
Strategic Use Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Every druid, regardless of their subclass, can use wild shape for infiltration or scouting."
"It's not just about having a large amount of money; it's about having control over your wealth and deciding when and how to utilize it effectively."
"Kit Fisto's force abilities were both inspiring in their magnitude and were a fully-fledged and fluidly incorporated tactical and strategic tool that he used to control a battle."
"It's using tiny amounts but it's thoughtful makeup, it's strategic, and it really does make a huge difference."
"Pandora's actor has seen frequent use as Eins's body double."
"Kurigiri's Quirk is coordinate-based so in order to use it he needs to know the exact location where he is supposed to open the exit portal."
"Some are pretty inconspicuous and seem like they're absolute trash."
"Force of Will is very good in that exact one situation unless you're running 13-15 counter spells. You should almost always save one to protect trying to win or trying to die."
"Sanctions can be a powerful tool... they work overtime, they're long-lasting and sustainable."
"If Kitty's powers are used creatively she has borderline Unstoppable couple that with the fact that she can destroy any piece of electronics she faces through and you've got yourself a one woman Army."
"He was using it it was a tool because the young people were into the new music."
"That weapon is just so strong that like is actually it sounds like an interesting take too."
"He's a legit capable half billionaire... If Trump doesn't utilize him, that would be a mistake."
"We will leverage these powers to heal America's hardest hit communities."
"Despite seeming inconsequential using all of these tools combined I actually began to notice that I started winning more often and I was able to earn points again and get even closer to reaching my goal."
"Wheel of Fortune is so good I think people don't correctly evaluate it as a card draw card."
"Silent image... could effectively make your army look twice as large as it is."
"Giving magic certain limitations or weaknesses could be very important."
"Debt should only be used if you know what you're doing, you use it strategically and you use it towards something that makes you money."
"It's a way of kind of doing that by the back door... I don't see a world with which this does not get used."
"Well, if it can help those who are working this understand it a little better, support it a little better, then it's a heck of a weapon."
"You can really use light to your advantage in your own home."
"Leverage TikTok to maximize your online influence."
"Players want cards not just for their individual abilities but for our ability to take advantage of more than just their text box."
"Don't burn your gems. Make sure you use your gems for one of the two things I said."
"The real test is figuring out how best to make use of it or them to help you achieve your goal."
"Make every ultimate count and make sure your team can capitalize on it."
"We won the game because we used the Ronaldo substitution to lure Arsenal into the Trap."
"Harry's memoirs are an ace in Megan's sleeve."
"Communication should be your strongest suit, but also your biggest weapon."
"This bow is not to be judged based on its DPS values; it's that Peak orientation going in and out of cover and landing large amounts of damage every single time you do so."
"Atomic Breath: The Legendary Godzilla retains
the character's trademark atomic breath, however
it appears to be used as a weapon of last
resort rather than [as] his primary weapon."
"This is where the lobber weapon really shines."
"It's a you can completely fuck the inner enemy team's assault by using it properly or it can do jack dick or you can place it in the worst worst spot and it does nothing."
"Nita is a brawler which of course can be really strong in certain circumstances."
"This Ambani Adani story may have an impact on the politics and this may be used more and more for political gains."
"I love it! I totally love it. This is gonna be our new boss spider-wasp killer."
"Warhead is a marked improvement on Crysis' tenants, making better use of its open-ended mechanics in smaller play spaces"
"I like it, it's like half a Sun Titan almost."
"So I think this is legitimately a potential sideboard card for even like white weenie or perhaps control. What control wouldn't be able to close out the game quick enough to benefit from the life buffle this gives you."
"This warframe is excellent and you can apply her to basically any scenario and she will do extremely well."
"What kind of idiot would I be if I didn't participate in NIL right now? It's a weapon at your disposal. Use it as often as you can."
"An airport that could rescue an island from falling into the same fate of so many like it—crumbling into irrelevance as its people are slowly drawn to the urban world—so now that the island has their tool, all they have to do is use it."
"Simply put they were designed actually believe it or not as Scout Cruisers."
"Her ultimate is a blast to use literally, just take care to use it in tighter spots."
"Understand and research the cheat code technique of your genre and then exploit it as much as possible once you see it."
"No man is blessed with all gifts of Bell; you, Hannibal, know how to win a victory, but you don't know how to use it."
"Allows you to use it even if you're not going infinite, it's just very efficient and very good."
"Doflamingo was probably one of the finest uses of hockey by an antagonist."
"It powers up his awesome gun arm chrono cannon... it's a CC ultimate."
"We gotta take our power and use it in a cohesive manner."
"If you know you're a general, use your troops; that's what they're there for."
"Big Mom is a great tool for him to use in specific circumstances because her character traits cause problems when you need chaos."
"If you have power, don't use it; you can use it as leverage for negotiation and making deals."
"Dark Angels have the one unique character that can lead the hell blasters in Azrael."
"Never let a crisis go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel
"The vision the the footwork the ability to punish people with the sides and the frame that the passing is Elite and the way they utilize him in the offense is what makes it so difficult for the Lakers."
"Magnus uses what he got as a counter-offering."
"If you're not going to use the UFO threat then forget it."
"Possessing someone for a mere five seconds, he eventually discovered the perfect use for his abilities."
"This allows it to flex into being used on big aoes as well as those repeated aoes."
"We should ransack the tool house of organized religion for the best tools."
"Of course you can use towers; they're not a complete waste of money. You get some use out of towers, that's the point of the game."
"Reality is reality. There is no 'my reality, your reality.'"
"Oh, what the hell? Oh, that was Gongsun Zan using some ability there!"
"Smoke Screen is designed to be very versatile and capable of making space in a number of situations, be it pushing into the enemy team or covering your own hasty retreat."
"Base Luffy as a very competent fighter with Gear Second and Third at his disposal... Gear Fourth Luffy when he's going serious, then Gear Fifth would be the form for those major life or death, all in battles with the big bads."
"How good was Fortress actually? Well, it's used in its first four generations is symbolic of and a testament to the power of entry hazards."
"By focusing my frequency I can use my body as a lightning rod."
"It's super important to be smart with your fireballs."
"When you need to get the job done and cut through the enemy lines, then use your hammerers wisely."
"I would say bring a Goyo or some type of shield, I would suggest a Goyo because of the amount of shields that he brings."
"That absolutely beautiful poison spell that single-handedly might have got BTR this MVP."
"Trick plus lagging tail can still be valuable."
"Having a following on Instagram isn't like a superficial thing, it's freaking smart."
"It's the lightsaber - to be fair, it does quite a bit of damage."
"There are no rules you have to use the power while you have it."
"Castles like this were built throughout the Scottish Borders and used as lookout points and places of refuge."
"Horizon's ultimate is really kind of like one of her most powerful parts of her kit."
"You've got to be very calculated when you use the ultimate because otherwise you're gonna find yourself getting into trouble."
"Grief is a great weapon, you get that damage right."
"Abyssal mask doesn't give any ability haste but the passive that reduces resistances now also reduces armor and MR upon immobilizing an enemy."
"That's just an easy blessing and it took care of the good one that one was teleporting me around everywhere."
"Entertainment is a very important part of the strategy for mental psychic attacks."
"Identify your role correctly or you go in, wait for that little moment, then zhonya's, then go for round two."
"Use them [shattering runes] on items with good affixes for your build."
"Trust your best players. Use your best players."
"I was just about to say those advancing knees from the rear leg right my God that's using your physical tools perfectly stayed on the outside jumped in with the those knees landed that four or five times I mean yeah high level stuff."
"His ice Wing can also be used for near impenetrable defense."
"Support items are our new category here, and this is a category of item that does not make the wearer stronger but makes the team stronger in some way."
"The Hog Rider is one of the most iconic troops in The Clash Universe."
"Aurelion Sol, one of the most underrated champions in the entire game since his release."
"Bloodhound is certainly a very strong legend to use. They are certainly a very strong legend to use as before."
"Bob's brain is actually objectively a pretty good item in my opinion."
"He's Saint Beast, using the opportunities that are in front of him the best he possibly can to be a saint."
"Bangalore's ultimate of the Rolling Thunder is also great to create rotation options or create relief when you need it the most."
"The Elder Wand, to him, was only ever a means to destroy the horcruxes."
"Throughout all of this ghee never stops using his Bankai."
"They have the idea of this rich history of IPs that they should take better advantage of."
"Take this, the Snow Golem Morph. I trust that you'll use it when the time is right."
"The Carrick can hold two of them it could be used a transport deposit a pair of MPUV1 assets throughout a battlefield which would give any advancing or defending army a huge advantage."
"Advanced search on LinkedIn is less about boolean, it's actually pretty cerebral."
"Art comes in strategy nothing if art becomes strategy is you know it's it's not hard anymore something else it's maybe the propaganda."
"Legends Grievous just seems to use his robotic body more to his advantage."
"He had always had an eye for talent, and Naruto's unpredictability and usage of Shadow clones showed him that the boy was definitely talented."
"He can do basically everything at any level of the field; you just have to line it up for him."
"Cockpit resource management is really talking about using the features in Sky View to your best advantage."
"It's important that resources be used in ways that are effective."
"Once you have that data, think about how you can use that to continue to derive value."
"Vocal firepower pays off when you deploy it in the right ways."