
Loved Ones Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"A brutal reminder to hold your loved ones close and to appreciate them because you never know when it's all going to end."
"Advocate for your loved one, advocate for your family member, advocate for your friend."
"Your loved ones are always with you they truly are just a thought away."
"Let's make sure we get through it, all our loved ones safe."
"When you are nearing the end of life, your perspective tends to shift from yourself to your loved ones and the ones around you."
"Dreams are the closest we get to feeling and seeing our loved ones."
"We just got to enjoy it with the people that we love the most."
"Data is proof that even when they're gone, our loved ones never really leave us."
"A miraculous change is on the way for you and your loved ones."
"Preparing for death is really about ensuring the survival of the ones you love."
"Remember what I told you, you ever feel lost? Just look into the eyes of the people that you love."
"Deceased loved ones appear picture-perfect and instantly recognizable."
"Your loved ones are always with you, close by."
"Your loved ones are right there with you guys, really, really trying to come in and give you messages to help you out, to help you heal."
"You don't know the depth in which your past loved ones truly bless you."
"Your Spirit guides or your loved ones, they're like hold my hand."
"People are starting to learn...their loved ones are truly with them."
"They may be gone, but for the loved ones left behind, they will never be forgotten."
"How precious life is and how precious our loved ones are around us."
"How do you consider that person a loved one if you can't be real with them?"
"Diana will be remembered by her loved ones as a bright and vivacious young woman."
"It just reminds me of the limited time we have on Earth and how we should spend the time with our loved ones."
"I don't know how much longer she has left and I want to spend every moment I can with her."
"They have some qualities that your parents or your loved ones really appreciate in a person."
"I humbly seek your protection not only for myself but also for my loved ones in the powerful name of Jesus Christ."
"I think about recipes in this way very deeply and how they help us remember our loved ones."
"It was kind of like two in one because I got to experience what it's like to get proposed to just you and your partner, but then I also got to experience what it's like to get proposed to with all of your loved ones."
"I don't know if you can see it but I am just, it really touches me like heartfelt notes and I'm really excited that she will have memories of people that loved her since."
"To watch somebody who you love more than anything in the world descend into decrepitude is the hardest thing imaginable."
"You will become stronger to protect your precious ones."
"Protect your survival, health, happiness, and your loved ones."
Yeah, in the end, we just want to say, "Go home, be with our loved ones."
"Your dear ones are also the self-same expression of that source."
"The best life is one with loved ones and chores."
"Hope that you get to spend some quality time with your friends and your loved ones."
"This book will help you. It will also help your loved ones."
"Your loved ones are looking to deliver a message to you."
"I just want to see everyone that I love, like my family, everyone provided for."
"Sometimes the hardest decisions are the ones that ensure the well-being of those we truly care about."
"Joel saves Ellie because he desperately does not want to lose another daughter. There is no point. He doesn't want to lose the first daughter either, and both of those are classified as his loved ones."
"This time of year, there's a lot of people thinking about loved ones they've lost."
"Journaling helps to have memories recorded with loved ones."
"He's not our own. Loved ones are always there to pick us back up."
"If I'm dead I can't spend time with my loved ones. I can't look at sunsets. I can't listen to music. I can't discuss philosophy."
"Whoever loses loved ones has one of two choices: be miserable or find a way to cope."
"Do your loved ones know that you want to be a saint? Do your loved ones know that you want them to be saints?"
"That's my husband, my daughter, and my best friend."
"And the time that we share with loved ones, with friends and families, we can double, triple, and maybe even quadruple our happiness by sharing just that special time with them."
"...preciousness of Time. Life can take unexpected turns and it's a reminder to cherish our loved ones while we have the chance."
"...every time I do your loved ones show me the best versions of themselves..."
"The Rapture is about a reunion with our loved ones."
"And then someone else asked, 'I want to make sure I understand what you said. If I have an unsaved loved one, daughter or son, I will have no memory of them in heaven?'"
"...losing a loved one is the worst pain. Losing a loved one who didn't have to go because they didn't realize that their morning fast food habit was killing them, they didn't know."
"My biggest fear is losing loved ones."
"We both have people who are precious to us."
"Your loved ones have not left you. You do not need a medium to feel this connection."
"I have loved ones and friends and family who are like part of the queer community."
"You never lose your loved ones; their souls are with us."
"Your loved ones are really noticing that you're doing a great job."
"...trust in the signs, talk to your loved ones, they're always there with you."
"Your loved ones have an amazing way of getting your attention they use nature to get your attention dreams to get your attention coincidences that come up randomly to get your attention but they're hoping that when you get those signs you'll think of them and listen."
"Christmas is coming and is the perfect time to give the session to your loved one"
"I would never let anything happen to you or Zoe."
"My wife is one of the main things, my house, my dog."
"'I want to become stronger to protect those who are dear to me.'"
"I accept. I'll not let anyone or anything end up with all my loved ones."
"Your loved ones are able to be there and be in that tunnel of white light because they've passed on before you. And that's the coolest thing."
"Your loved ones are able to look into your life and be present in your most amazing moments."
"Don't miss it. All of us in here, if you've lived old enough, you have loved ones that you really wish were with you this Christmas."
"It is important to talk about end-of-life wishes early with loved ones."
"Our loved ones may be just as close as the next room, separated only by the doors of death."
"Loved ones have heard many different large amount the experience with the sufferer feeding their pain but also often feeling helpless to ease it they played an integral role assisting me through the points of recovery."
"Part of the beauty of Paradise is that you get to see your loved ones again."
"God's going to redeem the time between you and your loved ones that you separated from."
"This climax is a little lame, but Hancock is very protective of his loved ones."
"The greatest happiness is when the people you care about are with you."
"Seeing friends or loved ones automatically provides a support system and boosts mood."
"How important is it for you to protect your loved one?"
"Heaven is described as a place of abundant satisfaction and spending time with loved ones."
"Your freedom is worth it. It's a good fight. Your loved one's freedom is worth it. It's a good fight."
"Call your loved ones, say goodbye."
"Your loved ones would have that difficult time as well."
"Finding feathers or sometimes coins on your path can be a sign that your deceased loved one is with you."
"What makes it special is sharing with the people you love."
"It's just a day of remembering and taking care of the memories of your loved ones."
"You got to keep your loved ones around you, man."
"He will continue to fight to protect the people dear to him."
"Lean on your loved ones, including your friends and family."
"I want my loved ones to always smile."
"Our children and any loved ones who have passed are still right here."
"I always pray for my friends and family to keep them safe because I need them in my life."
"I'm surrounded by friends and family and loved ones."
"See our loved ones walking with the Lord."
"Appreciate your loved ones while you can."
"Your heart kind of goes out to everybody who's had the worst time ever and who have lost loved ones."
"I have learned the past couple of days to not take anything in your life for granted because the last time you see a loved one may actually be the last time."
"In heaven, when your loved ones come through to me, it's amazing to see the things that they see."
"Your loved ones don't have those conversations; that's what signs are for."
"We all wish we had one more with the people that we love."
"Something about the butterfly makes me feel a strong sense of reassurance that our loved ones are still with us."
"We'll look after each other's loved ones."
"Hope you guys all had a beautiful Memorial Day and spent it with those that you love."
"It's a place of Peace... it's just a place where people's loved ones are buried."
"It's the time with loved ones, it's a sense of purpose, it's the ability to be outdoors and connect with nature—those are the things that matter much more."
"I do wish a happy new year to you and your loved ones."
"Just enjoy the day you have today with the people you care about the most."
"Many of us have loved ones who are serving in the military, or who have served in the military."
"All I want is to make sure the people I care for end up happy."
"I hope that you and your loved ones are doing very well and that you all have a fantastic day."
"Live for somebody else. Think about what suicide would do to your loved ones because once you kill yourself, your pain may be over, but you are just passing that pain on to all the people who care about you."
"If there's something you'd like to say to your loved ones, say it now so they can hear it."
"Leaving the people you loved behind was the worst part of it."
"Maybe our last thoughts will include one last look at our loved ones and the chance to say goodbye."
"Home isn't necessarily a specific foundation in a sense of a building, but obviously in the people you love and those you care about."
"My biggest fear would be losing one of my loved ones."
"Cherish the moments with your loved ones, guys, because honestly, they're the best in the world."
"Cardinals are your loved ones who have passed, coming back to say hello."
"Peace is possible. It can be found when you are in the presence of your loved ones, in a home village, or wherever you travel."
"Your duty as conservator is to do whatever your loved one wants to the extent that it's practical to do so."
"Your past loved ones are never far from you; notice the signs they send to you."
"I became stronger to protect all of my precious people."
"Remember that your loved ones are always with you, you don't need a Ouija board or any other connection to connect with your loved ones."
"Remember that the connection lives within you to your loved ones, and that's the most powerful connection of all."
"It's a wonderful thing tonight to know that you have a loved one that's up yonder with Him."
"It's completely changed me as a person, as my nearest and dearest will know."
"Get it done as fast as you can because the sooner you get it done, the longer you get to enjoy it with the people you love the most."
"Wishing you and your loved ones safe, as always."
"Aside from death, what are you most scared of? Obviously losing loved ones."
"Take something that I'm not using every single day and turn it into a gift for my two loved ones."
"All I want to do is make my loved ones proud."
"True strength comes from protecting your precious people."
"I would tell all my loved ones how much they mean to me."
"Lord, there are within the sound of my voice a great many people who have lost loved ones over the last weeks and months; comfort them."
"I'll be with him again someday, and I'll be with all my loved ones, and so will everyone."
"You get to take the most important people in your life with you."
"Thank you so so much to all of my family and friends who got me amazing presents."
"It's about celebrating the life of lost loved ones."
"We intercede for those who have no idea that they are spending their final moments with their loved ones."
"Where have those loved ones gone? They haven't gone anyplace. Where is there for them to go?"
"I will do whatever it takes to protect my precious people."
"We wouldn't hurt our beloved people."
"Seeing loved ones in their afterlife is a curse."
"One of your greatest fears is that your loved ones will be forgotten."
"We never know how much time we're gonna have with our loved ones, so we should just enjoy it while we can."
"I hope those of you who celebrate had a great time with your loved ones."
"Can we travel to see loved ones in our dreams? Absolutely."
"You'll always know that it's your loved ones and not something evil."
"It's those happy joyous occasions that you spend together with your loved ones where their absence hits the hardest."
"Your loved ones are communicating with you."
"He detested the thought of losing his loved ones above all else."
"I must take care of myself for you and for all those I care about."
"And if according to my fate I am to lose my life, please bless with your protecting hand the special people in my life."
"Guaranteed to bring a smile to the face of your loved ones."
"We will all have our loved ones again because Jesus rose from the dead."
"And in the end, it is the health and happiness of those we love that truly matter."
"I hope everyone who's listening to my story now will appreciate your beloved ones more."
"You are being protected; a loved one watches over you."
"You and your loved ones are protected."
"You hold your loved ones in your memory."
"Your loved ones already know what's weighing on your heart, they know what's causing you pain, they know what's causing your grief."
"I will forever work at being better at enjoying every moment, big or small, with my loved ones."
"Everybody deserves to go back home; everybody deserves to be laid to rest by their loved ones."
"I think I'm most afraid of losing my loved ones."
"Butterflies are a symbol that loved ones are around."
"I hope you have been in harmony with your loved ones."
"This is the Ever After Garden dedicated to departed loved ones, that's what Christmas is all about, remembering our loved ones."
"It is so easy to forget that we need to appreciate those people dear to us, especially our loved ones."
"As long as we can make our loved ones happy, that's worth it."
"The reason I was able to win is because I was fighting for my loved ones."
"You are a beloved child of the universe, and strong departed loved ones are really guiding you."
"Make this for your loved ones, your family and friends."
"Certain cultures, especially French Canadians, believe that loved ones sometimes come back as cardinals."
"You and your loved ones are safe, that's what matters to you right now."
"I cherish myself and share love with my loved ones."
"You and your loved ones are safe and protected."
"I hope that you all have a fabulous Christmas whatever you're doing with your loved ones."
"It really made her day, and I'm sure it can do the same for you or a loved one."
"I hope you get to relax and enjoy your day surrounded by those you love."
"Try this recipe for your family and friends and your loved ones, you have to."
"I value every precious minute I get to spend with my most cherished."