
Story Quotes

There are 2625 quotes

"Your current trials are not the end of your story."
"The story of the Grey Knights...centers around two of the strongest and my own personally favored figures in the Imperium."
"Ultimately, Ocarina Of Time is a story about transformation and the inevitable sorrow that comes attached with it."
"It's never too late to add some chapters to your story and give people a more satisfying conclusion."
"The entire journalism department was in shock. The ambitious girl that was always looking for the most compelling story was now the story, but not in the way she would have ever wanted."
"I mean, so happy for Isaiah Austin, what a story."
"Vayne was trying to free mankind from the corrupt Occuria."
"Fatherhood is one that's very near and dear to my heart. It's a true story based off of this guy named Matt Loglin... It's a drama, it's a real change for me."
"I couldn't ask for a better ending to the story."
"The players had control of the story in Legend of the Five Rings, and it was a hell of a story."
"Games like Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail have an entire fully fleshed out story...and free-to-play players get to experience all of that for free."
"The story of Bliss is a story filled with serendipity."
"What an unbelievable performance. What a story. What a road."
"You're only one encounter away from your story becoming amazing."
"Jokes aside, Crane had a compelling story and his motivations made sense."
"I think the game succeeds in being a great addition to the franchise and delivering great gameplay on top of a compelling story while changing things up enough for it to feel fresh and not enough for it to lose its identity"
"If he's exonerated here completely I feel like he's got a comeback story that's strong."
"To put it simply, I loved Cyberpunk's main story content. The main quest kinda feels like Billy Idol's Cyberpunk album had a baby with Blade Runner."
"We are at a monumental phase in our human story. And we are writing the next chapter."
"In terms of the gameplay, the length of the game, the story, the characters, the more streamlined approach, the more direction and focus, that is what makes this game stand out for me more than Sly 2 did."
"What an incredible story of discipline right there."
"Prometheus... interesting story, cringe-worthy scenes."
"The bottom is in, not the top." - Peter Brandt
"It's a fascinating story of devotion and sacrifice... this unique bromance is a really cool depiction and exploration of gender roles."
"We have an inspiring story that started with a strange act of kindness."
"The story was more complicated than it seemed at first."
"The main reason why you'd want to revisit Persona 1 nowadays is for its story and characters."
"A fascinating and sensationalized story that attracted worldwide attention."
"God's story to the human story but God's story behind it all."
"The last chapter in this story has not been told."
"Did you find this story of Frieza's journey through parenthood rather wholesome?"
"The story of how this discovery came to be is probably more fascinating than the final result."
"Everything matters because it's all one big ongoing story."
"What a story for these guys, one of the craziest Esports stories of all time."
"Talk about a fairytale ending for this movie."
"It's a very mature story and the characters are just amazing."
"Splash Mountain: it's not just a climb up and drop down, it's like a whole story."
"The whole game is fantastic: great gameplay, great story, great combat."
"Fantasy Star IV requires no real knowledge of the Fantasy Star universe to play and contains the perfect combination of engaging story combat and artwork."
"Everyone stands to learn something from his story."
"The story is hands down the best Star Wars story of all time."
"The story in the game is also really elaborate."
"Folklore is a great game with really excellent atmosphere and fun combat as well as a unique story that's very memorable."
"The real One Piece is the story that we all enjoyed for over 25 years."
"Honestly, I don't know what it was about that story, but it really got to me. It was kind of horrifying and creepy."
"I'd much rather be in the great story that God is telling."
"Fallout 1.5's story is about the cost of reclaiming your humanity."
"This is like if your friend told you a story, he says, 'I bumped into this guy at work, and then after the clown got done raping me,' you'd wonder if he was on crack."
"The story doesn't really take itself too seriously, it's just a lot of fun."
"I love the adventure story element of Bandits."
"Maybe the real plot was the friends we made along the way." - "Maybe the real plot was the friends we made along the way."
"One of the reasons I believe this game is so popular is because of the story which is literally just the same story from the actual Pokemon ROMS you installed to play the game."
"Keep in mind how this place looks we might be seeing it again later on in the story."
"For us, it was a story. For the palace staff, it was a nightmare."
"No kissing in detention! That was such a wholesome story."
"It's that's a really heartbreaking aspect to this story."
"I'm hoping that my story touches someone else and they want to do it."
"Things will change drastically after this arc, and that includes the characters, the society, and the tone of the entire story."
"I did not expect to love this world the way I do now. I can say I'm a true fan of the story."
"A legend is an old well-known story, often about brave people, adventures, or magical events."
"It's a great, thrilling, unique story with solid writing, a great cast of characters, and an epic ass ending."
"She said that this would be the case of a lifetime, a story of a lifetime."
"That's just the beginning of the story, really."
"I think the story is a massive part of it because I think it gives people motivation."
"It tells the story of a man who lived one heck of an incredible life."
"Free Will has been a really big factor of the story."
"What can we now piece together about the prehistoric story?"
"A story of perseverance that hit home for me and will hit home for everybody."
"The story does not end here."
"This could even become a legend."
"Money is the ink in your pen. It can write new chapters, it can make certain chapters burn brighter, but it's not your story."
"I pushed through it, it's the moral of the story."
"Yuba City Boys: the story of five guys who all lived in or near Yuba City, California."
"Madman Mike Markham, one of the best time travel stories ever."
"Very powerful, ambitious story by Christopher Nolan."
"I never actually thought about the story, but it's so amazing and so powerful and so applicable to life today."
"It's like a fairy tale; it's cute."
"I mean, I have a 15-inch neck scar that tells a story."
"It’s a blockbuster with a soul, and a genuinely interesting and emotional story that I would actually love to see a follow up to."
"Every knob and every pedal has its own story."
"You have a voice, you have a story, and society needs you."
"You never have to force something that feels wrong to fit your story and your situation."
"It's a rather touching story about romantic obsession."
"It's rare you get a true story like this that doesn't sugarcoat things."
"It's a good story because it's a tale like no other, such a Shakespearean tale."
"The sugar bowl is the linchpin of the entire plot."
"This is not the end of a story; this is the beginning of a very, very new story."
"In the end, what lived on was a story about history."
"The story is straightforward but captivating."
"Rest assured, this is probably one of the only incidences in Daniel Larsson's story that has a positive outcome."
"Well, all's well that ends well in this story, I guess."
"Her story is also probably as close as real life could get to a real life Cinderella story."
"It's our lives, our story, our journey, our book, our movie."
"To be part of somebody else's story is a pretty fun big deal, man."
"My story tells the broader story."
"I'm so excited to have you on the show because you just have such a fascinating story."
"It's a testament to the strength of the original story that Zuko, even when weakened by Netflix, is still a solid character."
"It's really the hero that makes the story so important."
"This is a story I will never forget!"
"Wreck-It Ralph is a film that should be praised for what it had in its story that worked out on all fronts and cherished our love of gaming."
"It's not necessarily for kids; it's quite mental health related, but I think it tells a really, really beautiful story overall."
"The story of Marvel Knights is one of the most significant and intriguing tales in the history of superhero comics."
"It is, in short, an incredible story."
"The characters are just like here, flirting from page one."
"It's the most obvious and logical end but sometimes that's not a bad thing."
"The story of the last to fall has always been and will remain a powerful one."
"It is THE quintessential coming-of-age story."
"The tiger who came to tea, a prick, yeah, what, well someone's got to tell the tiger to leave."
"Understand that even though Miura is gone, and his story may never be finished at least by his hand, doesn't mean good stories don't receive good endings."
"Our story became a symbol of resilience and survival."
"Your heroes in a story can only be as heroic as the villain they overcome is competent."
"The story full of hope has only just begun."
"Good revenge and now for our final Reddit Revenge story of this episode."
"Everybody finds themselves getting a bit of an upgrade, things feel a little different, but the sets we're going to see here build on the story in a meaningful way."
"This is a story of stars and speed, of cliffs and cuffs, and of outlaws and obsession."
"I have a story that can be shared that can help other people."
"It's all about the characters; it's all about the story. Are you engaged with these people and what's happening in their lives?"
"The story is brutality; it's a book all about how terrible we can be to each other."
"As a result of its story, Van Buren has a clear central thesis asking the question: How does one fix the world in the wake of disaster?"
"In real chess, the black move first, they're telling you the story."
"So, the story of gold, to me, it's really a love story."
"It was a fantastic match; it was tactical, it was a throwback, there was a clear story all the way throughout."
"The story of solo leveling is the story of Jin W going from the weakest Hunter on Earth to the strongest."
"It's a story about being true to yourself and standing up for what you believe in."
"It's a little campy, it has to do with space vampires, it's a first Contact story, it's a haunted house in Space story."
"This story can be very, very scary for me to tell because it was so real."
"Great story, great movie, and it really did deserve better."
"It's like a turning point for both characters."
"It is a story that I don't think anyone would believe."
"Quick little back story on the road above the tunnel, a little girl got hit by a drunk driver, and that's what's believed to be haunting this tunnel."
"This story had me believing in ghosts."
"What's Understood doesn't need to be explained but best believe our story will be told."
"It's just a really, really lovely story that I haven't really seen a lot of, focusing on the intimacies and how important friendship is."
"Taking his terrier, Charles made his way to collect his brother-in-law John Poynter."
"The weakest aspect of this is 100% the dialogue, the story, all of that."
"I loved how grounded and simple the main story is."
"Amazing Spider-Man 2 valiantly tries to recapture the humanity in a Spider-Man story."
"Resale shopping is a treasure hunt where every find tells a story."
"I do feel like the Riddler's final act was pretty drastic, so it would be interesting to see how future villains would top that, right? You know, because he basically destroyed Gotham."
"Sure, it had a messy production, but the story has so much potential."
"Nimona is a story about identity."
"Blood Diamond... it's just a fantastic story and it too has quite a bit of action packed into it."
"Tom Lake is a story of connection family survival coping and moving on in difficult times."
"This is a dark game with a refreshingly dark story."
"Zelda ain't got nothing on this in terms of story and its mature themes."
"A story of twists and turns, but justice prevailed."
"It's such a compelling story, great characters, great cast."
"Characters and their arcs are by far the most important parts of a story that the plot structure and tone of the story should be built around those characters."
"Thank you very much for posting the story, Mr. Diesel 174. It's always good to end a video with a Karen getting defeated."
"The downfall of the Jedi is a key part of the story."
"For a story to work, we need to buy into Anakin's turn to the dark side."
"It feels like a story, it feels like a new story."
"It’s a story of learning who a person is beneath the surface rather than assuming one’s worthiness at face value."
"The ending to this franchise won't be determined by what happens in the story."
"Dipper's crush on Wendy was gonna be a big part of the show. We knew we wanted Wendy to be this really memorable Great Character."
"It's kind of an amazing thing, so he lands his aircraft and the story doesn't end here."
"Kakarot and Raditz keep their tails."
"She thought it was appropriate to fetch the morning mail while wearing nothing but an open robe."
"A god whose story may have been as old as time, but whose adventures and perils had only just begun."
"This is one hell of a freaking story."
"This tale isn't for the easily scared or the faint of heart. It's a full-blooded ghost story."
"I wanted to share my story in hopes to encourage you."
"The strongest thing that a person has in their life is their story."
"they all lived sniffle-free ever after"
"It's a great like little philosophical object. It's a beautiful story."
"It's just one of the most impressive business stories I have ever heard."
"The gospel in and of itself is a story of absolute hope."
"Your story is so significant you might think it's not big enough it's not crazy enough the minute god enters your story it becomes as big as he is."
"Very interesting story and one unfortunately that doesn't get shown so much and there's no simple solution."
"Graphics don't make the game, story does."
"The scientific and anthropological data compiled by the team of experts told a story and gave a face to a man forgotten to time."
"Harry Potter story it's truthfully hard to imagine it happening any other way."
"I highly recommend this. It's a mostly well put together story with some of the best characters in all of the Batman Mythos."
"We should be able to look at the creation and see the entire story of the cosmos is telling us that this is the theatre of God's glory, for the drama of redemption."
"Wow, such a nice story with so many wonderful characters. I'm truly wishing Claude and Eileen the best."
"The main character undergoes a significant development and Redemption Arc."
"I don't expect you to read this novel, maybe you'll like the main story."
"The match is almost always more important than the story that gets us there."
"Our story takes place in the Kingdom of Rosas, where the benevolent King Magnifico offers a Haven for all looking to live a life of peace and tranquility."
"the story of Ana discovering who she is and reuniting with her only surviving family is my absolute favorite part of this movie"
"Our marriage was built on a wonderful little romantic story."
"Behind every great love is a great story."
"He said, 'Just tell your story.' He said, 'Everything you ever did, just rap about it. You ain't got to do it no more, just rap about it."
"Yet that is not the end of Septimus 3's story."
"Laurel is the antagonist of the story."
"Why does your story matter? What if I told you that there's a science behind every great story?"
"His story is as fascinating as any fighter on the entire UFC roster."
"Story and belief are closely tied like conjoined twins."
"A story you will be able to check out in our next Mega documentary so be sure to subscribe."
"This is a story of tenacity, ingenuity, and survival."
"'Welcome to the beginning of the Stranger Things story, might hold the key to what comes next to the end of it all.'"
"The third step is develop your characters now your characters are the heart of the story."
"Folks, that is our story for today."
"The film has an extremely well-crafted story that still stands the test of time, laced with paranoia."
"Once upon a time there lived a very large and very sad doggy. His family got mad at him just for being himself."
"Thank you for sharing your story with everybody."
"It's an inspiring hand transplant story."
"Creating a new story... manifesting a new beginning."
"From when you look at Star Wars straight up it's it's kind of a simple story it's a a very familiar tale it's like a fairy tale which we've heard a million times."
"I use my story as a tool to help motivate, inspire others."