
Gaming Mechanics Quotes

There are 1204 quotes

"This game does have a Parry system, it has a perfect Dodge system."
"This is one of those moves that has a surprising amount of priority."
"Looks like I broke the game a bit. Looks like this was not anticipated."
"Critical chance, critical multiplier, and combo multiplier are all factors that dramatically increase the damage output of your melee weapon."
"The game mechanics [in Dragonflight] brilliant, the types of play, the reward schema, massive improvements."
"Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain one life and draw a card."
"Basically, if it would die, you roll a D6, and then it goes in exile without any suspend counters on it, come back again."
"The item system is a lot deeper than people realize."
"Infinite Horizon does this: when you gain Mirage Cloak, the trait is also applied to all of your illusions."
"Many of the game's systems were at their best, most polished, and well-executed in BO3."
"Elden Ring features stealth mechanics that let you sneak up on and backstab enemies if you wish."
"The Wall of Wishes used images rather than words to facilitate bargains, and in this way limit Riven, the raid's final boss’s ability to manipulate wishes."
"You see these? I just bought these. Well, they give me a speed buff."
"Dread...uses a Jenga tower for skill tests...every time you need to make a skill test, you pull a piece out of the Jenga tower...when that tower falls, your character dies."
"Flex synergies are all about having versatile effects that either make it easier to execute an existing synergy or support one indirectly."
"Usually, you could only use Thor's Mjolnir emote with the pickaxe equipped, but if you switch to a large-size character, it lets you wield the hammer."
"The ability to turn off all other abilities is kind of broken."
"Playing on Survival, I forgot about the carry weight stuff."
"Elden Ring's spirit summons are the spirits of defeated enemies you can summon back to life to fight alongside you."
"The honed edge perk is exactly why Izanagi’s has become such a staple of an exotic."
"Enemies coated in Jarate will take mini-crit damage from all applicable sources for 10 full seconds."
"With just 2 hours of problem solving, we had figured out how to open and close my inventory, craft, and found a reliable way to move around."
"Anti-Mage has a 40% slow that works on illusions. Oh my god."
"Next up, Go Bank, which always has a 1% chance of being virtually completed with the open vault."
"We want the most efficient way to gain super energy to be actively engaging in combat."
"Ping fade: While players are aiming down sight, live pings will now Fade Away."
"Feels good to use, often times you just need a little bit more damage or healing."
"Look at the witch triggers, look at the draw triggers, look at the life game triggers, this is insane."
"The idea of progression is what keeps players coming back."
"Very versatile air defense, resets spawn spell."
"Fortnite is like Halo where your character themselves aren't insanely agile or powerful. A lot of your movement and power are found in the environment."
"Enemies speed up and slow down depending on how good the game decides to process itself."
"You now crit on a 19 or 20 instead of just a 20."
"From what we've seen there's gonna be 15 world tiers in total and every world tier increase will increase the enemy level legendary drop rate chance for higher rarity items and the item levels."
"The Apothecan Servant is probably going to be on there once you shoot it that black hole activates almost immediately it's going to suck up any nearby zombies."
"Even if you barely miss what should be counted as an input, in Rhythm Heaven DS, barelies in Lockstep count as hits in a perfect run!"
"Choice that goes beyond a simple dialogue option."
"Each point of it represents like this 100 damage or 10 toughness so this guy this count would be 1300 damage with 130 toughness."
"Blink strike now has six charges, it does 100 magic damage per charge."
"It's mechanically satisfying, with a clear difference between a bad player and a good one."
"Especially since shaders are one-time use and you're going to be using them on these ugly-ass armor sets."
"Animals won't block your building anymore. You don't have to kill them off, they're auto-shooed away from where you want to build."
"Borrowed Time is an absolutely amazing perk. It's probably the best anti-tunneling perk in the entire game."
"Dead Hard: This perk essentially gives you an extra hitpoint."
"With these keystones, you will now be able to mega evolve your Pokemon."
"You kinda don't beat this game, it's a battle royale."
"Shinobu has fast ticks, mobile healing, no energy restrictions or conditions on her healing, and near 100 uptime without constellations."
"The scan visor is just as much a part of the game's design as it is integral to its storytelling."
"Everything builds upon actual attacks or defenses, adding combos, upgrading combos, adding full new move sets and stances."
"Infinite mana is just good in general if you have a fitting mana."
"Wellspring cooldown removed for more ability energy on group defeats."
"That is ridiculous, that is actually so strong."
"Bow spamming: a satisfying feature lost to enchantments."
"The Gunpowder will change basically any potion into a splash potion."
"So, mirrors of torment is really nice too because for every mirror consumes it's three stacks right it's an icd of six seconds so they can only trigger once every six seconds and the first two charges you know reduces cast time and stuff by 15."
"You got to spend money to make money, America."
"Everything gives you XP in this game: discovering new areas, Vistas, jumping puzzles, as well as these heart quests."
"It adds a great layer of depth to Skyrim combat; now it just has way more mechanics to think about."
"This sig, you can't punish it. Okay? You can't live from it. You're gonna die from it."
"This class sig is insane. It kills so early."
"I found the Dodge window to be very generous. I found enemy health and damage output to be more than reasonable. I found executing Combos and abilities very simple."
"The armor penetration indicator is bad for the game."
"Mindslaver from Mirrodin: Losing to your own cards is one of the worst experiences."
"Mercury is around A, he doesn't really use well because he goes crit."
"Cyber-Stein enables oppressive and unfun fusion monsters to see play, turning duels into one-sided affairs."
"Enemies that are below 20 hp just die instantly."
"Weapons will now auto-reload if they're equipped and the ammo type is looted."
"The pawn system feels really inspired... consistently fun."
"The sick weapon art that can stagger at key moments."
"For me, the thing I love most about time loop games is that thing I mentioned earlier about how they make the player more powerful through knowledge rather than through stats or keys or whatever."
"It's amazing how just switching a card to the word instant immediately makes it go from like 'I wouldn't play it' to 'totally playable and good'."
"It's a tense game, you need to open drawers, and if you hold the button for three seconds just to pick something up, it's too long."
"You earn collars generally as a result of your balance choices."
"Instakill rounds aren't literal instakill. They still have 150 points worth of Health but it's like you're on round one. Instakill rounds are definitely something that you really need for high rounds."
"Monolith of Fate is basically you have 10 different timelines and you start out with one timeline but as you conquer a timeline more of them unlock and they like connect together in this big web of timelines."
"Apparently, if you stand on this light in The Enclave, it allows you to make the biggest possible shadow in Destiny 2. Myth confirmed!"
"Myth number twelve: Kitsune can stand on water. Well, of course, this one's true. They showed us in the trailer that you can run on water. Obviously, you can stand on the water. I want a refund."
"Zero Suit is the epitome of unreactive 'el and the epitome of you can't hit her."
"Survival mode taught me a lot about Fallout 4, and I think it's a DLC in itself, albeit a free one that does nothing but recontextualize existing mechanics."
"You can issue these global orders, kind of like the dark events, but it's a beneficial thing that you're allowed to do."
"You see all of the strengths and weaknesses, and [it's] a comparison to the Nemesis system directly."
"The odds of getting a really great killstreak out of a care package are pretty low."
"Whether you want to jump in [ __ ] all, air dash out, air dash into immediate death, or never return to the ground, there's a place for you."
"Players compare rolls for any critical symbols."
"Adrenaline heals you for a full health state once all generators are completed it also gives you a 5 second long speed boost."
"You can literally have plus 90 crit rate, which is just ridiculous."
"Attributes on gear in Immortal are less interesting than in D3, particularly because your main attributes are the most important."
"Combat now can be a whole range of weapons but it's primarily a sword type weapon or a spear."
"Joker's tether upbeat is broken, it goes really far, drags you down, and you get a full combo off it."
"Grapple hooks are such a Difference Maker in games for me now."
"Dante has an instant overhead... I think it still is."
"Alignment is dumb and it restrains character development."
"The skill tree of part one was in the weapons, but now a character is going to have their own unique sphere grid or skill tree."
"You can't just reload constantly to be ready, you actually have to be more intentional with it, which I kind of like personally."
"Great for if you don't like relationship grinding you just use this guy."
"I know a lot of people as soon as they see that you have to use duplicates to really get the max top power of your character I know that turns off a lot of people it just really depends."
"A special shout out to the lockpicking mechanic...among the best lockpicking minigames we've seen in any game."
"Four attacks plus one for his relic plus one for Saga plus one, so six-seven attacks."
"Divine Pulses essentially work the same as Mila’s Divine Turnwheel in Fire Emblem Echoes, allowing players to rewind as much as they want in order to fix potential mistakes."
"Rocket belt fixes this issue by giving them a brief dash plus a boost of movement speed so they can get in just a bit closer."
"Some games have a myriad of mechanics that all work in harmony to almost reach a level of simulation in terms of translating exactly what the player wants to do on the screen."
"The outcomes of these splatfests actually impact the direction of the story."
"Luckily not all your progress is lost because you can still upload your memory to a cloning system and continue with your personal progress when the world refreshes."
"Our stamina is no longer regenerating and our health bar now has an orange section lowering our overall health."
"As we've been going through all of these things you'll notice that some of the items have different colors... those are the different rarities I think blues normal then it goes more and more rare..."
"Everything you do in that game is progressing you towards something."
"Fabricated truth bullets introduced for the first time, allowing players to defeat opponents using lies."
"The biggest unique twist being teased early on was persistent characters but dying and perishing worlds."
"The movement and exploration mechanics have been changed in a way that makes them feel markedly more epic... It's just great."
"We've crafted the map. Press M to view your map. Boom!"
"Baldy really does only know where you are based on audio or, of course, if he sees you."
"Using it should basically change the way a player approaches encounters."
"Blade mode can also be used in combat by destroying the support beams for platforms your enemies are standing on, and that is so satisfying."
"Titanfall Legends would contain War running as a mechanic."
"The best part of Sekiro's system is that defense is attacking, so you always feel like dueling rather than taking turns."
"Precious Scars: Kills with weapons matching your subclass now imply restoration Tier 1 for 1.5 seconds in PvP and 3 seconds in PvE."
"Withering blade now travels faster, has longer lifetime, and is more consistent in finding a target both before and after a bounce."
"Sona's scaling power is unmatched right now."
"When you consume food, your maximum stamina increases for a short time."
"Preferential matchmaking meant that you could avoid being a tier 8 tank against all tier nines and tier 10s."
"Genji's deflect can redirect many abilities and enemy fire, including ultimates."
"It's kind of complicated, but the net result is just you try to load two things at once and it's get its gets all the Clank gameplay you have info on how that was figured out."
"Exclusively for melee and unarmed characters, Obsidian introduced special V.A.T.S. attacks unlocked by the melee and unarmed skills."
"This is such a polished and final game, we're in the levels now and they're so good and they're using mechanics that are riffing on old mechanics from the games but also are like new and fresh."
"The series' hallmark parkour and freerunning stuff has always felt tight."
"The combat system is much better than Minecraft, so it shouldn't be just a random spam fest."
"Even if you are playing as a man doing 10% more damage against females is still really useful."
"I want the hitbox of the player to be slightly smaller than the original image."
"CC chains in Vanilla were absurd, sometimes leaving you helpless for 30 seconds straight."
"I pray you understand how Mega Man plays at this point."
"The primary mechanic of day stages is the boost."
"Backstab makes hitting enemies from behind more potent and causes them to stagger."
"Perfect Hit increases your next attack's damage if you tap your light attack button a second time during a swing."
"The longer you attack an enemy, the more your damage rises and rises and rises."
"Your first constellation is going to give you more energy."
"Pick your birth sign at the start gives your character more identity as they will have unique passives and powers from the start of the game."
"I didn't know he could do that, I didn't know he could like teleport in the game borders as well."
"What happens if you let the rainbow friends explode? What if it just breaks the entire game? That's crazy."
"KO damage only counts as KO damage if you hit the monster in the head."
"Death is not the end of the game; you just go back to the beginning and lose a bunch of stuff."
"It's a very powerful effect, I mean, this almost could be like a Tron-type thing."
"If you click on someone's head, they are going to die."
"The brilliance of the Sexy Jutsu in Naruto is underrated in its originality, skill, and inspiration."
"Arthur will be able to choose how to deal with situations if caught stealing or committing a crime - peacefully or forcefully by talking, threatening or simply drawing the weapon."
"The more achievements people have, the more AP, the more XP gain, and that's just like exponentially better almost."
"The piety mechanic has the most impactful implications for Dungeons and Dragons going forward."
"They say when you die we punish you for it but we also let you keep some stuff so you can unlock and upgrade cool that might help you in the future."
"It's a roguelike, which means that every single time you play the game when you die you go back from the beginning and start all over again."
"The charm for Evelyn is so important because when you do hit that allure it drops their magic resistance to the target."
"Either make it so you don't need to actually use a perk to get point man or make it so we have point streaks instead of kill streaks by default."
"This is just outright a buff, physical damage per shot 0 to 20 plus 50 AD to 5 to 25 plus 50 AD, total damage per target 0 to 100 plus 500 percent AD to 250 plus 500 percent AD."
"If you are grappling someone, you become slowed. So if you're holding onto someone, you move slow. Oh, that's cool, I like that."
"Interacting with the game can earn job and mission invites."
"I cannot wait for these new combat mechanics."
"Powerful attraction: when using your class ability you collect all ores of power within a radius determined by the number of copies the mod you have equipped."
"I am positive that there's going to be some kind of Fail-Safe in Hogwarts Legacy."
"The movement, while still boots on the ground, feels more fluid and responsive."
"The infinite battle rezzes really help with making progression less annoying and more fun."
"That's insane, what an interesting interaction."
"Once you've done it correctly, the door will roll back and you'll be teleported into the boss arena."
"It's very good. Yeah, you really need bodies in this deck."
"Materia is one of my favorite mechanics in a Final Fantasy game."
"Little Mac's uptaunt seems to be smash original but there is the chance that it could be a reference to little mac's punch animations."
"Every time you kill one, it kills two at the time that you're killing it."
"Master of Dark Law: Master of Dark Law's floodgate and hand disruption tool make it a real game-changer."
"The pace is blisteringly fast because of its excellent built-in cooldown mechanics where you have your big meaty holy word spells that are super powerful and then their cooldowns are reduced by your regular heals."
"It's actually a very broken mechanic that allows you to save a [ __ ] load of resin."
"You still feel low to the ground and all that stuff but you get that little spring in your step."
"It beats the sorcerer it beats The Bard You're Now using your charisma for all of your attacks you know it's super gross too what the Warlock sorcerer Paladin it's pretty gross."
"It felt like too little too late but the most interesting finding was how the old monk bossfight did not obey the rules of the other matchmaking items."
"Lilian Voss: Replace spells in your hand with random spells from your opponent's class. Sure, why not?"
"Massive general purpose attacks at strength 14 and damage D6 plus 2."
"Critical element increases elemental damage when landing critical hits."
"Our hearts are heavy today, our prayers are with his family."
"Can't have spiders passing the save against your magical chains."
"Curse on hit rings can drop for example despair on hit rings without being influenced."
"This feat is like saying 'thank you, I would like half an ability score increase please and thank you.'"
"The main gimmick of this stage is that it'll occasionally flip upside down along with a few other smaller things."
"I've never seen backtracking used like this in a game, and it's amazing. Remember that you have to backtrack the same way that Saw Runner chased you."
"A two slot is worth two percent extra damage."
"It's still a cool mechanic—I know it's basically Ghostbusters, but oh, it had text—I love."
"The combat is great. There's a lot of stealth as well."
"Perrserker... it's a really cool ability that powers up its Partners."
"Save the game, but it also makes you 20% more drunk and it gives you some 100% freshness."
"Now instead of being able to go to a number of different security posts to hack down your comstat with a chip you can only go to security post Correa which has gotten a bit of a refresh."
"Heavy gear will make your moves slow and sluggish and it will drain your stamina more quickly."
"War zone has the benefit of using a suite of mechanics that maybe some of the best in the industry."
"Star drops are exciting, they add a little randomness into progression and that gets players excited about the game."
"Once magic costs are not an issue at all... you can finish off late levels with spells like incinerate, fireball, and chain lightning."
"I really hope that jumping gets nerfed into the ground here in Black Ops 4 because for some reason all of our characters are Olympic level high jumpers."
"Jump over, X Y, double jump. Oh, that's so cool!"
"The Combat Glitch: effectively creating an infinite loop where it’s always your turn."
"The fact that it increased the knock-back received from the compression blast resulting in not just more disruption and disorientation but also people trying to constantly go for environmental kills."
"From abilities to super contests: the depth of Pokemon mechanics."
"When this bar fills up we get a thing called a secret, we can trade that for goods."
"When you strip this game down to its core mechanics and loop and you really look at what it's asking you to do, this is more Tony Hawk than any video game I have played since Tony Hawk."
"A fighting game without combos is kind of like a platformer without jumping."
"It's an MMO, and they have to be balanced. Just because it looks cool doesn't mean it's the best class."
"Mechanically speaking, New Vegas is the marriage between Bethesda’s 3D reboot and its old-school roots."
"Leveling applies to your health bar too, the more enemies you kill, the larger your maximum HP gets."