
Numerology Quotes

There are 729 quotes

"Those who understand the 3, 6, and 9 also understand the universe."
"Depending on your Life Path, if you follow what your life path number is, like you could complete this lifetime. That you win in this lifetime because you do what you're meant to do."
"Numerology is the general belief that certain numbers or certain numerical patterns hold some type of power or significance in the world."
"You guys are coming out as a master number and it is number 22, and that is attached to your intuition."
"Numerology and astrology are the cheat codes."
"Numbers mean even more than we thought; they can be an expression not just of totals or ratios or patterns, but of meaning, process, and higher truths."
"Spiritual things of heaven, such as those which the angels think and speak, also fall into numbers."
"There's a clarity of thought and communicating through numbers that isn't true while communicating through language."
"This is Universal year 3, which in numerology means the year to meet your soul family, your soul tribe."
"Manifesting can also be surprisingly mathematical. There are special numbers associated with it: 11:11, 444."
"2022 has some amazing numerology; it is the 2 2 2, which is an angel number, and this is all about bonding, togetherness, basically reaching a lot of your goals."
"Seven is the number of covenant where God brings us into relationship with them, but eight is the number of perfection, the number of the new creation."
"When you start seeing the number 777 in that sequence, that means more money is coming to you."
"In today's video, we embark on an enlightening journey into the realms of numerology and synchronicities, taking us deep into a mystical world where numbers transcend their basic quantitative roles, emerging as symbols rich with metaphysical significance."
"If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9 then you would have the key to the universe."
"Number seven is a very powerful number and it's a lot to do with our personal recognition, our personal realization."
"You might be seeing 1212 333 303 202. Like I've been seeing a lot of those numbers and my angels have been telling me like when there's a zero in between it's like you guys are kind of resetting fresh start new beginnings."
"Humans just like it: it's how we work. There's something satisfying about 12 3 30."
"It's just an arbitrary number. I almost kind of wish I stopped counting."
"If your destiny number is 5, you are here to predict the future or predate events, future events, and this can mean sometimes in a rebellious way."
"Tesla was privy to astounding universal knowledge centered around the numbers 3, 6, and 9."
"Nikola Tesla famously stated that 'if you knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the universe.'"
"If you understand the significance and the meaning of 369, you would unlock the keys of the universe."
"God made numbers, God is the greatest author of science and numerology."
"666 is the one that captures attention. It is made up of sixes, a figure that always alludes to the inability of humans to achieve the seven that represents complete perfection."
"When it comes to forming an unhealthily strong attachment to numbers, few of us have taken it quite as far as the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras."
"Anytime you see the number synchronicity 555, it means massive and major positive changes coming in."
"The number nine is God's mathematical footprint, the key to the universe."
"Five five five speaks of challenges, change, and the courage to overcome both."
"Number 88 is a very powerful number and it's on one hand showing that you will have a rather important moment in time when it comes to your own accomplishment when it comes to your own success."
"The number seven appears a lot in the FNAF VR."
"Every single time you see number 111 or any combination of these numbers, something absolutely miraculous is going to come to you."
"The 23 enigma is the phenomenon that the number 23 is a significant number that can be seen all throughout history."
"Repeating numbers says pay attention to your thoughts."
"If you are frequently seeing this number, this is a direct message from the universe."
"To me, two sixes says you're going in the right direction and you're basically on the right path in your life at this time."
"The Bible is actually leading us to understand that God made the numbers and they point to him; they don't point to our fortune, they point to him."
"Seven is the number of completion, and it's something that's beyond human interference."
"777 always deal with the heightened energy of spiritual connection."
"11 is a master number of intuition and being able to see what other people don't see."
"The number 11 symbolizes transitioning from one phase of life to the next."
"Zero is a magical number in this eclipse, the birth of a new way of thinking."
"So, 21 years also represents three sets of seven which might be significant..."
"108 is a magical number, perfectly aligned with cosmic phenomena."
"Nine is considered to be the final number in numerology, representing completion and transcendence."
"Five is the number of change and transformation, there can be a lot of big changes that happen when you move into five energy."
"The most unique mystery about this castle is its emphasis on the number 8 and the geometric octagon."
"Zero is infinite possibility, the number of divinity."
"Number seven is the number of divinity, it's the number of divine intervention, and number one is the number of unity, and of course together they make the number eight."
"The number seven is a spiritual metamorphosis because the number seven is very spiritual and it's very internal."
"Number 11 means reaching a ridiculously powerful time of your life."
"A billion souls, a billion with a b, about ready to come into the kingdom."
"The 22nd year of the 21st century represents light and revelation."
"It's not our number that's the issue... it's his number that we take as an identity of allegiance to him."
"Anytime you see five five five, that's spirit letting you know all as well."
"I'm gonna choose eight because, because in your number blocks, eight is your favorite number."
"Ones and eights are the biggest leader archetypes in the numbers."
"I keep seeing Elevens absolutely everywhere."
"The practice of coding numbers into words again there's the song out there by the band Slipknot gematria the killing name."
"Pay attention to signs and especially if you see numbers repeating."
"333 means you're reaching an important stage, but you are going to have a turning point which is completely going to surprise you."
"Number seven is your lucky number this week."
"On New Year's Day, we hit 11 degrees and 11 is who we become."
"11 is the law of attraction where the one attracts the one, it represents how reality works."
"The number six year, the number of love, so I think there are good things in store for all of us."
"Seven represents completion, perfection, and rest."
"Encountering the number seven or its sequences like 777 is a sign that demands attention. These occurrences are not merely coincidental; they are intentional communications from the universe."
"It's the best number my friend. Oh, I see, it's the best number. I think it's meant to be."
"Seven is the ultimate number, encompassing everything, the concept of completeness."
"Okay so let's so we have 19 and we have 21. those are significant numbers ages and then let's get some letters ow."
"I was born November 11th, eleven eleven, that's like a lucky number."
"Numbers repeating themselves means you're in alignment with your life, the universe is speaking to you at that time."
"Life path three: creative, sharp-witted, charming."
"Three, six, and nine are beyond the patterns of the universe, representing unity and the universe itself."
"This week is going to be very significant because we again have these numbers which is 11 to start with and then we have number 17 to finish with."
"It's magnetic. Everything we live in a numbers universe. Everything is timed to a number."
"As Pythagoras said, 'All is number, and number rules the universe.'"
"Remember tomorrow's eleven eleven you guys and it's a very important day very important astrological and cosmic significance to eleven eleven."
"She always puts her students first, you know? I'd ask him if she and Belle were still together."
"666 is actually a positive number. In most cultures, 666 is actually a positive number."
"I believe in divinity. My indictment number was 0.1618. That's the Fibonacci sequence."
"So if these numbers are lining up like TW Tram says they are, 2023 is highly significant."
"Study 3, 6, 9, and you will learn the secrets of the universe."
"These two numbers, 777 representing God or completion or perfection, and 666 representing illusion or base consciousness, they total 9 and 3, bringing us to the occultic number 93, representing will, real power."
"Take the journey to research numbers for yourself."
"888 is a very good number. When you see 888, it means that this is very positive abundant changes coming into your life."
"Notice angel numbers and synchronistic events around this person."
"He's entering a year of the three which brings about creativity, imagination."
"Angel number 333 means you will grow in life and relationships."
"It's a year of crossing finish lines like no other. It's a sixth year in numerology, a sixth universal year."
"What if God was speaking to you because you woke up at 3:33 a.m. this morning?"
"Numbers are a legitimate way that God Almighty speaks to people."
"God speaks to us through numbers and even the stars."
"Remember next year will be the 103rd NFL season, State Farm equals 103, Rogers equals 103."
"New World Order 75, Catholic Church is 75, NWO is 52 like Los Angeles Rams Super Bowl 56 is the 52nd of the modern era."
"Discovering aspects of yourself numerologically is often a mind-blowing experience."
"Numerology is needed to facilitate appropriate roles within all fields and industries."
"369 sequence as spoken of earlier refers to the universalism and ultimate luck in achieving great works of art."
"Numerology in every essence holds the truth if you're willing to unlock it and see it for yourself."
"Seeing 555 everywhere is a sign that a change and major transition are coming."
"Seeing 555 is more likely to herald positive changes coming soon."
"I believe numbers are being used for communication because numbers are universal."
"Eleven, eleven is a soul path number, so this is very important, it's also faded energy, it's meant to be."
"Exactly five of them here... It's a good omen."
"Confidence is the key to success. Pile number two, you may be seeing two two two. I've seen you guys getting a boost in the confidence department."
"This person feels like you're very lucky like something I didn't seem 1212 around this wallets could be a good sign or 53 or the number 19 or 18 or 17 more in one-on-one I'm feeling like person feels and so you're really lucky."
"The number 2943 could be read as 'nikoshimi,' the Japanese word for hatred."
"They want their 11:11. Yeah, they've had a real wake-up call."
"When you reduce it three plus two is five, the number of obstacles overcoming those obstacles to be here now and rise up towards the right opportunity."
"11-11 is not just a time or number but a symbol that carries a message."
"In numerology, the number one is about Fresh Starts. It's about individuality. It's about New Beginnings."
"We've all had that experience where we see the 1111... those numbers mean more than just a random pattern."
"10 is a very very powerful number and I'm going to tell you why it's a powerful number right so 10 10 you're just gonna double that nice right out the deck."
"It’s really opening up my eyes to this deeper level of reality and things sometimes being boiled down to numbers, and like, numbers underlying things and different periods of when planets complete and planets return to where they started."
"Number eight is representative of power and strength, vibrating spiritual fortitude, success, accomplishment, and positive movements towards the right direction."
"Sixes bring us calming energy after chaos, vibrating balance, harmony, love, comfort, problem-solving, and rewarded outcomes."
"You have to look at your birth chart, study yourself, and to love yourself through astrology and numerology."
"Your life path number is going to be the most important number for you when it comes to numerology."
"When you are a life path nine, it's all about evolution, divine timing, and unconditional love."
"The first thing I think about when I think about Life Path number 9 is, hands down, y'all are definitely the humanitarians of numerology."
"Number nine is the number of completion."
"56 best number in the world because it's seven times eight."
"The battle formation of seven Akshayoni defeated a formation of eleven, showing the strong connection with number three and number seven with Ashwini Nakshatra."
"It's on sale for four hundred forty-four thousand, which is like a murder number in Chinese."
"Nine is a number of independence as well, figuring out who you really are and what you really want in this world."
"You're going to start seeing the number 777 a lot."
"Three ingredients to make Three Musketeers, how numerically appropriate."
"Count 20: The one that brought you down."
"Master number 22s, it's a year of productivity, self-improvement, and building a new foundation."
"Power numbers is the name of the game."
"If your birth number is one, you're determined, confident, and love being in the spotlight."
"Number two people are sensitive, emotional, and work well in teams; they crave emotional support."
"Number three people are ambitious, generous, and make good advisors; they expect respect and compliance."
"Number five people are constantly changing, high-energy, and adapt well to any situation."
"The frustrating part about number five people is their tendency to get bored easily and lack stability."
"Double-digit number fives may have slight obsessions with themselves or a tendency to change frequently."
"Life Path number three is the childlike energy; very curious, always trying to learn something new."
"Life Path number one is all about leadership."
"Learn yourself and to love yourself through astrology and numerology."
"Nine is the highest number, so if you start off on floor one, that would be like the physical realm or the material plane."
"I was born on an angel number, baby."
"Your own energy needs to match the energy of the home's number."
"There's no such thing as a good or bad number; it's about energy frequency."
"The energy of a number one home is noticeable and represents leadership qualities."
"All right, so we're going to mark 33."
"You're very transformative, right, like you have so much abundance, life path eight for sure coming through."
"Adam died at 930 years old, and David died at 70. 930 plus 70 equals one thousand."
"The material world is actually made up, constructed out of numbers."
"Sixes often find themselves attracted to 3s or 9s."
"Ultimately, this means that 13 is a problem solver, is diligent, and is all about certainty."
"Numbers were infused with the divine."
"Life path number eight: you have amazing business skills. People are going to respect you because of your toughness."
"Because the numbers are simply an indigenous numerology system that modified the day-signs. But, yeah, it was the myths that kept me going."
"The year 2024 equals an eight. Eight is not only just a number for abundance; it's also symbolic for what goes around comes around."
"Numbers like 111, 444, or 888 correlate with career aspects."
"Three is the number, and my last album I put out on my birthday was 333, like my birthday that just passed I dropped the album and I got to do the rodeo on my birthday. It was a great birthday."
"2024 is the year of eight. What is that in numerology? It's wealth, it's money, it's success, and it's abundance."
"333 is advising you that the power of creation lies within you, and you are now ready to apply it."
"Beyond messengers from angelic realms, numbers also unlock the codes of our souls."
"The numbers 8 and 9 carry vibrations of manifestation, achievement, and wrapping up life lessons before transitioning to new horizons."
"By unlocking the secrets encoded in your numerology, you can gain access to untold truths regarding who you are at the soul level."
"Master numbers like 11, 22, and 33 carry great mystical potential unlocking higher realms for those whose souls resonate at their frequency."
"Once you begin awakening to the mystical power of numbers, you start noticing them arising meaningfully all around you."
"The title of the Pope, vicarious filii Dei, adds up to 666 in Roman numerals."
"333 represents a door opening to a higher plane of healing, and the release of deep soul pain and signifies that the time has come to open yourself to a greater cleansing and purification."
"The number two holds deep spiritual meaning representing duality, balance, partnerships, and soul connections."
"The number nine speaks about endings basically like a cycle coming to a close."
"The insights from numerologists and spiritual guides offer a profound understanding of the transformative power of 888 and its potential to catalyze profound shifts in our lives."
"As we immerse ourselves in these narratives of magic and change, may we be inspired to embark on our own journey of exploration and discovery guided by the potent energies of numerology and the transformative power of 888."
"Threes want a 10, a man that is a 10 financially, physically, all these things."
"Number eight people aim high and can successfully overcome all obstacles to reach the top levels."
"The 19th of a summer month may be significant."
"Numerology is the study of how numbers energetically influence our lives."
"Number six is about harmony, balance, and unconditional love."
"Numbers have a very powerful influence on our lives."
"Your numerology chart influences your life, but it doesn't control it."
"The life path number gives you an overall picture of the path that your soul has chosen for this life."
"Master numbers are united by the same goal: how do we shift societies?"
"Master number 11 is all about sovereignty."
"Numbers are one of the easiest ways that they can communicate with us."
"22 is a master expression number which is a rare and special vibration in numerology. It's often called the 'master builder.' You have a unique gift for building and manifesting the visions you have in your mind."
"One of the advantages of numerology is that within moments of meeting someone, you can learn their name, and instantly gain many powerful insights about who they are."
"According to numerology, a person's name contains within it powerful vibrations that reveal all kinds of insights about their personal potential, inner motivations, and deepest talents."
"Numerology really helped me to understand numbers and the energy and meaning that each number carries, it helps me live more in tune with just the energy of the time."
"There's no dark side to a master number. You're just a little bit more senior, a little bit more advanced."
"One thing about three is like, it feels good. I feel like I saw on TikTok one time, like three, like some people are like weird, like they want an even number. No, like three is cool."
"The Hebrew word for snow (sheleg) numerically reflects the process of its formation."
"Had I observed an incorrect theory of just adding my numbers straight across I would never be able to embrace the opportunities to overcome the 167 karmic debt."
"The 10 does signify the ending of a cycle."
"Seeing the number 111 is a message that invites you to visualize and manifest a goal in your life."
"If you get into Gematria, this using numbers associated with the letters in your name, spelled out in Hebrew, and each letter has a number value, add those up and everybody's name has a one number value."
"This is a mystical number, everybody."
"Your life path number could be the number two, and so the life path number two is about balance."
"Proof in the pudding right here. Just randomly go to check the clock after what we were saying, and it's 444, and we haven't looked at our phones in like so long. And 444, you guys, is my number."
"Numerology is the key to unlocking who you are, why you're here, and the untapped abilities that already exist within you."
"Numbers have always played an important role in the way God speaks. Therefore, if God's Word is perfect and everything he does is perfect, then it's no accident that when God uses the word number or count or measure, he does so with great intent."
"Project 369 is the key to the universe. The 369 is the most powerful numbers in the universe which is frequency vibration and energy."
"2024 is the year number eight in numerology... wherever you put your focus, your attention, your effort, your time, your energy, that's where you're going to see results."
"Pythagoras thought of the septenary as the number of law, the universe, and the gods."
"You are going through an important shift right now, 9999. If you're seeing these numbers, that's that cycle that is ending, a completion of something, and you're about to enter something new."