
Harvest Quotes

There are 929 quotes

"God's promise isn't that we will never get tired, it's that we will reap a harvest if we keep pushing forward."
"Let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not."
"My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. It's a day when North Americans celebrate the harvest."
"I've got ripe apples on my tree. They ripen really late in the season, so I'm excited to collect the abundance from my apple tree later on today."
"Thank you for the fruits of your garden, your labor, and your love."
"Look at the harvest, look at the success, joy, happiness, contentment, success."
"We're coming into an extreme time of reaping."
"That Harvest made us seven thousand and seventy-one dollars!"
"Revival is more than just reviving us, it is reviving us to reach the King's harvest."
"In the end, the quest for Oasis prompts reflection on morality and the greater good."
"The Lord intended for good. We're reaping everything that we have sown righteously in this season."
"Isn't that amazing? Now we have quite a few cucumbers to harvest."
"They slow down wind, they're windbreaks, there can be harvest from them, there's flowers and herbs you can pick from them."
"The ability to harvest between 94 and 100 tons per hour using less than a liter of fuel per ton that's collected."
"All the hard work was not for nothing because last summer was the absolute best harvest we've ever had."
"To our delight, we were able to get heads of lettuce and then, two weeks later, bulbs of fennel."
"That's past the garden, picking fruit right there, that's a bountiful harvest."
"Get ready to receive your blessings, whatever you planted for yourself is coming."
"Pick fruits while they are still young, firm and lovely, lush and green."
"The more varieties you can have, the more of a spread of a harvest you'll get because they'll fruit at different times."
"What if our Thanksgiving meal, every single dish, was revolved around what we have harvested?"
"God could never see the harvest of the human race until he gave Jesus."
"Our harvest was quite bountiful this season."
"These are the days, says the Lord, of fruitfulness; these are the days, says the Lord, of harvest."
"The time of harvest has arrived; the time of blessing has arrived; this is the fullness of time."
"The apples obtained will be of uniform quality."
"It's harvest time; you will reap what you have sown."
"I grew 450 pounds of potatoes in the laziest way I know how."
"Allow them to help you with the harvest; it's a fantastic way to get them involved in the garden."
"Fantastic, beautiful, full harvest basket."
"This is the harvest year where all of those things you get to reap the benefits of all of that growth all of that doing."
"Wild blueberries are harvested from late July to early September."
"Post harvest, we just wash them kind of carefully, you don't want to damage the greens."
"You're about to enter a season of receiving and harvesting."
"You will harvest where you never planted, I receive."
"What a time to harvest the energy from the masses, right?"
"The joy of the Lord is what guarantees harvest, the joy of the Lord is what guarantees finishing."
"Harvest delicious food any time of the year."
"I love the fact that the seed can be harvested and gifted to others."
"Go away now, and go buy his book now, that's right, Dark Harvest."
"...the biggest wheat Harvest of the year goes on."
"Farmers find that one of the signs that broccoli is ready to harvest is when it is dark green with small tight buds"
"The period when sugar beats are harvested usually begins in September and lasts until May of the following year."
"Abundance comes and goes the Harvest is Big some years and it's slow other years."
"Stinging nettle seeds are edible and when they're as tall as this they can be harvested."
"We're staying up as late as we need to pick every single grape off the vines. Every single one."
"The harvest of righteousness is sown in peace."
"This end time Harvest can only be directed by the Holy Ghost."
"...almost everyone that I deal with can't find anything that can hold their interest in the midst of the most amazing attempt to harvest human attention that this world has ever seen."
"It's not even a ritual, it's a violent assault on a virgin on the night of the harvest moon."
"Juju be will actually dry and preserve itself on the tree, like a peach that's just going to fall off and rot on the ground."
"Having one tree that I can harvest fresh fruit from for 3 or 4 months is amazing."
"Shelley has been harvesting a ton of tomatoes."
"I'll throw some to the hens I'll Harvest what I can."
"Harvesting is not just labor, but also the fruition of their investment in the land."
"Planting herbs is one of the greatest things you can do for your Garden because it's a plant once in Harvest for everything."
"We're going to sow seed as a point of contact that we are going to receive a Genesis 26:12 harvest this year, no matter what is happening in the world."
"That's why I only harvested two today."
"The Lord said we should pray and ask the Lord of the Harvest that he would raise up workers laborers for the Harvest Fields. Can we do that?"
"This has been probably the most successful, I would say, we've been Harting straight Harvest straight Harvest, it's harvest season."
"Number ten: My last tip is enjoy your first harvest."
"The sun rises over this Farm in Bulgaria's Rose Valley, but in this serene landscape, harvesters like Vegan have been rushing since 5 a.m. to collect as many roses as they can."
"Every common-sense farmer will get only common-sense results; it takes special sense to get a special harvest."
"Mother Nature gave us the nourishment, we harvested the nourishment."
"I love being out here... What's more fun than just spending so much time actually having to harvest?"
"This is where we really want to climb into the concept that oftentimes a harvest is going to take a length of time that you may not think you're going to be able to endure."
"Hopefully these will give you some ideas to extend your harvest and get fresh fruits as early as possible."
"Her expression was worth watching as he was left surprised to witness such a fine harvest."
"I just still can't believe that this year the garden produced 70 pounds of carrots."
"This is what is known as Escape and what it means is the plant wants to bloom but if you let it Bloom the plant is going to put all of its energy into the flower and that will be at the expense of the size of the bulb that you get to harvest this summer."
"There's no better gift one Gardener can give to another Gardener than the share in the Harvest."
"In the fall season, everything comes together and you reap a wonderful harvest of abundance."
"It's harvest season for you, for success, and for money."
"They're called june bearing because up north Michigan and Canada, that's when they harvest their strawberries."
"It takes about 7 to 8 years for Growers to harvest pistachio orchards."
"Strawberry fields forever. It smells so good right now in a cross breeze between two strawberry fields. Look at all that red, ready to be picked."
"Carrying heavy burdens but a harvest is coming."
"Bringing those Aussie mangoes from the tree to your table is like a well-practiced dance."
"Oh my god they're so big yeah they're ready to be picked yeah huge wow there's so many oh my god look at this one it's got a little lip it looks like a boobie."
"A man's harvest in life depends entirely upon the seeds he sows."
"Only those who sow can reap this year."
"Look at how loaded this tree is. We should buy this tree. We get a harvest this year."
"And they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of the barley harvest."
"Stick around and celebrate the Autumn Harvest."
"Cheers to the good mushroom harvest."
"It's very exciting when your shiitake logs first start fruiting."
"You can double your pepper harvest even triple or quadruple your pepper harvest by following the same pattern over and over again throughout the season."
"Let me show you our pumpkin patch. Now, planted these pumpkins earlier."
"The only way to harvest stuff is to actually plant it."
"...you will be growing more potatoes than you ever have before."
"I believe that we are coming into the greatest harvest that this world has ever known. Matthew 28 will come to pass."
"Each Farm normally needs about 20 to 40 Harvest workers."
"Thank you so much for joining me on my garlic harvest. It's been really fun and I'm so chuffed with my haul this year."
"For this is harvest time in the garden of the moon."
"The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace."
"Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest."
"That is a bountiful harvest right there."
"Bring a great harvest in these last days before your return."
"Open your eyes and look at the fields, they are ripe for harvest."
"It's always a little bit of a surprise kind of like harvesting potatoes this is always a little bit of a fun process to me because it's like you're digging for treasure you never know how many potatoes you're gonna find underneath each of your plants."
"Thanks for joining me on this fifth crop hay Harvest. I hope you enjoyed it."
"When you can come through all that and the end result is that you're harvesting something, it really feels good."
"It was a great first harvest for the season."
"...we've only been doing the Harvest program for five or six years now or something like that so it's still kind of a new idea we're still kind of playing around with."
"Reminds me of pasture lawn when he was growing potatoes he said there are so many different ways to do it but all that matters is at the end of the season you've got potatoes to harvest."
"It's going to be a really big bumper crop this year and we've got different ways that we preserve things that are not always common knowledge."
"...another important thing to keep in mind with your fruit trees is it can take several years sometimes up to seven years before you actually get a fruit harvest so the sooner you can put them in the better."
"Stay persistent, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
"The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Beseech the Lord, therefore, to send out laborers to the harvest."
"If you want to taste it, you got to harvest it."
"Our harvest is not based on a season, it's continual. As we sow, we keep reaping."
"You decide your harvest by the kind of seed you sow."
"People might want to know why harvest has such a big impact on bluegill size quality."
"The harvest is ripe. You can't keep me home when I know all those things."
"With a healed heart and a hopeful mind, you head toward the farm stand, wondering what autumn abundance awaits you there."
"The harvest is not at the end of the service or the end of the year or the end of a pastoral tenure it's at the end of the age."
"Overall I think we got about 10 blue Hubbard squash, we've probably got at least 10 big pumpkins and then another probably close to 10 sugar pumpkins as well."
"Don't grow weary for doing good, but for improper time he will reap a harvest if you do not give up."
"God of the Harvest, you bring the increase."
"It's important you do your research... grapes are ready to harvest when they start to give a little bit when you squish on them."
"It's a great harvest that's coming but the Bible says the Harvest is already ready."
"As long as the earth remains, there will be seed time, a time to sow, and a corresponding harvest."
"This is officially the first thing I have harvested in 2023."
"He said the harvest is plentiful."
"There's nothing fresher than having a pineapple that's literally just been harvested."
"Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite holidays. It kind of signifies the end of the busy harvest season."
"It's harvest time so that's the energy behind this reading and the manifestation that is coming to you any moment from now."
"Some things seem obvious. Berries clearly give themselves to us with lures of sweetness and color. They beg us to pick them."
"You're reaping the fruits of your labor."
"The deep is the place where God has already prepared a harvest for you to gather."
"And because He's accepted, when you come to Him, you become accepted as His harvest."
"So when all other baskets got dumped out, right? So now it's time for the harvest."
"I had 17 plants, ended up with 194 potatoes. And these are viable potatoes. I didn't count the real, real little ones."
"Wonderful wonderful Harvest of butternut squash so excited about it"
"Harvest time is fun, real fun. It's get a fancy shirt on and start dancing fun."
"Socializing is amazing at sugar beet harvest."
"We’ve got a whole heap at the yard that I reaped."
"So here's our final evening Harvest so these will be washed and put in the freezer tonight to join the other ones there that are already waiting."
"May your people see the Harvest everywhere they go."
"This year has been pretty good crop-wise, and even the prices are holding up pretty reasonable."
"Seed or offering giving is the only way that the 30, 60, and 100-fold harvest is received."
"get the words the seeds of God's word out there and believe that there will be harvest in people's hearts"
"The harvest in the last days is going to overtake the reaper."
"By all means, we want to sow those sacramental seeds everywhere, but we're sowing them because we are working toward a harvest."
"If you like straight neck squash, this is the gold prize from Hoss Tool. Now, I'm gonna tell you what, this squash, you will not beat. This is the most prolific squash I have ever grown in my life."
"Lots of people ask, how do you know when to pick a potato? This is one of them. When the plant dies, that's all I can tell you."
"It feels good to have this giant bed planted out finally with a whole bunch of cabbages and onions."
"These plants have been growing here in the greenhouse since April so we've been harvesting off these plants since the middle to end of May."
"We still got a lot of nice beautiful tomatoes on here to pick."
"Don't grow weary of doing the right thing at the right time; we will reap our good crops."
"A successful harvest begins with careful crop establishment and efficient weed control."
"Maintain the joy of the Lord in your life to preserve your harvest."
"I pulled several out there are quite a few really big ones in there actually bigger than any that I've harvested so far."
"...there's nothing like the absolute Joy of planting something growing it and then getting to actually Harvest it."
"With these berries, I finally have enough food to last all winter!"
"Nothing says it's fall harvest like harvesting sweet potatoes."
"The harvest is the judgment at the end of the age."
"The harvest is plentiful but the laborers of few, therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
"The fields are white for Harvest already."
"To invoke the image of ambergrain is to invoke the abundance of the harvest."
"He has it all trellised up on the back and it’s just dropping all these fruits on the ground."
"I would be real happy to get a couple thousand pounds of sweet potato out of these beds this summer."
"I am reaping a harvest from me sowing into this ministry."
"We are getting real good at reaping our harvest, reaping our harvest in Jesus' name."
"The depth of your praise will determine the magnitude of your harvest."
"One of the best figs that I picked this year."
"This one is a really, really good fig."
"On May 22nd, I finally harvested my first crop of flax plants."
"The Harvest that God gets from his planting is that he becomes glorified across the nations of the earth."
"The field is white already to harvest."
"Once we chop, we've chopped and we want to optimize the window for harvest, as when it's ready, we don't want to predict some sort of ripening after the fact."
"If the Lord's leading you to sow a seed into the ministry, to help us in the expansion, we encourage you to do so and we will believe God with you for a harvest beyond what you can ask or think."
"The garden is doing really well. This is our first harvest."
"At just the right time, you will reap a harvest."
"The Bombers certainly have reaped the crop."
"Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you're going to reap if you hold on."
"Christ is the redeemer... Christ gathers in the wheat Harvest because it's his Harvest to reap."
"The angel of the Lord said, 'The harvest is ripe but the laborers are few.'"
"On the heels of this great revival is going to come some pretty horrible things, but God is bringing in the greatest harvest that the world has ever seen."
"God's heart is to disciple the nations, shake the nations, and bring in a harvest for Himself."
"Happy Halloween, everybody, and happy harvest. If you're not into the whole Halloween thing, that's okay. There's no judgment here."
"Harvest time for me is one of the most satisfying times of the year."
"You can't be weary and well-doing. You'll reap a harvest if you faint not."
"Harvest time is a time of joy, but labor is the price of securing it."
"These are an awesome crop to grow, and we are looking forward to eating them this winter around the house."
"You're going to receive your Harvest now."
"Autumn is all about the harvest, the manifestation. Choose carefully, and don't worry so much."
"You will reap a harvest with joy."
"Behold despair, rejoice harvest time approaches."
"Thanksgiving is an autumn harvest festival, like those found in many cultures around the world."
"A farmer who plants generously will get a generous crop."
"I think it just tastes better when you grow your own and you use your own Harvest."
"We'll have a bunch of bunch of onions."
"The kale we have harvested has excellent flavor."
"This is pretty typical of what we get for a harvest on a weekly basis."
"Tons and tons and tons of fruit, I don't even know what to do."
"Picked a gallon of mulberries per hour for the last 14 days."
"We are going to be harvesting several things out of the garden, that's why I thought you guys might like to kind of follow along and see how this turns out."
"It's always fun when we can even just come out here and maybe not get enough to freeze or to make any batches of blueberry jam or whatever, but we can harvest a little bit here and there just to eat fresh."
"You can harvest a really small squash and eat it. In fact, it'll probably be more sweet and tender than if you wait until it gets larger."