
Food As Medicine Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Food is medicine. There is power. We can do simple things that are going to help us so, so, so much in situations where we feel stuck and we feel powerless."
"We underestimate the power of food, and the fact that food can be our medicine."
"Use food well, and it's medicine; use it wrong, it kills you."
"Let food be thy medicine and let's take it seriously."
"We want to help teach people how to use food as medicine."
"Food is not just calories, it's actually medicine."
"Food is medicine and quality matters, and then it's not just calories, it's information, and it literally can upgrade or downgrade your biology with every bite."
"We have the tools and the best drug is food."
"Food is medicine and this can work in conjunction with a treatment plan."
"We have this amazing opportunity now to start to teach people about personalized nutrition and food as medicine."
"Food is medicine with regard to mental health."
"Food first. If food is medicine, then how do we practice without nutrition?"
"Food is medicine, whether we acknowledge it or not."
"Our food can be delicious, and it is your medicine."
"Food is medicine and how to use food as medicine in your own life."
"Make food your medicine, don't make medicine your food."
"Medical starts with food... Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food."
"Food is medicine is becoming more understood and embraced—it's really critical, especially to prevention."
"I truly believe that food can be a powerful form of medicine for our bodies."
"Let food be your medicine and medicine for your food."
"Food and these ancient remedies are still the best medicine."
"Food as medicines was attributed to Hippocrates 3000 years ago, but in fact, back then there were no medicines so food was the only thing that was around."
"So um if you are vegetarian or not you know using these bringing these medicines into your um daily life as a food so that there's really it's imperceptible are they medicine or they food to support your foundational health"
"Farmers will be able to garner a premium based on the fact that food can and should be used as preventative medicine."
"The medicine for malnutrition is food."
"We're really not talking about food versus medicine... it really is about this totality."
"We are not letting food be our medicine and medicine be our food."
"If food is really your medicine, then egg yolks being your medicine makes sense."
"We're using food as medicine at Cooper Wellness and Disease Prevention Center in the Rio Grande Valley."
"I encourage my patients to use food as medicine."
"Food should be healing, food should be nourishing."
"We survived 69 thousand years without pharmaceutical companies; it was our food and that's how we got here."
"We can truly use food as medicine."
"Food is powerful medicine here; food is powerfully protective."
"If I was on a deserted island and I only had one medicine to bring with me, it would be food."
"All this can be fixed and can be healed with food because I do believe food is medicine."
"Food is medicine, and that may seem like an overreach, but it is not."
"What we eat has a direct effect on our health; food is also medicine."
"At whatever time highly skilled physicians have developed the healing art by means of foods, and shall make provision for simple foods, the incidence of chronic and diversified illnesses will abate."
"Welcome back to Chinese Herbal Pantry, where we explore how to use food as medicine to enhance your overall well-being based on the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine."
"Food first, because if food is medicine, then how do we practice without nutrition?"
"Our food is our medicine, and our medicine is our food."
"Your natural medicine is the food."
"You can really heal your body through food."
"Food is information, food is medicine, and it really speaks to every single cell and pathway in your body in real time, every day."
"Food can actually be a medicine; it can actually treat disease."