
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"What's happening between Russia and Ukraine, it's not news... news is supposed to be new and unexpected."
"From the bottom of my heart: President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine."
"I would remind everybody that Russia is invading Ukraine, not the other way around."
"We know Putin lied when he said he wasn't preparing to invade Ukraine, and we are confident that Russia is willing to lie to try to justify their invasion."
"Every Ukrainian family who loses someone in this conflict, whatever they thought of the regime in Kiev before, whatever they thought of Russia before, is a family that will hate Russia moving forward."
"Everything that the Russians have captured, they're going to keep permanently."
"Had it not been for those four years, Russia would not be in a position to invade Ukraine."
"There are fears that Russia is about to massively step up its assault on Ukraine including its major cities using heavy and indiscriminate bombardments."
"This war, as far as Russia is concerned, is to liberate Donbass from Ukraine."
"Russia invaded Ukraine and basically persuaded us that it didn't actually happen."
"The Russians are getting many more shells to their soldiers than the Ukrainians are."
"Put in his ideology, whether it's accurate or not, you know, he's... he sees Ukraine as a natural part of Russia."
"These weapons don't escalate the fight, they stop the fight, they bring the cost home to Russia."
"Russia is afraid of Ukraine joining NATO because if NATO decides to become more western friendly and as a thriving happy and healthy democracy right there I think that's a threat to the autocratic rule of Putin."
"Putin had everything going for him. But almost a year later, his invasion will go down in history as one of the biggest military failures ever."
"We're going to defeat them; Russia is not going to win this war."
"There's no scenario the president is sending U.S. troops to fight in Ukraine against Russia."
"The only way for Ukraine to be robust, free, and developed is if Russia is defeated."
"According to the New York Times, the Pentagon blocked sharing evidence of possible Russian war crimes."
"Ukraine is going to win and Russia is going to lose."
"I'm proud that people are still out protesting because this is the only way people can show that they do not want Russia there."
"If you think that Ukraine by itself is stronger than Russia, then I don't know what to say." - Anonymous speaker
"World War III takes place... right now Russia-Ukraine's the scariest."
"He's threatening Ukraine not to even think about joining that North Atlantic Treaty Organization because he knows that will mean U.S. troops, U.S. weapons, and of course missiles that Russia doesn't want to be on its border."
"If Russia is saying that they're all intercepted and nothing happened here nothing to see gov then what against this storm of social media saying yeah they definitely got hit."
"Russians are just as much victims of Putin and the Kremlin as Ukrainians."
"Russia has suffered 180,000 killed and wounded. Ukraine has suffered about 100,000 military casualties."
"If Russia were so rash... to engage in an invasion of sovereign territory of Ukraine, then there would be an extremely tough package of economic sanctions."
"Soon we will summarize the second month of this conflict, which proved to be not the Short Victorious War Vladimir Putin hoped for, but a war of attrition that could change the fate of the entire region."
"Russia is not getting ready to invade Ukraine, they are amassed on the border."
"Russia is planning a false flag attack against its own forces as justification."
"Russia is running low on ammo Russia is experiencing significant shortage of artillery that are impacting its fire focused military to carry on the fight in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine."
"Both Russia and Ukraine have forces that thrive on artillery availability, even if they use their systems somewhat differently."
"The Russian invasion is about to enter a really much uglier phase."
"Putin engaged in an outright war of aggression against Ukraine."
"A recent intelligence report from the UK found that Russia sent another elite unit, the 155th Naval Infantry Brigade, into the fighting around Vuhledar."
"The aggressive war unleashed by Putin against Ukraine... is not only a crime against the Ukrainian people but also perhaps the most serious crime against the people of Russia." - Boris Bondarev
"The fact that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is increasingly cornered and concerned about NATO's growing strength is one of the most influential factors influencing the trajectory of the Ukraine conflict."
"Russia has more than three times Ukraine's population and intact economy."
"Another potential option available to President Putin is to try to call some form of peace deal to actually ask Ukraine to come to the table and agree to sign up to some form of agreement."
"This is as significant an event as then. The world is excited by the possibility that the Ukrainians and the Russians will be talking."
"How do we manage to get along with the Russians without using Ukraine as a goad?"
"The war in Ukraine, Putin's biggest gamble... if he ends up losing power it's because he would have lost that Gamble."
"Russia started the invasion because Ukraine was doing better than Russia."
"NATO will be in a fight with Russia if Ukraine falls."
"We simply will not stand by while Russia kills civilians."
"A war over territorial integrity should be ended by sacrificing it, so Russia just wins. There is no 'W' in the situation; Ukrainian lives."
"The main reason for invasion is to keep Ukraine in Russia's sphere of influence."
"Putin too believed the same thing, and nobody could have predicted the astonishing speed and severity of sanctions that followed Russia's invasion."
"This battle between Russia and Ukraine has offered a tremendous chance for Vladimir Putin's assimilation program."
"It's an effort for the Russians to learn about Ukraine about their air defense systems their industrial and Military facilities and their energy infrastructure..."
"Putin is completely unfazed by these Ukrainian counter-offensives."
"The siege of Mariupol was a pyrrhic victory for Russia."
"The time to be harsh with Russia economically and politically is now."
"Look at what they've done to Ukraine, dangerously close to direct conflict with Russia."
"If they want to win this proxy conflict and inflict significant damage on Russia if they want to extend or even collapse Russia they need to continue supporting Ukraine."
"Consider it to be a barometer of how Russians feel regarding the situation in Ukraine."
"This kind of attack is what Russia says has been going on for eight years and which its military action against Ukraine is intended to stop."
"He set the conditions for this war between Russia and Ukraine."
"If any assembled Russian units move across the Ukrainian border, that is an invasion. Putin makes this choice. Russia will pay a heavy price."
"I just want us to connect like we used to, can't we just open up and find reasons to celebrate each other?"
"When the history of this war is written, Putin's war on Ukraine will have left Russia weaker and the rest of the world stronger."
"A majority of Americans say the United States should continue to back Ukraine until Russia withdraws from their territory."
"France is just standing up against Russia and for Ukraine." - French Prime Minister
"It's a war of choice for Russia; they embarked on a tremendous strategic mistake."
"International law permits other countries to respond with countermeasures... so transferring Russia's Sovereign assets to an international compensation mechanism would cause Russia to comply with its obligation to make reparations to Ukraine."
"That would make Crimea a complete no-go area for the Russians both militarily and in civilian terms and that would be a massive crisis for Putin."
"We've entered a new era in global politics, and Russia's military intervention in Ukraine marks a point of demarcation."
"Few have any doubts that Russia will embark on this campaign as soon as the cold weather starts, and it will be interesting to see how Ukraine deals with this threat this time, given its much more advanced air defense capabilities."
"Russia shows no signs of slowing down its degrading of Ukraine's stockpiles."
"With that same moral clarity in mind, I can say with no uncertainty whatsoever that what Russia has done and is doing in Ukraine is morally reprehensible."
"To add salt to Putin’s wounds, Ukraine has received nothing short of unprecedented military aid packages from the West."
"The basis for real negotiations with Russia is the complete withdrawal of Russian-armed groups beyond the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine in 1991, including Crimea."
"Russia must be held responsible and help rebuild Ukraine."
"The East is our primary concern. Russian aggression on Ukraine threw the existing European security architecture out of balance."
"Killing Ukrainians is also killing Russia's future."
"We're here because in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, we've been witnessing this rapid escalation of western sanctions on Russia."
"The aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine demands its complete and unconditional withdrawal from the territory of Ukraine."
"The only way to achieve a just and lasting peace would be for Russia to unconditionally and completely withdraw all its forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders."