to make, not the characters that min/max optimize the best."
"I think horizontal progression systems are awfully undervalued."
"Focus on having fun... when you stop having fun, stop playing."
"Force off high precision event timer for smoother gameplay and better response."
"Bennett is literally the only character in the game currently that is almost always a must-pick for any team if you can run him."