
Personal Acceptance Quotes

There are 474 quotes

"Worth doesn't have to be earned or proved; it already exists. Just recognize, accept, and appreciate it."
"It's okay to not have it figured out. It's so silly that our society makes us think we have to have our lives figured out at like age 18."
"There are people in the world who are comfortable being who they are; they're very grounded, very solid. It's almost like they don't give a [explicit]."
"At some point, you get the life that you accept from yourself."
"I want Eloise to know that one day, if she grows up and she doesn't like being a mom, she's not crazy and she's totally okay."
"Trends come and go; beauty standards are different depending on who you ask and where you are."
"In order for a person to reach their full potential, they must first feel truly and 100% accepted as they are."
"It makes me scared, and it's okay to say that. That doesn't mean you're weird; it actually just means you know who you are."
"It's okay to not be exactly like everybody else. It's okay to not follow the crowd."
"You got to love yourself. As long as we know and we love it, whoever else doesn't, so what."
"Surrendering to peace is about the inner acknowledgement that all is well."
"I think it says that you should aspire to reach that balancing point where you can accept the regrets of the past and embrace both the good and the bad things in life."
"Reclaim who you are, start to love who you are."
"Just because there's something that someone else might see as a negative within you, it doesn't necessarily have to be a negative."
"Why can't you just love somebody for who they are?"
"He's still a human and he's gonna make mistakes and he's gonna be dumb he's not perfect."
"Nobody is perfect, no matter what anyone thinks."
"Why does it matter so much what somebody's body looks like?"
"Humans are a mess and humans are not perfect."
"The purpose of Scientology is to clear the planet."
"I kind of had to accept for the past couple of years."
"A brand new Sonic cycle, an ending and a beginning."
"Wow yes this resonates I love this this is a part of who I am and I'm ready to accept it."
"I'm black, it is not the most important thing about me, but it is part of who I am."
"It doesn't matter what people think about your body; all that matters is what you feel about your body."
"Love yourself and recognize that you are enough."
"I am very, very happy with who and what I am."
"If you feel pissed and you don't react the way that people in the movies react, that's actually totally fine."
"If people can't accept you, they are not the people that you need in your life." - R
"Hart realizes that he doesn't need to give up being who he is just because of the way he was born."
"You are exactly where you're supposed to be at this time in life."
"Understand and accept how you feel, do not fight it."
"Their beauty doesn't take away from my beauty."
"Their beauty shouldn't take away from my beauty."
"If you don't love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, then no one will."
"This is all psychological; this has nothing to do with your bank balance or how tall you are or how good-looking you are."
"Nobody's perfect, nobody. If that's your standard, then nobody can."
"No matter how good you are now you're not gonna be for everybody."
"Not everybody will like you, and that's totally okay, we don't need everybody to like you, but those who understand you will absolutely value you."
"You don't have to do anything or be anything to be worthy."
"You shouldn't have to apologize for your baggage."
"Why are we supposed to feel ashamed to admit that we don't have it all together?"
"I'm just like, hey this is what it is and I like it."
"You're exactly the way you're meant to be, my beautiful Leos."
"I don't give two craps what people feel about this bald head of mine because guess what I love it."
"Video games are an untapped reservoir of human potential and civilizational advancement."
"Anything can be funny and I don't even feel ashamed about it anymore."
"I wasn't diagnosed until I was about 21, but now I've kind of really embraced the diagnosis."
"People can still disagree and enjoy my stuff, that's always a good feeling."
"Maybe you can let go this idea of the size of your pecs equating to some self-validation."
"Honestly, don't be embarrassed by that shit okay? Embrace the kinky shit that you like because I guarantee you I have read and enjoyed so much worse."
"Being too much doesn't disqualify you, it disqualifies them."
"Sexuality is fluid and can change throughout someone's life, and that's okay."
"I really don't give a [ __ ] what anybody thinks of me I really don't because I'm comfortable in my own skin and I like Who I am I like where I met."
"I expected what they did to Faye, and because I expected it, I feel like I'm almost okay with a lot of it."
"Being authentic and showing up as I am, whether people like it or not, is an exercise in self-love. It helps me accept myself."
"The moment we can start seeing singleness as a gift and not a curse, that is when it really flips the page for us."
"Just because their blessings and their success and their gifts look different than mine doesn't mean it's better or worse."
"I feel like a lot of you guys are gonna feel really good about yourselves and your body."
"I've learned to accept it and to embrace the Zen anarchism."
"For every woman who is unhappy with her stretch marks, there's another woman who wishes she had them."
"You might not want to work on being perfect, you might want to work on being you."
"I'm cool with being I'm cool with Who I am I've never tried to front I've never tried to be more than what I am."
"Be realistic. Nobody is liked by everybody, and nobody's behavior will be liked by everybody all of the time."
"We all have things in our life we're ashamed of."
"People are messy, you're never going to find somebody who perfectly aligns with every one of your beliefs and values."
"You can really only be yourself. If someone doesn't accept you for who you are, they're never going to accept you. So you might as well just be yourself and see where that takes you."
"I think it's a step in the right direction to just start by removing the shame from being single even if you can't eradicate all of the fear of being single."
"That made it all worthwhile was the fact that we do love each other, and warts and all, aging and all, challenges and all."
"Jeff was in absolute awe of how comfortable Andrew seems to be in himself."
"I'm beautiful because of it and I absolutely love it."
"We are human and we all experience a spectrum of emotions. You don't always have to have it together all the time, dark-skinned women. Nobody has it together all the time."
"I could have recoiled and deflected my sexuality but instead I was like, I'm going to own it."
"Your existence matters exactly as it is and your existence is enough."
"It's part of who he is, but it's not all of who he is."
"You matter. Worthiness is in your veins. Accept yourself now."
"It's okay to not know everything, nobody does."
"When we accept and love ourselves and appreciate and acknowledge ourselves for how far we've come, that's when we can create from a more renewable space."
"I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not."
"Remember you are somebody's type and you'll find love."
"Own it. You're rich, you're successful, own it."
"It's okay to not like me just 'cause. Power to you."
"Own it, they're not saying you're a bad person."
"I'm the kind of guy that does need to be in prison."
"Honestly, it's a win. We're living in 2023, we know it's a wig. Do we want it to look natural? Yes."
"You are enough. What if you were actually perfect?"
"If you haven't found love in your 20s because I haven't, it's totally fine, it's not about you, you are a boss."
"I love myself flaws and all. I designed this, God designed this, this is part of the cosmic plan for me and I am okay with who I am. I love myself."
"It starts with loving right now who you are."
"You are more than good enough for your children, for your partner, as a daughter or a son, any and all in between."
"Especially my flaws, those are Mari's flaws."
"Everybody's not gonna like you but that doesn't mean that you're not talented."
"I don't need to know how much I weigh. I'm beautiful regardless of what size I am."
"I'm not missing some damn lashes but I think I still relatively with the same way I look 10 day."
"I'm proud to be gay, and I consider it one of my greatest gifts from God." - Tim Cook
"This is the first time that I'm choosing to love myself completely and fully, imperfections and all."
"Stop being so hard on yourself, you're doing enough."
"He makes me feel like I can just be myself and that's enough."
"I've never been popular. I don't mean to start now."
"Stop proving yourself to other people. Let go of the need for other people to approve of you."
"Guess what? As long as you love you, you're comfortable in your skin, that's all that matters."
"Just the acknowledgment that you are doing the best you can."
"I know trans people, they do their thing. I got no issue. I know people who have engaged in body modification, they do their thing. I really don't care."
"I now know that my life isn't about everything I do has to work 100% of the time."
"I will always love myself. That's the thing about me."
"You have to just start with being confident in your own skin."
"I'm wrong most of the time, and when I'm right, it's cool."
"You have to be aware that you have this shadow side you have you can't run away from it you have to acknowledge that it exists you almost have to embrace it."
"You're good enough as is for a new friend, you're good enough as is for a new romantic situation, you're good enough as is for whatever creative endeavor you're putting out there."
"It's like my life now." - Quality Control Music
"Forgive yourself for anything that you feel that you've done or said or any shortcoming that you feel you've had."
"She knew he lied about having a fiancée but accepts his decision on the relationship."
"Loving yourself is tough... even if you think you don't deserve love."
"Not everyone has to like you and not everyone is for you."
"A man is going to be attracted to her up days and her down days, good days and her bad days because he loves her for her."
"Just because you might like ocarina of time and I don't doesn't mean that you're not a beautiful person because you are"
"I choose not to compare myself to somebody else."
"It's not even loving your body, it's loving you. You, man, that's freaking awesome."
"Don't listen to trolls, just accept that you made a mistake because you are a human being."
"Every tree in the forest is damaged goods. So if you're damaged goods, number one, welcome to the forest called humanity. You've been a long part of that, but you belong."
"You can't get love without hate, you can't get admiration without criticism."
"I've learned to not care if some people don't like me."
"I love who I am, appreciating the person that God created."
"Being single is not a death sentence, it is not the worst thing that can ever happen to you."
"The difference between acknowledging the ugly truth and accepting the beautiful lie."
"People appreciate honesty they appreciate authenticity they appreciate that we all have flaws like none of us are perfect."
"I don't need to change one thing about myself."
"Everyone has their own version of a flat tummy."
"I'm just going to learn to love and accept myself."
"I'm sure I'm capable of living a long happy healthy normal life without being able to play a handful of match for puzzle games."
"I realize what I am. I'm very comfortable in my own skin."
"You do not need to be ashamed of your sexuality."
"You have to reconcile yourself to the fact that not everyone in life is going to like you."
"You need to accept healing the way that he wants to do it in our life."
"It takes guts to write songs like this, man, to accept that you're not perfect, that even though, you know, time has passed and things may have, should have been forgiven and, you know, reconciled, it's hard, dude."
"I just want the kids of our generation right now growing up that are like 12, 13, 14 don't have to be insecure with themselves at such a young age and there's generally nothing wrong with them."
"Give yourself permission to stop abandoning yourself."
"You've got to give yourself permission to suck and you also got to give yourself permission to fail."
"You cannot apologize for living; love yourself."
"You are enough. Like, we hear it all the time and it sounds a little cheesy but it's so true."
"The bad news is that when you have relationships that are grounded in reality the other person is going to see all of your quirks all of your shortcomings all of the things that you may have traditionally been trying to hide from Partners."
"Satanic cult at the end? I am A-okay with that."
"Your body is fine. Your body, nobody said that to her ever."
"As a man, you will always get rejected. Yes, it's a natural part of your life. You will always get rejected. Not every woman will want you."
"You could be completely yourself and that's gonna gain you a crowd that just appreciated because the way you are."
"You shouldn't be shamed for who you are or something that you like."
"Let go of the idea that you're not good enough."
"Love and appreciate our bodies for everything they are."
"Learning to stop worrying and love the tainted characters."
"I should probably say, don't mess with your boobs all those years I denied it stupid a sign of insecurity just celebrate what you've got." - Victoria Beckham
"I remember finally connecting that I am a free human being that I'm not trapped that I'm not stuck that I don't need to change who I am to love myself or to get love from someone else."
"Not until I passed 35 did I realize my own sexuality. I felt much better in my own body. I liked myself better."
"You're not a perfect person, which I think makes you real and that's true inspiration."
"You're allowed to like it as long as you're not bullying other people for disagreeing with you."
"I'm not ashamed of anything that happened, except for one thing."
"Living an absolute truth, even though it is harsh, painful, ugly, I wouldn't want it any other way."
"That's proof that Matt really doesn't mind periods. Doesn't bother me."
"How amazing our lives can be if we just allow ourselves to be."
"Managed to cope with the pressure of society thanks to his family, who taught him to accept himself."
"He's gonna see all your quirks and all the little weird facets of your personality."
"If you don't believe that big chubby girls are like beautiful man you're you're an [__]."
"You don't need to be exceptional. You are worthwhile just because you are alive."
"Once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kind of comes into place."
"You made me feel worth it for the first time in forever, and [expletive] forever again, and I wouldn't change a goddamn thing about you."
"You can love people and not accept their behavior or what they believe necessarily."
"Sometimes my best might not be good enough, but that's okay."
"Love yourself flaws and all. You are loved, but you have to love you first to understand how much you are loved."
"If you are labeled as disabled, take that label off, peel that stigma off. You are a person who was born with these certain things in life and that makes you who you are."
"It's actually a book about self-acceptance, teaching kids to accept who they actually are."
"Be who you are, say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
"If you feel confident in what you look like and your body, then I think that's fantastic."
"To have confidence, you must accept your insecurities."
"I embraced that, I owned it, I've nothing to be ashamed of."
"I think we all know that I don't give a [ __ ] what people think of me. I mean, at this point, I've already [ __ ] up enough in my life with my life choices. What's one more? Why not?"
"Nobody's perfect and I don't expect perfection from anyone. That's unreasonable."
"There's nothing I can do is going to make you like me."
"I need help to get in and out of bed and to use the toilet for a long time I thought my arms would remain strong a doctor told me they would but they ended up losing strength which I don't mind telling you was hard to accept."
"You're never going to make everyone happy, so just be you."
"In the end who cares what people think it's about you and if you feel comfortable."
"Love is the most divine emotion one can experience, and to say no to love is to say no to yourself."
"It's not the end of the world if somebody doesn't approve."
"I truly just love myself. I want to feel good in myself naturally imperfectly just the way it is."
"I started becoming okay with who I am. I became the best version of me and then I sort of said I'm okay. You know, I'm alright even if someone else thinks this I'm okay."
"Celebrate your shape. Love yourself as you are."
"I realized that I just felt like an impostor to myself... I actually really loved that about myself."
"If they don't like you, then that's the way it is. It doesn't mean you're not good enough."
"The most beautiful thing about somebody is their imperfections."
"Miracles can happen in your life, and you accept that."
"I felt like okay, he's letting me in, he's actually letting me be a part of his life."
"Embrace what makes you feel most like yourself."
"I make mistakes, I know that I'm far from perfect."
"I've learned that there's nothing wrong with people liking things that you don't like."
"You need to know that there is nothing wrong with you."
"Love is first whether you totally are a screw-up in your mind."
"You're enough as you are, even if you're in debt, you're enough as you are."
"Forgiving yourself, you have got to, you got to radically love yourself, radically, man, like that's accepting everything."
"Imagine radically loving yourself and other people so much that you don't even need the qualifier of 'well I like this about me or I did this well or whatever' because that still does not stand in the way of you being infinitely lovable."
"My power is loving, I accept my power, and my self-love blooms with the energy of its support."
"If someone doesn't accept me, rejection is redirection."
"It's not a hindrance being different; it's actually in your favor."