
Bereavement Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Our hearts are broken, and we are all now swallowed with the love now left behind for this beautiful brother. God be with you till we meet again."
"Many of you have probably heard that there are designated stages of grief that everybody moves through. Turns out that recent research refutes that idea."
"What is important, however, is that you make some effort to shift your mindset and your understanding of that person, in a way that still holds in mind that yes, indeed, the attachment is very real."
"The present study supports the hypothesis that catecholamine levels are affected by bereavement and in turn, can affect the ability of those with complicated grief to benefit from psychotherapy."
"Nothing compares to the loss of those who lost loved ones."
"You're not alone on your care journey, you're not alone on the journey after your loved one passes either."
"Grief is the natural response to bereavement."
"Every person who passes away leaves on average nine people bereaved and the cool thing is that those nine people can come together and support each other through that loss."
"My girls are home. Know today that your family lay you to rest."
"We've been helping with disaster relief just came from a funeral."
"People die, but love doesn't die and the connection's still there."
"We've decided that through our son Dwayne, unfortunately the last one to pass away, that we're going to donate his organs to saving of a child, which is what we want because if you say we have a child that's... that makes us happy."
"The loss of a relative is hard, there is no time limit on the grieving process."
"Salute to her and her family... I hope during this time of grief they could find something."
"Knowing that she hadn't suffered in the end brought me some small comfort."
"Most spirits within a very short period of time learn how to try to let their loved ones know that they're still alive."
"The best thing you can do to honor your loved one's memory is to pass those things on for somebody else to love and enjoy."
"Gone too soon. Condolences to the entire Travolta family."
"I feel him all around me all the time... I feel like he's taking care of me."
"I'm always the first one to say we can't and shouldn't judge someone based on the way they behave when they lose someone close to them."
"And I, it's, it's like I know now. And when my mother passed away, I know my children were there to meet her."
"God is just pray for ya Henri groovers wife passed away really really pray for brother Henry Gruver."
"My future attempts to save you from the ravages of mental illness lit a fire in me that burns to this day I'm sorry I didn't figure this out in time to help you may you rest in peace."
"Most of us changed our minds... it's about Coil, his wife has just died and he takes his two daughters and his elderly Aunt back to his ancestral home of New Finland."
"It was like losing ashley all over again, it was that gripping feeling of she's really gone."
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Rodney family."
"The bonds of love do not sever because of physical death."
"Don't give yourself a deadline for grieving; everyone's timeline is different."
"There's nothing that can truly help a person at this time... but you do find some comfort knowing that other people have experienced the same thing."
"My grandmother recently died. She was famous in our town for her amazing cooking and catering, particularly her turkey dinners. Notably, her gravy was absolutely amazing."
"This is the most difficult part about cleaning out the house of someone who's passed and left all their belongings to someone else."
"The rings owner, Lucy, is on her way in to find out whether James can give her a loan to pay for her mum's funeral."
"Just so few moves, and you've sold the character. He just gets across bereavement and trauma, I think, really, really, really well. Like, it's really, it's really, really, yeah."
"To everyone that came to the house, called, sent messages, contributed, and helped with the memorial service and funeral arrangement, thank you so much and God bless you."
"I think now when I became a nurse, that was kind of put in the back of my, I think it was always there but I didn't know consciously that I was becoming, that I was pulled into bereavement, perinatal bereavement nursing for that reason."
"Is it okay to stay single when your spouse dies? Of course it is. 100%."
"Do accept help do accept support do accept love from your friends and family when you are bereaved you have to you need to if you're going to survive."
"Dear Bell family, it's 11:15, 23. Two days after Mom, may you find strength and comfort to help you through this time of sorrow."
"The fear of dying alone was something many relatives imagined for their loved ones, adding torment to their bereavement."
"It's always been my goal to donate my hair after my mom passed away."
"I wanted to get out and see what was to be seen, I suppose. My father's been dead for years, and my mother passed away a couple of months ago. That's what really pushed me out of the door."
"When his parents died she was there. When her relatives died he was there."
"My mom died and all I got was this free churro."
"It's very unfair that his sons now have to grow up without their dad."
"There's no closure because when someone's life has been taken it impacts on so many people."
"The impact someone's murder has on their loved ones never actually leaves you. A person's murder is devastating and impacts on so many lives."
"...Al's passing is kind of a marker for us all to just move forward, trust in the Lord. I felt so much peace during that blessing."
"My son how sad and painful it is to remember that you are not in this world however knowing that you are with God in heaven singing and having fun I find relief from my sadness."
"I lost both my parents in the last year."
"...this book could probably help a lot of young people who have had people in their life die or know someone who has cancer."
"She had baked a pie for Rhonda's parents and visited with them after the service."
"This man within five days... took the time to write to two children about their fallen father."
"You should consider seeing a grief counsellor or group; you are still grieving and you cannot see forward yet in life."
"Going through my mom's possessions after she passed away has been one of the most therapeutic things I've ever done."
"I lost my brother in a motorcycle accident three weeks ago at the age of 21."
"She's my mom, and a lot of you know that I lost my dad... all I've wanted is to be here for my mother, to be at her side, able to help her."
"We are providing funding to improve the quality of bereavement care in the NHS."
"I've talked to a lot of people of course I now roll with bereaved parents all the time."
"I just needed to work because I needed I wanted to show my kids that your dad still goes to work even after your brother dies."
"I will never be who I was before my son was killed."
"It isn't right that grieving parents have to worry about how to meet the funeral costs for a child."
"It is a loss that is literally beyond words."
"The relationship continues, so the love never dies."
"We do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope."
"Every case I handle is important. I try to give the same attention to every family who's lost someone they loved."
"The emphasis on whenever you're bearing a lost person is you switch it to God's comfort and God's help in a time of need for the family that's there."
"You asked God to wrap His arms of grace around the family who's bereaving."
"I have been living alone since my husband Ian passed away a few years ago."
"God will work this out; my wife is in heaven, God loves us, God is love."
"Life is full of tests... sometimes they come in really big doses when someone passes away."
"Bereavement is a universal and integral part of our experience of love."
"Bill's dead, you're not. You need to start living your life."
"We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who fall asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope."
"They have also wonderful counseling background and to help the families after they've lost a child."
"Grief is a special thing; it's a reminder of just how much love that you had for that individual."
"The loss of someone you care about can be one of the most difficult human experiences."
"We appreciate all of the love and support during this incredibly difficult time."
"It's a massive loss, a loss of a light."
"Prayers and condolences to the family, absolutely."
"A good funeral is one that gets the dead where they need to go and the living where they need to be."
"She's looking after me now, so then that gives you the strength to go on."
"Grieve not for we are not a people that have no hope."
"I think my wife would have liked me to move on."
"Life doesn't end when we lose our loved ones; it should continue in honor of our loved ones."
"The Lord deal kindly with you, as you have dealt with the dead and with me."
"I can help out one kid who feels a little bit lost because they lost their dad."
"In her book, she emphasized the three C's to help children cope with the loss of a parent: connection, continuity, and care."
"I realized that it was the first time that I've been alone for 54 years."
"She came to my brother's funeral, which meant a lot to me."
"Don't fret, Lily, your feelings are reaching dad in Heaven."
"Thank you for all the sweet cards and messages during my mom's passing."
"We will never get over the loss; it's so raw and painful every day."
"She was with me for 17 years of my life, and it really hurt to lose her."
"Alicia's parents created the Purple Project which helps financially support single mothers and provides grief counseling and retreats for parents who are mourning the loss of a child."
"I have two lives: I have life before my mom went to heaven and life after."
"The things that have happened for me, to me, have helped me grow up, especially the passing of my father. That was something that took me to another level of growing and maturing. That's when I started to be more of a man."
"Sons and daughters left without their mothers and fathers, a mother grieving her son, a daughter-in-law, and her grandkids."
"I found that I died with my children and I haven't had a life since."
"For this article to even try and say think about work first when someone has actually passed away is terrible."
"My name is Bella, 32 years old, both my parents passed away in a car accident when I was still in college, leaving me all alone in this world."
"You lose your mother and you lose your North Star."
"Thank you all so much, truly, honestly, for all the support and the comments that you guys sent me after my mom passed away."
"I just wanted to first of all thank all of you. Earlier this year my dad passed away and this community has been really great and supportive."
"May peace of God that passeth all understanding be with his family at this time."
"Even if I was preparing for my dad's funeral, I wanted to take responsibility for the American tour."
"And he loved her, thus Isaac was comforted after his mother's death."
"Thank you so much for supporting me during this time of my father's passing."
"Air Canada offers reduced bereavement fares if you need to travel because of an imminent death or a death in your immediate family."
"It often brings comfort to the bereaved families to think their relatives are still looking out for them after they've passed."
"I'm glad you're streaming tonight, had a pretty terrible day because a family member died unexpectedly."
"He put His arms around you and lifted you to rest. God's garden must be beautiful; He always takes the best."
"I'm attorney Williams. I've been authorized by James to handle matters concerning the inheritance. I'm very sorry for your loss."
"I feel like this journey, for some reason, I know why now thinking about it, I've just spent such an intense period with the family after my mother passed away."
"I'm sorry for your loss. I will be here with you if you want to talk."
"Establish a fund for children who have lost one or both parents to crime."
"...bereavement is not the truncation of married love it's one of its regular phases like the honeymoon. What we want is to live our marriage well and Faithfully through that phase too."
"I am deeply sorry to each and every bereaved person and each and every person who suffered in other ways."
"I am a wife and a mother of three children, one of them is deceased, and four grandchildren, and I relish in all of those roles."
"I always enjoyed talking to my grandpa, but I didn't want to talk about Reuben's death."
"Millions of bereaved people could half believe that the person buried here was their own."
"I've become a pallbearer with them. I carry the feeling of the weight of the gone, of what's missing."
"She knew how much I loved her and the hole her death left in my heart."
"Good night, sweet wife, my love. God has called you to his hands."
"Now I'm gone, so turn to Bridget, she's the one you need the most."
"Finally being freed from the shadow of his absence makes me feel lighter and freer somehow."
"I'm taking pretty much my first break since my mom passed away."
"She is watching you from the sky now, she makes you smile for her."
"It's so humbling when somebody messages that their mom died or their dad died, and we're helping them get through it."
"Grief is a natural response to loss."
"It's sad when I think about him not being here anymore, but he wouldn't want me to be sad."
"Grief and loss can completely impact you."
"Complicated grief is considered when an individual's ability to resume normal activities and responsibilities is continually disrupted beyond six months of bereavement."
"The good people by Hannah Kent tells of Nora, whose husband has recently died, leaving her with a child that may or may not be a changeling."
"For I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope."
"She loved him unconditionally, even in death."