
Volcano Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Olympus Mons is a massive shield volcano on the planet Mars. It is over 21 kilometers tall."
"The biggest volcano, Mars houses the biggest volcano in the solar system."
"Volcanoes are traditional disaster fair but by bringing the action to Modern La volcano brings their apocalyptic dangers closer to home."
"Thousands of people in the Philippines evacuating after the restive Taal Volcano spewed a plume of gas and steam more than half a mile high."
"A volcano in Indonesia spews bright blue lava and produces electric blue and purple flames."
"The Yellowstone volcano is a supervolcano waiting to blow. When it blows, it will be devastating for almost the entirety of the United States and parts of Canada."
"Welcome to Mexico, dropping it like it's hot right on top of a volcano."
"I'm on the volcano! It's my first time ever on the volcano!"
"This was not expected, at least at the super volcano up at Yellowstone, you know, we can see signs of magma intrusion."
"Geologists and volcanologists keenly monitor every hiccup and churn of this volcano for any signs of danger."
"Yellowstone National Park is in fact, a supervolcano."
"The thing if there's one iconic symbol that summarizes the power of Nicaragua it would be the volcano."
"The Kawa Ijen volcano in Java glows a vivid blue."
"This apocalyptic phenomenon is actually super rare, but there is one volcano in Japan where you can witness incredible dirty thunderstorms nearly every day."
"Your level of nackage like it's if there's a volcano I'm getting to listen like earthquakes it's about to reach the point where it's like too much bad move but for now it's cool we're all right."
"Mount St. Helens itself is the youngest of the Cascade volcanoes, coming into being only 40,000 years ago."
"It's not often that an earthquake makes it possible to look inside a volcano that's been dormant since the Jurassic."
"Mountain Hood is a potentially active stratovolcano, about 50 miles southeast of Portland."
"As the tallest volcano in Europe and one of the most active in the world this natural wonder not only dominates this area with her size and power she also affects the type of food grown in her surrounding soil."
"The volcanic archipelago of Hawaii is home to the world's most active volcano, Kilauea."
"That's not a super volcano right? That's Mount Rainier, it's a composite cone volcano. It will erupt in the future. It's not our topic tonight."
"What exactly is a volcano? A volcano is a place where magma is coming from the deep Earth to the surface, where magma becomes lava or explosive pyroclasts."
"The explosion was so powerful that you could see it from afar, it seemed for a moment a true volcano."
"It's estimated that a couple thousand people lived right nearby, forced to move a couple miles away as their homes were buried under falling cinders."
"Let's have this beautiful, beautiful scary, threatening plume of ash coming out of a cone volcano."
"We've got eyewitness accounts of Mount Rainier doing little puffs of steam."
"The spices become like a spice explosion fitting for like a volcano."
"Surviving a volcano eruption requires careful preparation awareness and quick action if you live in a region prone to pyroclastic flows have a clear and well-practiced escape plan that includes designated routes and meeting points."
"As soon as you see signs of an eruption or receive official warnings begin moving away from the volcano as quickly as possible."
"Pyroclastic flows tend to follow valleys and low-lying areas if you're caught in the open during a pyroclastic flow try to crouch low to the ground to minimize exposure to the hot gases and debris."
"A volcano erupts when the hot magma inside it builds pressure and bursts through the surface of the Earth."
"Infrasound is a fundamental tool for volcano monitoring."
"What did one volcano say to the other? I lava you."
"Arthur's Seat is an extinct volcano."
"We're never ever gonna see an active volcano."
"I finally arrived at my destination. This is the island of Tanna, one of the few places in the world you can get close up and personal with a volcano."
"Good thing it's not going to erupt because if a volcano erupts you don't want to be anywhere near it yeah it can be dangerous"
"Mazama was a hell of an explosion."
"It's a crater lake, a lake inside of a collapsed volcano."
"Cotopaxi, which is one of the largest active volcanoes in the world... It's just this picture-perfect volcano with a snowy peak."
"The eruption ended and so I was really lucky to be there when this volcano was erupting, it was spectacular."
"Mars has the tallest volcano in the entire solar system, Olympus Mons, it's 27 kilometers tall."
"This is the caldera of the volcano Suribachi, which in Japanese essentially means 'mixing bowl'."
"We thought the volcano would be amazing, I did not think it'd be as big as that."
"The Santa Ana volcano... you can look directly down into a turquoise colored Crater Lake."
"Wow, this is the best view of the lake that you can get, it's so much higher, you can see right into the volcano now."
"The Thrihnukagigur volcano in Iceland is the only volcano in the world whose core can be explored by humans."
"You cannot cover a volcano; we have to appreciate the nature of the volcano inherently to eventually spew."
"Olympus Mons is an extinct volcano, the largest volcano in the solar system."
"We're going to make an epic volcano."
"The view inside the volcano's crater was something I wasn't ready for; it was unbelievable."
"Standing above a sea of clouds, this is the world's third highest volcano."
"The Olympus Mons volcano on Mars is three times the height of Mount Everest, 13 miles tall, and 373 miles wide."
"Everyone was shocked: how did he survive after falling into a volcano crater?"
"Sometimes though, it's not the volcano causing harm, it's people bringing their troubles to it."
"Yellowstone lies on top of a massive volcano."
"Washington state is home to majestic Mount Rainier which just so happens to be an active volcano."
"Super volcano eruptions like this happen on Earth once every 17,000 years on average."
"Looks like the volcano is all patched up. Congratulations!"
"Olympus Mons, that's the largest known volcano, it's three times taller than Mount Everest."
"The Mount St. Helens volcano behavior pattern suggests that the current quiet interval will not last as long as a thousand years."
"We now know that Mount Rainier is poised to erupt again... we cannot say likelihood of such and such within the next few years."
"This is the highest volcano in Europe and one of the most active in the world."
"The tropical island paradise... the standout feature is the volcano that has a waterfall emerging from it."
"What could be more spectacular than an active volcano in your living room?"
"The Yellowstone supervolcano is one of the largest and most dangerous volcanoes on Earth."
"The volcano of fire is one of the most active volcanoes in Central America."
"The volcano is out, it was cloudy the whole day but it's out now, and it's beautiful."
"Yellowstone is actually a volcano. That's the crazy thing about Yellowstone."
"Now Vesuvius though, is still the only active volcano on mainland Europe."
"A volcano is a place where lava from underneath the surface of the earth comes to the surface."
"The largest volcano in the solar system is Olympus Mons."
"It's the tallest mountain in Japan and it has a unique cone shape because it's a stratovolcano, that means it's three volcanoes in one."
"It is Japan's tallest mountain and volcano, located southwest of Tokyo."
"I've been hearing reports that a volcano over here, it's been inactive for decades, just recently started erupting again. It's got to be a sign."
"The name of the tallest known volcano in our solar system."
"Near which volcano was the city of Pompeii? Vesuvius."
"Do visit Kilauea if it is erupting, don't skip that experience."
"It's not just a volcano, it's a testament to the geological wonders that have shaped Mauritius."
"It is one of the most volatile underwater volcanoes in the world."
"If it's a volcano and you calculate the gradient, you go opposite the gradient."
"Mount Kilimanjaro is actually the tallest mountain on the continent of Africa and what's so cool about it is it's actually a volcano."
"Yellowstone is one of the most well watched volcanoes on the planet."
"It had that little hook: 'biggest volcano in the world' that made people look up from their smartphones for a few seconds."
"One of my favorite memories was something that we just splurged on. We decided to rent a helicopter and we flew over a volcano, and it was just unreal."
"How Intamin even came up with this concept using that volcano is amazing."
"We have a nice view of Mount Vesuvius, which is actually known as one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world because of its potential to erupt and the amount of people that live by it."
"It's like walking on a big volcano, and it's really terrific."
"Mount Rainier, located in the state of Washington, is an active volcano."
"A volcano is a real dragon of a mountain, sometimes it rumbles."
"Cotopaxi in Kichwa means throat of fire."
"This is an adventure, man; we're climbing at about 12,000 feet to the summit of a volcano."
"Wow, Mauna Loa looks so big and remember how we learned that it looks like a superhero shield laying down flat."
"Olympus Mons is the largest shield volcano in the entire solar system."
"We're used to the destructive power of volcanoes, but it's incredible energy in a volcano."
"Mount Shasta is an active volcano, one of the most impressive stratovolcanoes in the world."
"Mount Rainier will erupt again; it's not a question of if, it's a question of when, and it could happen tomorrow."
"How do we ascribe this combination to nature? A perfect analogy will be a volcano."
"These people in Guatemala cook their pizza using the heat from a volcano."
"The tallest volcano ever discovered covered in our solar system."
"Olympus Mons is 16 miles high, three times the height of our tallest mountain, Mount Everest."
"These algae are feeding off of the nutrients that are coming from the volcano."
"Mount Yasur on Tana Island, the world's most accessible active volcano."
"I've absolutely loved my stay at the Volcano, lovely hotel."
"The idea is basically a sci-fi racing inside and around an active volcano."
"We're going to keep the old volcano running, she's about 98 years old, no 99 years old. Wow."
"The largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus, can be seen from Earth even with an amateur telescope."
"A volcano is a rupture or vent in the Earth's crust where gases, ash, and of course, lava comes out."
"I have to say that was my first time that close to a volcano myself, it was pretty amazing."
"The world's largest active volcano is acting up tonight, that is Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaii."
"That's the best volcano that I have ever seen."
"Deep in the Sahara Desert in southwestern Libya's Fazzan region, there is an exotic dormant volcano called Waw an Namus."
"It's the only known super volcano located directly on a mid ocean ridge."
"The volcano is a really great thing because it's the breath of the Earth."
"The summit of Kilauea is the focus of today; it's the youngest volcano in the chain."
"I believe we're heading towards a new phase in this volcano and maybe some unprecedented territory."
"This nicely shows both the cone and the active lava channel, lava pond area."
"These observations from above are a good way for us to see what's going on."
"Volcano: A vent in the surface of the Earth through which magma and associated gases and ash erupt."