
Scientific Achievement Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"The advancement of modern technology and our ever-growing scientific knowledge truly is remarkable, and a feat that we should marvel at."
"When Cassini was launched, scientists hoped that their spacecraft would survive for four years; in fact, Cassini has more than doubled that."
"The vaccine progression from the sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 to the clinical trial executed in months is one of the greatest triumphs in biomedicine in history."
"Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is one of the crowning achievements of quantum mechanics."
"Speaking of AlphaFold, DeepMind's AlphaFold 2 was announced to have 'solved' protein folding, which is an incredible accomplishment."
"The fact that these strange gloppy things inside of our head can figure out the mathematics to understand the property of a particle to one part in a billion, and it agrees with measurement, that is an astonishing fact."
"Quantum mechanics is the most spectacularly successful theory that physicists have ever devised."
"No other space mission in history has visited as many different destinations in independent orbits around our sun."
"This is a historic event. Today's endeavor will be the first time a space agency has ever touched the surface of an asteroid, collecting a sample of this pristine, ancient material—a scientific treasure far more precious than gold."
"The event horizon telescope... made worldwide news back I think it was, was it April of 2019... the first image of a black hole."
"The Chinese put on a database the entire genetic makeup of the virus... and we know that one of those genes codes for the protein that you want the body to make an immune response against."
"My goodness, said Rutherford. You’re the first person to photograph particles."
"This is the first time we have ever collected a sample of a rock from another planet with the intention to bring that sample back to Earth."
"The cover article in 'Nature' is like the kind of really pillar of achievement in the field of science, so this is really fantastic work."
"Parker Solar Probe: touching a star and revealing its mysteries."
"Building the LHC: A testament to human curiosity and determination."
"Human spaceflight is frankly a miracle of modern science."
"The discovery of the Big Bang was one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time."
"I really respect her, she's an incredible scientist."
"It significantly changed the asteroid's orbit all of it would not be possible without what we are learning from the meteorites."
"The Antikythera Mechanism: a 2000-year-old computer that predicted the position of planets and stars."
"NASA landed a helicopter on Mars, and beyond that, they flew it a lot with great success. Flying a helicopter on Mars is maybe the top of the cool and awesome list."
"The first successful atom bomb test was conducted."
"Science for the most part has done tremendous things for us we live in a fantastic world."
"Net energy gain: one of the most significant milestones in history."
"We've managed to touch the sun. When I say 'we,' I mean NASA's Parker Solar Probe."
"Fermi had split an atom in 2, a process that releases an absurd amount of energy."
"If we can just find the smallest microbial or IKEA-like life will achieve something that a little guy named Galileo achieved and that was knowledge."
"In the quest to explore the universe, our greatest ally is the Hubble Space Telescope. No scientific instrument in history has revealed so much or taken us so far."
"We've literally just made a small sun, that is cool, that is very, very, very cool."
"For the first time ever, scientists have just successfully achieved what's called Ignition."
"Teleportation technology may seem light years away from actual realization, but Chinese scientists in 2017 were actually able to successfully teleport photons to a satellite 300 miles away."
"The first ever pair of panda twins raised in captivity."
"The Bosnian pyramids are one of the biggest scientific discoveries ever."
"For the first time, one scientist from our civilization cycle has proven that clean energy was possible."
"The miracle in this is to end up with such effective vaccines so quickly, really a remarkable scientific triumph."
"The scientists are doing a phenomenal job with something that came from out of nowhere."
"Walsh and Picard returned to the surface and officially entered the record books for the deepest dive of all time."
"The James Webb Telescope is now fully aligned and fully focused."
"His greatest moment achieved after a series of successfully reproduced experiments."
"In yet another recent efficiency and durability breakthrough, a team led by scientists from the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) have broken records for semi-transparent perovskite PVs."
"For the First time ever Humanity has changed the orbit of a planetary body."
"Progress like this drives us forward and gives us inspiration."
"This is an extraordinary validation of general relativity." - Michael Johnson
"Thank you, Dr. Vegapunk, thank you for not letting Ohara's sacrifice be in vain."
"America will lead the first woman to the moon, and the United States will be the first nation to land an astronaut on Mars."
"So, yes, he misses his wedding AGAIN for this scientific breakthrough. But at least he's doing it for a good cause."
"America will land the first woman on the moon and plant its beautiful flag on Mars."
"Emmanuel Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna made history as the first pair of women to jointly win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry."
"They've just announced crossing the barrier of one Mega Joule... which is about 80 percent of the energy that was being introduced into the reactor."
"This is the culmination of 20 years of work."
"The COVID-19 vaccine developed and approved in under a year, and more than 100 million people already given the jab worldwide. We're living through history."
"These astonishingly complex biological nanomachines outstrip the best technology our best minds on planet earth can produce."
"Once upon a time, there was just one human genome... and it took hundreds of people, many years to read it."
"Let's release our very first dinosaur that we incubated. Boom!"
"This ingenious invention won Gitanjali America's top young scientist award."
"The James Webb Space Telescope may have been one of the most expensive and difficult to build space observatories, but it is already generating groundbreaking results and discoveries."
"This is a huge win for the dart team and of course Humanity."
"The standard model Lagrangian represents the apex of human knowledge and understanding of how the universe works."
"Just seeing what came back was such a big deal for me personally."
"This is exactly what Dr. Weiskopf and Dr. Crotty at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology have done."
"Carbon nanotubes had the strongest tensile strength known to man."
"We as human beings committed ourselves to a gravitational field with another planet."
"This is one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history. It will save millions of lives and soon end the pandemic once and for all."
"Before performing any grinding, Spirit returned microscopic images..."
"Pretty cool results that we were able to seemingly predict forward movement."
"We have seen our doctors, nurses, first responders, scientists, and researchers at their very best."
"The breakthrough was sufficiently important that the three inventors of the transistor were awarded the Nobel Prize."
"Normandy, the beacon is secure... it's amazing actual working prothean technology, unbelievable."
"Congratulations on the release of this study. It's fantastic information."
"Raptors have been our greatest challenge to bring back from extinction, ferocious and intelligent, they are a marvel of Cretaceous evolution."
"Science got it right eventually, and it got it right pretty quickly."
"Science is amazing. In nine months we came out with a vaccine. It is a triumph of science."
"Curiosity, still perfectly functioning since 2014."
"China's artificial sun ran for 20 minutes at a whopping 70 million degrees."
"The work of Lazear is notable for being the first discovery of a human virus, rather than a bacterial infectious agent, in medical history." - Jesse William Lazear
"What made Apollo special was that he was responsible for us discovering the cure to our recent parasitic mite problem."
"The New Horizons spacecraft is the fastest spacecraft ever launched, moving at a record speed of 58,536 km/h."
"The closest we've probably ever gotten to discovering."
"Reed Richards: Reed Richards probably the person you expected to top this list is far and away the smartest man on the planet."
"That's it I just like his lyricism quite a witty guy I think there's a famous stat like he's used more words than any other fuckin rapper ever."
"We have been able to study the universe in unprecedented detail."
"Juice, the Jupiter icy Moon Explorer spacecraft, is on its way to Jupiter."
"The discovery of phosphorus mineral China booed by the success of its chongi 5 Mission recently revealed an astounding lunar breakthrough."
"Your research was a success. Good work evading the time pirates."
"It's not just a Marvel of modern science, it's a testament to human Innovation."
"The painstaking work of investigators and scientists give little Stevie Crawford back his name."
"Astronomers really did give a standing ovation."
"We changed the trajectory of an asteroid in the solar system. Forever."
"And liftoff of the United Launch Alliance Delta 4 heavy rocket."
"This is the moment when experts shine. Getting a vaccine into phase 1 in a matter of months is pretty amazing."
"They were able to reverse the signs of aging."
"Voyager 2 was the first spacecraft to pass by Uranus in 1986."
"I congratulate the brilliant women and men who helped produce this breakthrough and to give us such cause for hope."
"The voyager's saga continues to be a testament to human exploration and scientific curiosity, defying the limits of time and space."
"AlphaFold 2 got an error of 0.96 angstroms which was three times more accurate than the next best system."
"Vaccines turned COVID into the flu. We should celebrate that we have created a gigantic scientific miracle."
"When people raise their glasses at Christmas, they do so to the extraordinary scientists who produced the vaccines, the diagnostics, the drugs which will allow this Christmas to be in a very different place to what it would have been without them."
"The Large Hadron Collider stands as a remarkable achievement of science."
"Absolutely amazing feat that we as mostly hairless apes on the surface of... were able to do this."
"The James Webb Space Telescope smashed another new record."
"The Hubble telescope may be the most successful scientific instrument there ever was."
"Hubble has now been in space for over 33 years, and its mission has been a resounding success."
"The telescope's launch exceeded its design and will allow even more science than expected."
"The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 was a scientific milestone affirming decades of theoretical work."
"Hubble revealed about 100 billion galaxies," - Unknown source
"Jet is the biggest fusion facility in the world."
"It's a great day for science, it is a great day for humanity when you realize that your vaccine has a 90% effectiveness." - Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO
"It's still quite impressive at what the sciences were able to achieve."
"A permanent human settlement in space... a very impressive science demonstration."
"Project Red Flea would seem to be a complete success."
"Nobel Prizes have been awarded to scientists for their work in b12 its discovery and synthesis was nothing less than amazing and life-changing for so many people."
"Let's not lose the fact that people figured this stuff out at some point in history that we managed to figure out how to manipulate these waves that we didn't even know existed."
"Watching the landing was just like watching a beautiful dance. This was tear-jerking."
"The Voyager Mission left an indelible mark on our understanding of our Cosmic neighborhood."
"We also took a picture of a black hole for the first time in the history of the world."
"The tissues that were actually developed have to be functional for an extended period of time... and Kelsey's team was the first to accomplish these tasks and to meet these criteria."
"They've actually been able to get a three-way quantum entanglement worked out in the lab."
"The space station, with its scientific contributions and collaborative spirit, remains a testament to human ingenuity."
"Space exploration is far from an easy endeavor, but with constantly advancing technology that collects new data, investigating far away planets and planetary systems has become more achievable in recent years."
"They have gone further and seen more than any other spacecraft, delivering unparalleled insights into even the most basic of astronomical phenomena."
"Emergent reasoning capability: a remarkable discovery."
"Couple that with the fact that it provided some of the most jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring images of Saturn and the solar system to date, and you have one hell of a mission."
"It's not often you'll have toys, games, movies, and shows from that many decades, but if anyone could pull that off, it was Goku."
"It is, by any measure, the most successful scientific theory of all time."
"Mars Insight: An incredible journey to the red planet, where precision is key and success is everything. #MarsMission"
"The fact that we are likely to tame this pandemic in a bit more than a year is absolutely a testament to human progress."
"My group had realized Bose-Einstein condensation; it's one of the most highly cited papers in physics."
"The scientific response to COVID was miraculous."
"Overall, the Human Genome Project has been a major scientific achievement."
"James Webb has been tapping into this phenomenon with great success to see some of the universe's earliest galaxies."
"This experiment is hailed as a pretty important one, pretty monumental one for biology in general. There really isn't anybody out there who doesn't understand the magnitude of what was done."
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. Let me show you the completed lab."
"So I don't know where this whole telescope thing will go, but I'm certainly glad that I finished the damn thing."
"The discovery of pulsars was celebrated with the Nobel Prize."
"In the end, the work Brotman did in that lab led to a vaccine for hepatitis B, and a few other important things like screening tests for hepatitis C."
"My favorite thing was the Perseverance landing."
"Intercepting an asteroid millions of miles away with nothing more than four minutes of a rocket's acceleration and some small thruster bursts requires an incredible understanding of ballistics and the motion of celestial bodies."
"So many achievements, we're next. Can we find the cure?"
"We've all officially made scientific ant history!"
"Voyager 1, the iconic space probe launched by NASA over four and a half decades ago, has just sent back a signal that has sent shock waves through the scientific community."
"We just delivered a sample of the asteroid Bennu back to Earth."
"Fusion ignition was finally realized at the National Ignition Facility, and for us, this was a pretty big deal."
"Ignition no more a question; we are robust, we are repeatable, it was not a fluke."
"We were able to generate more energy out of our target than was put in."
"Why are these results significant? It's a milestone because it has for the first time yielded 54 more energy as output than what they put in."
"It has taken about 50 years for us to build an instrument that's capable of registering gravitational waves and shedding light on the ultimate fate of the universe."
"AlphaFold did achieve a degree of success."
"This organism is now officially known as the first truly synthetic life out there."
"The LHC will be there for a decade, two decades or more. It's a remarkable achievement."
"Special relativity has undoubtedly been one of the most successful theories to emerge out of recent history."
"We actually cured blindness in those mice."
"Octopus is a triumph in science, discovery, and A-list entertainment."
"They managed to technically revive Yuka in a way."
"Einstein was a moderately distant second and everybody else famous as a scientist a distant third to him."
"We've had the first successful test of animals being born in space, yeah, that's huge. It's rats, all right."
"When we knew that Voyager 1 had gone interstellar."
"It's incredible really we just changed one one gene all the other genes are the same and the whole animal lives twice as long as normal."
"...the discovery of the century, the first human procured recordings of gravitational waves."
"Messenger made all its orbits correctly and without many complications, passing through the earth, Venus, and finally approaching Mercury 3 times until it managed to be captured by its gravity on March 11, 2011."
"Apollo 11 was about exploration, about taking risks for great rewards in science and engineering."
"We just put the first image from Perseverance on the surface of Mars."
"This could be the first planet that was actually detected, this one is real."
"We've seen matter-antimatter asymmetries in the B. This is really a huge accomplishment."
"I'm not an expert on protein folding prediction, but I do think that they have accomplished something really great."
"The Nobel Prize for chemistry was won today by an Israeli scientist for his work on quasi crystals."
"The greatest scientific contribution ever made in a doctoral thesis."
"Vaccines are phenomenal... it's pretty phenomenal."
"This is an amazing image; it's not the prettiest image Webb will ever take or even the most scientifically interesting one, but it is the highest resolution infrared image ever taken by a single telescope."
"Their hard work pays off when they successfully create a creature with superhuman intelligence and strength."
"The tradition continued with Rockefeller Professor Jeffrey Friedman who won the Lasker Award in 2010 for his discovery of the hormone leptin."
"The eradication of smallpox is one of the greatest triumphs of medical epidemiology, microbiology, immunology."
"1986 was the first time Halley’s Comet was observed via spacecraft."
"Opportunity made great discoveries including strong evidence that long ago some areas of Mars were wet for a long period and that conditions could have been suitable for supporting microbial life."
"It is a single most important discovery in history."
"We're really very fortunate to have this year's Croonian Lecturer, Professor Jennifer Doudna."
"Susan Solomon… one of the scientists who saved us from that apocalyptic future."
"In 1993, Joe and a co-worker received the Nobel Prize in Physics for work done using binary pulsar stars to prove various aspects of Einstein's theory of general relativity."
"This research which is being implemented already is really an amazing achievement for any researcher."
"This was the peak of Faraday's achievement; on that day in October 1831, a continuous electric current was generated by a machine."
"The Library attracted other learned men too, including the Greek polymath Eratosthenes, who is remembered for, among other things, the incredible feat of managing to calculate the Earth's circumference to within a few miles."
"We are going to get a Nobel Prize for this," Owen said, smiling.
"Quantum field theory is one of the crowning achievements of science in the 20th century."
"Arecibo is the encoded message describing humanity, life on Earth, and the advancement of our scientific knowledge."
"I'm the Executive Vice President here at Scripps Research and it's a real honor to introduce you to Barry Sharpless."
"The Large Hadron Collider stands as one of the most remarkable achievements of modern science and engineering."
"We have reached the record pressure of 495 GPA and observed new quantum phase transitions."
"There is not only a trace but a significant graphic account of the first self-sustaining nuclear fusion reaction ever achieved on earth."
"Scientists have been celebrating the arrival of detailed images of Pluto."
"You might think making fire from ice sounds like the impossible, but that's exactly what scientists have been able to do."
"This is an absolute triumph of modern science."
"...the scientists were able to create new type of matter, Neutron matter, right here on planet Earth."
"We have successfully created many man-made fusion reactions here on Earth."
"It's truly amazing that we could gain such deep insights about a planet located over 100 million kilometers away from us."
"The Gridley detector was found to be just about the most sensitive detector that was out there."
"The scientific triumph that we had vaccines coming along very early, far earlier than we would have expected."
"Apollo 11 was the first of six successful Moon missions, the result of an unprecedented surge in scientific and engineering activity with remarkable spin-offs."
"It's been so cool to watch the rover landed on Mars."
"We succeeded using a process discovered and explained by Klaus Mølmer."