
Informative Quotes

There are 425 quotes

"I hope this video was informative. I hope it makes a whole bunch of you safer."
"For viewers, it provides an ad- and sponsor-free place to watch enriching and engaging videos which leave you better informed about the world around you."
"I hope this gives you a better understanding of what's going on in the investigation and what we know so far."
"I would say at least 85 percent of the text is great and informative and deserves to be here, which is actually an insanely high percentage compared to most other books, unfortunate as that may be."
"That was, as I said, an extremely helpful, well-crafted, prosaic presentation of the way things really are, very helpful, big picture, sort of the bird’s eye view."
"That does it for today's video. I hope they gave you guys some insight."
"It's a compelling read and it's just putting those facts out there."
"This report isn't just news; it's a reality check for our Republic."
"But you'll learn much more if you look at those filings those filings are very complete. They're very big, they're very powerful, they're very accurate and those are the filings that you learn much more."
"I have to commend you gentlemen...really giving Clarity to what is happening in geopolitics in this world here."
"There's so much more to share, hopefully we covered a lot for you guys."
"There isn't an aspect of this book for me that seems boring or sad or ugly or gross or not informative."
"You can provide actual value in these articles."
"True crime should be more informative than it is entertaining because I can get the criticisms of people being like I don't understand how learning about murder is entertaining."
"Hopefully you guys found that informative, interesting, educational, whatever."
"Harry directly speaks to us, dropping bombshells of useful information."
"Did you not know that black people have advantages in college admissions, scholarships, and job opportunities? If you didn't, now you do."
"Good morning patriots! ...jam-packed full of information."
"I've become an instant fan of The Young Turks, great conversation, great takes, very informative."
"Hopefully you found this video interesting educational and informative."
"I hope that in some way you've come to enjoy Sonic Mania more because of this video."
"Hopefully, you found today's video interesting, useful, and thought-provoking."
"This video was entertaining and informative."
"Folks, I hope this video is helpful, informative, I hope you learn something new."
"I thought the speech was excellent and I thought that it was important that the people in the world begin to understand what we had found out."
"In today’s article, we will give you 10 examples of just that… 10."
"I hope you found the above interesting and informative."
"What you're doing with your platform here it's very informative you're talking about some things that are really important and so I commend you for that."
"I hope you found it entertaining and maybe a little bit informative as well. I will see you next time."
"I hope you found this video helpful and thank you so much for watching."
"That was amazing information that Elena relayed to me. I mean, she's been sharing information about Antarctica, the moon, and Mars and Phobos."
"I wanted to give you some good information and make this video informative and helpful in some way."
"Of course I'll have plenty more for you when the streamers happened if you miss it cuz you're at work then just keep you locked in the channel and I'll have all the information you could possibly need."
"I hope you guys have found this video to be beneficial."
"If you want to learn about all of the features briefly I've got one big video that covers them all in brief."
"Hopefully, you enjoyed today's video, you found it interesting, useful, and thought-provoking."
"Thank you again for joining us and just being able to cover some of the stuff in there."
"I think this video is important to watch whether you are a shareholder of Tesla or you're interested in potentially becoming a Tesla owner."
"I feel like in my videos I try to keep it more presentable and commentary wise, but at the same time still be educational."
"Educate people on the item or a type of item or a principle surrounding the item."
"Every word out of her mouth is rich and full of information."
"Let's dive right in and talk about some of the things you can expect from early access and worldwide launch."
"Two guys with wise insights. Good fun and informative."
"People don't forget I have a seminar in New York City coming up next month and in Toronto this month so I want you guys to attend."
"Hopefully this gives you a better idea of the game."
"I hope to rest all of your questions by answering them over the next several minutes."
"The information provided today is purely for informative, educational purposes."
"I hope I've been able to inform you a little bit more about the design side of things."
"Knowledge is power, a totally jam-packed show today..."
"You're going to be able to make a decision after watching this video."
"Don't worry, we got you covered and we'll answer all these questions in this video."
"We're gonna have more developers on here to give you guys concrete information."
"Bridging from that to what we're doing right now we're trying to provide understandable information that kind of disambiguates and clarifies a lot of these issues that people have anxieties about."
"I hope you found it interesting and informative."
"Those then are 10 of the most interesting gravel bikes in the market right now... hopefully you found this video useful and interesting."
"Keep watching, I have lots more information to share."
"I'm going to be talking to you about the close of probation so that you are fully informed and that you make the right wise decisions based upon very informative information."
"Enjoy the video and I hope it gives you the information you need and is helpful to you."
"Sharing this information, but doing it lovingly, with the highest levels of consciousness."
"Hopefully we can fill in the gaps some of the gaps that you might have regarding the launch and features support etc."
"Got another video coming out tomorrow about some of Redfin's predictions on the housing market."
"If you look at what it does and the health benefits from it, you will see why."
"I titled the show, I'm talking about taxes today."
"As always, we hope you found today's story interesting and informative."
"Sit back, relax, it's going to be a long one but very informative."
"We hope you found this fun, informative, and inspirational."
"It's actually a really, really, really good video, very interesting, but also I think very informative for all the people that have been wanting to know about my diet planning everything."
"She's a fellow beauty guru here on YouTube and her videos are just super informative, super calming, just honestly very relaxing for me."
"I hope you found this video wildly informative and helpful."
"Good video, I liked everyone in it."
"It's a good little informative video."
"So I hope the video was helpful and I hope you went away with something at least."
"You help give us access to vehicles like this where we can be some of the first people to look at the next model year and inform you of those changes."
"This video is not strictly for e-commerce SEO, but obviously this is an e-commerce website, so a lot of people will say this won't work for anything except e-commerce. However, this is actually just an informative article."
"It's going to be a lot of fun, should be informative, and we hope you join."
"We hope you have found this fun informative and inspirational."
"I hope to those of you who are not familiar with VFX or video editing or what I do on the channel that this was informative, that this was interesting, and this was beneficial."
"Ultimately, you guys are what make this so much fun, and we try to give you informative videos, fun videos, and ultimately some fish-catching videos as well."
"That was the most informative few minutes of my life and I'm looking forward to more."
"I hope this video was informative. I hope it has helped you in some way."
"Looking back, I do not consider it lost time, It was very informative."
"For some of you, this video is going to be super informative. For some of you, this video is going to be absolutely a comedy show."
"It's meant to be fun, it's meant to be informative, we're kind of just really hanging out as we're drying this vehicle off."
"If you're looking for a detailed and in-depth review, you've come to the right place."
"This review will answer all of your questions and more."
"Hopefully, I was able to help you out with this hands-on tech look at the Pan America."
"I hope this is informative for you."
"Thank you guys all so much for tuning in for the first part of this series. Hope that you guys found this video helpful and informative. Leave a like if you did, make sure that you're subscribed."
"Not only is the place very informative but the campus is very well put together."
"It's informative and entertaining and I mean what more could you ask for as far as the channel goes?"
"I hope this video was helpful or entertaining or both."
"You'll learn so much in this video."
"I hope you've enjoyed this video found it informative, useful or at least entertaining."
"One thing that Lucky Gunner did which I really think was cool a Chris Baker is he did a diagram and this was really helpful."
"Thank you for watching this video, I hope it's been informative."
"It's exciting, fun-filled, and informative."
"This video is going to be really valuable because I'm going to share with things with you that people just don't really talk about on the internet."
"I hope this video has been useful in helping you learn a little bit more about the new Nissan Leaf."
"Hope you found this video informative, insightful, and inspirational."
"...hopefully this video saved you time money and frustration in the future."
"We put these videos together to help you make educated decisions in terms of, you know, in this case, tires, and whether these are a good tire for you to be able to pick up."
"If you found this video informative and helpful, please don't hesitate to show your appreciation by giving it a thumbs up and sharing it with your fellow audio aficionados."
"It's their job to sell you on the vehicle, but it's our job here at the Car Coach Reports team to tell you what it's really like."
"This is a very, very informative video. Get your pen, get your paper, take notes."
"I cannot talk highly enough about this book because all of this information I think is extremely important no matter what kind of painter you are."
"This one was amazing too, very heartwarming and very informative."
"Thanks for watching yet another weird video. I hope this was informative because I, you know, there's a lot of interesting things that never made it to market in Transformers."
"...this video is gonna be really, really helpful."
"...the American short story not only provided some information but it it was like a total breath of fresh air..."
"This is a great informative video."
"That video is only there to serve as a guide."
"This was a great video, it went a little bit longer but I thought that this was actually great and very informative."
"More marvelous high-quality informative content."
"It's a well-chaperoned tour, very informative."
"Hopefully you guys have found this video to be helpful. I know there's so much information on all these different trim levels and option packages, but it's really important to us here at Guru that our customers are finding the vehicle that best suits their needs."
"Les Misérables, the music is amazing, the storyline is super important and informative."
"This Dash is clear, it's crisp, it's easy to read, and it gives you all the information you need at a glance."
"You are going to learn more in this video than you'd learn anywhere else."
"Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed this review. I hope you found it informative."
"It's ridiculously impressive but the video is awesome it really illustrates a lot of important concepts for steam locomotives and it's really well done."
"...I hope that the video has been informative and at least shown you what you can do with these and how perhaps you could use them in your day-to-day life..."
"And I'm being truthful about that just like I was truthful about the condo crisis video and that's why that video has 1.3 million views because it was a good video and it was truthful and I told you about something that's actually happening."
"It has been very informative, I've learned so much today."
"If you really like these videos and they're informative or you just enjoy watching them looking at all the different house types, please follow our channel, just like, subscribe, and we'll be doing these on a weekly basis."
"We bring you the news here, we're informative, warrior, very."
"Every video educates, explains, and entertains. That's the goal for all of our videos."
"As always I hope you found this to be extremely helpful."
"...hopefully this video has been interesting and helpful."
"Another really informative fun video."
"So, that's it for today's video. I hope you found it helpful and informative."
"I'm hoping to impart some useful information to you in this video."
"I'm here to give the cold hard facts [__] so open up your ear hole and let me in."
"Without a doubt, the best and most genuinely informative YouTuber when it comes to history and politics."
"I cannot recommend this program enough. It was so, so informative."
"This video is very informative and I think it can be pretty helpful for some people."
"I hope that this video was helpful, I hope that maybe it answered some questions that maybe you had about this formula before purchasing."
"This is another really good informative manga."
"There is information in here that can hopefully change your life for the best."
"It's very fun and informative, like cooking, you know, like 'oh man, I want to make pasta from scratch'."
"That thing is chock full of important information."
"I've learned tons watching these videos but this one here I think is the one where I learnt the most."
"Hopefully you guys found that information helpful, as always. Everybody, I appreciate you guys taking the time to watch."
"I really do hope you have found this video informative."
"I thought it was very interesting, very informative and like I said at the beginning of this video, I appreciate anyone who is very good at what they do."
"Interesting, informal, and knowledge-worthy."
"I think that this book will be helpful for a lot of people."
"His lectures should be very informative and interesting."
"Hope you found it helpful, it certainly was entertaining to myself anyway."
"I was so pleasantly surprised. Also, we got a new tour guide for this week. He has been so great, very informative too."
"I've heard wonderful things about this non-fiction."
"I hope this has been informative, I hope it's been entertaining."
"This video is definitely going to be beneficial for you."
"There's a lot of good tips in there, a lot of good information."
"This is good news, this is a good article."
"Thank you guys so much for watching; I hope you found everything in this video very informative."
"Hope you found this video to be interesting and informative and I'm looking forward to see you come back very soon."
"I hope you found the video informative and entertaining, but also inspirational."
"It's more of a resource than it is like people following our personal lives."
"Thank you so much for your time, and we believe y'all will find this video very interesting and educational, things about the Cove that you never knew before."
"By the end of this video, you will know for sure which packing cube is the best."
"I hope that you found this video informative and entertaining."
"Don't be intimidated; it's 800 pages, however, it is very very useful."
"I hope this video was informative and helped answer some of your questions."
"Instead, I was treated to a fascinating, informative, and fast-moving half-hour."
"Hope you've enjoyed this first look and found the information helpful."
"I hope this video has been interesting and useful."
"This is going to be a nice long video, but stick around because you might learn something."
"Hopefully this has been a little bit educational."
"I'm being so informative in this video, like hey guys what's up, how are you?"
"So that's everything that I had to say for you guys today, hope you enjoyed it, hope it was helpful."
"I hope that you found this video to be informative and helpful as well as balanced in my evaluation of each camera."
"It's going to be really helpful in this video because I'm going to be able to show you a little bit more that you won't really be able to get in other reviews."
"In this video, I share valuable insights."
"I prefer my memoirs to be like half and half, personal anecdotes and stories and experiences, and then 50% on a topic, information, knowledge, like sharing something about a topic."
"I love it when anime is actually really informative at the same time as well as entertaining."
"Thank you so much for watching. I hope it has been informative as well as entertaining."
"This video is information-packed; you're definitely going to benefit something from it."
"The Jackson's Legacy, which this book is so informative, you guys."
"I hope this answered some of your guys's questions and I also hope that you enjoyed this little video."
"Box plots are an incredibly useful chart, they tell you so much information."
"We are going to lay it all out there and give you everything you need to know about this region."
"It was great seeing how the Japanese court system worked."
"I strongly recommend you watch this video all the way through to the end; it's gonna be super informative."
"I want my videos to be informative."
"I really hope this was an informative, encouraging, and positive video for you guys to watch."
"Hope you found this content informative and useful."
"It's a real useful little thing, so here's the video, hope you enjoy it."
"The show is dealing with issues very responsibly; it's quite educational."
"Let's go full detail, let's give our customers as much detail as possible."
"Informative and entertaining would be the two main ones, I think."
"Hopefully you found this video informative."
"I hope you enjoyed, hope you found this informative and as always please be good, do good, drink your water."
"Hopefully you found this informative, hopefully you have enjoyed, but most of all guys, please be good, do good, drink your water."
"All the content was super educational."
"I'll put out a separator video if you'd like to understand how these work better."
"Hope you found it informative, most of all I hope you do good, be good, drink your water."
"I'm not just showing you guys these pieces just to show them to you, I want these videos to be very helpful and informative."
"Hopefully this continues to be useful content for you that's informative and shows you how to make good products at scale."
"I want to first go over what these changes are objectively so we are on the same page about what exactly the benefits are and what the annual fee is."
"My goal is to share all the pros and cons of these speakers."