
Search Quotes

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"If you want to find, you must search, and if you search, you will find."
"You're looking for that stability, you're looking for that balance, you're looking for that equilibrium."
"We've been searching forever for this treasure."
"It feels like nobody's looking for him like we're the only ones wondering where he's at, what happened."
"Dear Reverend Warren, I heard your program on the radio so I thought you might be able to help me with my dilemma. I'm sure you're familiar with the old U2 song 'I still haven't found what I'm looking for.' That line could be the theme of my life."
"I was looking for meaning, I was looking for passion and purpose."
"The theme of the film is searching and searching for where you belong."
"It's too soon to draw a conclusion, but the fact is, we've been looking for 50 years. If this carries on for another 50 years and we haven't found any signals, then we might start to think that intelligent life that transmits radio waves might be rare."
"Well, good luck, Doctor. I hope you found what you're looking for."
"He was searching for whatever made him feel like he wasn't alone."
"I searched for my father, the king. 'Dad, are you there?' But it was too late."
"The search is over because when you know that you've found everything you're looking for, you don't have to seek anywhere else to find it."
"The act of searching for hope, to try and find it, that's by itself the true meaning of hope."
"The truth will set you free, where you look for the truth may be the problem."
"Again all this says is that America's a pretty damn great place when you have to search this hard for racism." - Ben Shapiro
"Feel that you're being guided, see what spirit's guiding you towards, and allow your heart to speak."
"My baby's lost somewhere in the dark, and I'm not gonna stop until I find her."
"Let me try over here, guys. I'm actually running out of time."
"We're never gonna give up on her. We're gonna find her."
"They still think that it is possible that they could find someone alive, and so the search goes on."
"Every step is a step closer to the final answer you're searching for."
"I've heard Tommy, what Tommy, Tommy where did you, where are you?"
"I couldn't stop thinking about it, I looked all over town for Lois to apologize to him."
"It's like looking for a needle in a haystack."
"The challenge for a dad to have to get in his truck and say 'I'm gonna go try to find my son today,' that's pretty heavy stuff."
"Until you find Brian, you're not going to get any of those answers. He's got to come forward or be found."
"So the next day, I'm looking around for Gary at lunch and I can't find Gary anywhere."
"When Bill went behind the bush to see where Dennis had gone originally, Dennis was not there."
"We continued our search... we weren't about to give up on our friend."
"Truth stands alone and we must not surrender our search for it."
"I've decided to help you. Need to find something first."
"Fingers crossed I find that SD card, alright? Now, listen to this."
"You cannot find that for which you do not look."
"Follow the breadcrumbs, follow the breadcrumbs."
"How may I find peace in the middle of a war zone?"
"Does he have anything useful on him? Wallet, badge, more files... nothing useful."
"You can search the web with real and organic search results and do it without anyone tracking your activity or data."
"The entire town was searching for a girl they didn't even know."
"It's just a matter of time before they're able to track down Brian Laundrie."
"I've been searching for the truth about our past for years."
"Ian Crossland mushrooms after this, that search result, it's common, here we go, I think I think it'll get it, I think it'll get it."
"Her family and friends believe that she is deceased and still regularly searched the mountain for her remains."
"He remembers Hikimaru's words... he had to look for him."
"If I'm going to find her I need to stay focused."
"I try to hang on to the hope that there is still somebody out there for me. I just don't know how to find him."
"Find that town that is the piece to your carrots."
"Before you can work with the best, you need to find the best."
"But what we really care about is not just life, okay, it's fine we find a planet full of you know bacteria or viruses that's not terribly interesting what we want is intelligent life."
"We are still looking for all pieces of evidence."
"We were confident we'd be able to find them in short order, and because of that teamwork we did."
"We are not alone, but the search is only just starting."
"In August of that same year, his wife decides to get a six-man search team together... and she's gonna find her husband when everyone else gave up."
"One of these years, Denver will find a quarterback."
"One time Borah, one time, one time Borah could not find it."
"The Liak will spend a lot of its time searching for blood, often ending up in graveyards looking for some of that red stuff to slurp up."
"A heartbreaking moment in the short film 'hack' where the boy searches the entire house looking for his mother."
"For the fate of the universe, let's find you."
"In search of insight and light, finding clarity."
"We have to save Pomy, she's missing in the game."
"I swear there's something in there. Check every nook and cranny for me, okay? All right, we're gonna find it first try. We're gonna find it first try, every nook and cranny."
"Each and every search has come with a fresh lining of hope, a wistful skip in our stride, as we dare to imagine that this time, despite all of the failed searches of the past, this time might be different."
"The challenge for today is to find Ethan. The first team to find him will win immunity."
"What you're looking for is more important than where you're looking."
"Nobody's even looking for my daughter anymore."
"We need to find that beacon before it's too late."
"What is the Matrix?" She tells him the answer is out there, and it will find him if he wants it to.
"A desperate search for survivors amid fears of more aftershocks."
"Dragon Quest 11 is exactly the type of game I've been desperately looking for."
"Glory lies in searching the truth, not in believing the irrational legends."
"A drone played an important role in finding a missing woman."
"What the [ __ ] are you doing? Get out there and find my kid!"
"Every hour that passes makes the likelihood that Vicki Lynn would be recovered safely diminish."
"She said they've been looking for me for 20 years."
"This could be a good day, we're looking for Jason today."
"Wherever you are, light it up and I'll find you."
"A fiery hope keeps loved ones searching for answers."
"Does this bring us one step closer to finding Bonnie?"
"How do you find happiness when it seems like there is none left?"
"Follow closely... So where's this darn shortcut you keep talking about?"
"You're always looking for those puzzle pieces that fit."
"I will find her, conductor. I will see her again."
"We're going to find you, we're going to bring you home, and if you ever get an opportunity, find a phone, find a safe adult, call 911."
"Let's split up and look for a gazer, everyone."
"I want to find companies... competitively Advantage... that's what I'm looking for."
"It's not Nostalgia goggles to say that Combat Evolved is one of the greatest first person shooter campaigns of all time."
"Have you ever looked so fervently for something that you end up losing yourself in the process?"
"We're gonna find her, I promise you, just have to trust me."
"Maybe we can find out where she was last seen."
"I want to find them, I've told you over and over I want to find everyone."
"Everything that I was searching for in that sorority is found in Him."
"Maybe you're not the droid I'm looking for, maybe I should give up and move along with my heart."
"How will you get lost? I'll go and find you."
"Marinette has a nightmare of her own one that causes her to go to the Agreste Mansion herself to talk to Natalie with the hopes that she would know something about Adrian's whereabouts."
"We'll never stop searching. I'll never stop looking. We'll never stop asking questions."
"You always find the idol in the last place you look."
"Lee believes her daughter Flora has run off here so she's come to look for her."
"When that's the most important time right now in a disappearance you've got to move quick your chances of finding this person are going to lower and lower by the hour."
"I can't explain why we haven't found her yet."
"Discontented, I desperately sought out other works of art that would provide me with the same Enlightenment That Metal Gear Solid 2."
"She was never seen again and despite multiple searches neither Paula or any of her belongings were ever found."
"We've got to keep the momentum going, keep it strong because eventually, he's going to be found."
"Sure, you might not have found exactly what you were looking for, but what's been unearthed in its place, has the potential to be equally as valuable."
"There's still a family out there looking for them."
"The search for meaning is not always about the answer. It's also the process of seeking that enlightens."
"Why is it so hard to find the perfect avocado?"
"If I'd spent a thousand years searching for better people, I don't think I would have found them."
"We could find no record of a nice eSakai light novel series having reached conclusion."
"Everybody is basically searching for a meaning."
"Knowing that I had to search for something, knowing that I had to improve."
"You're looking for something that's more fulfilling, something that makes you more happy."
"You could search cheeseburger in your pictures."
"We will not stop until we find her." - Sheriff John Mina
"I feel compelled to keep going until I find something worth getting."
"Believe me, the healing ministry that mantle is still searching for faithful men."
"He was pacing. He kept asking, 'Did we find Carla?'"
"She deserves to be found, she deserves to be brought home."
"I really want to find Richard and Danielle so they at least can be laid to rest properly."
"If you've been on like the search for something you're about to find exactly what you're looking for."
"The search quickly became one of the largest in Montana history."
"It is easier for you to get a girlfriend than to find this key because there's a million keys in this room."
"Guys, it's gotta be in here and I just missed it, right?"
"Oh yeah, it's basically just a chunk trail at this point, looking around."
"We're gonna find her. There's no way that we're not gonna find her."
"She's our baby girl. So we gotta find her, we gotta bring her home."
"If Jolissa is here and she is underwater, I promise you, I will find her. 100% we will find her."
"The act of searching for hope, to try and find it, that by itself is the true meaning of hope."
"We're strong and will not give up looking until she's found."
"Joshua promised that he would go look for MC immediately."
"I'm trying to find the person that I want to spend forever with."
"They're looking for a true beautiful soul connection."
"I have to find it. It's the only link to who I am."
"Is it really possible to live with total menuchas hanefesh? Isn't that what we're all looking for?"
"The search for the Amber Room would become one of the great treasure hunts of the last half-century."
"Obviously I'm looking for love and companionship and somebody to be with."
"AutoTempest: All the cars, one search."
"We're looking for a bathtub or something. I need to get these two cleaned up."
"It's been really hard for us to find any secondhand parts for the GT3, but eBay was there to help."
"...we are looking for ancient life."
"It's all the search, that's what it is. Searching for happiness, and in the end, I don't think we're gonna be able to find and define it."
"Our friend Kitty was separated from her sister at childhood, please help us find Mia."
"I hope we'll soon find Mia and we'll all be friends together."
"God searches the heart, and if your heart is still for Him, He's pleased."
"In the search for life, we should deeply contemplate the question: What exactly are we looking for?"
"She was looking for the body and she carried on looking for it for years and years."
"Authorities still assume that Seb is alive and that he will be found safe."
"Searching for the missing is something that we are very passionate about here and we like to do this with dignity and respect."
"I don't care if you know who I am... my responsibility is to assist law enforcement and this family find their child."
"There's nothing wrong with asking for that and searching for that. You don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about it."
"Finding the perfect foundation is like finding a unicorn in a field of flowers."
"Whenever you're looking for something in a set, you can do that very quickly."
"We search for in others what we cannot find in ourselves."
"Search today looks a lot different than it did years ago."
"This hunt for the Holy Grail for me was a search for certainty."
"One just has to know where to look."
"After a 17-day search, the hope of finding the missing nine-year-old alive was dwindling."
"It has everything to do with our people searching for themselves and finally finding out who we are."
"Everything you were looking for is looking for you."
"Card rarity is basically how hard it is to find a specific card."
"I need to find out what happened to my missing daughter."
"The search for the perfect web browser is a never-ending quest."
"You feel like this is your person; you feel like you've searched as far as you need to go."
"The police are looking for a mysterious and brave hero."
"This is the saber you are looking for."
"You're kind of energetically scanning, looking for something that is really resonant with you."
"There is no better life than this, the version that you are with God is the version that you're searching for right now in all these temporary things."
"After spending a lifetime searching for things I wasn't supposed to see, I never thought that the worst thing that could happen was to achieve my goal."
"I sighed and circled the new location I would be searching."
"You know all before any of this happened to you you thought all of this was nonsense and you know you went out looking for honest answers I I really admire that very much."
"Everyone who has looked at this search and evaluated it has been amazed at what a massive effort we've gotten together here."
"We would love nothing more than to find Dylan healthy and alive."
"They were searching for her without losing hope, not knowing if they would ever see her again."
"It's going to work like anything that you'd search for."
"Once you start searching for it, your life starts to be transformed."
"I'm out with lanterns, looking for myself."
"To make it really useful, you have to have a good way of finding whatever it is that you want."
"My name is Elizabeth Shaw, lost survivor of the Prometheus, and I'm still searching."
"For now, the search continues for the legendary riches."
"I am searching for my guardian angel."
"Naruto always sought for someone to understand him, and nobody ever did."
"I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him."
"We've got some dogs to help us if we need to like send them in to go look at it."
"The actual broadcast itself has yet to be located."
"It's like a long-lost game of Where's Waldo."
"Maybe you're just bored, you're looking for a new drug."
"I'm not leaving until I find her."
"I just needed one more central area that I can get access to."
"Her eyes sparkled with determination as she searched for the right words."
"Seek and you shall find, because everyone who seeks, finds."
"Let us not give up on looking for our lost brothers and sisters."
"You're always better off just doing a simple search."
"You're looking for trust, you're looking for guidance, you're looking for freedom."
"I hope you find what you're looking for."
"Let's go on the search for the crazy story and wildest adventure."
"We searched the area for weeks... but we never found a single trace of that kid."
"There is this deep need to search for the truth and wisdom so that you can understand the meaning of life."
"I will look for you, I will find you."
"Google is your friend, just Google it."
"I'm currently going through a situation, and I'm like living super secret search super secret situation."
"You always want them to come back alive, and until you prove to me that she's not, we're looking for her like she is."
"...main concern here is Carly and where is Carly."