
Intellectual Curiosity Quotes

There are 232 quotes

"Space exploration is humbling. We think we're the big deal being on Earth, but we're pretty small compared to these other worlds. Yet, we can understand it, and I find that so compelling."
"The more you know, the more you realize how much more there is to know."
"Who would you most like to see on the show? As far as great minds, who do you consider to be some of the most formidable minds of our time?"
"Intellectual curiosity... I get up every morning and I'm a kid in a candy store."
"Intellectual curiosity goes hand in hand with coachability."
"It's the mark of an intelligent person to be able to entertain an idea without having to accept it."
"At Wisecrack, there’s nothing we like more than having our minds bent by movies."
"I think that there are a couple of things. One, there is actually a hunger for different ideas."
"The most compelling piece of it was how open-minded you were and how intellectually curious you are."
"Hegel is the kind of guy who wants to know about everything, who wants to figure out how everything fits together."
"The day you become intellectually curious, you have taken the first step towards improving yourself."
"It's the question I don't even yet know to ask. That's what drives me."
"Let us be united by our appreciation for nuance and our refusal to blindly accept dogma and to explore the issues and decide for ourselves."
"This is one of the most fascinating topics that I have ever deep dove into."
"Intellectual curiosity: If you're not learning something new, you're obsoleting every single day."
"I find that lack of intellectual curiosity really depressing."
"My philosophy is one of curiosity of trying to understand the nature of the universe in as much as possible."
"To correct existence, with this little sentence, philosophy is born."
"It's astonishing...the fact that we can even begin to comprehend something as unintuitive as quantum mechanics."
"This is a man who pursued groundbreaking studies in Egyptology, signology, studies into the plague and microorganisms, studies into optics and hearing, volcanology, geology...just an incredible range of different interests."
"The cod round is amazing. This is a beautiful question: Could we ever get over our disagreements about who wrote Shakespeare?"
"The most important trait you can have in your children and yourself is to have intellectual curiosity." - Naveen Jain
"Intellectual curiosity and skepticism are essential for leadership."
"I think the historical record shows that the power of science to explain what was previously mysterious is enormous."
"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence." - Albert Einstein
"Thanks to all of you for asking such great questions."
"I really enjoy exposing myself to differing thoughts, opinions, and ideas."
"He craved the answers, understandings beyond his imagination, the revelations that would finally put his curiosity to rest."
"I think it's important to be curious about deep philosophy."
"Hobbies are things that you do that you enjoy, and if you enjoy asking the question are there non-human intelligences here, then that's interesting."
"If even that sense of wonder and possibility can be imbued into students or others out there, that sense of wonder will drive them to help answer the question that we're trying to answer here today."
"It's actually shameful to not ask these questions."
"Alien means alien right, I mean not Hollywood aliens but a whole different way of thinking and a whole different level of experience and let's say wisdom hopefully that we could only hope to understand."
"To me, science is always to be open-minded and not to be closed off to the possibility of asking a question: What if?"
"We're going to explain... explore... what our reality is."
"I would rather have questions which can't be answered and answers which can't be questioned."
"There is still a furious appetite for ideas, for knowledge, for thought, and for questioning authority."
"The more that I continue to ask questions, the more I feel like I want to have the correct take. I want to be correct on this issue."
"Listen, the less you know, the more you learn."
"I invite the people who have been intrigued, you know, or whose interest has been piqued, do the work."
"Embracing how little we know, to live in wonder, it's a much more beautiful way."
"And more than anything else there is always something more to learn."
"Perhaps in the end in order to keep the dream alive we have to be willing to dream big so until next time stay thoughtful and stay curious."
"Academic and intellectual curiosity are important."
"Speculation actually has value to it. It helps open our eyes, helps open our minds to what's possible."
"Would you debate the alien? Yeah, obviously I would debate you about it."
"Faith by nature seeks understanding. It's up to you whether you seek understanding or not."
"Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills."
"I found it really, really interesting and I want to see more."
"Trust your heart, invest in what excites and opens up your mind."
"The best forecasters were simply right people with wide-ranging interests."
"I want to know God's thoughts. The rest are just details."
"What Einstein was interested in learning was none of the specifics, none of the minutiae."
"There's loads of stuff we don't know enough about out there."
"From the earliest age, the boy had been a prodigious devourer of books."
"Having intellectual curiosity, having a hunger for knowledge, having that sort of attitude of nothing philosophical nothing valuable is alien to me."
"The ancient mystery of the dodecahedron persists."
"Maybe set off a whole new line of personal inquiry."
"Just understanding that there's far more to comprehend than humanly possible should be enough to inspire you to think different."
"I would love to be proved wrong, I would love to find more truth."
"How does what I know get in the way of what I don't know but may need to learn?"
"I'd rather have questions I cannot answer than answers I cannot question."
"I want to know, so let's move from I want to believe to I want to know."
"There's so many things out there we don't know we should know."
"The world of science... is far more fascinating than any mythological world of gods and goblins that we can invent."
"Isn't the point of science to ask what, why, how, and just say okay to checking something out?"
"That's exactly what questions are for: to ask without permission."
"There's something truly beautiful about pondering the complexity of evolution."
"Stay brave, stay wise, stay intellectually curious."
"There's no such thing as bad topics of conversation. If something pops into your brain, you have an obligation to explore it because you never know where it might lead."
"I love just learning, I love consuming as much as possible."
"The true impact of this discovery will be measured by the extent to which it pushes us to question, explore, and redefine."
"Reignite the passion that we have for curiosity."
"Kurt: 'I have a background in math and physics, mathematical physics. So I've always been interested in theories of everything since I was a kid.'"
"It's the kind of questions you ask that's really more important than the answers you get."
"The art and science of questioning everything is the source of all knowledge."
"I enjoy trying to understand complicated ideas."
"It takes a great mind to entertain an idea without endorsing it."
"Every single thing you see, touch, read, hear, leads to other insights."
"The obscure ones are sometimes the interesting ones."
"Expand knowledge, seek answers beyond the veil—awaken deep wisdom within."
"The knowledge that it might never be solved only salivates our curiosity."
"Anyone who takes these big questions seriously is a friend. There's a kind of kinship between people interested in these things."
"Even if you don't necessarily believe in the reality of the square root of negative one you at the very least have to admit that it's interesting."
"Intrigued by the paradoxes? Paradoxes are fun."
"If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"Trust those weird connections... makes you way more interesting."
"I think I just, I kind of absorb that kind of knowledge like a sponge."
"An inquiring mind is one that sees before it the opportunity for knowledge and strives to move forward."
"A burning question ignites in the hearts and minds of Truth Seekers."
"The only stupid question is the question never asked."
"It's better to have questions that we can't answer than answers that we can't question."
"I have more answers than I used to have, but there's a lot of questions that keep popping up."
"It is possible to believe that someone is wrong, and yet still find them fascinating."
"Say whatever else you want about Graham Hancock, he is, to use the cliche, an outside-the-box thinker."
"I think it's really important that with things we can't explain, we have to always keep an open mind."
"It's not necessarily like I know everything immediately. It's just that I'll get an idea or read something cool, and then I research it."
"Do your research and never stop learning... There's always more to learn."
"Surely the enterprise that answers questions like that, science, deserves a better title than 'fun'."
"Intelligent black people do this seek to understand the motivations and the interests that people have."
"He was interested in what can be done by mechanical means."
"Rhaegar demonstrated an insatiable passion for reading and knowledge."
"Science questions itself all the time, daily, right? It's constantly evolving."
"Knowing how something works has never ruined anything for me."
"It really is so cool just to get into someone's head."
"If somebody tells you a fact about the world, how do you know that? That's the most important thing."
"If there's anybody in the world who shouldn't be confused by the world it's scientists. Their whole job is to make sense of the stuff that fools like us can't comprehend."
"The actual process of your work sounds very much like a Sherlock Holmes with a PhD trying to piece together stuff."
"The science of the world of Game of Thrones has always fascinated me."
"It's like you're looking at it as a puzzle to solve, almost fascinated."
"I think at the very least it is an interesting theory."
"Science rests on two articles of faith... The universe is interpretable and knowledge is better than ignorance."
"This is fascinating, really, really fun stuff."
"I started to develop a hunger for understanding more about the way reality works."
"Questioning is not a sign of ignorance, but of a vibrant intellect."
"The world is stranger than we think, but thinking should not be strange."
"Really deep questions... I like these sort of questions."
"I like learning stuff, it's kind of my driving force."
"Anyone with a flare of learning new things and applying it to problems is most welcome."
"Science has more to gain than to lose from finding out that everything we've learned about is completely wrong."
"Is there such a thing as a stupid question? No, I really don't think so."
"Why are we here? What do a Silicon Valley investor and entrepreneur and an anarchist anthropologist know about this stuff that the rest of us don't?" - John Summers
"That's a really interesting topic I'd like to dive into." - The trek to tiny.
"Myori craves knowledge, craves discovery, takes immense joy in finding something that no one has cataloged before."
"Seriously, if I can gain all the knowledge of this, then I will read the other books."
"I'm in it for the truth, I'm in it for the stupid research, I'm in it for the knowledge."
"Staying curious and committed to your passions."
"I'm a skeptic, but I want to be proven wrong."
"Don't settle for a surface-level explanation. Pursue information with vigor until you know the whole truth."
"I'm craving the facts, I'm thirsty for the evidence."
"Thirst for knowledge, creativity, and relentlessness."
"Arata found the concept of storage magic fascinating."
"Smart people are more likely to question these truths that they've just sort of been handed on a platter."
"Their job is to figure stuff out and if sometimes that means God has one less Gap to hide in that's not their fault."
"Learn how to ask questions like Tupac said even a genius asked questions."
"It's better to have questions you can't answer than answers you can't question."
"We're two college dropouts trying to use big words on the internet."
"What interests us really is not what confirms what we think, but what this confirms what we think it doesn't match what we think."
"We're interested in almost no one else believes, so strange beliefs, weird beliefs, counterintuitive beliefs."
"You have to become a student of everything. You can't lock your mind in one way."
"It's best to approach these historical questions with some humility and with an air of curiosity rather than sitting up on your high horse."
"You don't stop wanting to learn things at a certain age. You don't stop talking about things at a certain age."
"I want information that allows me to expand what I might know into an area that I haven't yet considered by thinking about it."
"Something that is blowing my mind today... it's absolutely worthy of a trippy talk."
"I suspect there is something really deep here, but I'm not sure what they mean necessarily."
"We cannot afford to make fun of intellectual curiosity in our community. We're at the bottom, we can't afford to do what others do."
"I hope you understand debates are really a starting point for further exploration. I hope you understand can't answer all questions, so you have to go do your homework now."
"Leonardo challenged all the prevailing scientific notions of his day."
"Do you have a different possible Theory?" - Video narrator
"I'm Dan Dennett. I'm a philosopher. I'm interested in how the mind works."
"Complexity of history is what's often so intriguing."
"I just like the idea of this planet being completely focused on science, even just for interest's sake."
"I felt like this is a guy I could sit down with and ask some basic but difficult questions of and I don't think he would be threatened by it."
"History can open up a completely alien way of looking at problems."
"The Universe is a pretty surprising and puzzling place, but that is half the fun."
"If I don't know something, well, I want to go in and walk out having learned something."
"Nature exhibits a design, a plan. It does not, God. What I would give to have a conversation with Professor Piercy..."
"There is something so much more romantic about the mystery than the answer."
"I appreciate dr. Qureshi whose questioning led him to faith in Christianity."
"You deserve the right to look into any topic you want."
"This is where fact meets the speculative in discussions insightful and explorative."
"I want to be open-minded to everything... I don't want to Define Myself by anything other than inquiry and curiosity and openness."
"It takes time and dedication to wanting to know what is true."
"Merlin's primary drive in life is learning everything there is to know, and in that sense, she is a glutton for knowledge."
"Curiosity is good, people should be more inquisitive, asking questions is the way to knowledge."
"Seeking truth requires diving into the depths."
"I'm more interested in what you're thinking than what you're shooting on."
"There's something that's interesting to me intellectually about this 'hey, it's owned' sort of thing."
"Science could lead to a deeper understanding of life in the universe."
"Leaning more into curiosity always puts you into a very good spot."
"It's a classic case of maths wanting to know for certain."
"Many questions remain unanswered, perhaps more than we have answers for."
"Curiosity is one of the most important attributes of all of humanity."
"The interesting things for theorists are where there is some disjunction."
"It's just interesting to think about."
"The root or the foundation of an outstanding clinician and someone who's interested in academic medicine is rooted in intellectual curiosity."
"The mind doesn't require filling like a bottle, but rather, like what it just requires kindling, to create in it an impulse to think independently and an ardent longing for the truth."
"If you're humble and you're honest and you're intellectually curious, the last thing you're trying to do is go, 'Hey everybody, here's what I am, here's my list of labels, please respect them, please acknowledge and care about these labels.'"
"The great puzzle of these illnesses is fascinating; money is a side benefit."
"Or someone who wonders whether we're asking the right questions in the first place?"
"It's the overwhelming hunger to know that's the key."
"If one person can read this and say, 'That's an interesting idea, let me explore it more,' then it was time well spent."
"I craved this variety of different thought."
"You've been a rallying point for so many intellectually curious Christians and non-Christians to engage in really good dialogue."
"I've learned that curiosity gets you far, and the right environment can make all the difference in the world."
"I have a love of reading source materials, reading something that pioneers have written and trying to understand their thought processes."
"You seem adventurous, big reader, smart. Like you're achievers."
"The curiosity intellectually is fantastic, there's a practical nature and a methodical nature that is so genius in Virgo."
"The tradition started with people like Goethe and Schiller when to be a dilettante meant to be someone who is interested in everything."
"Intellectual curiosity... despises intellectual laziness, which is the preference for believing what one has always believed because it's comfortable or reassuring."
"The privilege of the disciple is not to have all the answers to every intellectual question... our job is to say, 'Well, I invite you just to come and see.'"
"...we tend to attract curious-minded individuals to the brand."
"We're not just looking for business and finance majors; we're looking for people who have that initiative, strong communication skills, and intellectual curiosity."
"He had a real thirst for knowledge."
"Every piece of mathematics serves as a portal for further thought and wonder."
"Because of his education, Francis the First has a real interest for what we would call intellectual questions."
"He's interested in philosophy and theology and music and astronomy, religion, all of these things."
"There is no shame in pondering, discussing, talking, researching."
"To learn anything, you have to question everything."
"Welcome everyone to UMBC, the home of Retriever Nation and one amazing community of inquiring minds."