
Future Optimism Quotes

There are 550 quotes

"Earth won't be a ball of fiery rain and eternal winter forever. It's just a matter of time before life springs back up again."
"Stay positive and know that I believe in you and the greatness that lies ahead."
"One of the beautiful things about dopamine is it can just make us feel so alive as we work to make the future better than the present."
"My advice is that one day you're going to look back on all the things you're currently going through and you're going to be glad they happened, if you have the right mental model."
"AI could help colonize the galaxy, creating billions of wonderful lives."
"The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed in us."
"Allow yourself to move on from those painful waters... this prosperity and brightness in that future is coming, as long as you allow it."
"We're really looking forward to an exciting decade of discovery and innovation."
"Our future starts around kitchen tables just like this, with moms and dads just like you. And you are why I believe with every fiber of my being that despite the current state of our Union, our best days are still ahead."
"The outcome has to be a very beautiful outcome for a new future. Now, the only question is how much craziness and damage we might do to the earth and to each other before we get there. But it needs to happen, and it will happen eventually."
"It is said that this change will then lead us into a golden period of about a thousand years where things are just good for humanity."
"By the end of next year, you'll be just fine with whatever you had to shed. You'll be like, 'Oh, thank goodness that happened because I am so much better for it.'"
"Let the past go because whatever's coming in is way better than what didn't work out."
"I've lived my whole life with a vision of a third great awakening. I believe the promises of a revival are bright in our future."
"Letting go is knowing that there's a future."
"This sleep of forgetfulness will not last forever. When the darkness has been dispersed, our descendants can come again in the former pure radiance."
"I think there's good things happening, but optimistic about the future overall? I don't know, that's tough to be."
"I think life needs to be more than just solving problems every day. You need to wake up and be excited about the future."
"Hope in the future, excitement about the future, building the future we want."
"It's exciting to think that many of the best moments in your life are ahead of you."
"I think that artificial intelligence will allow humanity to enter a creative renaissance."
"There's this whole new realm of discovery, a whole new path of engineering and invention, and it's amazing to just see everyone gather around this."
"God had something better and greater in view for us."
"If people just get the hell out of the way and let amazing black women lead, we might have a bright future after all."
"The part of me that is excited and curious for the future is deeply thankful of the part of me that loves Babylon 5."
"Your hard work is paying off; improvements in finances are coming."
"Hope still lingered in the hearts of the survivors who clung to the belief that one day a cure or vaccine would be found and humanity would rise again."
"From now, people are going to be living in an age that's going to be so incredible and wondrous... it makes me feel great."
"We're gonna go to a prize segment with my good friend shout. It's been great y'all, take care, we'll see you in the future, be well, keep it going."
"May the good lord bless his soul, he in heaven now."
"According to Musk, becoming a space-faring civilization is exciting, offering hope for the future amidst uncertainties."
"I'm convinced it's gonna be the next absolutely amazing year on all fronts."
"We should do things that benefit the people as a whole...increase the probability of the future is good."
"We've got a big wide future ahead of us, don't you worry my friends."
"When we reelect President Trump, the best is yet to come."
"You will be able to feel the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Trust in my love, for I have a future of peace and joy prepared for you."
"Just wait until the 2030s and beyond and you might be living in some of the best times of your lives."
"We believe in this community and we're tremendously excited for its future. Thank you, Diane."
"Everything happens for a reason and what's gone tomorrow is not bigger than what is coming."
"Even if life is hell right now, there’s a future out there for you where then, you’ll love your life."
"Life is hard and it's going to get harder before Jesus returns and then he's going to make everything better."
"Excitement for Disneyland's future, and the future in general."
"You will find them and better times will come."
"Looking out at all the amazing patriots here today, I have never been more confident in our nation's future."
"Next year in Jerusalem, next year in Jerusalem, next year the promised land, next year will be better."
"The future is bright and it will be because of your leadership." - Senator Harris
"Your ladder is going to be greater than your past."
"If we have a future, it's because of people like Jeremy Corbyn."
"Your future is bright because Jesus himself is standing there."
"We'll see what the bright light reveals at this time... it will be intense... just hold your center and just know that a better future awaits us."
"Don't give up hope on the future; keep trucking."
"There's an answer to this situation, there's a solution on the horizon, like you've been waiting, and there is hope, there is for sure."
"I think this is giving me hope for the future."
"Operation Health laid down the groundwork... I'm very confident in the future."
"The future is going to be better for civilizations to operate in."
"The death of the black king paves the way for a brighter future, free from the darkness."
"As long as you choose to radiate love you will find them and they will be able to find you so just right now live in the present but get excited about your future because they are coming."
"There's going to be a very prosperous abundant situation coming in for you when it comes to this situation with your romantic love life."
"The next twelve months are going to be the best twelve months of your life."
"Despite what you're feeling, despite what shows up on your side, on their side, in the connection, there is the energy available for things to work out in time if love comes forward."
"There's gonna come a time where there just is no sorrow and there's no enmity and everything's gonna become new."
"Increase the probability that the future is good."
"Leave the past in the past and your future is even brighter."
"Welcome to the future, it's going to be great."
"Life won't always be like this, and we're all looking forward to better days."
"Tomorrow can be great and let's focus on making it that."
"Yeah, bro, she's gone. I'm just gonna dude. One day, bro, I'm gonna fly her out."
"The latter end shall be greater than the former."
"Technology is going to lead to abundance and prosperity."
"The only way the next relationship partner will be worse is if you settle. If you have high standards, then you understand the universal truth that it is simply a matter of time before the next great love of your life comes along."
"Things are going to be so much larger than life in front of you, you won't believe it. We've already seen the first fragments of that. It's just jaw-droppingly amazing. It's going to be awesome."
"You're super grateful for everything that you have right now in the life that you're living and you're just excited to see what comes next."
"If you're not passionate about it, it's not gonna work."
"Everything's just gonna be 10 times better than what it is."
"It just gives me so much hope and excitement for the next generation."
"I have faith in the future. I have faith in love. I've been married before and been divorced but that didn't close my heart. It didn't block me. It didn't prevent me from opening myself up to receive new blessings coming in the future."
"A better future is possible even under a capitalist mode of production."
"It was the promise of tomorrow, it was the optimism toward the future, and it was the idea of progress."
"I believe that we're all going to have a positive network by 2050."
"Victories and breakthroughs are on the horizon."
"When the man whose pen approved almost every single article that drove division for the past decade resigns, when he resigns, it opens the door for something better in the future."
"To hell with them. Ten years, fifteen years from now, let's make a better America for everybody."
"Either way it will be something that will end well it may be difficult for you but you will heal from it and you will get over and you'll find better people in your life."
"Family first, the future's so incredible and so much in store for our future."
"2022 has not been an amazing year for investors, but of course markets do have to go down every once in a while, hopefully 2023 will be a much better year."
"This year paved the way for an even better 2024, but we're still in the middle of a situation where everything is aligning."
"Your present situation is not a true reflection of your future."
"2024 is your year of something major love-wise."
"2024 is going to make all those shitty love connections so worth it."
"Earlier disappointments were just rehearsal for the great stuff coming your way."
"Hope she's okay, she's probably just had something to do today she's pretty popular after all."
"I'm very much in favor of humanity expanding and creating a bright and exciting future for the world."
"I declare your future is amazing! The best days of your life are still ahead of you!"
"I'm hoping that a year from now this won't even be part of the conversation."
"No really though, when you come out of this period of life you are going to have such a better understanding of the world, of yourself, of your spirituality."
"The ending of financial problems. There's a future you out there that's living freaking fabulous."
"At the end of this rainbow is something really good coming for you."
"Hang in there; things are going to shift for the better."
"So I hope this gives people confidence about the future and that humanity will have an exciting future in space and we can make science fiction, not always fiction, but a reality one day."
"This was kind of the moment I went, 'These two gonna be all right.'"
"The people want to come back. It's a miracle what we did, and we'll do it again."
"Any community that can have itself rid of gangs tomorrow will begin to see a brighter future."
"There are life-draining spirits that want to hijack your destiny."
"There's more for you ahead of you than anything that's ever behind you."
"Our future's said, that's not gonna happen and that's not gonna bond with us, we're gonna make things a lot that and they would just have to watch and see."
"Successful months ahead financially, leading to victory."
"Closure there will be an apology there will be you coming full circle with the situation so you can move forward with your life."
"Breaking free, closure, releasing energy, feeling excited for the future."
"I genuinely hope you are looking forward to the future because I think we're just getting started."
"We're moving into the greatest days that the church has ever seen."
"I feel a lot of hope for the future now. We can do it together."
"The day will come when they will welcome everything they possibly can."
"This is such a confirmation... you will come through this and you will bring into your life the soulmate of your dreams."
"We need four more years of this administration, this president, his leadership, his policies, and it will be better than okay, it will be amazing."
"The hurt is only temporary and I'm confident the Lord still has big plans for you in the future."
"Let's just follow the rules, be happy, and one day we're going to look back on this."
"If you get past it, on the other side of it, it's going to be phenomenal."
"A free people wakes up and says bye golly we don't have to tolerate this nonsense there is a great future we can make it happen."
"What gives me the confidence for the future is that I know the plans of the team."
"You're going to be seeing the little green sprouts of it in 2021, and then as you move forward, it'll take a bit more time."
"Everything is going to work out in your favor; there's a big shift happening in your career sector."
"You just feel the optimism for the future, a belief in industry, a belief in travel, education."
"All right so everybody have a great week coming up and hopefully I see a lot of you guys tonight."
"As long as we still have a working democracy, failure does not have to define our future."
"Energy really lends itself to a brighter future to look forward to and that you'll be grateful for um all that you have released but also all that you have to come towards you."
"Trust in how things are going to play out for you in the near future."
"The United Kingdom is going to be a country to be proud of."
"The future is fun because not only is the technology brilliant, but also the life expectancy is between five and nine hundred years old."
"Zombies will find its way back to glory in time; we just have to believe and be patient."
"We are breaking down old barriers, tearing down yesterday's obstacles, and replacing the failures of the past with the bright and limitless future."
"One day Hong Kong will rise from the ashes after breaking free from the nightmare of communism."
"I think my 40s are gonna be the best years of my life."
"The best is still yet to come as technology advances way beyond what we ever thought would be possible."
"They are going to thrive uncontrollably and unbreakably in many, many years to come."
"You are truly leveling up, and 2021 is gonna be good; you are gonna love this level up."
"Thank you guys for sticking with us. 2020 is going to be even better."
"Bitcoin is a bet on the future of humanity. It's a bet on human ingenuity."
"We're going to be smiling by the end of the year."
"In 2020, you are going to feel so much happier, emotionally balanced, and stronger."
"Imagine when we're good like next year and two years from now."
"Everything that has happened is actually leading you where you are today."
"Success is on the horizon if you're willing to take action."
"It's going to be okay, you're going to find a way."
"The next generation is the generation that will change it."
"There are far, far better things ahead than the ones you leave behind."
"The times are going to come again, but the work starts now."
"We believe that ours is the future that is bright because there is nothing as magical as seeing dazzling images on a huge silver screen."
"Someday nothing will ever come between us again."
"Just try to think of a future that actually is incredibly hopeful incredibly optimistic."
"Elon Musk is promoting an optimistic pro-human future... gentlemen, I have to go... phone open in the bathroom now."
"The future is so bright for Tesla, positioned to take massive advantage."
"Not all is revealed yet, surrender to the blessings to come."
"Financial freedom is something that's on the way for you."
"The best days will always be in the future if we have the right leadership."
"There's no need to fight, everyone will be released someday."
"I think it's awesome, like I really do. I drooly do. I'm so excited for the future with that, I'm so excited."
"I'm not saying that the days ahead will be easy, but I promise you that the future will be glorious for those who are prepared and who continue to prepare to be instruments in the Lord's hands."
"The glory of this ladder house shall be greater...greater things are always coming."
"Focus on that transformation that has occurred within you... Understand whatever you lost during this cycle, it wasn't meant to be, and you have much better coming in."
"Hang tough everybody, a year from now hopefully this will all be a distant memory."
"This is like really big happy energies and everything's kind of unfolding for you in the near future it's going to be perfect timing divine timing."
"See your bridge, there's something better ahead."
"Sometimes you do have those moments where you remember that talk we all love: Sunday will come."
"Prosperity lies ahead, okay? Prosperity lies ahead."
"Thank you guys for 400,000 subscribers! The future, it's only gonna get bigger and brighter from here."
"Once we do, the civilization that we'll have here is beautiful beyond our wildest dreams."
"Psychedelic shamanism can put terror of the future out to pasture."
"We have learned so much. We will be stronger than ever."
"Embrace this transformation; the best is yet to come."
"Someday you will be stronger than you are now."
"The future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so."
"The future is ours to make together. It is now time for real change."
"Their future’s so bright, they gotta wear night vision goggles."
"Short-term trading is gambling, long-term trading is investing."
"What we obtain too cheap we esteem too lightly tell me again we make it to 2043 we will we're going to be there we're going to get to 2043 it's going to be epic when we get there just hang tight."
"The best is ahead of us if retail can keep sticking to this."
"It's our future and I know we'll have a good future together."
"2024 is going to be a very prosperous and abundant year... claiming protection, prosperity, abundance, and healing."
"Thank you for inspiring us and making us even more excited for the future."
"The future is looking bright because you're making it a stable place."
"Every one of us goes through it and I see that you have been going through it but you're coming out of it and you're gonna be stronger and wiser and happier."
"Oh my god, you're gonna go on, you're gonna have lots of babies!"
"We're going to see a lot more unity in the world in places we haven't expected."
"The best is yet to come. Keep moving forward. Believe in yourself."
"With every car we make, with every batch we make, we're making the future better." - Elon Musk
"Don't fear being alone and holding on to bad relationships... Let them go, you deserve better and better will come."
"Your latter end shall be greater than your beginning."
"Every time I read the Bible I see God telling Job, 'Your latter end shall be greater than your beginning.'"
"You're going to become very clear about who it is that you want to be with."
"From March 22nd, 2020, the good and favorable changes will come."
"What a ride it has been so far, and here's to 248 more!"
"May you know with divine confidence that you and God are going to live an unconquerable future."
"Allow this to be part of your testimony of something special moving forward."
"We're headed toward a time of unprecedented prosperity and peace."
"This relationship harmony is coming for you now."
"I'm really excited to see what the next chapter holds."
"The horizon is looking bright indeed for Dawn Trail and Beyond."
"Just hold on a little bit longer, it won't be long."
"I think most new would agree that a future where we're a spacefaring civilization is inspiring and exciting."