
Personal Flaws Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Embrace yourself fully. All of us have flaws...Accept yourself for exactly who you are."
"The crucial flaw in his life was not even having the ability to say that he made his own mistakes."
"I think Kanye is important. I think he's very flawed like the rest of us... but uh I actually think he's important and I think mostly he's creating a conversation that's necessary and healthy."
"Pride is the lever that opens the door to deception."
"God's grace turns your glitch into your gift."
"I'm not going to say something virtuous like I'm a believer because there's plenty wrong with me that needs to be fixed before I would dare utter words like that."
"You know we're all a little toxic we all have a lot to learn none of us are perfect."
"You just need to know your flaws and you need to know your strengths."
"Being single makes you think you're perfect; marriage shows how screwed up you are."
"When the glory of God shows up in your life, you're going to be tempted to look at your flaws."
"What you think disqualifies you, God cleanses and uses."
"Love the new style am I getting carried away well I love our King what can I tell you flawed as he is as all of us are."
"You're flawed, I'm flawed. The best we can ever be in the world is two flawed people having a flawed relationship."
"I will not have you without the darkness that hides within you. I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me."
"We are all human at the end of the day and we all make mistakes and have our flaws."
"The inability to admit they are wrong or when they apologize and then justify their actions."
"Hubris, it is my greatest weakness. Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
"All my chains got crosses just 'cause I'm a sinner."
"You gotta be able to look at yourself in the mirror and understand your flaws."
"Zach’s ego and theatrics were what cost him his life."
"What caused his downfall in the end was his cowardice and blabber mouth."
"I'm a deeply flawed guy, Monica, but in the end, I'm quite positive about the country."
"He was good, but it's his ego that gets the better of him."
"They attack you right away because they're trying to hide the fact that they are deeply flawed deeply insecure people."
"If you want to be successful in life you need to look take a hard look at who you are as a human being and then you need to try and correct for your own flaws."
"Thank you for being unafraid, looking at your own flaws and your own fallibility, your willingness to discern and discriminate the truth from the fiction."
"Wear your flaws as an armor instead of as like a cast."
"There is power in the pivot there is power in praise and there is a purpose in your situation there's a purpose in it."
"Your flaw is not supposed to be your identity."
"The most effective tool that Satan has in his tool chest is selfishness."
"Copyright your faults... Some of your biggest flaws may in fact be assets."
"She's not gonna make every single right decision; she's gonna be selfish in some way. She's gonna have these character flaws."
"Be authentic and gloriously flawed, and spirit will answer with miracles."
"There's always going to be a part of me that's sloppy and dirty, but I like that."
"Despite his faults and potential lack of integrity at times, all in all, Casey Neistat is a really inspiring creator."
"They love him despite his flaws because they believe he has their back."
"She's hiding character defects from you, we're all broken."
"I'm eligible, I'm broken but I'm eligible. I've got bad religion but I'm eligible. I've got bad relationships but I'm eligible. I made some bad mistakes but I'm eligible."
"Barry Bonds deserves to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame."
"What tolerance means is, I'm stupid and flawed, and so are you, so I'll make you a deal."
"Shawn and Angela were a volatile couple–two flawed, insecure, damaged people who genuinely loved each other, but were too incomplete individually to ever make it work together."
"This is a story of ignorance, arrogance, and the blinding influence of an inflated ego."
"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you."
"Imitate their faith. Don't copy their flaws."
"Pride robs God of his glory and hurts those around us. It's destructive because it shifts our focus from the Lord to ourselves."
"You can come just as you are, flaws and all."
"Every person has flaws, weaknesses, things they've done wrong. But there's much goodness in him as well."
"The bad news is that when you have relationships that are grounded in reality the other person is going to see all of your quirks all of your shortcomings all of the things that you may have traditionally been trying to hide from Partners."
"I made it more about myself and like all of the weaknesses that I have and essentially like everything that makes me human."
"While it's helpful to know what you're good at, it is most important to know what you suck at."
"I hope you're treating yourself right. I hope you're doing good things for yourselves. Don't be hard on yourselves. We're all flawed. I'm flawed, you know. Ryan's flawed."
"I feel like with how bad you are at getting caught, I think we kind of need this one."
"I like a woman who has flaws but loves herself and is confident."
"Accept yourself every flaw you have accepted."
"Sometimes giving a man a chance is just giving him an opportunity to waste more of your time."
"True friends don't care about what you perceive your flaws to be, and they want you to be your best possible self."
"People are flawed, and what makes 'The Craft' so interesting is the idea that when you, an imperfect person, are put in a position of power, what will you do with it?"
"I know I'm not perfect, I'm flawed, but I do my best. But I'm definitely open to feedback."
"When we're doing rukia, one of the things we can do is correct the basic flaws that we have in ourselves."
"Gabby, I think you do just need to admit that human beings are flawed; you are flawed; I'm flawed; everybody has done things, everybody regrets them, and makes mistakes."
"But because I'm not a perfect person, maybe just be real and stop trying to give fake bullsh*t excuses like you did and I showed in my last video."
"Finding those faults in yourself and just... not just your execution, but like what's deeper, what's going on with you."
"Most of my trading faults are going to come from in here."
"Sometimes you're just a jerk. It happens to all of us."
"One of our strengths is our ability to be wrong, which communicates authenticity."
"You can make a mistake and be a good person, but you are not."
"David Foster Wallace was brilliant he was also an abuser."
"You're gonna see really quick, it's just a person like us, with flaws and all."
"Sometimes people become successful because of their flaws rather than despite them."
"Human beings are terribly broken individuals to an extent."
"Nobody's perfect, you know. The whole thing is about trying to do better."
"If your self-esteem is based on never acting like an idiot, you're going to have bad self-esteem."
"Some of your biggest flaws come from you trying to be the best version of yourself."
"Own everything about yourself, flaws and all."
"Be proud of your flaws; they make you unique."
"What is your name? Are you willing to acknowledge that you are a flawed person who has lived their lives using evil to get by?"
"I refuse to admit my mistakes. It's not a character flaw; it's just... I can't spin that into positive."
"MLK had to at one point be just some like regular average irrelevant Joe who was still a flawed... he was a flawed person first."
"Accepting these flaws is certainly the first step, but that doesn't solve the issues entirely."
"Fear and trading fearfully was one of my biggest flaws."
"Sometimes the biggest flaw is being too nice."
"I am fully aware that I do a lot of wrong shit."
"Just a flaw in my psychology, so don't let that be you."
"It's so important to love who you are besides the acne or whatever your flaw may be is so important to love yourself."
"You're just too sensitive or you're overreacting. It's their way of saying, 'I don't want to have to be reminded that I'm flawed.'"
"You can still be cool even if you're flawed and incompetent sometimes."
"We ignore our own personality flaws that keep us in the same vicious cycle of repetitive circumstances."
"Some people just be so wrong that they can't own up to it."
"She was not perfect, she was frank to admit her mistakes."
"He inspired me because I knew I was flawed just like everyone else but he made me believe I could achieve things by his story."
"He's immensely talented political figure. He's an incredible orator. He's a very intelligent man. He can be very personable. But he repeatedly screws himself over."
"Everyone has flaws and insecurities based on their own lives and upbringings."
"Everybody runs from self-knowledge. You got to have self-knowledge, you got to know how really rotten you are."
"We all have flaws; just another problem, please don't take it hard, love. We must be stronger, we live to learn another day, please don't take it hard."
"It's very empowering when you... share with somebody your flaws or the worst things you've ever done."
"If you know someone more as a person, their flaws become more understandable."
"You learn to accept a person's faults."
"It's okay because we're all the jerk sometimes, but you've just got to own when you're the jerk and apologize for it."
"We need to dare to know ourselves... and see ourselves honestly for the little tiny mistakes and quirks that we have."
"This person is going to love you, they're going to see you for every flaw, every mistake."