
Self-imposed Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The most valuable form of discipline is the one that you impose on yourself."
"The boundaries that were imposed upon us were self-imposed."
"Most of the limits a player has are self-imposed."
"I'm not allowed to do that, that's just like the mindset that I put in my head."
"I think all mental harm is imposed by yourself."
"The expectations I placed on myself were higher than what anybody expected from me."
"The only limitation are the ones that we put on ourselves from our own ego."
"Every single blockage you have inside of you, you put there."
"Every responsibility that you have is self-imposed for the most part."
"The most constraining walls that you will have are the ones that you have made in your mind for yourself."
"Discipline is imposing on ourselves the requirements for honoring these standards."
"Limitations are within our control and I believe are totally self-imposed, simply serving as a handicap."
"Why would you want the pressure to go into a set of conditions that aren't always put there by you?"
"There are no rules to life, only the ones I set for myself."
"The pressures that I felt in my life were really, I put on myself."
"The greatest limitations people experience in their lives are usually the ones they impose on themselves."
"There are no limits or restrictions, except the ones we place on ourselves."
"I felt so much pressure all the time, and a lot of it was me putting it on myself."
"...if we argue hard for our limitations, we'll get to keep them."
"The difficulty is generated by us."
"That's a luxury of knowing the things that you place on yourself."
"I became a prisoner of my own freedom because I put limitations on myself."
"We all make so many prisons in life."
"The unrealistic expectations are only set if those are the things that you set for yourself."
"The money is um only limitations are the ones that you impose on yourself."
"If your plan is to move up or your desire is to grow your company, what are the limitations that you've already set for yourself?"
"The only true limitation is the one you set for yourself."
"The only limits we have in this world are the ones that we place on ourselves."
"Remember that the ceiling you can't break through? There's a pretty good chance that you built it. We control so much of our fate, we control so much of our destiny."
"Your imagination is your limitations."
"Pressure enters my life two ways: either God placed something on me or I picked something up."
"There really is no limit except the limit that we put on ourselves."
"The only real limitation to your creativity is you."
"Maybe the only boundaries that exist are the ones that we place upon ourselves."
"The boundary is something that you place upon yourself."
"You've been told that your genetic limits exist so they do, in a sense, that is the only validity that they have. They exist because you believe that they exist."
"Life is limitless, there are no restrictions except the ones you put on yourself."
"What are your barriers to success? You have none."
"The only thing that holds us back is fear."
"The only limit you have on you is the ones that you place on yourself."
"It's the pressure you put upon yourself that causes stress."
"The pressures are self-imposed; each individual handles it differently."
"The only limits you ever impose on yourself is yourself; it's your own limits."
"Your limitations are what you set upon yourself."
"F boundaries. You put them on you."
"Deadlines that I've set for myself motivate me quite a lot."
"If you create your own cage then you can uncreate it."
"It's in the nature of mankind to give work to itself."
"All limitations are self-imposed."
"All suffering is on self-help because your own mind is causing this to you all the time."
"You put a barrier on your mind like 'I can't do that', you're already shutting that door."
"We clearly do create artificial obstacles."
"The only pressure is really the pressure we put on ourselves."
"Our biggest shortcoming actually is that we walk in shoes too small for us; we live small lives."
"The only limits are the ones you place on yourself."
"The pressure that I place on myself comes intrinsically from myself."
"The greatest limitations that you have are the limitations that you put on yourself."
"You create your plateaus and you create your limits."
"Freedom stopped by your own barriers."
"You're letting yourself get stuck, but 'stuck' is nothing more than a mindset."
"Your limitations are what you believe them to be."
"You yourself impose limitations on your true nature of infinite being."
"There were no limitations placed on you except what you placed on yourself."
"The loneliness that you feel is a prison that you build for yourself."
"Karma is self-imposed and the realization that karma is self-imposed completely erases the concept of karmic debt."
"The only limits are the ones that you set yourself."
"The human mind will only impose its own limits on itself."
"So many of life's stresses are artificially placed on us by ourselves."
"Most prisons are of our own making; a man makes his own freedom too."
"You only limit by the limitations you allow."
"Don't hesitate; you are your own limit actually, you're imposing limits on yourself."
"The only boundaries should really be the ones that we set for ourselves, and sometimes those need to be broken down from time to time, don't they?"
"The only limits that there are, are in your own head."
"There's no real pressure on her other than the pressure she's putting on herself."
"There's no such thing as pressure; it's what you put on yourself."
"We create that mom guilt ourselves; it's not society, it's us doing it to ourselves."
"I refuse to impose blindness; I will not be self-imposed."
"The only pressure that exists is the pressure I put on myself."
"Looks like you freed yourself from a self-imposed imprisonment."