
Ethical Boundaries Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"The possibilities of what science can bring us in the future are near limitless, but how far should we push the boundaries?"
"I don't think that most people can be defined in a black and white you're good or you're bad, but I do believe that there is a line that you can cross and only bad people will do the things on the other side of that line."
"There's no right or wrong way to be a woman, there's no right or wrong way to be a person - well, murder is bad."
"Creators using their fan base to fill a social void may lead to inappropriate relationships."
"Chris Rock was hella uncomfortable, I wouldn't have co-signed it."
"Where do we draw the line on a company's behavior towards their own customers?"
"Breaking into someone's house to steal their underwear? That's bad. That's not your underwear, Rusty. That's their underwear."
"It's important to still have moral lines that you don't cross."
"Don't become a villain but don't be afraid to use some of the tactics the villains use so long as you keep your eye on the prize you're not going to lose your way."
"I was never lying. I might have omitted a few details, but you're not supposed to."
"I realized this is completely wrong. I should not let myself go any deeper into this. I should not let myself cross that line because that is a line no one should cross."
"There is a line between political incorrectness and actually being morally responsible."
"If it's a blurred line, then it's a crossed line."
"You can do anything you want realistically speaking, unless it hurts someone else."
"Advocating violence is a line you do not cross."
"There are some things that are just redlines, some things we should not cross, you know because we should have principles and care about rights."
"There is a line we should not cross, talking about someone's father, talking about somebody's children, talking about political issues you have no business talking about."
"This was a clear line that Jeff had crossed."
"Morality isn't peanut butter; there's no reasonable sense of morality where it's okay for me just to run around lopping off people's heads."
"Thanking somebody for their good does not mean helping to facilitate their evil."
"No bag is that important that you will have to do anything that you wouldn't regret."
"Can we at least agree that children are off limits in this campaign?"
"Freedom, in and of itself, is not a valid defense."
"There has to be a line somewhere that if you cross it, I don't care who you are, you're gone."
"I remember talking to Jeff Gordon. He was like, 'Okay, you take someone out for fifth place, like, don't do that. But if it's for a win, do whatever you gotta do to win.'"
"There's no question that the Democrats will do anything they can to maintain that power. They will bend, break, or do anything to maintain that. They've shown that."
"If you learn to compromise your values, when will you stop?"
"This right here, ladies and gentlemen, is why you shouldn't play God."
"It is directly on that line of what I think should be allowable and there for it probably should be."
"You're supposed to be my teacher, not my kidnapper."
"The ends do not justify the means; evil manipulative actions are never justified."
"Critics are accusing the brand now of crossing the line."
"The line between good and evil does not run between races or cultures; it goes through every human heart."
"Children cannot consent... you have to draw a line somewhere."
"At what point do we draw the line in the sand?"
"There is a line we can't cross, no killing. It has to be the only difference between us and them."
"The fine line is our rights. When you cross that fine line, you're wrong. That's why they're called rights because when you cross them, you're wrong."
"The perception of legitimacy really is so important to this, and those red lines that you talk about are important."
"I've talked to women online. I've done it. And I knew I had crossed the line in that."
"The law should matter. The difference between legal and illegal is everything."
"I support freedom of speech, but I do not support anybody being hurt."
"Sport is not about equality, sport is about maintaining a competitive advantage for as long as possible legally or illegally."
"This can't go without a response, it's one of those red lines."
"If we said you aren't allowed to kill, we're not forcing something on your lifestyle."
"Freedom of speech is an amazing thing and I fully support it, however, freedom of speech does not give someone the right to incite actions that would harm somebody else."
"When you start harming people, that's where you draw the line."
"Do whatever you can to get what you want in life, don't break the law obviously, but..."
"Do you really think these forces... would stop at it like they have any limiting principle when it comes to putting the people in power that they want to put?"
"If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. Grandma taught me that."
"The toxicity of that paper... had no boundaries, no integrity."
"They crossed the line. They went into the gray area, and finally, Congress is getting around to taking it away."
"Society can ever get so far that it normalizes sex with minors."
"Republicans need to play the game better than the Democrats do I'm not saying that we lie we cheat we steal I say that we play the game."
"At what point does it become evil and where is that influence coming from?"
"We accept that it's within the limits of what we consider okay."
"What we're not going to do is bring innocent women into this."
"No sane person, no matter how motivated or spiteful, would ever do such a thing to another human being. There are lines that are simply not crossed."
"He knew that he was aiding and abetting the biggest lie – that the election was stolen from Trump. What blows my mind is just how far he was willing to go."
"While I admit it is kind of funny just what a reckless sellout it is, it does cross a sort of line when it's taking fans of the show and manipulating their footage to represent something that they know they're gonna hate."
"If you're doing only what you are admitting to doing, you are abusing this child."
"If you like anything that does infringe on the freedom, rights, and safety of others, you probably shouldn't like those things."
"Thankfully, as awful as Bob can be, he refuses to let any of his business schemes get in the way of his daughter’s safety."
"Respect the boundaries, do not cross the line."
"Where do we draw the line and who sets the standard?"
"But fundamentally, it violates a boundary that should never be crossed - politics and business, keep them separate."
"Taking the life or eating meat does not overstep those boundaries."
"The Netflix adaptation exists in that uncomfortable space too, pushing ethical and aesthetic boundaries, needling at painful moments and opening doors to places in the mind we’d rather keep shut."
"People are always wanting you to bug people's phones."
"You have overstepped a line. You need to access the minimal amount of data required in order to demonstrate the impact of vulnerability."
"The only thing that we're bound by is the moral law."
"It's fiction for a reason, like I would never approve of anyone in my real life doing this, but it's fiction."
"You can get away with a lot of stuff if you're doing it for the right reason."
"We draw the line where it's clear that there is a harm."
"I don't think it's ever acceptable for people's businesses to be on fire. I think that's a line that should never be crossed."