
Consumer Choice Quotes

There are 1121 quotes

"There was only one five-star helmet, and now you can't buy anything but a five-star helmet."
"Instead of going to Bud Light, why don't you go to a local brewer that's making awesome local craft beer that a lot of this is actually super affordable. They don't hate you."
"What if you knew that there are actually tens of thousands of businesses that like you, they don't hate you, they don't want to indoctrinate you or your kids, and they happen to offer really high-quality stuff?"
"We’re proud to take an open ecosystem approach that helps any merchant, both big and small, get discovered, and that gives you more shopping choices."
"With fast food, consumers have a lot of options, and if they truly feel like they're getting price gouged by Wendy's, they will go somewhere else."
"For some people, that might be the absolute selling point because I know many people this is their favorite size out of all the different sizes."
"Let consumers weigh their options and allow them to pick the platform that's best suited for them."
"We love to see support, especially for people trying new things, giving people jobs, and offering a product that, by the way, you don't have to buy."
"Removing the excuses of developers for the creation of filler content and of course also giving choice to the consumer and empowering them in the process is to me a good thing."
"Why would you buy a Mach-E when you can get the better technology for a cheaper price in the Tesla?"
"People will say, Americans won't buy Chinese. You know, what you ask somebody, do you want to pay $9,000 for an SUV, or do you want to pay $19,000 or $20,000 for an SUV? No contest."
"Vote with your dollar. Support games that maintain their integrity and artistic vision."
"Keep voting with your dollar. If you see an ad for your favorite company and they've gone woke, look for alternatives."
"Marginal analysis and consumer choice involve calculating the additional benefit or the additional cost."
"Valve is making an obviously pro-consumer and libertarian move in what they allow in the store."
"Helix was awarded the number one best overall mattress pick of 2020."
"The only option right now is the fight is over. We completely ignore Bud Light, never buy from them again."
"We understand if you want to switch providers. While we value you as a member, we want what is best for your wallet and family even more."
"We always like to have at least one option for my girls on a budget."
"If BYD comes in with a very affordable product, then it's probably going to be that either a consumer is going to buy BYD or they're going to buy Tesla."
"In all of these different networked markets, competition is just a click away."
"It's about giving our consumers choice, to allow them to have less sugar in their diet if they so choose."
"It's a great time to be alive, and if I have to nitpick this hard to show you the differences, you will be happy with any of these in your pocket."
"After years of getting ripped off by big wireless providers, there's finally a better option."
"Movies aren’t just competing with other movies; they're competing with your time and all the other things you have to spend it on."
"I think if I were spending my cash and I were in an area where the Polestar 2 was available, I would buy this over the Model 3."
"It's time to say no to subscriptions and yes to a razor that'll last you a lifetime."
"This is the good thing with competition free market capitalism, that people can buy something from who they want."
"If you love these retailers, continue to buy from them. You do you, but I do me."
"If you give a consumer the choice between buying something from a shady character in a stairwell of uncertain provenance that's roughly the same price as buying it from a regulated place that's maybe the brand you like is certified organic or a particular strain I mean you where you can be a confident of the quality the provenance and that you're not breaking the law people consumers will choose a reasonable option that's why there's there's no black market for alcohol." - Justin Trudeau
"And the service is great too because Ting partners with several massive networks, probably the very same one that you're using right now, but you get a huge discount."
"The single best predictor for National fertility rates happens to be wanted family size as reported by women."
"Sony's approach is a huge win for consumer choice."
"If you already have the CSL elites, don't side grade."
"It's all about consumer choice. It's all about saying, look, if you wish to use our software on another platform, we are okay with that."
"Pixel Slate comes in several configurations starting at $599."
"You don't have to buy Disney Genie, you don't have to buy Genie plus, you don't have to buy the individual lightning Lanes, you can just get in the ride line like everybody else."
"There's people who buy mercedes and bmws right you could just buy a ford fiesta and get around very economically but you could get a mercedes-s class so i think part of it is the the the status symbol right."
"So, indeed here the matter of price, what's your opinion? Tell me in the comments which one would you actually go for..."
"Let's talk about Butcher Box everybody shout out to the Butcher Box baby OG been in a game with us for a long time got my freezer stocked full of meat."
"If nobody would buy it for that price, she wouldn't be able to sell it for that price."
"It's not for you and it's not for me, but it's for someone, so who cares?"
"Buying a product is also not an endorsement."
"By educating the world, you, America, and the world what a product costs in carbon correct will determine the buying choice."
"The customer is the one that decides what the market wants."
"It is all about choice and customization and getting you know very caught up in those systems and specking yourself out how you want to."
"Who are we to decide? Like, does the consumer want this? Does the consumer want that? We're not here to tell them."
"If you're still buying your underwear from the same brand that makes your socks your undershirts and your sister's bra maybe it's time to give something a little more personalized to try."
"Use it up and then when you have to replace it just replace it with a cruelty-free option."
"When the price is considered, the S8 wins hands down."
"In terms of practicality, the MDX will be slightly better compared to this."
"This thing is essentially like the top of the line iPhone but slightly bigger and half the price."
"Nobody's gonna buy the nice one, like 'Hey, look at we all get along.'"
"LG has the most models in its lineup: G2, G1, C2, C1, B2, B1, and A1, the least expensive."
"Let me know in the comments below which LG or Sony or Samsung model are you getting."
"Every product you buy should be carbon neutral."
"Which is your favorite car from this five car premium set?"
"If you're shopping for the limited trim and you live in one of the states where the plug-in hybrid is sold, you should just get the plug-in hybrid."
"I'm personally not going to be picking up this game just purely based on my personal principles."
"There's literally 90 percent of the country up for grabs and they're being forced to make this decision that actually doesn't satisfy their palette because that's the only thing that's out there."
"Stop giving your money to woke companies that hate you. Give it to Jeremy instead."
"It's a real no-brainer: the mini turtle better in just about every area."
"Sony's motivation behind the digital edition of PS5: 'we thought that we would do what we typically try and do and just offer choice.'"
"I recommend SSD it is your choice if you want to pursue a specific option but I recommend at least going with a solid-state drive."
"Your emphasis on it's completely optional certainly speaks to how dedicated you guys are."
"The solution to the problem of Steam comes down to you, the consumer, giving up some of the convenience of having one library of games in one place, in service of seeking out and supporting different platforms offering more specialised experiences."
"People could just stay home, could just watch a giant ass TV at home."
"If you pull up your Galaxy Note 9, you can basically file all of these other phones to the trash."
"The salad section is wide open, even when it's a wide open wow we have!"
"Remember, just because it's the only NFL game, that doesn't mean you need to buy it."
"If this device checks all the blocks for you then I think I can recommend it."
"What makes someone choose one console versus another? Exclusives, bundles/price, friends."
"It's not about boycotting; it's about saying we're not gonna watch this filth."
"There's no ethical consumption under capitalism is to give people grace period where it's needed but it's also important to know when we can actively not support companies that we don't agree with morally or that we go against ethically."
"There is a huge amount of choice out there. You have the right to be picky."
"The storage space is one of the main reasons people like the Model Y over the Model 3."
"If you want to buy NFTs, it's your choice. You earned your money, you spend it the way you want to."
"They give you great quality sometimes, some of the same quality that you get for other earbuds but these are half the price."
"Wouldn't it be easier if the only store was Walmart? Wouldn't it be easier if the country only had one political party? Diversity is a boon to the consumer."
"Don't go take your kid to Disneyland... Don't give Disney more money."
"Toyota tossed in a boatload of standard safety features... one of the best values in the midsize crossover segment."
"Is it just me, or are there literally too many good video games out right now?"
"This game is 45 US dollars at launch and promises a minimum of 20 hours gameplay for the campaign around a hundred for those just wanting to unlock everything and potentially hundreds more after that depending on your appetite for build diversity."
"Buy from studios who make games out of passion, who make games that have care."
"If people want those unique experiences, they're going to go to some of the exclusives where they can get those experiences."
"The non-K chip for three hundred and fifteen dollars includes a cooler. The K chip for three hundred and eighty dollars sixty-five dollars more does not include a cooler."
"Supporting one brand over the other may be related to the identity that brand presents."
"Instead of being mad, just don't give them your money."
"Expect about 25 percent of buyers to go for either the hybrid or the hybrid Max option."
"Power mode selector with Eco, Normal, and Sport settings."
"There is a moral component to what we watch and to our entertainment that we choose to consume. Some people act like it's a totally amoral arena."
"Lastly is the selection so as you can see here silky just has a huge selection of saws and each one of their saws they offer in different sizes."
"If it costs me on average three to five percent more to shop local I'm going to fucking shop local."
"Links are in the video description; get yourself one or be a loser."
"You can customize them and choose and design the boot that fits you best."
"It does seem like they are trying to be sort of a one stop shop for banking."
"Depending on how you configure your CLA, it can even be a better value than that Volvo..."
"If you like iPhone, that's awesome. If you like Android, that's awesome. It depends on what you like."
"Different strokes for different folks... iPhone 5s, Samsung Galaxy S5, either way, you're probably going to love your phone."
"This bill will expand consumer choices in a current non-competitive market."
"I think any rational person would drop Xbox and Playstation because that just means PC gaming."
"These come in a few different colors... Hawaiian blue, charisma, onyx... and then it comes in the color Eden."
"Patriot mobile shares your values they're not going to charge you hidden fees and they're also here's the big catch here guys they're not gonna send your hard-earned money to Planned Parenthood or other left-leaning causes."
"I want the consumer to have the widest range of choices."
"All they care about is choice, production, and exchange."
"If you provide consumers with a better product, they're gonna buy it."
"I can go to Costco, I can drive through Shake Shack, Five Guys, Taco Bell, Dunkin' Donuts, but I can't support my local bakery."
"The truth is guys, it's up to nobody but you to decide what the market demands and where the product is consumed."
"I logged in with my current insurance provider, it showed me over a dozen quotes, and I was able to save a bunch of money."
"It's affordable. You do just have to go through that whole membership thing."
"Let me know what do you think guys, which nail drill would you pick, the pink one or the black one?"
"If we could make meat without the animal, why wouldn't we?"
"Could it be that Jesus was talking to Mary Magdalene, his wife, asking her to protect their son?"
"Many of the designs have multiple color options, and you can create your own custom cases."
"It is not bullying, it is not judgmental to criticize a company for being unethical and to tell people that you choose not to support it."
"Just buy whichever one you want it doesn't matter as long as it meets the rest of the specs that you need."
"If you don't like a comedian or you don't like an act just don't come to the show or just stay in your seat."
"Wow, you saved that subscription cost every single month if you didn't want that, right?"
"You can compare great rates and pick the option that's best for you."
"I'm gonna buy this trailer. Do you? I defy anybody to say it's not a good trailer. It's a good trailer."
"We want choices, but we also want streamlining."
"Every mechanical switch has its own characteristics... so it is a different market out there in terms of mechanical switches."
"If you're shopping for a 3060 which would you prefer?"
"You don't boycott sponsors; you just don't buy season tickets."
"Figuring out how to buy things that are not made in China is so important."
"For those who just want the best, it might still be worth it."
"You can't go wrong with either, it's just incredible what oneplus has been able to do at much less than the price of a pixel to excel."
"You don't have to buy a game from a company that openly employs racist and sexist you don't have to buy a game that has all this negative controversy surrounding it."
"The scale of change to the food system is unlikely to be successful if left to the individual or the whim of consumer choice."
"I think I paid six dollars for this, it was a little bit steep but it was totally worth it."
"Vote with your dollars with the local gardener, the local rancher, the local farmers market."
"Tesla vehicles are some of the safest cars one can buy."
"Do I think that this choice will result in the death of the movie theater? I think that that is something that people always want to talk about."
"It's not just about the film. It's about the quality of the experience."
"If you go to a shop and there's a banana for a dollar and the shop next door's got the same banana for 80 cent, which one are you gonna buy?"
"It's not about whether you like something it's about whether it actually is makes sense if it fits if it's quality."
"For about the same price you could get something like an all-wheel drive BMW X5 or an all-wheel drive Mercedes-Benz GLE."
"They've got something for everyone, no matter what you're into."
"I'm buying both Shining Diamond and [expletive] Brilliant Pearl."
"For me, if I wasn't automatically migrated onto the premium tier, I would probably have just opted for the extra plan I think that's the sweet spot right now"
"The Honda Accord: where value, mission fulfillment, and fun intersect."
"Do we actually need it? Only you can answer that I suppose."
"I put together fights that are compelling enough to make you stay home on a Saturday night and pay $55 for it."
"With the amount of choice that consumers have you can't really get away with not having a brand story."
"Hyundai Elantra was the top selling car in America last year."
"I've been coloring my own hair for years just out of the box, which I know people have different feelings about, but my hair is very soft and healthy and shiny, and I don't know what to tell you."
"We just had the guest here ask about minimum wage, well what if you could start a business in your home?"
"The MGB GT was an instant hit among critics and buyers."
"I really love and I feel like we have a diverse range right here from different features and benefits and everything."
"In this day and age, we're absolutely spoiled for choice."
"No matter which of these two that you choose I think you're probably going to be happy."
"You could design your dream PC and then actually buy it if you wanted to."
"You want the best products and the best choices for yourself."
"If you like the stuff we do and you want more stuff like that in the world, this is how you vote for that stuff. That's how you fill the world with things you like."
"If you had a choice picking out a car, do not buy a model 3."
"Center Stage makes for really interactive zoom calls and FaceTime calls."
"Would you be willing to look at a minivan if you're looking at the top-end versions of this would you be interested in looking at a luxury 3-row crossover that's available as a hybrid or a plug-in hybrid?"
"Even though everyone wants an SUV, you cannot deny the practicality of a minivan."
"Sustainability matters to me as well. I do also try and opt for a cleansing balm that comes in a glass jar just so that it can be washed out and recycled."
"Coca-Cola was the original, it was invented by John Pemberton way back in 1886."
"I mean it's not just Coke versus Pepsi it's Surge versus Mountain Dew or Dasani versus Aquafina."
"I applaud Sephora for giving their customers more options when it comes to affordable skincare rather than just catering to the luxury market. I think it's a step forward."
"It's kind of a fun thing, you can pick the color that you like the best."
"I personally want an alternative to what's out there I don't want another version of what it's out there."
"I would take the G80 with the 3.3-liter twin-turbo engines before I took the BMW 5-series with their 2-liter engine or the A6 with the 2-liter engine as well."
"Does a game ever have to come out of early access? There is most likely no restriction whatsoever on Valve's end as to how long a game can stay in early access."
"The MDX is unquestionably a better value than the Volvo, the Lexus, the BMW, the Mercedes, or the Audi."
"Whichever product is better will win and you can be a part of that success or failure for that matter."
"You can decide whether or not you need the Kinect as part of your experience and then add it later."
"The more choice and options we give to consumers, the better off we are."
"ArenaNet should allow people to buy these skins individually just like people asked for Halloween."
"I don't think it's a quality issue I think that it's an originality issue and also just people being more picky because they have more Choice."
"Never say never, but right now it's hard for me to see how it would make sense from the Nintendo standpoint. It's so much fun to never say never."
"Why doesn't it do the one thing that the much cheaper headsets do?"
"Bring back the innovation choice, I want to lay on a weird f*** mattress."
"Would I re-buy this? I think I would actually."
"So, like I said, it's in all colors. You could get it in pink and blue, yellow, whatever color, purple, green."
"I'm here to throw my hat in the ring on what's going on surrounding Hogwarts Legacy and just have more of a conversation on where we are at as an industry."
"I think it's important that you as a consumer have the choice to decide whether or not you play this game at the end of the day."
"Every single person has to draw Their Own Line in the Sand and say you know what I don't want to support this I don't like what it stands for and I'm not a fan of it and that's it."
"So people really need to chill out and enjoy the fact that we now have some real competition on our hands."
"I can't recommend this enough, and I got the smallest size available."
"Exclusive games are like the icing on the cake but they are not the primary motivator for people buying a platform versus another one."
"YouTube TV and Hulu Plus Live TV have the best lineups."
"I’m going to recommend you take a look at the Humble Choice this month."
"I'm glad that it exists. I'm glad that it's an option. I'm not trying to kill everything that everybody does. Choice."
"Why would you buy a mattress made for somebody else?"
"If you think it's gonna be Amazon, comment below. If you think it's gonna be Walmart, comment below."
"There's not a single person of right sound mind and body if you could build a Tesla Model 3 online and get it delivered in 30 60 or 90 days."
"Thanks so much for all of your support, let me know in the comments below which of these you think is the best alternative pairing."
"In the end, foreign cars were smaller and better than the cheap, predictable rubbish being produced by GM."
"The Stinger offers excellent value for those seeking a car, not just a brand."
"These cars share the same platform... you can kind of pick which one you prefer."
"There's so many restaurants, not just dedicated pizzerias, that offer pizza on their menu that you can simply get better quality food at discounted low prices at other places."
"Steel is real, yeah, but have you seen the price of this aluminum one? Absolute bargain."
"Ultimately, we are all the winner for having choices, and I love the competition."
"If you have other preferences for what you regard as the best, you now have all the data to make your own purchase choice."
"Microbrands can offer outstanding value for money if they choose to."
"For the same price, you can get an RX 6600 XT combo instead of an RTX 3060 Ti."